Ritratto di Roberta.Misasi@uniroma1.it
Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
ADE AAF1368 2023/2024
PROVA FINALE AAF1016 2023/2024
PATOLOGIA GENERALE 10595548 2023/2024
ADE AAF1368 2023/2024
PROVA FINALE AAF1016 2023/2024
ADE AAF1368 2022/2023
PROVA FINALE AAF1016 2022/2023
PATOLOGIA GENERALE 10595548 2022/2023
PROVA FINALE AAF1016 2022/2023
ADE AAF1368 2022/2023
ADE AAF1368 2021/2022
PROVA FINALE AAF1016 2021/2022
PROVA FINALE AAF1016 2021/2022
ADE AAF1368 2021/2022
PROVA FINALE AAF1016 2020/2021
ADE AAF1368 2020/2021
PROVA FINALE AAF1016 2020/2021
ADE AAF1368 2020/2021
ADE AAF1368 2019/2020
PROVA FINALE AAF1016 2019/2020
ADE AAF1433 2018/2019
Prova finale AAF1003 2018/2019
ADE AAF1368 2018/2019
TLB TIROCINIO III 1035544 2018/2019
PATOLOGIA INTEGRATA V 1026332 2018/2019
ADE AAF1433 2017/2018
Prova finale AAF1003 2017/2018
ADE AAF1472 2017/2018
TLB TIROCINIO II 1035545 2017/2018
TLB TIROCINIO III 1035544 2017/2018
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035053 2017/2018
LINGUA INGLESE 1026300 2017/2018
ADE AAF1433 2016/2017
Prova finale AAF1003 2016/2017
TLB TIROCINIO II 1035545 2016/2017
TLB TIROCINIO III 1035544 2016/2017
TLB TIROCINIO I 1035547 2016/2017
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035053 2016/2017

lunedì 14-15



Settore MED 04 Patologia Generale
Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale
Università "Sapienza - Roma

Nata: il 3 marzo 1962 a Cosenza

Titoli e Borse di studio:
1986 Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Università di Roma La Sapienza ,
1989 Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica, Università di Roma "La Sapienza",
Borse di studio
_ 1988-1989: Borsa di studio per l'estero dell'Istituto Pasteur - Fondazione Cenci-Bolognetti presso l'Istituto di Igiene dell'Università di Innsbruck (Austria), diretto dal Prof. M.P. Dierich,
_ 1990: Borsa di studio per l Italia dell Istituto Superiore di Sanità per ricerche sull AIDS;
_ 1992: Borsa di studio per l estero dell Istituto Superiore di Sanità per ricerche sull AIDS fruita come "Visiting Scholar" presso il "Department of Neurosciences", nei laboratori diretti dal Prof. J. O'Brien, (UCSD - La Jolla, CA USA).
_ 1993: "Fellowship Award in Neurosciences" della Università della California, San Diego. "Research Neuroscientist" presso il "Department of Neurosciences", nei laboratori diretti dal Prof. J. O'Brien, (UCSD - La Jolla, CA USA).
_ Giugno-Agosto 1997: "Visiting Scientist" presso i laboratori del "Department of Neurosciences" diretti dal Prof. J. O'Brien, (UCSD - La Jolla, CA USA), su invito e con finanziamento dell Università della California.

Cronologia d impiego

1986-1988 Medico frequentatore presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale, Università "La Sapienza", Roma.

1990-1993 Collaboratore Tecnico presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale, Università "La Sapienza", Roma.

1993-2001 Funzionario Tecnico presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale, Università "La Sapienza", Roma.

2001-2004 Ricercatore confermato presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale, Università "La Sapienza", Roma.

2001 Idoneità valutazione comparativa Professore II fascia (settore scientifico disciplinare MED04 - Patologia Generale), Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia.

2002 Chiamata dalla I Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia Università "La Sapienza", Roma.

2005- In servizio come professore di II fascia fascia (MED04) presso
Università di Roma "La Sapienza", I Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia

2008 Conferma in ruolo come Professore associato

2013 Abilitazione a Professore Universitario di I fascia - Settore 06/N1 Scienze delle Professioni Sanitarie e delle Tecnologie Mediche Applicate Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale 2012.
2017 Abilitazione a Professore Universitario di I fascia - Settore 06/A2 Patologia Generale e Patologia Clinica Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale 2016.

Attività didattica
Incarichi organizzativi:
2018-oggi Presidente del Corso di Laurea C in Medicina e Chirurgia Università La Sapienza
2015-2018 VicePresidente vicario del Corso di Laurea C in Medicina e Chirurgia Università La Sapienza
2014-oggi Membro della Commissione Medical Education Interfacoltà.
2009-oggi Presidente del Corso di laurea in "Tecniche di Laboratorio Biomedico", Università "La Sapienza", Polo di Viterbo.
2008-oggi Responsabile AQ (Assicurazione Qualità) per il CLM C in Medicina e Chirurgia
2006-2009 VicePresidente del Corso di laurea in "Tecniche di Laboratorio Biomedico", Università "La Sapienza", Polo di Viterbo.
2007-oggi Membro della Commissione Tecnico-Pedagogica dei Corsi di Laurea C in Medicina e Chirurgia

2007-2016 Coordinatore del II semestre III anno Corso di Laurea Magistrale C di Medicina e Odontoiatria, Università La Sapienza , Roma.

2016-2019 Direttore del Master di II livello in "Scienze manageriali e direzione dei servizi sanitari , Università "La Sapienza , Roma Polo di Rieti.
2014-2016 Direttore del Master di I livello in Funzioni di coordinamento per tecnici di laboratorio biomedico , Università La Sapienza , Roma; Polo di Rieti.
2010-12 Direttore del Master di I livello in Scienze gastronomiche e patologie alimentari , Università "La Sapienza , Roma; Polo di Rieti.

