Ritratto di Marcelo.Conti@uniroma1.it


The courses are finished.

All students/thesis writers may request an appointment by email.


For any urgent need, please email the professor (only institutional emails will be considered). 


Per urgenze scrivere al Professore (marcelo.conti@uniroma1.it).



Prossimo ricevimento: mercoledi 24 aprile ore 12.00 presso lo studio del professore.)


Per il ricevimento inviare email preventiva al Professore per conferma.


For the reception on 24.4.24 please send prior email to the professor for confirmation.


The reception, is in Prof. Conti's room E wing 2nd floor) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Exams of Environmental Management and Sustainability 1st February 2024 – Prof. M.E. Conti


Those who are not booked via Infostud cannot take the written examination.


You need a valid original identity document (e.g. passport). Photographs of the document (e.g. cell phones) are not valid.


The examination will be held in ACQUARIO’S room at 11.30 a.m. and lasts 1 hour.


The exam grade will be published asap on Infostud.


Those who refuse the grade have 24 hours to notify the professor by email. They can retake the exam at the following roll call.


To assess the project work and presentations made (bonus), each student must deliver a copy of the work done (the first page in plain print is sufficient). This material will be handed in together with the written test.

Gli esami orali di MALS del  5.2.2024  si terranno nella stanza del professore/biblioteca di Mercelogia Ala E 2do piano, ore 9.00. Consultare Infostud per imprevisti eventuali. 

Portare in copia semplice i lavori di gruppo fatti durante il corso (frequentanti)






 Management ambientale per la sostenibilità (2023/2024) (lun-mar-mer ore 10.00-12.00) aula ?


Environmental Management and Sustainability (2023/2024)

(mon-tue 12.00-14.00 hs) classroom ?


Inizio lezioni/course starts 18th September 


Links to classroom and courses' information:






Le slides e il materiale complementare delle lezioni sono caricate nella piattaforma moodle:



Gli appelli sono stati pubblicati in infostud.

For exams' dates see please the infostud site.




Gli studenti usino la cortesia di cancellarsi nel caso decidessero di non presentarsi.

Avere con sè documento di riconoscimento.


Per informazioni sul corso consultare la scheda allegata.




Alla data odierna il Prof. Conti ha disponibilità per n=1/2 tesi di Laurea. Per la richiesta e valutazione venire direttamente a ricevimento. Le tesi sono direttamente assegnate dallo stesso Professore.


Per coloro che hanno la tesi assegnata con il Professore, qui sotto sono riportate le istruzioni basilari per il lavoro di tesi.


Prof. Marcelo E. Conti – 22.3.2024 – TESI SAPIENZA


Istruzioni per i tesisti (sito del docente corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it)


1.    Utilizzate sempre lo stesso indirizzo e-mail per le comunicazioni con il Professore.
2.    Ogni file che inviate al Professore, sia di testo che articoli, deve portare l’etichetta con la dicitura: Tesi Nome Cognome,   data. Esempio; “Tesi Giovanni Rossi, 11.4.20”. Se i file sono zippati o in rar, la dicitura deve essere riportata anche sull’etichetta del file zip o rar.
3.    La bibliografia deve essere in stile APA (trovate in internet informazioni complete), sia come citazioni a piè pagina nel testo che nella unica lista dei riferimenti in ordine alfabetico per autore riportata alla fine della tesi.
4.    Controllate accuratamente le citazioni riportate nel vostro testo e la loro presenza nella lista finale dei riferimenti.
5.    Nel testo le citazioni sono numerate con nota a piè pagina dove viene riportata la citazione COMPLETA con nro di volume e e intervallo di pagine della pubblicazione (per le riviste e capitoli di libri) (la biblio viene nuovamente riportata alla fine della tesi).
6.    Tutte le figure e tabelle devono avere la loro didascalia. Alla fine della tesi devono essere riportati gli elenchi delle figure con la didascalia, nonchè l'elenco delle tabelle con la didascalia e la FONTE BIBLIOGRAFICA.
7.    Citare sempre le fonti delle figure e tabelle se prese tal quale da altre fonti. Esempio: Conti et al., 2018.
8.    Se invece le figure e tabelle sono create dall’elaborazione del candidato (cosa auspicabile) si indica il cognome del candidato e l’anno.
9.    Se invece le figure e tabelle sono modificate dall’autore si indica: ‘Elaborato dall’autore da (fonte originale: “Rossi e Bianchi, 2009”)
10.    Nei file di testo (capitoli o parti del lavoro in corso) deve essere SEMPRE indicato nell’intestazione della prima pagina: nome e cognome, matricola, cattedra.
11.    Separare alla fine della tesi i riferimenti che riguardano i siti consultati (Sitografia)
12.    Nei file che sono corretti ed inviati al Professore per fare le opportune valutazioni e/o correzioni, indicare sempre i cambiamenti eseguiti nel testo (in modalità revisione)
13.    L’indice (anche provvisorio) deve essere riportato sempre nella prima pagina del lavoro di tesi in corso.
14.    Riportare nel documento inviato al Professore per la correzione i numeri di riga continui (funzione di word).
15.    PRIMA DI INVIARE I VOSTRI ELABORATI FATE UN CHECK ACCURATO RIGUARDO LE ISTRUZIONI ELENCATE. Le domande di laurea inviate senza previa autorizzazione del docente saranno respinte.

16. Organizzate bene il vostro lavoro e i tempi. Es. La consegna della tesi la sera prima di natale (ferie) implica ritardo nella valutazione che richiede tempo.

17.  Il materiale deve essere trattato con la logica SREIC:






Prof. Marcelo E. Conti





(6 CFU, course in English – first year - I semester — MANIMP)


General Objectives

The course of ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY provides students with the necessary knowledge on important topics such as environmental management, environmental economics, circular economy, green economy, and sustainability. Other important topics are risk assessment in its various declinations as well as environmental assessments and its many interdisciplinary aspects, especially aimed at the needs of businesses. Through case studies, classroom exercises and group work, students will acquire general knowledge on the fundamental aspects of sustainable development and its evolution, as well as on the coherence of policies on sustainable development (PCSD) related to the 2030 Agenda, both in the application of specific tools and in theoretical development.


Updated 29.3.2024


Please see the attached file for courses' information.


The slides and supplementary material of the lectures are uploaded in the moodle platform:






Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
Environmental Management and Sustainability 10596401 2023/2024
Environmental Management and Sustainability 10596401 2021/2022
Risk assessment and environmental management 1051454 2020/2021
Risk assessment and environmental management 1051454 2019/2020
Risk assessment and environmental management 1051454 2018/2019
Risk assessment and environmental management 1051454 2017/2018
Risk assessment and environmental management 1051454 2017/2018
Risk assessment and environmental management 1051454 2016/2017

The courses are finished
Reception times:

Wednesday 13 December at noon in the professor's room

Reception during the following week (18-22th December) will be duly announced.

All students/thesis writers may request an appointment by email if necessary


Curriculum Vitae (November 2023)

General information

Prof. Marcelo Enrique CONTI

Citizenship: Italian
Languages spoken: Spanish and Italian mother tongue; English

World scientific ranking

Ranked in the World's Top 2% Scientists list among scholars who stand out worldwide based on standardized citation indicators (Stanford University 2022, 2023). The list contains about 170,000 names worldwide 2% of more than nine million researchers Updated science-wide author databases DOI: 10.17632/ btchxktzyw.2


Degree in Biological Sciences, 1985, Sapienza University of Rome.
Thesis title: 'Studies on the presence of alpha-amylase in Italian wheat and its technological reflexes'
PhD, 1991, Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Economics.
Thesis title: 'Environmental impact of food industries'.

Current academic position

From 2.11.2020 ongoing, Full Professor of,
1. Management Ambientale e Sostenibilità (Italian course) and:
2. Environmental Management and Sustainability (English course),
In service at the Department of Management, Sapienza University of Rome.

Previous academic positions

From 01/10/2015 to 01/01/2020, Associate Professor at the Department of Management, Sapienza University of Rome [winner of the evaluation procedure for a position of tenured professor SC 13 / B5, SSD SECS-P / 13 at the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, D.R. n. 2963 of 18.11.2014].
From 01/03/2001 to 30/09/2015, Confirmed University Researcher, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome.

National Scientific Qualifications (ASN)

Candidate drew as Commissioner for the Commission 2021-2023 ASN, 13B5.

He has obtained the National Scientific Qualification for the Competition Sector 13/B5 Full Professor (SSD SECS / P13) [Call 2013 - DD. n. 161/2013]. From 05.03.2015 to 05.03.2021.
The qualification was obtained based on five favourable individual judgments out of 5 commissioners.

In possession of the National Scientific Qualification for the Competition Sector 13/B5 Associate Professor (SSD SECS / P13) [Call 2012 - DD. n. 222/2012]. From 19.12.2013 to 19.12.2019
The qualification was based on five positive individual evaluations out of 5 commissioners.

Other tenured positions at the Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome

From 01.01.2001 to 28.02.2001: High Professionalism role (EP) From 01.11.1993 to 31.12.2000: Technical Officer
From 01.10.1990 to 30.10.1993: Technical assistant

Research evaluation assignments at the national, international and management level

Vocal Full Member of the PhD. The committee in Management of the University of Valencia, Spain (June 6, 2023). Candidate: Fernando Molina Pons.

Chair of The Committee of The Competition - Competition Code 2022par013 Call Evaluation Procedure For 1 Position of Associate Professor Art. 24, Paragraph 6, of Law No.240/2010 For The Sector 13/B5 Disciplinary Scientific Sector Secs-P/13 at the Department Of Management, Announced By

D.R. No. 2426 Of 05/08/2022

Research project evaluation assignment, University of Sassari. Research, Internationalization, Technology Transfer and Third Mission Area. Research and Quality Office. "Competitive call Fondazione di Sardegna - 2017 for peer-reviewed research projects."

