Ritratto di marialetizia.carra@uniroma1.it

Mercoledì ore 11-13, previo appuntamento col docente

RTDA (2th November 2017 - 1th November 2020) at the Dipartimento di Scienze Odontostomatologiche e Maxillo-Facciali, Sapienza University, Roma, for the ERC Hidden Foods project (role of plant foods in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic societies of South-east Europe and Italy).
Postdoctoral Research (26th November 2013 - 14th October 2017) at Bologna University for the project From the Fertile Crescent to Italy: the flax growing .
Postdoctoral Research (1th November 2006 - 30th April 2008) at Bologna University for the project Cultivation systems in the anthropic landscapes and in the exchanges within the Mediterranean area from Protohistory to Late Antiquity. Tradition and innovation in the exploitation of the vegetal resources .
October 2004 - October 2006: archaeological excavation technician (project contracts) for SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l.
June-October 2001; May-August 2002; July-August 2003; April-July 2004: archaeological excavation technician (project contracts) for Musei Civici di Reggio Emilia.

Ph.D. (4th July 2012, Bologna University): For a history of the cereals cultivation in Northern Italy from the Neolithic to the Iron Age: adaptive strategies and environmental conditioning (rapporteur prof. M. Tosi, co-rapporteurs prof. R. Nisbet and prof. N. Marchetti).
Master Degree Thesis (28th November 2000, Bologna University, 110/110 and praise): Subsistence economy during the late Bronze Age in the Lake Garda area. Palaeocarpological study of the lake dwellings settlement of Castellaro Lagusello in the province of Mantova (rapporteur prof. L. Cattani, co-rapporteur prof. D. Vitali R).

Project PRIN 2009 Urban developments and functional structures during the Middle and Late Bronze age at Tasli Geçit Höyük and Karkemish in the Gaziantep region (Turkey) ; prof. F. Pinnock (Sapienza University, Rome) scientific responsible.
Project PRIN 2007 The bioarchaeological disciplines for the reconstruction of the economic and environmental situation in the Padan plain during the Bronze Age ; prof. J. De Grossi Mazzorin (Salento University, Lecce) scientific responsible.
Participation in conferences (national and international) as rapporteur or poster maker.