Incarichi di insegnamento:

Corsi di Laurea Magistrale

2002-oggi: Titolare dell insegnamento del Corso Integrato di Immunologia e Immunopatologia , Corso di Laurea Magistrale C di Medicina e Odontoiatria, Università La Sapienza , Roma.

Corsi di laurea per professioni sanitarie

2011-oggi Titolare dell insegnamento di Patologia Generale e Coordinatore del Corso Integrato in Basi fisiopatologiche delle malattie Corso di Laurea in "Tecniche della riabilitazione Psichiatrica", Università "La Sapienza", Polo di Viterbo.

2011-16 Titolare dell insegnamento di Patologia Generale e Coordinatore del Corso Integrato in Basi fisiopatologiche delle malattie Corso di Laurea in "Terapia Occupazionale", Università "La Sapienza", Polo di Viterbo.

2004-oggi Titolare dell insegnamento di Fisiopatologia, di Immunologia e di tecniche di laboratorio e Coordinatore del Corso Integrato in Basi fisiopatologiche delle malattie , per il Corso di Laurea in "Tecniche di Laboratorio Biomedico", Università "La Sapienza", Polo di Viterbo.

Scuole di specializzazione

2002-oggi Docente e componente del Comitato Ordinatore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Patologia Clinica, Università "La Sapienza", Roma.

2002-oggi Docente della Scuola di Specializzazione in "Oncologia , Università La Sapienza , Roma.

2002-oggi Docente della Scuola di Specializzazione in "Anatomia Patologica , Università La Sapienza , Roma.

Dottorati di ricerca

2018-oggi Membro del Collegio dei docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in "Medicina Sperimentale", Università La Sapienza" - Roma.

2011-2017 Membro del Collegio dei docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in "Scienze Immunologiche, Ematologiche e Reumatologiche", Università La Sapienza" - Roma.

2008-2011 Membro del Collegio dei docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in "Reumatologia Clinica e Sperimentale", Università "La Sapienza"- Roma.


2014-2016: Docente del Master di I livello in: " Master di I livello in Funzioni di coordinamento per tecnici di laboratorio biomedico , Università La Sapienza , Roma, Polo di Rieti.

2008-2012: Docente del Master di I livello in: Scienze gastronomiche e patologie alimentari , Università "La Sapienza Roma, Polo di Rieti.

Attività assistenziale:
1990-2005 Assistente e poi Dirigente di I livello c/o S.S. Immunopatologia.
2005-2008 Dirigente di I livello c/o S.S. Immunopatologia BDB06 Azienda Policlinico Umberto I , Roma.

2009- Dirigente di I livello c/o UOC Immunopatologia (DLC05) DAI Medicina Diagnostica, presso cui dirige la sezione di Immunologia Umorale e di Autoimmunità, Azienda Policlinico Umberto I , Roma.

Roberta Misasi M.D.

Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum

Born in Cosenza, Italy.
Birthdate: March 3, 1962


Associate Professor,
Basic Pathology and Immunology, School of Medicine
Department of Experimental Medicine,
University "La Sapienza", V.le Regina Elena 324, 00161,Rome, Italy.
Tel. + 39 6 49970663
e-mail: roberta.misasi@uniroma1.it


1986 University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy, School of Medicine.

1989 University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy, Allergology and


2018 to date Coordinator of the degree course in Medicine and Surgery University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
2014-to 2018 Vice Coordinator of the degree course in Medicine and Surgery University "La Sapienza", Rome,
2014-to date Director of Master degree, University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
2009-to date Director of Technicians of Biomedical Laboratory Bachelor s degree, Sapienza University of Rome, at Viterbo.
2001-to date Associate Professor, School of Medicine University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
1997 jun-aug Invited "Visiting Scientist" University of California, San Diego, CA, USA;
Dept. of Neurosciences.
1995-2001 Senior Research Scientist Department of Experimental
Medicine and Pathology, University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy.
1993-1995 Research Neuroscientist, University of California, San Diego, CA, USA; Dept. of Neurosciences
1992-1993 Visiting Scholar, University of California, San Diego, CA, USA; Dept. of Neurosciences. Supervisor: Prof. J.S. O'Brien.
1990- 1992 Research Investigator, Department of Experimental
Medicine and Pathology, University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy.
1988-1990 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Institute of Hygiene. Supervisor: Prof. M.P. Dierich.
1986-1988 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Experimental Medicine and Pathology
University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy.
Supervisor: Prof. G.M. Pontieri
1986-1989 Candidate in Allergology and Immunology,
University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy.
1980-1986 M.D. Candidate, University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy.


1988-1990 Institute Pasteur, "Cenci-Bolognetti Foundation", Rome, Italy, Fellowship in Immunology
1990 "Istituto Superiore di Sanita'", Rome, Italy, Fellowship in AIDS Research

1992-1993 "Istituto Superiore di Sanita'", Rome, Italy, Fellowship in AIDS Research in foreigner country

1993-1995 "Fellowship Award in Neurosciences" University of California, San Diego.


Dr. Roberta Misasi has mainly direct her studies on the role of sphingolipid-enriched microdomains (or "rafts") and involved proteins, in cell biology. Since rafts and their associated proteins are peculiar plasma membrane components mainly involved in signal transduction, they have a key role in the cellular mechanisms of cell differentiation, development and aging.
Parallel studies on Prosaposin, a new trophic factor acting on the lipid second messengers involved in the regulation of cell survival and development, complete her interests.
Research guidelines:
- studies on factor H of the complement system;
- pathogenic role of autoreactive phenomena in different pathologies (AIDS, type I diabetes, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome);
- studies on the functional role of plasma membrane lipids: role of "rafts" on biochemical, biophysical and immunological properties of cell plasma membrane;
- role of prosaposin in the regulation of lipid messengers in the proliferative-differentiative cell pathway.
She is author of 110 scientific papers published in peer reviewed journals, reviews and teaching books.