PRIN Evaluation Expert [Research projects of national importance for the areas: Environmental and climate change, societal impact and policy (SH2_7); Environmental and marine biology (LS8_8); Sustainability sciences, environment and resources (SH"_6); Agricultural economics, energy economics; environmental economics). [2017 to present]

ANVUR (national agency for the Evaluation of the university system and Research) Evaluation Expert for the area of business disciplines - Disciplinary Expert Profile (01/2019)

Expert Evaluator of research projects of the Program for Young Researchers "Rita Levi Montalcini" (D.M. n. 1006 of 20/12/2017, published in OJ General Series n. 47 of 26/02/2018) [2018 to present]

Scientific Expert for evaluating research projects of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).

Member of the Register of Scientific Experts (REPRISE) in the section: Basic Research [Department for Higher Education and Research, Directorate General for the Coordination, Promotion and Enhancement of Research, Office III] (from 10/2017 to date).

Reviewer of Research Grant No. 881/2018 for the Israel Science Foundation.

Reviewer of papers for "The 4th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment" (WRE 2018).

Manager in charge of Teaching and Research Laboratory Activities (RADRL). Scientific Director L.S. [L7], Laboratory of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Laboratory of Commodities, Department of Management. Course performed and exam passed, EL/140917 Certificate No. P41758 (02/2018 to present).

Member of the Teaching Committee of the course of study in Business Management. Appointment of the course of study council on 10/12/2018.

Member of the ad-hoc committee appointed by the Department of Management Council on May 30, 2018, to award the prize to the lecturer with the highest international visibility in 2017. (2018)

Member of the Committee appointed by the Council of the Management of Enterprises (MANIMP) to recognise the 3/6 credits for the students.

Scientific production since 1986
(Institute of Commodity Studies Department of Management). Indicators of overall scientific output

Number of articles and contributions 330
Number of articles published in class A journals-ASN 22
Number of books 7
Number of articles in journals with Impact Factor 64
Book chapters 16
Number of articles in journals of international
relevance with ISSN 22

Citations (google scholar) 4481
H- index (google scholar) 30
i10-index (google scholar) 60

Keywords - Research lines (Commodity Sciences 1985 2023)

Systemic, sustainable development. Environmental sustainability, Climate change, Urban management, Environmental monitoring (biological and chemical), human monitoring, and biosensors in the environmental field.
Complexity Management (Food & Environment systems), information & requisite variety. Risk Assessment, Risk Management & Management, Environmental Policy, Nature Based solutions, chemical elements in the environment and food.
Product quality of food; food as biomonitors of environmental quality; food packaging.
Marine organic matter, mucilage, dissolved metals, enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning.

Analytical techniques

Graphite and flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS, FAAS); Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS); Optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES); Neutron activation analysis (NAA). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), near- infrared spectroscopy (FTNIR), UV-visible spectroscopy, SEM and MOCF microscopy.
Chemometrics in the environmental and food fields.

Complete list of publications

Journals with Impact Factor class A ASN, disciplinary sector 13/B5

1. Conti, M. E., Rapa, M., Simone, C., Calabrese, M., Bosco, G., Canepari, S., & Astolfi, M. L. (2023). From land to glass: An integrated approach for quality and traceability assessment of top Italian wines. Food Control, 110226.

2. Astolfi, M. L., Massimi, L., Rapa, M., Plà, R. R., Jasan, R. C., Tudino, M. B., Canepari, S., & Conti, M. E. (2023). A multi-analytical approach to studying the chemical composition of typical carbon sink samples. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-35180-x

3. Rapa, M., Ferrante, M., Rodushkin, I., Paulukat, C., & Conti, M. E. (2023). Heavy metals, rare earth elements and isotopic fingerprint of Venetian Protected Designation of Origin sparkling wines. British Food Journal, (in press). https://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-06-2022-0483

4. Conti, M.E, Astolfi M.L., Mele, G., Ristorini, M., Vitiello, G., Massimi, L., Canepari, S., Finoia, M.G. (2022) Performance of bees and beehive products as indicators of elemental tracers of atmospheric pollution in sites of the Rome province (Italy). Ecological Indicators, Volume 140, 109061, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109061.
5. Rapa, M., Ferrante, M., Rodushkin, I., Paulukat, C., & Conti, M. E. (2022). Venetian Protected Designation of Origin wines traceability: multi-elemental, isotopes and chemometric analysis. Food Chemistry, 134771.

6. Conti, M. E., Tudino, M. B., Finoia, M. G., Simone, C., & Stripeikis, J. (2020). Applying the monitoring breakdown structure model to trace metal content in edible biomonitors: an eight-year survey in the Beagle Channel (southern Patagonia). Food Research International, 128, 108777 [IF=3.579].

7. Massimi, L., Castellani, F., Protano, C., Conti, M. E., Antonucci A., Frezzini M. A., Galletti M., Mele G., Pileri A., Ristorini M., Vitali M., Canepari S. (2021) Lichen transplants for high spatial resolution biomonitoring of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in a multi-source polluted area of Central Italy. Ecological Indicators, 120, 106921.

8. Castellani, F., Massimi, L., Vitali, M., Canepari, S., Guidotti, M., Conti, M. E., & Protano, C. (2020). High spatial resolution analysis of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) using transplanted lichen Evernia prunastri: A case study in central Italy. Science of The Total Environment, 742, 140590.

9. Conti, M. E., Tudino, M. B., Finoia, M.G., Simone, C., & Stripeikis, J. (2019b). Managing complexity of marine ecosystems: from the monitoring breakdown structure (MBS) to the baseline assessment. Trace metal concentrations in biomonitors of the Beagle Channel, Patagonia (2005-2012). Ecological Indicators, 104, 296-305. [IF=4.490].

10. Conti, M. E., Tudino, M. B., Finoia, M. G., Simone, C., & Stripeikis, J. (2019a). Performance of two Patagonian molluscs as trace metal biomonitors: The overlap bioaccumulation index (OBI) as an integrative tool for the management of marine ecosystems. Ecological Indicators, Vol. 101, pp. 749-

758. [IF=4.490]

11. Massimi, L., Conti, M. E., Mele, G., Ristorini, M., Astolfi, M. L., & Canepari, S. (2019). Lichen transplants as indicators of atmospheric element concentrations: a high spatial resolution comparison with PM10 samples in a polluted area (Central Italy). Ecological Indicators, 101, 759-769. [IF=4.490]

12. Conti, M. E., Canepari, S., Finoia, M. G., Mele, G., & Astolfi, M. L. (2018). Characterisation of Italian multifloral honeys on the basis of their mineral content and some typical quality parameters. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 74, 102-
113. [IF=2.994] Rivista scientifica di area 13.

13. Conti, M. E., Mele, G., & Finoia, M. G. (2017). Baseline trace metals in Patella caerulea in a central Tyrrhenian ecosystem (Pontine Islands archipelago and Lazio region coastal sites, Italy). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 8852 8865. [IF=2.914]

14. Conti, M. E., Jasan, R., Finoia, M. G., Iavicoli, I., & Plá, R. (2016). Trace elements deposition in the Tierra del Fuego region (south Patagonia) by using lichen transplants after the Puyehue- Cordón Caulle (north Patagonia) volcanic eruption in 2011. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(7), 6574-6583. [IF=2.914]

15. Conti M. E., Mecozzi, M., & Finoia, M.G. (2015). Determination of trace metal baseline values in Posidonia oceanica, Cystoseira sp., and other marine environmental biomonitors: a quality control method for a study in South Tyrrhenian coastal areas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 3640-3651. ISSN: 0944-1344. [IF=2.914]

16. Mecozzi, M., Pietroletti, M., Gallo, V., & Conti, M.E. (2009). Formation of incubated marine mucilages investigated by FTIR and UV VIS spectroscopy

and supported by two-dimensional correlation analysis. Marine Chemistry, 116 (1-4), 18-35. [IF: 2.713]

17. Mecozzi, M., Pietroletti, M., & Conti, M.E. (2008). The complex mechanisms of marine mucilage formation by spectroscopic investigation of the structural characteristics of natural and synthetic mucilage samples. Marine Chemistry, 112 (1-2), 38-52. [IF: 2.713]

18. Cubadda, F., Conti, M. E., & Campanella, L. (2001). Size-dependent concentrations of trace metals in four Mediterranean gastropods. Chemosphere, 45/4, 561-569. ISSN: 0045-6535. [IF=5.108]

19. Conti, M. E. (2000). Lazio region (central Italy) honeys: determination of mineral content and typical quality parameters. Food Control, 11, 459-463. ISSN: 0956-7135 [IF=4.248]

20. Conti, M. E., & Botrè. F. (1997). The content of heavy metals in
food packaging paper: An atomic absorption spectroscopy investigation.
Food Control, 8, 3, 131-136. ISSN: 0956- 7135 [IF=4.248]

21. Conti, M. E. (1997). The content of heavy metals in food packaging paper boards: An atomic absorption spectroscopy investigation. Food Research International, 30,5, 343-348. ISSN: 0963-9969. [IF=3.579]

Lavori su riviste con Impact Factor (ISI) (alcune ex di classe A)

22. Conti, M. E., Rapa, M., Pla, R., Jasan, R., Tudino, M. B., Canepari, S., ... & Astolfi, M.
L. (2023). Elemental and chemometric analysis of baseline gradient contamination
in Usnea barbata lichens from Tierra del Fuego (South Patagonia). Microchemical Journal, 185, 108283.

23. Conti, M. E., Astolfi, M. L., Finoia, M. G., Massimi, L., & Canepari, S. (2022). Biomonitoring of element contamination in bees and beehive products in the Rome province (Italy). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(24), 36057- 36074.
24. Astolfi, M. L., Conti, M. E., Messi, M., & Marconi, E. (2022). Probiotics as a promising prophylactic tool to reduce levels of toxic or potentially toxic elements in bees. Chemosphere, 308, 136261.

25. Conti ME, Battaglia M, Calabrese M, Simone C. Fostering Sustainable Cities through Resilience Thinking: The Role of Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs): Lessons Learned from Two Italian Case Studies. Sustainability. 2021; 13(22):12875. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212875
Rivista scientifica di area 13

26. Astolfi ML, Conti ME, Ristorini M, Frezzini MA, Papi M, Massimi L, Canepari S. (2021) An Analytical Method for the Biomonitoring of Mercury in Bees and Beehive Products by Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry. Molecules, 26(16):4878. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26164878
Rivista scientifica di area 13

27. Conti, M.E., Plà R., Simone, C., Jasan, R., Finoia, M.G. (2020) Implementing the monitoring breakdown structure. Native lichens as biomonitors of elements deposition in the southern Patagonian forest connected with the Puyehue volcano e vent in 2011. A six-year survey (2006-2012).

