Ritratto di rosamaria.salvatori@uniroma1.it
Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
TELERILEVAMENTO E GIS 1023481 2019/2020
TELERILEVAMENTO E GIS 1023481 2018/2019
TELERILEVAMENTO E GIS 1023481 2017/2018
TELERILEVAMENTO E GIS 1023481 2016/2017

11-12 lunedì e mercoledì

Rosamaria Salvatori
Primo ricercatore presso il CNR, Ist. sull Inquinamento Atmosferico, dal 2001, ricercatore presso lo stesso istituto CNR dal 1991.
Laurea con Lode in Scienze Geologiche presso l Univeristà di Roma la Sapienza, (1981),
Dottore di Ricerca in Scienze della Terra nel 1987 presso la stessa Università.

Aree di interesse: Monitoraggio ambientale tramite elaborazione ed analisi di immagini telerilevate a diversa risoluzione spaziale e spettrale. Studio della risposta spettroradiometrica delle superfici naturali nell intervallo spettrale 350-2500nm in ambiente polare e mediterraneo, tramite l elaborazione e l analisi di dati rilevati in campo ed in laboratorio. Analisi territoriali mediante immagini satellitari finalizzate alla analisi geostatistica di inquinanti atmosferici. Sistemi Informatici Territoriali.

Attività di Ricerca: Integrazione di dati spettroradiometrici di campo ed immagini tele rilevate per lo studio delle caratteristiche radiometriche di superfici naturali. Studi ambientali in diversi contesti geografici e su diverse matrici: vegetazione, suoli, superfici neve/ghiaccio, rocce, superfici antropiche. Responsabile di progetti di ricerca inerenti le attività radiometria di campo e telerilevamento nell ambito del PNRA (dal 1998 al 2006) e del Progetto Strategico Artico del CNR (Isole Svalbard 1997, 2000-03, 2010-11).
Integrazione di tecniche di telerilevamento, cartografia tematica e analisi ambientali in ambiente GIS per i programmi di monitoraggio della qualità dell aria condotti dal CNR_IIA in diversi contesti ambientali (Lanzhou, Suzhou, Bejin, Uruqui /China, Malagrotta, Scarlino, Parma, Ferrara, Gela/ Italy , Pancevo /Serbia). In tale ambito, coordinamento delle attività di telerilevamento e analisi GIS di oltre 15 progetti.
Autrice - co-autrice di oltre 70 lavori scientifici/tecnici (peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings).

Concise CV
Education: 1981 - University of Rome" La Sapienza" - Degree cum laude in Geological Sciences;
1987 - University of Rome" La Sapienza" - PhD in Earth Sciences.
Present position: Senior scientist at Italian National Research Council - Institute for Atmospheric Pollution since December 2001 - via Salaria km 29,300 - P.O. box 10 - 00015 Monterotondo Stazione (RM) - rosamaria.salvatori @ cnr. it
1992-2001 Researcher (ex art.36) at Italian National Research Council - Institute for Atmospheric Pollution and at Italian National Research Council - Frascati Research Area.
1989-1992 Research assistant at Italian National Research Council - Frascati Research Area. and Physics of Atmosphere Institute.


2001 - 2017
She is involved, as senior researcher, in environmental studies in Polar and Mediterranean areas using remote sensed images with different spatial and spectral resolution and developing geographic information systems. The research activity is also focused on the study of the spectroradiometric properties of different natural surfaces aimed to the interpretation of remote sensed images. She carried out, as principal investigator, field surveys in Polar Regions (Antarctica and Arctic) for studies on the spectroradiometric properties of snow and ice, and on gas interactions at snow/air interface. She is also involved on research programs devoted to study the spectroradiometrical propriety of natural and anthropic surfaces with different roughness