1996 "Consiglio nazionale delle Ricerche" Italy ;
2000-2006 School of Medicine University of Rome grant,
2007, 2008"Ateneo Federato"grant;
2002, 2004, 2010-2011 PRIN.


Since 1992 Società Italiana di Patologia
Since 2006 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;


2002-to date Immunology and Immunopatology School of Medicine, Sapienza University, Rome.
2003-2005 General Pathology, Graduation course for Tossicology, School of Pharmacy Sapienza University, Rome.
2003-to date General Pathology and Immunology for Graduation course for Technicians of Biomedical Laboratory, School of Medicine, Sapienza University, Viterbo.
2003-to date General Pathology for Speciality Schools for MDs in : Clinical Pathology, Oncology, Pathology, Sapienza University, Rome

2018-today Member of the Board of the Ph.D. in "Experimental Medicine", "La Sapienza" University - Rome.
2011-2017 Member of the Board of the Ph.D. in "Immunological, Hematology and Rheumatology Sciences", University "La Sapienza" - Rome.
2008-2011 Member of the Board of the Ph.D. in "Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology", "La Sapienza" University - Rome.


Immunology and Immunopathology DLC05 Policlinico Umberto I Sapienza University, Rome
Laboratory for Diagnosis of Autoimmune Diseases

Pubblicazioni scientifiche aggiornate a gennaio 2019

1. Vomero M, Manganelli V, Barbati C, Colasanti T, Capozzi A, Finucci A, Spinelli FR, Ceccarelli F, Perricone C, Truglia S, Morrone S, Maggio R, Bombardieri M, Di Franco M, Conti F, Sorice M, Valesini G, Alessandri C. Reduction of autophagy and increase in apoptosis correlates with a favorable clinical outcome in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with anti-TNF drugs. Arthritis Res Ther. 2019 Jan 29;21(1):39. doi: 10.1186/s13075-019-1818-x

2. Martellucci S, Santacroce C, Santilli F, Piccoli L, Delle Monache S, Angelucci A, Misasi R, Sorice M, Mattei V. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Mediated by recPrPC Involved in the Neuronal Differentiation Process of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jan 16;20(2). pii: E345. doi: 10.3390/ijms20020345.

3. Capozzi A, Manganelli V, Riitano G, Recalchi S, Truglia S, Alessandri C, Longo A, Garofalo T, Misasi R, Valesini G, Conti F, Sorice M. Tissue factor over-expression in platelets of patients with anti-phospholipid syndrome: induction role of anti- 2-GPI antibodies. Clin Exp Immunol. 2018 Dec 14. doi: 10.1111/cei.13248.

4. Truglia S, Capozzi A, Mancuso S, Recalchi S, Spinelli FR, Perricone C, De Carolis C, Manganelli V, Riitano G, Garofalo T, Longo A, De Carolis S, Alessandri C, Misasi R, Valesini G, Sorice M, Conti F. A Monocentric Cohort of Obstetric Seronegative Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome. Front Immunol. 2018 Jul 20;9:1678. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01678. eCollection 2018.

5. Manganelli V, Recalchi S, Capozzi A, Riitano G, Mattei V, Longo A, Di Franco M, Alessandri C, Bombardieri M, Valesini G, Misasi R, Garofalo T, Sorice M. Autophagy induces protein carbamylation in fibroblast-like synoviocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2018 Nov 1;57(11):2032-2041. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/key174

6. Capozzi A, Mattei V, Martellucci S, Manganelli V, Saccomanni G, Garofalo T, Sorice M, Manera C, Misasi R. Anti-Proliferative Properties and Proapoptotic Function of New CB2 Selective Cannabinoid Receptor Agonist in Jurkat Leukemia Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jul 4;19(7). pii: E1958. doi: 10.3390/ijms19071958.

7. Sorice M, Misasi R. Different domains of 2-glycoprotein I play a role in autoimmune pathogenesis. Cell Mol Immunol. 2018 Jun 19. doi: 10.1038/s41423-018-0060-9

8. Garofalo T, Ferri A, Sorice M, Azmoon P, Grasso M, Mattei V, Capozzi A, Manganelli V, Misasi R. Neuroglobin overexpression plays a pivotal role in neuroprotection through mitochondrial raft-like microdomains in neuroblastoma SK-N-BE2 cells. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2018 Jan 31;88:167-176.

9. Manganelli V, Capozzi A, Truglia S, Alessandri C, Lococo E, Garofalo T, De Carolis C, Conti F, Valesini G, Sorice M, Longo A, Misasi R. Elevated serum levelof HMGB1 in patients with the Antiphospholipid Syndrome. J Immunol Res. 2017;2017:4570715.

10. Conti F, Priori R, Alessandri C, Misasi R, Capozzi A, Pendolino M, Truglia S, Frisenda S, Sorice M, Valesini G. Diagnosis of catastrophic anti-phospholipid syndrome in a patient tested negative for conventional tests. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2017 Jul-Aug;35(4):678-680. Epub 2017 May 8.

11. Degli Esposti M, Matarrese P, Tinari A, Longo A, Recalchi S, Khosravi-Far R, Malorni W, Misasi R, Garofalo T, Sorice M. Changes in membrane lipids drive increased endocytosis following Fas ligation. Apoptosis 2017, p. ISSN: 1360-8185, doi: 10.1007/s10495-017-1362-6

12. Mattei V, Martellucci S, Santilli F, Manganelli V, Garofalo T, Candelise N, Caruso A, Sorice M, Scaccianoce S, Misasi R. Morphine Withdrawal Modifies Prion Protein Expression in Rat Hippocampus. PLoS One 2017, 12: e0169571.