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-16. DOI: 10.1007/s11356- 020-10001-0 Rivista scientifica di area 13.

28. Astolfi, M. L., Conti, M. E., Marconi, E., Massimi, L., & Canepari, S. (2020). Effectiveness of Different Sample Treatments for the Elemental Characterization of Bees and Beehive Products. Molecules, 25(18), 4263.

Rivista scientifica di area 13.

29. Simone, C., Conti, M. E., & La Sala, A. (2019). Firm, territory and local community: lessons learned from the Olivetti s model. Il Capitale Culturale, Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, 20, 403-428. ISSN 2039-2362 [rivista accreditata AIDEA; Rivista scientifica di area 13.].

30. Conti, M. E., Mele, G., & Finoia, M. G. (2017). Baseline Trace Metals Concentration in Monodonta turbinata Throughout Pontine Islands Archipelago, Italy. International Journal of Environmental Research, 11(1), 13-23. [IF=1.488]
Rivista scientifica di area 13.
31. Mecozzi, M., Tudino, M. B., Finoia, M. G., & Conti, M. E. (2015). Uncommon multivariate statistical methods for environmental studies: a review. Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 6-7, 31-38. ISSN: 2214-1588. [IF=5.500].

32. Conti, M. E., Ciasullo, R., Tudino, M. B., & Matta, E. J. (2015). The industrial emissions trend and the problem of the implementation of the IED Directive. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 8, 151-161. ISSN:1873-9318. [IF=2.297].

33. Conti, M. E., Finoia, M. G., Fontana, L., Mele, G., Botrè, F., & Iavicoli, I. (2014). Characterization of Argentine honeys on the basis of their mineral content and some typical quality parameters. Chemistry Central Journal, 8(1), 44. [IF- 5anni=2.871] Rivista scientifica di area 13.
34. Mecozzi, M., Acquistucci, R., Nisini, L., & Conti, M. E. (2014). Mechanisms of browning colour development in aggregates of marine organic matter formed under anoxic conditions: a study by mid-infrared and near-infrared spectroscopy. Infrared Physics & Technology, 63, 74-83. ISSN: 1350-4495. [Rivista con impact factor: IF: 2.313]

35. Aguilar Madrid G., Beaudry M., Bell W., Bowes D., Broph J., Burdorf A., Carlsten C., Castleman B., Chaturvedi S., Conti M.E, Corra L., Corrêa Filho H.R., Cranor C.F., Cullen E., Dalvi A., Dickson R.C., Digon A., Egilman D.,

Eisner Falvo C., Fischer E., Frank A.L., Frank E., Gee D., Giannasi F., Goldstein B.D., Greenberg M., Guidotti T.L., Harris W.A., Hindry M., Houlson A., Hu H., Huff J., Infante P.F., Thambyappa J., Juarez Perez C.A., Jeebhay M.F., Joshi T.K., Keith M., Keyserlingk J.R., Khatter K., King D., Kodeih N., Kristensen J., Kulsomboon V., Landrigan P.J., Lee C.W., Leigh J., Lemen R.A., Lippman A., London L., Matzopoulos R., McCulloch J., McDiarmid M.A., Mehrdad R., Mirabelli D., Moshammer H., Notebaert E., Nycz Z., Oberta A.F., O'Connor J., O'Neill R., Orris P., Ozonoff D., Paek D., Rickard C., Rodriguez E.J., Sass J., Sentes K.E., Simpson I.M., Soffritti M., Soskolne C.L., Sparling S.P., Spiegel J., Takahashi K., Takaro T.K., Terracini B., Thébaud- Mony A., Trosic I., Turcotte F., Vakil C., Van Der Walt A., Waterman Y.R., Watterson A., Wegman D.H., Welch L.S., Weiss S.H., Winston R., Yassi A. (2013) Statement in Response to Asbestos Industry Efforts to Prevent a Ban on Asbestos in Pakistan: Chrysotile Asbestos Use is Not Safe and Must Be Banned. Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 68, 4, 243-249. ISSN: 1933-8244. [IF=1.483]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

36. Iavicoli, I., Fontana, L., Bergamaschi, A., Conti, M. E., Pino, A., Mattei, D., Bocca, B. & Alimonti, A. (2012). Sub-chronic oral exposure to iridium (III) chloride hydrate in female Wistar rats: Distribution and excretion of the metal. Dose-Response, 10, 405-414. ISSN: 1559-3258. [IF=2.451]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.
37. Mecozzi, M., Pietroletti, M., Scarpiniti, M., Acquistucci, R., & Conti, M. E. (2012). Monitoring of marine mucilage formation in Italian seas investigated by infrared spectroscopy and independent component analysis.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(10), 6025- 6036. ISSN: 0167-6369. [IF=1.959]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

38. Conti, M. E., Stripeikis, J., Finoia, M. G., & Tudino, M. B. (2012). Baseline trace metals in gastropod mollusks from the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego (Patagonia, Argentina). Ecotoxicology, 21(4), 1112-1125. ISSN: 0963-9292. [IF=2.460]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

39. Conti, M. E., Finoia, M. G., Bocca, B., Mele, G., Alimonti, A., & Pino, A. (2012). Atmospheric background trace elements deposition in Tierra del Fuego region (Patagonia, Argentina), using transplanted Usnea barbata lichens. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(1), 527-
538. ISSN: 0167-6369. [IF=1.959]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

40. Conti, M. E., Stripeikis, J., Finoia, M. G., & Tudino, M. B. (2011). Baseline trace

metals in bivalve molluscs from the Beagle Channel, Patagonia (Argentina).
Ecotoxicology, 20(6), 1341- 1353. ISSN: 0963-9292. [IF=2.460]. Rivista
scientifica di area 13.

41. Pino, A., Alimonti, A., Conti, M. E., & Bocca, B. (2010). Iridium, platinum and rhodium baseline concentration in lichens from Tierra del Fuego (South Patagonia, Argentina). Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 12(10), 1857- 1863. ISSN: 1464-0325. [IF=2.688]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.
42. Conti, M. E., & Finoia, M. G. (2010). Metals in molluscs and algae: a north south Tyrrhenian Sea baseline. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 181(1-3), 388-392. [IF=7.650]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

43. Conti, M. E., Bocca, B., Iacobucci, M., Finoia, M. G., Mecozzi, M., Pino, A., & Alimonti, A. (2010). Baseline trace metals in seagrass, algae, and mollusks in a southern Tyrrhenian ecosystem (Linosa Island, Sicily). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 58(1), 79-95. ISSN: 0090-
4341. [IF: 2.135]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

44. Conti, M. E., Pino, A., Botrè, F., Bocca, B., & Alimonti, A. (2009). Lichen Usnea barbata as biomonitor of airborne elements deposition in the Province of Tierra del Fuego (southern Patagonia, Argentina). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72(4), 1082-1089. ISSN: 0147-6513. [IF=4.527]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

45. Conti, M. E., Cucina, D., & Mecozzi, M. (2008). Regression analysis model applied to biomonitoring studies. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 13(4), 553-565. [IF: 1.253]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.
46. Conti, M. E., Iacobucci, M., Cecchetti, G., & Alimonti, A. (2008). Influence of weight on the content of trace metals in tissues of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819): a forecast model. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 141(1-3), 27-34. [IF=1.959]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

47. Mecozzi, M., Pietroletti, M., & Conti, M. E. (2008). The investigation of compositional and structural characteristics of natural marine organic matter: a review. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 32(4),
527. ISSN: 0957-4352 [IF:0.69]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

48. Bocca, B., Conti, M. E., Pino, A., Mattei, D., Forte, G., & Alimonti, A. (2007). Simple, fast, and low-contamination microwave-assisted digestion procedures for the determination of chemical elements in biological and environmental matrices by sector field ICP-MS. International Journal of Environmental and Analytical Chemistry, 87(15), 1111-1123. ISSN: 0306-
7319 [IF: 1.267]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

49. Conti, M. E., Stripeikis, J., Campanella, L., Cucina, D., & Tudino, M. B. (2007). Characterization of Italian honeys (Marche Region) on the basis of their mineral content and some typical quality parameters. Chemistry Central Journal, 1(1), 14. [IF-5anni=2.55]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

50. Pino, A., Alimonti, A., Botrè, F., Minoia, C., Bocca, B., & Conti, M. E. (2007). Determination of twenty-five elements in lichens by sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and microwave-assisted acid digestion. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 21, 1900-1906. ISSN: 0951-
4198. [IF: 2.226]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

51. Conti, M. E., Iacobucci, M., Cucina, D., & Mecozzi, M. (2007). Multivariate statistical methods applied to biomonitoring studies. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 29, 1- 3, 333-343 ISSN: 0957-4352 [IF: 0.69]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

52. Conti, M. E., Iacobucci, M., & Cecchetti, G. (2007). A biomonitoring study: trace metals in seagrass, algae and molluscs in a marine reference ecosystem (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea). International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 29, 1-3, 308-332 ISSN: 0957-4352 [IF: 0.69]. Rivista scientifica di
area 13.

53. Cecchetti, G., Fruttero, A., & Conti, M. E. (2005). Asbestos reclamation at a disused industrial plant, Bagnoli (Naples, Italy). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 122, 1-2. 65-73. ISSN: 0304- 3894. [IF=7.650]. Rivista scientifica di
area 13.

54. Conti, M. E., Iacobucci, M., & Cecchetti, G. (2005). A statistical approach applied to trace metal data from biomonitoring studies. International
Journal of Environment and Pollution, 23, 1, 9-41. ISSN: 0957-4352 [IF:
0.69]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

55. Conti, M. E., Tudino, M., Stripeikis, J., & Cecchetti, G. (2004). Heavy metal accumulation in the lichen Evernia prunastri transplanted at urban, rural and industrial sites in Central Italy. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 49, 83-94.