Scientific Coordinator of the optical remote sensing activity in the european project "Integrative and Comprehensive Understanding on Polar Environments (iCUPE- ERAPLANET- WP3-Task 3.2) framework of the HORIZON 2020
Scientific Coordinator of project AMPA: Analisi Multiparametrica Per l Ambiente e l agricoltura Fonte di finanziamento: POR CALABRIA FESR-FSE 2014-2020 (Dicembre 2017 Dicembre 2019)
Scientific coordinator of the UO-IIA- Spettroradiometrica properties of artic surface- in the framework of the Project " ARCA" (Artic: present Climate change and pAst extreme events) CNR-DTA,- MIUR.
Scientific Coordinator of field spettroradiometric activities at Ny Alesund (Svalbard Islands) in the framework of "Climate Change Tower Integrated Project (A platform to investigate processes at the surface and in the low troposphere)
Scientific coordinator of the IIA research team: Project SAPERE (SPACE ADVANCED PROJECT FOR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH AND ENTERPRISE). Coordinator: Department of Earth System Sciences and Environmental Technologies (DTA-CNR)
Scientific coordinator of the WP3 (CNR-IIA): Project "Study of the Radiative Regimes over the Antarctic Plateau and beyond" (STRRAP.b)" PNRA 2013 (Coordinator Dr. Lanconelli, CNR-ISAC)
Hyperspectral remote sensing referent in the scientific project SOS (Save Our Soil): monitoring and recovery of degraded soils through innovative technologies. Coordinator CNR-IRSA
Responsible of Remote Sensing and Radiometry Laboratory of CNR-IIA.
Responsible for research activity TA.P06.003 Sviluppo di Metodologie per l'integrazione di dati di osservazione della terra multisensore in the framework of CNR - Dept. of Earth andEnvironment sciences research project Earth Observation
Adjunct Professor in Remote Sensing and GIS at the Sapienza University of Roma Dept of Biology
Scientific coordination of spectroradiometric surveys at Ny Alesund Svalbard in the framework of the International Project CICCI - Cooperative Investigation of Climate-Cryosphere Interaction and of ARCTICA ARCTic research on the Inter-connections between Climate and Atmosphere (PRIN09)
Responsible of research activity on remote sensing of Natural Surface at Ny Alesund supported by CNR- Earth and Environment Department (2010-14).
Participation to the research activities of the CNR-DTA project: Climate Change Tower Integrated Project- A platform to investigate processes at the surface and in the low troposphere (spectroradiometrical measurements of snow).
Scientific coordination of field spectoradiometric activities in the PON Sicurezza Sicurezza per lo sviluppo del Mezzogiorno d Italia 2007-2013
Responsible for radiometric field survey and RS data processing in PRIN07 Project Dirigibile Italia: una piattaforma per lo studio multidisciplinare dei cambiamenti climatici nella regione Artica e della loro influenza nelle medie latitudini
Responsible for remote sensing studies and environmental analyses with GIS in air quality monitoring programmes carried out by CNR-IIA in different environmental contexts and countries (Lanzhou, Suzhou, Bejin, Uruqui /China, Malagrotta, Scarlino, Parma, Ferrara, Gela/ Italy, Pancevo /Serbia).
High formation activity for researchers and technicians in image processing, geostatistic, cartography and GIS techniques.
Responsible for research activity TA.P06.003 Sviluppo di Metodologie per l'integrazione di dati di osservazione della terra multisensore in the framework of CNR - Dept. of Earth and Environment sciences research projects.
Scientific Responsible for satellite remote sensing activities in project Creazione di una struttura finalizzata alla gestione ed elaborazione di dati telerilevati per la tutela dell ambiente , CNR-IIA / ARPA Campania
Responsible for radiometric field survey and image processing activities of Beachmed InterReg project - subproject OPTIMAL (2006-2008)
Responsible of Operating Unit 2 of the research project "Calibration and validation of remote sensed optic and microwave data in Anctartica , (National Research program in Anctartica - 2004-2009)
Responsible of the Operating Unit "Radiometric Studies of Natural Surface at Ny Alesund by means of field Survey and multispectral satellite data" founded by CNR- Arctic Project (1997¬-2003).
Responsible for the research projects:CNR/ISPELS/ Modena and Reggio Emilia. University : " Confronto ed integrazione tra tecniche di telerilevamento ad immagine e misure a terra per lo studio di parametri chimico-fisici dell'atmosfera in aree ad elevata concentrazione industriale ".
Responsible for the research projects CNR/Rome Municipality" Monitoraggio del sistema dunale del comprensorio di Capocotta ".
Responsible for the research projects CNR/ Ministery of Environment - "Merging hyperspectral MIVIS and Landsat TM data ".

Researcher at Italian National Research Council - Institute for Atmospheric Pollution
Image processing, remote sensing studies, radiometric analyses and fields surveys of different natural surfaces carried out in Mediterranean and polar regions.
Responsible of the Operating Unit "Radiometric Studies of Natural Surface at Ny Alesund by means of field Survey and multispectral satellite data" founded by CNR- Arctic Project.
Scientic coordinator of the spectroradiometric fields surveys at Ny Alesund
Responsible of the SISpec (Snow and Ice Spectra Archive)
Participation to the XIV Italian Anctarctica Campaing of PNRA
Responsible of research activity on remote sensing and GIS in the projects:
- CNR-IIA/ISPESL-DIPIA "Sviluppo di tecniche di analisi di dati AVHRR per monitoraggio ambientale "
- CNR-IIA e ISPESL-DIPIA "Metodologie per la correzione atmosferica di dati satellitari VIS e IR "
- CNR- Latium Region Administration, "Piano per la realizzazione del parco dei Monti della Tolfa"
- PNRA - U.O. 3d. 1 "Remote sensing, GIS and data base",

Researcher at Italian National Research Council - Research Area of Roma- (Frascati) Institute for Atmospheric Pollution
Responsable for the reaserch project: CNR-IIA e ISPESL-DIPIA "Criteri metodologici per il monitoraggio operativo dell'inquinamento dell'ambiente per mezzo di satelliti del tipo NOAA"
Responsible of the remote sensing activity in the CNR- Arctic Project.
Responsible (1994-1996) for Remote sensing UO in Environmental Monitoring Program of Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano;
Co-worker in remote sensing and gis research activities, for the following projects:
CNR Research Project "Ambiente ed Aree Metropolitane"
PNRA Research Project: " Remote sensing and GIS in Antarctica
CNR Research Project on Venice Lagoon
CNR Project Monitoring of Italian Volcanic areas

Researcher assistant at Italian National Research Council - Istitute of Astrophysic
Collaboration to research activities on planetary geology and meteoritical studies.
Co-worker at the reorganization of the Vatican Meteoritic Collection