13. Laudati E, Gilder AS, Lam MS, Misasi R, Sorice M, Gonias SL, Mantuano E. The activities of LDL Receptor-related Protein-1 (LRP1) compartmentalize into distinct plasma membrane microdomains. Mol Cell Neurosci 2016, 76: 42-51.

14. Garofalo T, Matarrese P, Manganelli V, Marconi M, Tinari A, Gambardella L, Faggioni A, Misasi R, Sorice M, Malorni W. Evidence for the involvement of lipid rafts localized at the ER-mitochondria associated menbranes in autophagosome phormation. Autophagy 2016, 12: 917-935.

15. Sorice M, Iannuccelli C, Manganelli V, Capozzi A, Alessandri A, Lococo E, Garofalo T, Di Franco M, Bombardieri M, Nerviani A, Misasi R, Valesini G. Autophagy generates citrullinated peptides in human synoviocytes: a possible trigger for anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies. Rheumatology 2016, 55: 1374-1385.

16. Sorice M, Buttari B, Capozzi A, Profumo E, Facchiano F, Truglia S, Recalchi S, Alessandri C, Conti F, Misasi R, Valesini G, Riganò R. Antibodies to age- 2 glycoprotein I in patients with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Clin Exp Immunol 2016, 184: 174-182.

17. Mattei V, Santacroce C, Tasciotti V, Martellucci S, Santilli F, Manganelli V, Piccoli L, Misasi R, Sorice M, Garofalo T. Role of lipid rafts in neuronal differentiation of dental pulp-derived stem cells. Exp Cell Res 2015, 339: 231-240.

18. Manganelli V, Capozzi A, Recalchi S, Signore M, Mattei V, Garofalo T, Misasi R, Degli Esposti M, Sorice M. Altered traffic of cardiolipin during apoptosis: Exposure on the cell surface as a trigger for antiphospholipid antibodies . J Immunol Res 2015, 2015: 847985.

19. Misasi R, Capozzi A, Longo A, Recalchi S, Lococo E, Alessandri C, Conti C, Valesini G, Sorice M. New antigenic targets and methodological approaches for refining laboratory diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome. J Immunol Res 2015, 2015: 858542.

20. Garofalo T, Manganelli V, Grasso M, Mattei V, Ferri A, Misasi R, Sorice M. Role of mitochondrial raft-like microdomains in the regulation of cell apoptosis. Apoptosis 2015, 20: 621-634.

21. Conti F, Capozzi A, Truglia S, Lcoco A, Longo A, Misasi R, Alessandri C, Valesini G, Sorice M. (2014) The mosaic of seronegative antiphosholipid syndrome. J Immunol Res 2014: 389601.

22. Matarrese P, Garofalo T, Manganelli V, Gambardella L, Marconi M, Grasso M, Tinari A, Misasi R, Malorni W, Sorice M. Evidence for the involvement of GD3 ganglioside in the autophagosome formation and maturation. Autophagy 2014, 10: 750-765.

23. Conti F, Alessandri C, Spinelli FR, Capozzi A, Martinelli F, Recalchi S, Misasi R, Valesini G, Sorice M. TLC immunostaining for detection of antiphospholipid antibodies. Methods Mol Biol 2014, 1134: 95-101.

24. Mantuano E, Tasciotti V, Garofalo T, Sorice M, Misasi R, Mattei V. PrPC associates with a multimolecular complex including LRP1 and glycosphingolipids within lipid rafts. Faseb J 2014, 28(1)S 601.1. WOS:000346646702092 ISSN: 0892-6638 eISSN: 1530-6860 .

25. Capozzi A, Vincentini O, Gizzi P, Porzia A, Longo A, Felli C, Mattei V, Mainiero F, Silano M, Sorice M, Misasi R. Modulatory effect of gliadin peptide 10-mer on epithelial intestinal CACO-2 cell inflammatory response. PLoS One 2013, 8: e66561.

26. Delunardo F, Scalzi V, Capozzi A, Camerini S, Misasi R, Pierdominici M, Pendolino M, Crescenzi M, Sorice M, Valesini G, Ortona E, Alessandri C. Streptococcal-vimentin cross-reactive antibodies induce microvascular cardiac endothelial proinflammatory phenotype in Rheumatic Heart Disease. Clin Exp Immunol 2013, 173: 419-429.

27. Sorice M, Mattei V, Tasciotti V, Manganelli V, Garofalo T, Misasi R. Trafficking of PrPc to mitochondrial raft-like microdomains during cell apoptosis. Prion 2012, 6: 354-358.

28. Ciarlo L, Manganelli V, Matarrese P, Garofalo T, Tinari A, Gambardella L, Marconi M, Grasso M, Misasi R, Sorice M, Malorni W. (2012) Raft-like microdomains play a key role in mitochondrial impairment in lymphoid cells from patients with Huntington s disease. J Lipid Res 53: 2057-2068.

29. Capozzi A, Lococo E, Grasso M, Longo A, Garofalo T, Misasi R, Sorice M. Detection of antiphospholipid antibodies by automated chemiluminescence assay. J Immunol Methods 2012, 379: 48-52.

30. Conti F, Alessandri C, Sorice M, Capozzi A, Longo A, Garofalo T, Misasi R, Bompane D, Hughes GRV, Khamashta MA, Valesini G. Thin-layer chromatography immunostaining in detecting anti-phospholipid antibodies in seronegative anti-phospholipid syndrome. Clin Exp Immunol 2012, 167: 429-437.