ISSN: 0167-7764 [IF:1.783]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

56. Conti, M. E., & Cecchetti, G. (2003). A biomonitoring study: trace metals in algae and molluscs from Tyrrhenian coastal areas. Environmental Research, 93, 99-112 [citazioni: 388 google scholar] ISSN: 0013-9351. [IF: 5.026]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.
57. Conti, M. E., & Botrè, F. (2001). Honey bees and their products as potential bioindicators of heavy metals contamination. Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 69, 267-282. [citazioni: 365 google scholar] ISSN: 0167-6369. [IF=1.959]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.
58. Conti, M.E., & Cecchetti, G. (2001). Biological Monitoring: lichens as bioindicators of air pollution assessment - a review. Environmental Pollution, 114, 471-492. [Lavoro più citato = 1025 citazioni google scholar] ISSN: 0269-7491. [Rivista con impact factor: IF: 5.714] Rivista scientifica di area 13.

59. Campanella, L., Conti, M. E., Cubadda, F., & Sucapane, C. (2001). Trace metals in seagrass, algae and molluscs from an uncontaminated area in the Mediterranean. Environmental Pollution, 111, 117-126 [citazioni: 279 google scholar] ISSN: 0269-7491. [Rivista con impact factor: IF: 5.714] Rivista scientifica di area 13.

60. Volterra, L., & Conti, M. E. (2000). Algae as biomarkers, accumulators and producers of toxicity, in: The Control of Marine Pollution: Current Status and Future Trends, in M.E. Conti and F. Botrè, eds. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1-6, 92-125. ISSN: 0957-4352 [IF: 0.69]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

61. Conti, M. E., Cubadda, F., Carcea, M. (2000). Trace metals in soft and durum wheat from Italy. Food Additives and Contaminants, 17, 1, 45-53. ISSN:
0265-203X [IF: 2.00]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

62. Conti, M. E. (1996). The pollution of the Adriatic Sea: Scientific knowledge and policy actions. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 6, 2/3, 113-130. ISSN: 0957-4352 [IF: 0.69]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

63. Conti, M. E., Boccacci Mariani, M., Milana, M. R., & Gramiccioni, L. (1996). Heavy metals and optical whitenings as quality parameters of recycled paper for food packaging. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 20, 1, 1-
11. ISSN: 0145-8892. [IF: 1.288]. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

Publications in journals of international relevance with ISSN

64. Simone, C., & Conti, M. E. (2022). Reflecting on hypertrophic plastic waste: concerns and levers. Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, 18(53), 1-18.
65. Conti, Marcelo Enrique; Simone, Cristina; Diana, Sara; Scardini, Silvia European climate policy for decarbonisation: state of the art. In CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT STUDIES vol. 2,2023.

66. Simone C., La Sala A., Conti M.E. (2021), From company town to 'reversed' company town: the firms' role in shaping the urban landscape. The case of Ivrea (Italy) , Int. Journal of Environment and Health, vol. 10, pp. 179-
193. Rivista scientifica di area 13

67. Barile, S., Simone, C., La Sala, A., & Conti, M. E. (2019). Surfing the complex interaction between new technology and norms: a resistance or resilience issue? Insights by the viable system approach (VSA). Acta Europeana Systemica (AES), 9, 93-103.

68. Marcelo E. Conti (2019) From animal instinct to human birth theory: an entangled path. International Journal of Environment and Health, vol. 9, 4, 343-371. DOI: 10.1504/IJENVH.2020.10030554. Rivista scientifica di area 13
69. Marcelo E. Conti, Marco Arcuri, Cristina Simone (2018). Wellbeing, conflict and teamworking: the social role of the team leader. An overview. International Journal of Environment and Health, vol. 9, 2, 151-168. ISSN: 1743-4955. DOI: 10.1504/IJENVH.2018.10014157. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

70. Franco Mazzei, Gabriele Favero, Paolo Bollella, Cristina Tortolini, Luisa Mannina, Marcelo Enrique Conti, Riccarda Antiochia (2015) Recent trends in electrochemical nanobiosensors for environmental analysis. International Journal of Environment and Health 7, 3, 267-291. ISSN: 1743-4955. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

71. Riccarda Antiochia, Gabriele Favero, Marcelo Enrique Conti, Franco Mazzei, Cristina Tortolini (2015) Affinity-based biosensors for pathogenic bacteria detection. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 18, 3, 185-206. ISSN: 1466- 2132. Rivista scientifica di area

72. Raffaele Ciasullo, Cristina Simone, Marcelo Enrique Conti (2014) The complex issues of carbon sink: a critical overview. International Journal of Environment and Health 7, 2, 171-195. ISSN:1743-4955. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

73. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Raffaele Ciasullo, Mabel Beatriz Tudino (2014) PATAGONIA. Bio- Monitoring the Environment. Revolve, 12 (Summer 2014),
53-58. ISSN: 2033-2912.

74. Riccarda Antiochia, Gabriele Favero, Marcelo Enrique Conti, Franco Mazzei, Cristina Tortolini (2013) Affinity-based biosensors for heavy metal detection. International Journal of Environment and Health 6, 3, 290-303. ISSN: 1743-
4955. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

75. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Raffaele Ciasullo, Elias Jorge Matta (2012) Has the Kyoto Protocol Reached its Main Goal? A brief review. International Journal of Environment and Health 6, 2, 170-187. ISSN: 1743-4955. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

76. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Jorge Stripeikis, Francesco Botrè, Mabel Beatriz Tudino (2012) Trace metals intake of Nacella (P) magellanica from the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego (Patagonia, Argentina). International Journal of Environment and Health 6, 1, 84-91. ISSN: 1743-4955. Rivista scientifica di
area 13.

77. Claudio Ricciardi, Marcelo Enrique Conti (2009) Environmental ethics between natural and social systems. International Journal of Environment and Health 3, 2, 238-248. ISSN: 1743-4955. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

78. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Alessandro Alimonti, Beatrice Bocca (2008) Environmental exposure to platinum-group elements released by automotive catalytic converters: the risk for children. International Journal of Environment and Health 2, 3/4, 439-462. ISSN: 1743-4955. Rivista

scientifica di area 13.

79. Marcelo Enrique Conti (2007) The First International Conference on Management Resources, Sustainable Developments and Ecological Hazards (Ravage of the Planet), 12-14 December 2006, Bariloche, Argentina.

International Journal of Environment and Health 1 (2), 341-
344. ISSN: 1743-4955. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

80. Marcelo Enrique Conti (2007) Editorial. International Journal of Environment and Health 1 (1). ISSN: 1743-4955. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

81. Luigi Campanella, Maria Costanza, Marcelo Enrique Conti (2007) The influence of copper ions on antioxidant activity: preliminary study. International Journal of Environment and Health 1, 2, 328-340. ISSN: 1743-
4955. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

82. Maria Cristina Albertini, Marina Dachà, Laura Teodori, Marcelo Enrique Conti (2007) Drinking mineral waters: biochemical effects and health implications, The state-of-the-art. International Journal of Environment and Health 1, 1, 153-169. ISSN: 1743-4955. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

83. Mauro Mecozzi, Marcelo Enrique Conti (2007) A new approach based on polynomial functions for measuring the acute toxicity of environmental samples, International Journal of Environment and Health 1, 1, 87-97. ISSN: 1743-4955. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

84. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Jorge Oscar Muse, Mauro Mecozzi (2005) Uncertainty in environmental analysis: theory and laboratory studies. In:
M.E. Conti, F. Botrè (eds.) On the relevance of uncertainty in the management of environmental and health problems , International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, vol. 5, 2-4, 311-335. ISSN: 1466-8297. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

85. Carlo Zaghi, Gaetano Cecchetti, Joseph Fontana, Marcelo Enrique Conti (2005) Science and precaution in the risk analysis of chemicals. In: M.E. Conti,
F. Botrè (eds.) On the relevance of uncertainty in the management of

environmental and health problems , International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, vol. 5, 2-4, 271-285. ISSN: 1466-8297. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

86. Marcelo Enrique Conti (2003) Contaminación y necesidad de una corte

penal internacional. Editorial. Acta Toxicològica Argentina, 11, 2, 57. ISSN: 0327-9286.

87. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Mabel Beatriz Tudino, Jorge Oscar Muse, Gaetano Francesco Cecchetti (2002) Biomonitoring of heavy metals and their species in the marine environment: the contribution of atomic absorption spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy. Research Trends in Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 4, 295-324. ISSN: 0972-4516.

88. Carlo Zaghi, Marcelo Enrique Conti, Gaetano Cecchetti (2002) White paper on chemicals and Stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants: perspectives for environmental risk management. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 3, 2-3-4, 234-245. ISSN: 1466-8297. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

89. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Marzia Facchini, Francesco Botrè (2000) Indicadores Biológicos para la evaluación de metales pesados en un ecosistema marino del mediterraneo. Acta Toxicológica Argentina, 8, 2, 65-68. ISSN: 0327-9286.

90. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Francesco Botrè, Franco Mazzei (1996) On the heavy metals content in cosmetic formulations: an atomic absorption spectroscopy investigation, Journal of Applied Cosmetology, 14, 4, 147-154. ISSN: 0392-
8543. Rivista scientifica di area 13.

Books, Monographs, Essays, Scientific Treatises, Fiction

91. Marcelo Enrique Conti (2022) Gira così. Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma ISBN 9788833654539, pp. 116. http://hdl.handle.net/11573/1600531

92. Marcelo Enrique Conti (2018) Il management ambientale. Teorie, metodi e strumenti in una prospettiva sostenibile. Collana ManOTec n. 5, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma, ISBN: 9788833651002, pp. 482.

93. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Raffaele Ciasullo (2016) L ambiente: dalle teorie economiche al management. Collana GNOSEIS n. 7, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma ISBN: 9788868127039,
pp. 366.

94. L. Afandiyev, A. Alimonti, F. Barbosa, N. Besbelli, S. Bose-O`Reilly, L. Corra,
M.E. Conti, Z. Danbayev, P. Dargan, J.L. Domingo, G. Drasch, C. Dumitru, A. Russell Flegal, R. Gardner, N. Gecim, L. Goldman, H. Grackzyk, I. Gvineria,
M. Horvat, J. de Kom, B. Lettemeier, I. Makilanao, K.M. McCarty, R. Adler

Miserendino, L. Najaran, J.F. Nyland, V. Pantea, M. Sakamoto, A. Sharshenova, E.K. Silbergeld, A.H. Stern, N. Streckling, E.M. Wells, M. Yamamoto (2010) Children s Exposure to Mercury Compounds, WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO), Geneva. ISBN: 9789241500456, 104 pp.

95. Luigi Campanella, Marcelo Enrique Conti (2010) L Ambiente: Conoscerlo e Proteggerlo. Percorsi di Chimica Ambientale. Ed. CAROCCI Faber, 1a edizione ottobre 2010, pp. 316. ISBN: 9788874666027.

96. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Claudio Botrè, Francesco Botrè, Alessandro Alimonti (2006) Scientific report: Consultancy report on pulp mills In Volume V Scientific and technical documentation, Annex 4 The Hague, International Court of Justice, Case Concerning Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina

V. Uruguay) Memorial Argentina, Volume I, 15 January 2007.

97. Marcelo Enrique Conti (2002) Il monitoraggio biologico della qualità ambientale. Editrice SEAM, Roma, 185 pp. ISBN: 888179411X

98. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Patrizia Perego, Patrizia Restani (1993) "La chimica per la qualità della vita", Federchimica, Federazione delle Industrie Chimiche, Comitato Scientifico, ottobre 1993, pp. 112. (Stesura redazionale)

99. Marcelo Enrique Conti (1990) "Adriatico: eutrofizzazione e mucillagine",
Federchimica, Comitato Scientifico, Progetto Mediterraneo, luglio 1990, pp.
48. (Stesura redazionale).

100. Laura Gobbi, Marcelo Enrique Conti (1989) "Contaminazione ambientale: Il Rischio Chimico", ed. Kappa, Roma, pp. 71.

Capitoli di libri

101. Bilotti, Edvige Patricia Maria; Conti, Marcelo Enrique; Simone, Cristina (2019) Understanding the change of the socio-economic complex systems: the conceptual category of TimeSpace. In: Il fascino della precarietà. Studi sull'evoluzionismo sistemico, Ed. Nuova Cultura, Roma, pp. 141- 161. ISBN: 9788833652481
102. Cristina Simone; Marcelo Enrique Conti (2019). From creativity to innovation by knowledge re- combining. The case of an Italian food company (Chapter

10). In: Happiness Management: A Lighthouse for Social Wellbeing, Creativity and Sustainability, DOI:10.3726/b15813; ISBN:978- 3-0343-3628-4,175-197.
Ed. Peter Lang, Bern.

103. Marcelo Enrique Conti; Cristina Simone; 2019. Smart cities: are they really sustainable? (Chapter 1). In: Happiness management and creativity in the XXI century: intangible capitals as a source of innovation, competitiveness and sustainable development, Ed. Comares, Granada, Spain ISBN:978-84-9045- 677-4, pp. 5-21.

104. Conti M.E., Simone C., Loia F. (2018) Le Smart City: il controllo e gli indicatori di performance per la sostenibilità ambientale (Capitolo 11), in: Il controllo manageriale e gli indicatori di performance dentro e fuori le organizzazioni: alcuni contributi di studio (Simone C., Ed.), Collana: GNOSEIS, ISSN 2284-0567, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma, 323-364. ISBN 9788868129903.

105. Conti M.E., Simone C. (2018) Sistemi di controllo e tutela ambientale: l European Union Emission Trading Scheme (Capitolo 12), in: Il controllo manageriale e gli indicatori di performance dentro e fuori le organizzazioni: alcuni contributi di studio (Simone C., Ed.), Collana: GNOSEIS, ISSN 2284-0567. Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma, 365-403. ISBN 9788868129903.

106. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Mabel Tudino (2016). Lichens as Biomonitors of Heavy-Metal Pollution. Collana Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry: The Quality of Air, vol. 73, Elsevier, pp. 117-145. doi: 10.1016/bs.coac.2016.02.005 ISBN: 9780444636058

107. M.E. Conti, M. Mecozzi (2008) Multivariate approaches to biomonitoring studies (Chapter 7), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) Biological Monitoring: Theory and Applications. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 213-226, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.

108. M.E. Conti (2008) Lichens as bioindicators of air pollution (Chapter 5), in:

M.E. Conti (Ed.) Biological Monitoring: Theory and Applications. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 111-162, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1- 84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.

109. M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci (2008) Marine organisms as biomonitors (Chapter 4), in : M.E. Conti (Ed.) Biological Monitoring: Theory and Applications.

Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 81-110, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.

110. M.E. Conti (2008) Biomonitoring of freshwater environment (Chapter 3), in: Biological Monitoring: Theory and Applications. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 47-79, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-
002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.

111. M.E. Conti (2008) Biomarkers for environmental monitoring (Chapter 2), in:
M.E. Conti (Ed.), Biological Monitoring: Theory and Applications. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 25-46, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.

112. 109.M.E. Conti (2008) Environmental Biological Monitoring (Chapter 1), in:
M.E. Conti (Ed.), Biological Monitoring: Theory and Applications. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 1-23. WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1- 84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.

113. M.E. Conti (2006) Heavy metals in food packaging (Chapter 9), in: Mineral Components in Food, J. Nriagu and P. Szefer, Eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, ISBN: 0849322340, 339-362.

114. M.E. Conti (2007) Principio di precauzione e analisi del rischio delle sostanze chimiche (Capitolo 11.2), in: Valutazione del Rischio Ambientale Applicata ai Prodotti Chimici, C. Zaghi, C. Gaggi, A. Finizio, Eds., Pitagora Editrice Bologna, Collana Quaderni di tecniche di protezione ambientale , 188-194. ISBN: 8837116810

115. M.E. Conti (2002) Gli indicatori ed i marcatori biologici in Ecotossicologia. Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza , Facoltà di Farmacia, Ed. Centro Stampa d Ateneo, 124-141.

116. M.E. Conti (2001) La città di Venezia e la sua laguna: l'inquinamento delle acque da metalli pesanti (capitolo 8, parte I). In: A. Abrami; Storia, scienza e diritto comunitario of the ambiente - Dalla conoscenza alla tutela degli ecosistemi , Ed. CEDAM, Padova, 787- 810. ISBN: 8813234309

7.3.3. Curatele

117. M.E. Conti (Ed.) (2008) Biological Monitoring: Theory and Applications. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 228 pp., WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581
118. .C.A. Brebbia, M.E. Conti, E. Tiezzi (eds.) (2006) Management of natural resources, sustainable development and ecological hazards, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 99, Southampton, ISSN: 1743-3541, 839 pp. ISBN: 9781845640484.
119. M.E. Conti, F. Botrè (eds.) (2005) On the relevance of uncertainty in the management of environmental and health problems, International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, vol. 5, 2-4, 2005, 415 pp. ISSN: 1466-8297.
120. M.E. Conti, F. Botrè (Eds.) (2000) The Control of Marine Pollution: Current Status and Future Trends, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, vol. 13, 1-6, 616 pp. ISSN: 0957-4352 [IF=0.69]

Publications in journals of national relevance and papers in books and/or proceedings of national and international scientific conferences and/or workshops

121. Rapa, M.; Morlino, G.; Simone, C.; Conti, M.E. (2023). La filiera corta per un economia sostenibile: pratiche virtuose italiane in linea con gli obiettivi dell Agenda 2030. In: INDUSTRIE ALIMENTARI. - ISSN 0019-901X, in press.

122. La Sala, A., Fuller, R.P., Conti, M.E. (2022). Neither backwards nor forward: understanding crazy systems resilience. In IFKAD 2022 proceedings - 17° International forum for knowledge assets dynamics: Knowledge drivers for resilience and transformation, pp. 1339-1352. ISBN 9788896687154

123. Astolfi, Maria Luisa; Conti, Marcelo Enrique; Papi, Marco; Canepari, Silvia (2021) L ape e i suoi prodotti per valutare l inquinamento ambientale da metalli tossici. In Proceedings of the 8th Mediterranean Industrial Hygiene Meetings. ISBN:978-88-86293-42-6 vol. 1 hdl:11573/1587511

124. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Antonio Laudando (2020) Il management delle materie plastiche: verso un approccio coerente delle policy. In: Rivista Di Studi Manageriali. - 1:1/2020, pp. 51-64.

125. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Francesca Loia, Pietro Vito (2019) Tourism management in the era 4.0: Reliability of Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis and Viable System Approach. Paper presentato alla Conferenza Internazionale R&D Management, Paris, June 17-21. Conference track 7.5.Theme: Industry 4.0. [Track organizers: Simone C., Maielli G., Riolli L., Conti M.E.]

126. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Cristina Simone (2019) Ambiente, salute e microplastiche: condannati ad una (de)crescita (in)felice? Working paper presentato al Convegno «un MARE diplastica» Ecosistema, ambiente economia e salute. Tutto è a rischio. Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale, V.le XXIV Maggio 9, 22 Febbraio 2019, Sapienza, Universitá di Roma, Polo di Latina.

127. Cristina Simone, Marcelo Enrique Conti (2019) Le microplastiche: sfide di un problema "malvagio". Working paper presentato al Convegno «un MARE di plastica» Ecosistema, ambiente economia e salute. Tutto è a rischio. Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale, V.le XXIV Maggio 9, 22 febbraio 2019, Sapienza, Universitá di Roma, Polo di Latina.

128. Simone C., Maielli G., Riolli L., Conti M.E. (2018) Industry 4.0 and its decentralized technologies: organisational economies (and diseconomies) in the new emerging landscape. Paper presentation al workshop: Emerging landscapes, New jobs, new skills, new technologies and new organisational challenges in the Industry 4.0 revolution, London, Queen Mary University, School of Business and Management, 7th November 2018. [Workshop Organizers: Simone C., Maielli G., Conti M.E.]