31. Capozzi A, Mantuano E, Matarrese P, Saccomanni G, Manera C, Mattei V, Gambardella L, Malorni W, Sorice M, Misasi R. A new 4-phenyl-1,8-naphthyridine derivative affects carcinoma cell proliferation by impairing cell cycle progression and inducing apoptosis. Anticancer Agents Med Chem 2012, 12: 653-662.

32. Sorice M, Mattei V, Matarrese P, Garofalo T, Tinari A, Gambardella L, Ciarlo L, Manganelli V, Tasciotti V, Misasi R, Malorni W. Dynamics of mitochondrial raft-like microdomains in cell life and death. Commun Integr Biol. 2012 Mar 1;5(2):217-9.

33. F. Vendrame, D. Cataldo, L. Ciarlo, R. Misasi, F. Dotta. In type 1 diabetes immunocompetent cells are defective in IL-16 secretion. Scand. J. Immunol. 2012, 75(1): 127-8.

34. Mattei V, Matarrese P, Garofalo T, Tinari A, Gambardella L, Ciarlo L, Manganelli V, Tasciotti V, Misasi R, Malorni W, Sorice M. Recruitment of cellular prion protein to mitochondrial raft-like microdomains contributes to apoptosis execution. Mol. Biol. Cell. 2011, 22(24):4842-4853.

35. A. Fanciulli , R. Misasi, D. Campanelli, F. R. Buttarelli and F. E. Pontieri. Dopaminergic drug induced modulation of the expression of dopamine transporter in peripheral blood lymphocytes in Parkinson's disease. Pharmacol. Rep. 2011 63(4):1056-60.

36. M. Sorice, T. Garofalo, R. Misasi, V. Manganelli, R. Vona, W. Malorni. Ganglioside GD3 as a RAFT Component in Cell Death Regulation. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2012 May;12(4):376-82.

37. MA. Kamashta, GR. Hughes, E. Ortona, A. Capozzi, T. Colasanti, F. Conti, C. Alessandri, A. Longo, T. Garofalo, P. Margutti, R. Misasi, G. Valesini, M. Sorice. Anti-vimentin/cardiolipin antibodies in seronegative Antiphospholipid sindrome. (2010) Blood, vol. Sep 17, ISSN: 0006-4971

38. E. Ortona, A. Capozzi, T. Colasanti, F. Conti, C. Alessandri, A. Longo, T. Garofalo, P. Margutti, R. Misasi, M.A. Khamashta, G.R.V. Hughes, G. Valesini and M. Sorice. Vimentin/cardiolipin complex as a new antigenic target of the Antiphospholipid Syndrome. Blood 2010, 116(16):2960-7.

39. V. Manganelli, M. Signore, I. Pacini, R. Misasi, G. Tellan, T. Garofalo, E. Lococo, P. Chirletti, M. Sorice and G. Delogu. Increased HMGB1 expression and release by mononuclear cells following surgical/anesthesia trauma. Critical care 2010,14(6):R197.

40. L. Ciarlo, V. Manganelli, T. Garofalo, P. Matarrese, A. Tinari, R. Misasi, W. Malorni, M. Sorice. Association of fission proteins with mitochondrial raft-like domains. Cell Death Differ. 2010, 17(6):1047-58.

41. M. Sorice, P. Matarrese, V. Manganelli, A. Tinari, A.M. Giammarioli, V. Mattei, R. Misasi, T. Garofalo, W. Malorni. Role of GD3-CLIPR-59 association in lymphoblastoid T cell apoptosis triggered by CD95/Fas. PLoS One 2010, 5(1):e8567.

42. R. Misasi, I. Hozumi, T. Inuzuka, A. Capozzi, V. Mattei, Y. Kuramoto, H. Shimeno, S. Soeda, N. Azuma, T. Yamauchi, M. Hiraiwa. Biochemistry and neurobiology of prosaposin: a potential therapeutic neuro-effector. Cent Nerv Syst Agents Med Chem. 2009, 9(2):119-31.

43. M. Sorice, V. Manganelli, P. Matarrese, A. Tinari, R. Misasi, W. Malorni, T. Garofalo. Cardiolipin-enriched raft-like microdomains are essential activating platforms for apoptotic signals on mitochondria. FEBS Lett. 2009, 583(15):2447-50.

44. M. Sorice, P. Matarrese, A. Tinari, A.M. Giammarioli, T. Garofalo, V. Manganelli, L. Ciarlo, L. Gambardella, G. Maccari, M. Botta, R. Misasi, W. Malorni. Raft component GD3 associates with tubulin following CD95/Fas ligation. FASEB J 2009, 23(10):3298-308.

45. V. Mattei, M.G. Barenco, V. Tasciotti, T. Garofalo, A. Longo, K. Boller, J. Löwer, R. Misasi, F. Montrasio, M. Sorice. Paracrine diffusion of PrP(C) and propagation of prion infectivity by plasma membrane-derived microvesicles. PLoS One 2009, 4(4):e5057.

46. M. Sorice , S. Molinari, L. Di Marzio , V. Mattei, V. Tasciotti, L. Ciarlo, M. Hiraiwa, T. Garofalo and R. Misasi. Neurotrophic signalling pathway triggered by prosaposin in PC12 cells occurs through lipid rafts. FEBS J. 2008, 275:4903-4912.

47. T. Ochiai, Y. Takenaka, Y. Kuramoto, M. Kasuya, K. Fukuda, M. Kimura, H. Shimeno, R. Misasi, M. Hiraiwa and Shinji Soeda. Molecular mechanism for neuro-protective effect of prosaposin against oxidative stress: Its regulation of dimeric transcription factor formation. Biochim.Biophys Acta 2008, 1780:1441-1447.

48. W. Malorni, T. Garofalo, A. Tinari, R. Misasi, M. Sorice Analyzing Lipid rafts dynamics during cell apoptosis. Methods Enzymol. 2008, 442:125-140.

49. P. Spinsanti, T. De Vita, A. Caruso, D. Melchiorri, R. Misasi, A. Caricasole, F. Nicoletti. Differential activation of the calcium/protein kinase C and the canonical beta-catenin pathway by Wnt1 and Wnt7a produces opposite effects on cell proliferation in PC12 cells. J.Neurochem. 2008, 104:1588-1598.

50. M. Sorice, A. Longo, A. Capozzi, T. Garofalo, R. Misasi, C. Alessandri, F. Conti, B. Buttari, R. Riganò, E. Ortona, G. Valesini Anti- 2-GPI antibodies induce monocyte release of TNF and Tissue Factor by signal transduction pathways involving lipid rafts. Arthritis Rheum. 2007, 56:2687-2697.

51. T. Garofalo, A. Tinari, P. Matarrese, A.M. Giammarioli, V. Manganelli, L. Ciarlo, R. Misasi, M. Sorice, W. Malorni. Do mitochondria act as cargo boats in the journey of GD3 to the nucleus during apoptosis? FEBS Lett. 2007, 581:3899-3903.

52. E. Sottocornola, R. Misasi, V. Mattei, L. Ciarlo, R. Gradini, T. Garofalo, B. Berra, I. Colombo, and M. Sorice Role of gangliosides in the association of ErbB2 with lipid rafts in mammary epithelial HC11 cells. FEBS J. 2006, 273:1821-1830.

53. S. Mardente, L. Lenti, E. Lococo, F. Consorti, C. Della Rocca, S. Romeo, R. Misasi, A. Antonaci. Phenotypic and functional characterization of lymphocytes in autoimmune thyroiditis and in papillary carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 2005, 25. 2483-2488.

54. T. Garofalo , A.M. Giammarioli, R.Misasi, A. Tinari, V. Manganelli, L. Gambardella, A. Pavan, W. Malorni, M. Sorice. Lipid microdomain contribute to apoptosis-associated modifications of mithocondria in T cells. Cell Death Differ. 2005, 12:1378-1389.

55. C. Alessandri, M. Bombardieri, L. Di Prospero, P. Conigliaro, F. Conti, G. Labbadia, R. Misasi, M. Sorice, G. Valesini Anti-lysobisphosphatidic acid antibodies in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 2005, 140:173-180.

56. F. Vendrame, C. Santangelo, R. Misasi, S. Dionisi, C. Gizzi, M. Realacci, D. Grassetti, U. Di Mario, F. Dotta Defective lymphocyte caspase-3 expression in type I diabetes mellitus. Eur. J. Endocrinol. 2005, 152:119-125.

57. R. Misasi, T. Garofalo, L. Di Marzo, V. Mattei, C. Gizzi, M. Hiraiwa, A. Pavan, M.G. Cifone, M. Sorice Prosaposin: a new player in cell death prevention of U937 monocytic cells. Exp. Cell Res. 2004, 298:38-47.

58. V. Mattei, T. Garofalo, R. Misasi, A. Circella, V. Manganelli, G. Lucania, A. Pavan, M. Sorice Prion protein is a compnent of the multimolecular signaling complex involved in T cell activation. FEBS Lett. 2004, 560: 14-18.

59. S. Scaccianoce, V. Mattei, P. Del Bianco, C. Gizzi, M. Sorice, M. Hiraiwa, R. Misasi Hippocampal prosaposin changes during stress: a glucocorticoid independent event. Hippocampus 2004, 14:275-280

60. M. Hiraiwa, J. Liu, A.G. Lu, C.Y. Wang, R. Misasi, T. Yamauchi, I Hozumi, T. Inuzuka and J.S. O'Brien. Regulation of gene expression in response to brain injury: enhanced expression and alternative splicing of rat prosaposin (SGP-1) mRNA in injured brain. J. Neurotrauma 2003, 20:755-764.

61. M. Sorice, A. Longo, T. Garofalo, V. Mattei, R. Misasi, A. Pavan. Role of GM3 enriched microdomains in signal transduction regulation in T lymphocytes. Glycocon. J. 2003, 20:63-70.

62. F. Conti, M. Sorice, A. Circella, C. Alessandri, V. Pittoni, B. Caronti, C. Calderaro, T. Griggi, R. Misasi, G. Valesini Beta-2-glycoprotein I expression on monocytes is increased in anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome and correlates with Tissue Factor expression. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 2003, 132:509-516.

63. T. Garofalo, R. Misasi, V. Mattei, A. M. Giammarioli, W. Malorni, Gi. M. Pontieri, A. Pavan, M. Sorice Association of the death-inducing signaling complex with microdomains after triggering through CD95/Fas. J. Biol. Chem, 2003, 278: 8309-8315.

64. V. Mattei, T. Garofalo, R. Misasi, C. Gizzi, A. Mascellino, G.M. Pontieri, M. Sorice, A. Pavan Association of cellular prion protein with gangliosides in microdomains of neural and lymphocytic cells. Neurochem Res. 2002, 27: 743-749.

65. T. Garofalo, M. Sorice, R. Misasi, B. Cinque, V. Mattei, G.M. Pontieri, M.G. Cifone, A. Pavan, Ganglioside GM3 activates ERKs in human lymphocytic cells. J. Lipid Res. 2002, 43:971-978.