129. Simone C., Conti M.E., Maielli G., Riolli L., (2018) «Individual and organizational capabilities endowment for the Industry 4.0 landscape: the T- shaped model». Paper presented at the workshop: Emerging lanLandscapesew jobs, new skills, new technologies and new organizational challenges in the Industry 4.0 revolution in the Industry 4.0 revolution. London, Queen Mary University, School of Business and Management, November 7th 2018. [Workshop organizers: Simone C., Maielli G., Conti M.E.]

130. Simone C., Riolli L., La Sala A., Conti M.E. (2018) «Tension among technological innovation and norms: resilience as a coupling and decoupling process». Paper presentation at the 7th Latin American and European Meeting on Organizations Studies (LAEMOS-egos 2018), Organizing for Resilience: Scholarship in Unsettled Times , Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 21 24, 2018.Track-subtheme 21.

131. Edvige Bilotti, Marcelo Enrique Conti, Cristina Simone (2018). Conceptual

132. categories of time and space in the social sciences: moving beyond methodological disputes. Il Geopolitico, 1, 49-62, ed. Nuova Cultura, Roma.

133. M.E. Conti (2016) L'economia circolare. L'ambiente: un sistema complesso. Quanto inquinamento siamo disposti ad accettare? Oikonomia, 15, 2, 17-
20. ISSN: 1720-1691.

134. R. Ciasullo, C. Simone, M.E. Conti (2016). The carbon market and its efficiency. Proceedings XXVII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Merceologiche; Qualità & Innovazione per una Economia Circolare ed un Futuro Sostenibile; 310-316, 2-4 Marzo 2016, Viterbo. ISBN:

135. Simone C., Conti M.E. (2017), Promoting organizational development in the knowledge economy: The T-shaped capacities, International Management and Business Conference, 11-12 November 2016, University of Economics, Prague, Oeconomica Publishing House Prague 2017 (paper in Proceedings di convegno), pp. 47-59. ISBN 978-80-245-2215-9. DOI 10.18267/pr.2017.bru.2215.9.

136. R. Ciasullo, M.R. Scarpitti, M.E. Conti (2014). Carbon sink: aspetti tecnici e

finanziari. Acqua Aria, 1, Febbraio/Marzo, 22-29. ISSN (1591-237X).

137. M.E. Conti, R. Jasan, M.G. Finoia, R. Ciasullo, G. Mele, R. Plà (2014) Il monitoraggio biologico mediante uso di licheni applicato alla valutazione della deposizione atmosferica in siti di elevato valore ecologico (Tierra Del Fuego, Sud Patagonia, Argentina). Proceedings del XXVI Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Merceologiche, Innovazione, Sostenibilità e Tutela dei Consumatori: L Evoluzione delle Scienze Merceologiche per la Creazione di Valore e Competitività, 226-236, Pisa, 13-15 febbraio 2014, ISBN

138. R. Ciasullo, M.E. Conti (2013) Direttiva IPPC-IED e il problema delle implementazione delle BAT nell'Unione Europea. Verde Ambiente, vol. XXIX, 3, 16-24 (ISSN: 1122-6102).
139. M.E. Conti, G. Mele (2008) Rischio chimico negli alimenti. Sanità e Sicurezza, Suppl. 1, 133-157 (ISSN: 1593-5019).

140. M.E. Conti, G. Mele (2008) Imballaggi alimentari: I requisiti di legge per i materiali destinati al contatto alimentare. Sanità e Sicurezza, Suppl. 1, 27- 35 (ISSN: 1593-5019).

141. M.E. Conti (2008). Heavy metals in food packaging - The state of the art. July 2008. (pp. 8). Room Document presented at the Intergovernmental VI Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS), Dakar, Senegal, 15-19 September 2008.

142. M.E. Conti (2007) The Fray Bentos Case, in: Sustainable pulp production in Latin America or just pulp fiction? Paper for the World, Problems for the Region. Conference Proceedings. European Parliament, May 16, 2007, 4-6, Heinrich Böll Foundation.

143. M.B. Tudino, J. Stripeikis, D. Cucina, S. Giovannini, F. Cecchini, M. Iacobucci,

M.E. Conti (2007) La componente minerale del miele millefiori prodotto nella zona del Montefeltro (Pu): dati preliminari. Ambiente Risorse Salute, 113, 13- 19.

144. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Jorge Stripeikis, Marta Iacobucci, Domenico Cucina, Gaetano Cecchetti, Mabel Beatriz Tudino (2006) Trace metals in molluscs from the Beagle Channel (Argentina): a preliminary study, in: Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards The Ravage of the Planet Conference, C.A. Brebbia, M.E. Conti and E. Tiezzi, Eds, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 99, 473- 483.
145. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Marta Iacobucci, Mauro Mecozzi, Gaetano Cecchetti (2006) Trace metals in soft tissues of two marine gastropod molluscs: Monodonta turbinata B. and Patella caerulea L. collected in a marine reference ecosystem, in: Environmental problems in coastal regions VI, including oil spill studies; C.A. Brebbia, (Ed.), WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 88, 3-11.

146. M.E. Conti, J. Stripeikis, L. Campanella, D. Cucina, M.B. Tudino (2006) La componente minerale e alcuni parametri qualitativi dei mieli prodotti nella regione marche. Rivista di Scienza of the Alimentazione, 1, 59-70.

147. M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci, J. Fontana, G. Cecchetti (2005) I gamberi di fiume come bioindicatori della presenza di metalli. Acqua Aria, 2, 2-5.

148. M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci, G. Cecchetti (2004) The biomonitoring approach as a tool of trace metal assessment in an uncontaminated marine

149. ecosystem: Ustica island (Sicily, Italy), in: Geo-Environment, Monitoring, Simulation and Remediation of the Geological Environment; J.F. Martin- Duque, C.A. Brebbia, A.E. Godfrey, J.R. Dìaz de Teràn (Eds.), WIT Press, 335- 344.

150. M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci (2004) La valutazione della qualità ambientale:indicatori e marcatori biologici. Ambiente Risorse Salute, 100, 6, 42-47.

151. M.E. Conti, G. Morosini, G. Cecchetti (2004) Bioaccumulo di metalli pesanti in un indicatore biologico (Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile). Acqua Aria, 3, 24-30.

152. G. Cecchetti, M.E. Conti, Joseph Fontana, Alberto Fruttero (2004) La qualità delle acque ad uso irriguo nella Piana del Fucino. Ambiente Risorse Salute, 95, 14-19.

153. M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci, G. Mangani, G. Cecchetti (2003) I molluschi quali indicatori biologici per l area Mediterranea. Acqua Aria, 9, 96-102.

154. M.E. Conti, A. Bruner, J. Fontana, A. Fruttero, G. Cecchetti (2003) La caratterizzazione della qualità of the aria di alcune aree SIC situate in zone adiacenti ad un area destinata alla costruzione di una nuova centrale per la produzione di energia elettrica. Ambiente Risorse Salute, 92, 39-43.

155. M.E. Conti, J. Fontana, A. Fruttero, G. Cecchetti (2002) Il monitoraggio biologico di un area costiera del mar Tirreno. Ambiente Risorse Salute, 88, 20- 23.

156. G. Cecchetti, J. Fontana, A. Fruttero, M.E. Conti (2002) Bonifica dei siti industriali dismessi. La rimozione dei Materiali Contenenti Amianto (MCA) dal suolo. Un caso di studio. Ambiente Risorse Salute, 85, 6-12.

157. C. Zaghi, M.E. Conti (2001) Libro bianco sulle sostanze chimiche e valutazione del rischio. Ambiente Risorse Salute, 80, 6-10.

158. M.E. Conti (2000) Istinto animale, comportamento ed evoluzione. Il Sogno della Farfalla, 9, n. 4, 38-60. ISSN: 1121-0664

159. F. Cubadda, M.E. Conti, L. Campanella (2000) Metalli in tracce nell'ambiente marino. Individuazione di bioindicatori per l'area
mediterranea. Ambiente Risorse Salute, 76, 10-13.

160. C. Zaghi, M.E. Conti (2000) Valutazione dei rischi ambientali delle sostanze e dei preparati chimici pericolosi. Ambiente Risorse Salute, 75, 10-13.

161. M.E. Conti, M. Facchini (2000) Il monitoraggio biologico degli ecosistemi d'acqua dolce nel contesto del D.L. 152/99. In: Proceedings del XIX Congresso Nazionale di Merceologia: La sfida per il terzo millennio: tecnologia, innovazione, qualità e ambiente , Sassari-Alghero, 27-29 settembre, Vol. II 441-448. Sassari: Edizioni Poddighe.

162. F. Botrè, M.E. Conti (2000) Inquinamento indoor: Aspetti sanitari e socioeconomici. In: Proceedings del XIX Congresso Nazionale di Merceologia: La sfida per il terzo millennio: tecnologia, innovazione, qualità e ambiente , Sassari-Alghero, 27-29 settembre Vol. II, 76-85. Sassari: Edizioni Poddighe.

163. M.E. Conti, C. Zaghi (2000) Il problema dell eutrofizzazione nella UE: Attuazione delle politiche d'intervento. In: Proceedings del XIX Congresso Nazionale di Merceologia: La sfida per il terzo millennio: tecnologia, innovazione, qualità e ambiente , Sassari-Alghero, 27-29 settembre, Vol II, 449-456. Sassari: Edizioni Poddighe.

164. G. Cecchetti, M.E. Conti (2000) Monitoraggio biologico della qualità dell'aria: Stato dell'Arte. Ambiente Risorse Salute, n. 73, 25-30.

165. M.E. Conti (1999) Il servizio idrico integrato: stato dell'arte e prospettive. In:

Rapporti Istisan 99/32, Acque di falda: stato dell'arte delle conoscenze in Italia, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 157-162.

166. M.E. Conti (2000) La componente minerale dei mieli prodotti nella Regione Lazio, Apitalia, 12, 29-37.

167. M.E. Conti, L. Ciprotti (1999) Il miele come bioindicatore della contaminazione da metalli pesanti. Sanità Rapporti, vol. 4, n. 1, 75-84.

168. F. Cubadda, M.E. Conti, R. Francisci, L.A. Pasqui (1999) Cadmio, piombo, rame e zinco in varietà di frumento duro e tenero coltivate in Italia, Rivista di Scienza dell'Alimentazione, n. 4, 439-448.