66. T. Garofalo, L. Lenti, A. Longo, R. Misasi, V. Mattei, G.M. Pontieri, A. Pavan, M. Sorice. Association of GM3 with Zap-70 induced by T cell activation in plasma membrane microdomains. GM3 as a marker of microdomains in human lymphocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 2002, 277:11233-11238.

67. M. Sorice, D. Ferro, R. Misasi, V. Pittoni, A. Longo, A. Circella, T. Garofalo, R. Gradini, F. Violi, J. Gruenberg, G. Valesini. Evidence for anticoagulant activity and 2-GPI accumulation in late endosomes of endothelial cells induced by anti-LBPA antibodies. Thromb. Haemost. 2002, 87:735-741.

68. M. Sorice, T. Garofalo, R. Misasi, A. Longo, V. Mattei, P. Sale, V. Dolo, R. Gradini, A. Pavan. Evidence for cell surface association between CXCR4 and ganglioside GM3 after gp120 binding in SupT1 lymphoblastoid cells. FEBS Letters 2001, 506:55-60.

69. A.M. Giammarioli, T. Garofalo, M. Sorice, R. Misasi, L. Gambardella, R. Gradini, S. Fais, A. Pavan, W. Malorni. GD3 glycosphingolipid contributes to Fas mediated apoptosis via association with ezrin cytoskeletal protein. FEBS Letters 2001, 506: 45-50.

70. F. Bordi, C. Cametti, F. DeLuca, T. Gili, R. Misasi, M. Sorice, A. Circella, T. Garofalo Structural alteration of erythrocyte membrane during storage: a combined electrical conductometric and flow cytometric study. Z. Natur Forsch. 2001, 56: 857-864.

71. R. Misasi, M. Sorice, L. Di Marzo, W.M. Campana, S. Molinari, M.G. Cifone, A. Pavan, G.M. Pontieri, J.S. O Brien Prosaposin Treatment Induces PC12 Entry in the S phase of the Cell Cycle and Prevents Apoptosis: Activation of ERK s and Sphingosine Kinase. FASEB J. 2001, 15:467-474.

72. W.M. Campana, L. Mohiuddin, R. Misasi, J.S O Brien, N.A. Calcutt. Prosaposin-derived peptides enhanced sprouting of sensory neurons in vitro and induced sprouting at motor endplates in vivo. J. Periph. Nervous System 2000, 5: 126-130.

73. M. Sorice, T. Garofalo, R. Misasi, A. Longo, J. Mikulak, V. Dolo, G.M. Pontieri, A. Pavan Association between GM3 and CD4-lck complex in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Glycoconjugate J. 2000, 17:247-252.

74. M. Sorice, A. Circella, R. Misasi, V. Pittoni, T. Garofalo, A. Cirelli, A. Pavan, G.M. Pontieri and G. Valesini Cardiolipin on the surface of apoptotic cells as a possible trigger for antiphospholipid antibodies. Clin. Exp. Immunol 2000, 122:277-284.

75. R. Misasi, M. Sorice, T. Garofalo, T. Griggi, A.M. Giammarioli, G. d Ettorre, V. Vullo, G. M. Pontieri, W. Malorni, A. Pavan Overexpression of lymphocytic GD3 ganglioside and presence of anti-GD3 antibodies in patients with HIV infection. AIDS Res. Hum. Retrov. 2000, 16: 1539-1549.

76. M. Sorice, V. Pittoni, T. Griggi, A. Losardo, O. Leri, M.S. Magno, R. Misasi, G. Valesini Specificity of antiphospholipid antibodies in infectious mononucleosis: a role for anti-cofactor protein antibodies. Clin. Exp. Immunol 2000, 120: 1-7.

77. M. Sorice, T. Garofalo, R. Misasi, V. Dolo, G. Lucania, T. Sansolini, I. Parolini, M. Sargiacomo, M.R. Torrisi, A. Pavan. Glycosphingolipid domains on cell plasma membrane. Bioscience Reports 1999, 19: 197-207.

78. F. Bordi, C. Cametti, F. DeLuca, A. Naglieri, R. Misasi, M. Sorice Interactions of mono- and di-sialogangliosides with phospholipids in mixed monolayers at air-water interface. Colloid & Surfaces B 1999, 13:135-142.
79. F. DeLuca, F. Bordi, C. Cametti, A. Naglieri, R. Misasi, M. Sorice Dielectric and conductometricproperties of glycosphingolipid GD1a in lipid bilayer membranes. Langmuir 1999, 15: 2493-2499.

80. T. Garofalo, M. Sorice, R. Misasi, B. Cinque, M. Giammatteo, G.M. Pontieri, M.G. Cifone, A. Pavan. A novel mechanism of CD4 down-modulaton induced by monosialoganglioside GM3: involvement of serine phosphorylation and protein kinase C d translocation J. Biol. Chem. 1998, 273: 35153-35160.

81. R. Misasi, M. Sorice, T. Garofalo, T. Griggi, W.M. Campana, M. Giammatteo, A. Pavan, M. Hiraiwa, G.M. Pontieri, J.S. O'Brien. Colocalization and complex formation between prosaposin and monosialoganglioside GM3 in neural cells. J. Neurochem. 1998, 71: 2313-2321.

82. W.M. Campana, N. Eskeland, N.A. Calcutt, R. Misasi, R.R. Myers and J.S. O'Brien. Prosaptide prevents paclitaxel neurotoxicity. Neurotoxicology 1998, 19:237-244.

83. W.M. Campana, R. Misasi, J.S. O'Brien. Identification of a neurotrophic sequence in erytropoietin. Int. J. Molec. Medicine 1998, 1:235-241.

84. M. Sorice, V. Pittoni, A. Circella, R. Misasi, F. Conti, A. Longo, G.M. Pontieri, G. Valesini Anti-prothrombin but not "pure" anti-cardiolipin antibodies are associated with the clinical features of the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Thromb. Haemost. 1998, 80:713-715.

85. R. Misasi, S. Dionisi, B. Carabba, L. Farilla, L. Lenti, U. Di Mario, F. Dotta. Gangliosides and autoimmune diabetes. Diab. Metab. Res. Rev. 1997, 13: 163-179.

86. F. Bordi, C. Cametti, R. Misasi, R. De Persio, G. Zimatore. Conductometric properties of human erytrocyte membranes: dependence on haematocrit and alkali metal ions of the suspending medium. Eur. Biophys. 1997, J. 26: 215-225.

87. C. Cametti, F. De Luca, M. A. Macrì, B. Maraviglia, R. Misasi, M. Sorice, A. Pavan, T. Garofalo, G.M. Pontieri, F. Bordi, G. Zimatore. Influence of different glycosphingolipid on the conductometric properties of a model phospholipid membrane system. Colloids & Surfaces B 1996, 7: 39-46.

88. R. Misasi, M. Sorice, G.S. Carson, T. Griggi, L. Lenti, G.M. Pontieri, J.S. O'Brien Prosaposin and prosaptide, a peptide from prosaposin, induce an increase of ganglioside content on NS20Y neuroblastoma cells. Glycoconjugate J. 1996, 13: 195-202.

89. M. Sorice, P. Arcieri, T. Griggi, A. Circella, R. Misasi, L. Lenti, G.D. Di Nucci, G. Mariani. Inhibition of protein S by autoantibodies in patients with acquired protein S deficiency. Thromb. Haemost. 1996, 75: 555-559.

90. M. Sorice, A. Pavan, R. Misasi, T. Sansolini, T. Garofalo, L. Lenti, G.M. Pontieri, L. Frati, M.R. Torrisi. Monosialoganglioside GM3 induces CD4 internalization in human peripheral blood T lymphocytes Scand.J. Immunol. 1995, 41: 148-156.

91. C. Cametti, F. De Luca, M.A. Macrì, B. Maraviglia, G. Zimatore, F. Bordi, R. Misasi, M. Sorice, L. Lenti, A. Pavan. To what extent are the passive electrical parameters of lymphocyte membranes deduced from impedance spectroscopy altered by surface roughness and microvillosity? Colloids & Surfaces B 1995, 3: 309-316.

92. G.M. Pontieri, L. Lenti, G. Naso, D. Lombardi, L. Ottavio, R. Misasi, S. Mardente. Oncogenesis and immunosubversion. Int. Med. 1994, 2:93-99.
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94. C. Cametti, F. De Luca, M.A. Macrì, B. Maraviglia, R. Misasi, M. Sorice Radio-frequency dielectric spectroscopy of synthetic bilayers containing glycolipids. Colloids & Surfaces A 1993, 72: 173-176.

95. R. Misasi, M. Sorice, T. Griggi, F. d'Agostino, T. Garofalo, C. Masala, G.M. Pontieri, L. Lenti. GM3 as a target of anti-lymphocytic ganglioside antibodies in AIDS patients. Clin. Immunol. Immunopathol. 1993, 67: 216-223.

96. C. Cametti, F. De Luca, A. D'Ilario, M.A. Macrì, B. Maraviglia, F. Bordi, L. Lenti, R. Misasi, M. Sorice Alteration of the passive electrical properties of lymphocyte membranes induced by GM1 and GM3 glycolipids. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1992, 1111: 197-203.

97. C. Cametti, F. De Luca; A. D'Ilario, B. Maraviglia, R. Misasi, M. Sorice, F. Bordi, M.A. Macrì Structural alteration of lymphocyte membrane induced by gangliosides. A conductometric study. Progr. Colloid Polym. Sci. 1992, 89: 319-323.

98. M. Sorice, L. Lenti, R. Misasi, C. Contini, L. Cignarella, T. Griggi, V. Vullo, C. Masala Evidence for the existence of ganglioside molecules on Pneumocystis carinii from human lungs. Parasitology 1992, 105: 1-6.

99. E. Feifel, W.M. Prodinger, M. Molgg, W. Schwaeble, D. Schonitzer, V. Koistinen, R. Misasi, M.P. Dierich. Polimorphism and deficiency of human factor H-related proteins p39 and p37. Immunogenetics 1992, 36:104-109.

100. M. Sorice, L. Lenti, R. Misasi, M.A. Di Prima, T. Griggi, L. Cignarella, V. Vullo, C. Masala Anti-glycosphingolipid antibodies in HIV infection. AIDS 1991, 5: 345-346 .

101. C. Masala, M. Sorice, M.A Di Prima, L. Lenti, R. Misasi, M; Mojon, C. Contini, V. Vullo. Evidence for shared epitopes between cardiolipin and Pneumocystis carinii. J. Infect. Dis. 1989, 160: 736-737 .

102. C. Masala, M. Sorice, M.A. Di Prima, L. Lenti, R. Misasi, C. Contini, V. Vullo. Anticardiolipin antibodies and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Ann. Intern. Med. 1989, 110: 749 .

103. R. Misasi, H.P. Huemer, W. Schwaeble, E. Solder, C. Larcher, M.P. Dierich. Human complement factor H/ an additional gene product of 43 kDa isolated from human plasma shows cofactor activity for the cleavage of the third component of complement. Eur.J. Immunol. 1989, 19:1765-1768 .

104. P. Martelletti, E. Adriani, S. Bonini, D. Celestino, L. Lenti, C. Armaleo, A. Di Pastena, R. Misasi, M. Giacovazzo. Basophil histamine release and leukotriene (LTB4-LTC4) production in cluster headache. 1989, Headache 29: 46-48.