169. M.E. Conti (1999) Microinquinanti inorganici in organismi di un ecosistema marino del Mar Tirreno: indagine preliminare. Proceedings del XI Congresso

Internazionale: Autocontrollo ed Eco Audit: concrete opportunità professionali per il biologo, Ordine dei Biologi, Napoli 15-18 ottobre, Vol. 2, 135-142.

170. G. Ambrosetti, M.E. Conti (1999) Le forme di gestione del servizio idrico integrato. Enti Pubblici, 7/8, 393-398.

171. F. Cubadda, C. Sucapane, M.E. Conti (1998) La qualità delle acque del fiume Tevere: livelli di metalli in tracce. Ambiente Risorse Salute, n. 64,
pp. 21-24.

172. M.E. Conti, F. Cubadda, L. Campanella (1998) Metalli in tracce in componenti di un ecosistema marino incontaminato del Mediterraneo: Indagine preliminare. European Countries Biologists Association, Proceedings del X Congresso Internazionale: Problemi ambientali e sanitari nell'area

Mediterranea, Maratea, 421-429, 10-13 Ottobre 1997.

173. M.E. Conti (1998) Indagine sull'accumulo di metalli pesanti in un indicatore biologico (Ulva lactuca): risultati preliminari. Rassegna Chimica, 4, 390- 394.

174. M.E. Conti, C. Sucapane (1998) La qualità degli ecosistemi marini: biomonitoraggio di metalli pesanti in un sito incontaminato. In: Proceedings del XVIII Congresso Nazionale di Merceologia, Qualità verso il 2000. Contributi dalla Scienza Merceologica , Verona 1-3 ottobre, 143-150. Università degli Studi di Verona SIM, Verona, 1998.

175. M.E. Conti, C. Sucapane (1998) Caratteristiche qualitative dei frumenti teneri in Italia: Indagine preliminare sulla contaminazione da metalli. In: Proceedings del XVIII Congresso Nazionale di Merceologia, Qualità verso il 2000. Contributi dalla Scienza Merceologica , Verona 1-3 ottobre, 135-142. Università degli Studi di Verona SIM , Verona, 1998.

176. M.E. Conti, S. Saccares, F. Cubadda, R. Cavallina, C.A. Tenoglio, L. Ciprotti (1998) Il miele nel Lazio: Indagine sul contenuto in metalli in tracce e radionuclidi, Rivista di Scienza dell'Alimentazione, n.2, 107-119.

177. M.E. Conti, G Ambrosetti (1997) "Il Servizio Idrico Integrato: il sistema tariffario", Rassegna Chimica, 6, 444-451.

178. Corazzi, M.E. Conti, G. G. Usai (1997) "Il problema dei metalli pesanti nei reflui suinicoli utilizzati nelle colture foraggere", Rassegna Chimica, 1, 27- 33.

179. M.E. Conti (1997) "Indagine sui contenuti in arsenico in acque termali", Inquinamento, 9, 62-65.

180. M.E. Conti (1996) "I metalli tossici nella catena alimentare: l'Arsenico",

Proceedings del XVII Convegno Nazionale di Merceologia, Merci e cicli produttivi nel settore agroindustriale alle soglie del 21° secolo, Università di Lecce, 3-5 Ottobre, Vol. I, 769-775. Adriatica Editrice Salentina, Lecce.

181. F. Mazzei, F. Botrè, M.E. Conti, G. Mele (1996) "Biosensori elettrochimici in serie per la determinazione contemporanea e on line di indici di qualità in campioni di vino", Proceedings del XVII Convegno Nazionale di Merceologia, Merci e cicli produttivi nel settore agroindustriale alle soglie del 21° secolo, Università di Lecce, 3-5 Ottobre, Vol. I, 703-707. Adriatica Editrice Salentina, Lecce.

182. M.E. Conti (1996) "Determinazione di As, Cd e Pb in campioni di farina mediante spettroscopia di assorbimento atomico in fornetto di grafite (GFAAS)" Proceedings del XVII Convegno Nazionale di Merceologia, Merci e cicli produttivi nel settore agroindustriale alle soglie del 21° secolo, Università di Lecce, 3-5 Ottobre, Vol. I, 671-676. Adriatica Editrice Salentina, Lecce.

183. F. Botrè, S. Chiaramonti, M.E. Conti, F. Mazzei, L. Corazzi (1996) "Uno studio bioelettrochimico sulla variazione nel tempo del contenuto in acido- L- ascorbico nel frutto Feijoa Sellowiana", Proceedings del XVII Convegno Nazionale di Merceologia, Merci e cicli produttivi nel settore agroindustriale alle soglie del 21° secolo, Università di Lecce, 3-5 Ottobre, Vol. I, 630-635. Adriatica Editrice Salentina, Lecce.

184. M.E. Conti (1996) "Indagine sui metalli pesanti quali indicatori di qualità in campioni di carta per uso alimentare e non", Rassegna Chimica, 1, 43-46.

185. M.E. Conti (1995) I rifiuti da imballaggio: problematiche e prospettive, Economia Pubblica, ed. Franco Angeli, XXV, n. 1, 131-144.

186. M.E. Conti (1995) La raccolta differenziata degli imballaggi primari: situazione

attuale e probabili sviluppi, Rassegna Chimica, n. 1, 13-21.

187. M.E. Conti, R. Jirillo (1994) La evoluzione dei formulati detergenti in

relazione ad alcuni aspetti della politica ambientale, Rassegna Chimica, n. 4/5, 187-191.

188. L. Corazzi, M.E. Conti (1994) Qualità e mercato delle uova da consumo, Proceedings del XVI Convegno Nazionale di Merceologia, Innovazioni tecnologiche, qualità ed ambiente, Università di Pavia, 1-3 Settembre, Vol. 1, 335-342.

189. M.E. Conti, R. Jirillo (1994) "Evoluzione del problema dell'eutrofizzazione in Italia con particolare riferimento alla situazione in Adriatico", Proceedings del XVI Convegno Nazionale di Merceologia, Innovazioni tecnologiche, qualità ed ambiente, Università di Pavia, 1-3 Settembre, Vol. 1, 167-175.

190. L. Corazzi, M.E. Conti, A. Usai (1994) Sulle variazioni del contenuto di alcuni elementi di importanza dietetica nelle singole specie orticole, Rassegna Chimica, 3, 119-124.

191. M. Baldini, M.E. Conti, M.G. Molinaro, P. Stacchini, F. Zanasi (1993) Presenza di piombo in vini italiani: valutazione delle concentrazioni attuali, Rivista di Scienza dell'Alimentazione, 4, 429-434.

192. M. Biniecka, M.E. Conti, L. Gobbi (1994) Le principali caratteristiche che garantiscono la qualità del miele: determinazione dei microelementi in alcuni mieli di provenienza polacca ed italiana, Proceedings del XV Congresso di Merceologia - Libera circolazione e qualità dei prodotti nel mercato unico europeo, Roma, 24-26 settembre, Istituto di Merceologia, Università di Roma, La Sapienza, Vol. 2, 713-721. Edizioni Kappa, Roma.

193. M. Baldini, E. Coni, M.E. Conti, M.G. Molinaro, P. Stacchini (1994) Indagine sui contenuti in cadmio in prodotti ittici e carnei della provincia di Roma, Proceedings del XV Congresso di Merceologia - Libera circolazione e qualità dei prodotti nel mercato unico europeo, Roma, 24-26 settembre 1992, Istituto di Merceologia, Università di Roma, La Sapienza, Vol. 2, 1095-1098. Edizioni Kappa, Roma.

194. M.E. Conti (1994) I metalli tossici negli alimenti: il cadmio, Proceedings del XV Congresso di Merceologia - Libera circolazione e qualità dei prodotti nel mercato unico europeo, Vol. 2, p.1085-1093, Roma, 24-26 settembre 1992, Istituto di Merceologia, Università di Roma, La Sapienza. Edizioni Kappa, Roma.

195. L. Corazzi, M.E. Conti, A. Usai (1992) Caratterizzazione degli infusi di mate, Rassegna Chimica, 5, 227-232.
196. M.E. Conti (1991) Rifiuti Industriali: stato dell'arte ed aspetti normativi, Proceedings del Convegno CSIA-ATI (Comitato Nazionale di Studio per l'Inquinamento Atmosferico) e SIBA (Società Italiana per l'Ingegneria Biotecnologica e la Biotecnologia Ambientale) sul tema: "Alimentazione, Industria Alimentare, Uomo e Ambiente", Genova 7-8 novembre, 1-20.
197. M.E. Conti (1990) Il bacino del Lambro, Seveso, Olona - Nota III: Il patrimonio zootecnico del bacino, Rivista di Merceologia, 29, 3, 243-250.

198. M.E. Conti (1990) Il bacino del Lambro, Seveso, Olona - Nota II: Il consumo di fertilizzanti e pesticidi nel bacino, Rivista di Merceologia, 29,2 , 99-108.

199. M.E. Conti (1989) Il bacino del Lambro, Seveso, Olona - Nota I: Attuale stato dell'utilizzazione dei suoli nel bacino, Rivista di Merceologia, 28 ,2 , 167-174.

200. M. Boccacci Mariani, M.E. Conti (1988) Panorama della produzione e consumo di vino in Europa e nel mondo, Rivista di Merceologia, 27,4 , 257- 266.

201. R. Curini, S. de Angelis Curtis, M.E. Conti, A. Marino, A. Laganà, M.C. Lucchetti,
L. Gobbi,
202. G. D'Ascenzo (1988) Le tecniche termoanalitiche applicate all'analisi dei prodotti caseari: fiordilatte, Proceedings del XIII Congresso Nazionale di Merceologia, Le merci: produzione, distribuzione, consumo ed impatto ambientale. Messina-Taormina, Vol. 1, 10-13 ottobre, 685- 699.

203. M. Boccacci Mariani, G. Fonseca, R. Jirillo, M.E. Conti, E. Iannucci (1988) Rilevamento e dosaggio di microinquinanti in alcuni campioni di latte crudo, Proceedings del XIII Congreso Nazionale di Merceologia. Le merci: produzione,distribuzione, consumo ed impatto ambientale. Messina- Taormina, Vol. 1, 10-13 ottobre, 403-414.

204. G. Fonseca, M.C. Lucchetti, M.E. Conti, E. Iannucci (1988) Indagine sperimentale sulla mozzarella dal punto di vista di mercato e nutrizionale, Proceedings del XIII Congresso Nazionale di Merceologia - Le merci: produzione, distribuzione, consumo ed impatto ambientale. Messina- Taormina, 10-13 ottobre, Vol. 1, 835-840.

205. G. Fonseca, M.C. Lucchetti, M.E. Conti, E. Iannucci (1988) Valutazione sul contenuto di nutrienti ed oligoelementi nel kiwi e babaco, Proceedings del XIII Congresso Nazionale di Merceologia - Le merci: produzione, distribuzione, consumo ed impatto ambientale. Messina-Taormina, 10-13 ottobre, Vol. 1, 823-833.

206. R. Curini, M.C. Lucchetti, A. Marino, M.E. Conti, S. de Angelis Curtis (1987) Le

tecniche termoanalitiche applicate all'analisi di prodotti alimentari: fior di latte, Proceedings del Convegno Nazionale: Controllo ed analisi chimica nel settore alimentare, Udine, 7-9 ottobre, 67-69.

207. R. Cubadda, A. Alessandroni, M.E. Conti, M.C. Lucchetti (1987) "Preliminary study on durum wheat starch using differential scanning calorimetry", National Research Council of Italy (CNR), IPRA, Third Subproject: Conservation and processing of foods, 116, 362- 364, Milano.

208. Alessandroni, M.E. Conti (1986) "La Calorimetria Differenziale nei prodotti da forno", Panificazione e Pasticceria, 9, 22-24.

Comunicazioni a congressi

209. M.E. Conti (2020), The ecosystem complexity and the overlap bioaccumulation index (OBI) as a tool for the management of marine ecosystems. International Symposium for Environmental Science and Engineering Research (ISESER) Manisa, Turkey, July 04-05, 2020. Abstract Book of ISESER 2020 (O 42).

210. M.L. Astolfi, G. Vitiello, M. Ristorini, M.A. Frezzini, L. Massimi,E. Marconi, M. Papi, M. Marcolini, G. Mele, S. Canepari, M.E. Conti, 2020. Le api e i prodotti dell'alveare come bioindicatori della qualità dell'aria PM2020-IX Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico (PM2020, https://pm2020.it/), 14- 16/10/2020, Hotel Tiziano e dei Congressi, Lecce.

211. Giorgi, Adonis, Minaverry, Clara; Vilches, C.; Rodriguez Morcelle, M.; Conti, Marcelo Enrique (2020), - Riparian Ecosystem Services (RES). A Conceptual Framework to Lujan River Basin p. 57. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2nd LATIN AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGYWATER AND
ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 9-12 febbraio 2020. ISSN 2706-
3674 (digital proceedings) Editors: Marko Ban Neven. Dui Daniel. Rolph Schneider.

Zvonimir Guzovi . Publisher: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb.

212. Ristorini, Martina; Massimi, Lorenzo; Simonetti, Giulia; Frezzini, Maria Agostina; Canepari, Silvia; Conti, Marcelo Enrique; Mele, Giustino (2019).
Air quality biomonitoring in an urban and industrial hot-spot of Central Italy / (Paper discussed at the Conference CEMEPE 2019 and SECOTOX - 7th International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics, Mykonos, Greece, 19-24 May 2019.

213. Eusepi G., Conti M.E., Simone C. (2018) An environmental constitution vs an environmental policy , paper presented at 55th Conference of the Public Choice Society 2018, section: Constitutional Design , Francis Marion Hotel, Charleston, SC (USA), March 1-3 (accepted abstract). Convegno associato alla rivista di fascia A, Public Choice. https://publicchoicesociety.org/conference/2018.

214. L. Massimi, C. Perrino, M.E. Conti, S. Canepari (2018) Innovative and low-cost monitoring techniques for evaluating the spatial variability of PM components: validation and field application. 5th Working & Indoor Aerosols Conference 18-20 April 2018 - Cassino, Italy (accepted abstract).

215. L. Massimi, C. Perrino, M.E. Conti, S. Canepari (2018) Innovative and low-cost monitoring techniques for evaluating the spatial variability of PM components: validation and field application. SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting in Rome, 13-17 May 2018 (accepted abstract).

216. Conti M.E., Simone C., Il delitto ambientale tra sviluppo sostenibile e responsabilità d impresa , XXVIII Convegno Annuale dell AISME (Accademia Italiana di Scienze Merceologiche), 2018, Università degli Studi di Firenze, 21- 23 febbraio (abstract)

217. M.E. Conti, F. Botrè (2012) Teaching Chemistry in a non-chemical college. 22nd International Conference on Chemistry Education and 11th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education, 15-20 July 2012, Rome, Italy. Abstract book, p. 23 (M.E. Conti, keynote speaker 7)

218. M.E. Conti, J. Stripeikis, G. Mele, F. Botrè, M.B. Tudino (2012) Trace metals intake of Nacella (P) magellanica from the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego (Patagonia, Argentina). Congresso Argentina Ambiental 2012, Mar del Plata, 28 maggio 1 giugno 2012. Poster.

219. M. Mecozzi, M. Pietroletti, M. Scarpiniti, R. Acquistucci, M.E. Conti (2010). Studio spettroscopico dei meccanismi di formazione e sviluppo colore in macroaggregati di sostanza organica marina. Poster in: I Giornata della Geochimica Ambientale. Roma, 22.11.2010, ROMA: Societa Geochimica Italiana.

220. L. Campanella, M.E. Conti (2009) Principal component analysis applied to biomonitoring studies: a case study. Conferenza Statistical Methods for the analysis of large data-sets, Società Italiana di Statistica, University G. d'Annunzio - Chieti-Pescara September 23, 2009 September 25, 2009.
Short paper, 297-300.
221. Bocca, A. Alimonti, M.E. Conti, F. Botrè, A. Pino (2009) Platinum group elements in lichens from Tierra del Fuego: method development and baseline composition. BM09089, Abstracts, 5th International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Air Pollution, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, 20-24 September.

222. M.E. Conti, M.G. Finoia, B. Bocca, M.B. Tudino, A. Pino, A. Alimonti (2009) Lichen Usnea barbata transplants as biomonitor of airborne elements deposition in the Tierra del Fuego province (Patagonia, Argentina). BM09091,

Abstracts, 5th International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Air Pollution, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, 20-24 September.

223. M.E. Conti (2009) Conferenza sulla sicurezza alimentare ed il rischio chimico negli alimenti. In: E' tutto un mangia mangia... quando, quanto, quale cibo
- Sapienza, Università di Roma,. 5 marzo 2009. Iniziative
Culturali e Sociali proposte dagli Studenti. (Pubblicato on line: www.archimedeambiente.it/

224. Alimonti, B. Bocca, F. Botrè, M.E. Conti, A. Pino (2008) Reference values and affecting variables for blood cobalt in the general population. 35th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Gdansk, 22-26 June 2008 Abstracts book, p. 121, P- 11 A.

225. G. Cecchetti, M. Iacobucci, M.E. Conti (2007) Controllo dell esposizione alla formaldeide in relazione alla nuova classificazione IARC. X Congresso Nazionale di Chimica dell Ambiente e dei Beni Culturali, Conoscenza e Creatività, Acaya, Lecce, 11 - 15 giugno 2007, Sezione Poster (QP12).

226. Minoia, B. Bocca, A. Ronchi, G. Forte, A. Pino, E. Finozzi, G. Catenacci, M. E. Conti, A. Alimonti (2007) Reference Values of 47 Trace Elements in Whole Blood, Serum and Urine by DRC-ICP-MS and SF-ICP-MS in Two Italian Population Groups from Lombardia and Lazio Regions. Seventh International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational &
Environmental Health, 10-12 September 2007, Beijing, China, Abstracts, 2007.

227. M.E. Conti, A. Alimonti (2007) Environmental exposure to platinum-group metals released by automotive catalytic converters: the case of urban youngsters of the city of Rome. 4th International Conference of Children s

Health and the Environment, Vienna, Austria, 10-12 June 2007, Medycyna Srodowiskowa, 10, 1, Suppl. 1, Abstracts, 37, 2007.

228. A. Pino, B. Bocca, F. Botrè, A. Alimonti, M.E. Conti (2007) Lichen as potential biomonitor of atmospheric metal deposition in uncontaminated area. 3rd International Federation of European Societies on Trace Elements and Minerals (FESTEM), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, May 16-19, Química Clínica, Abstract, 26 S1, 46, 2007.

229. B. Bocca, M.E. Conti, G. Forte, A. Pino, D. Mattei, A. Alimonti (2006) Clean, multi-sample and easy digestion procedures for biological and environmental analysis of trace elements: examples on whole blood, biopsies and lichens. Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Sample Handling for Environmental and Biological Analysis, Zaragoza, Spain, October 18-20, Abstract, 2006.

230. G. Cecchetti, M.E. Conti (2004) The biomonitoring approach and the statistical support of analytical data. Poster presentato al VIII° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica dell Ambiente e dei Beni Culturali, Colle di Val d Elsa, Siena, 8-11 Giugno 2004.

231. M.E. Conti, M. Tudino, J. Stripeikis, G. Mangani, G. Cecchetti (2003) Heavy metals accumulation in the lichen Evernia Prunastri transplanted at urban, rural and industrial sites in Central Italy. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution, 203.1-
203.11 September 21-25, Bled, Slovenia. J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

232. E. Podestà, F. Botrè, M.E. Conti; F. Mazzei (2000) Potencialidad de biosensores enzimàticos de inhibiciòn como mètodos alternativos a los test de toxicidad animal, XX Jornadas Interdisciplinarias de Toxicologia. Buenos Aires (Argentina), 18-20 Settembre 2000. Abstract book pag. 60.

233. M.E. Conti, M. Facchini, F. Botrè (2000) Indicadores biológicos para la evaluación de metales pesados en un ecosistema marino del

Mediterraneo . XX Jornadas Interdisciplinarias de Toxicología Buenos Aires (Argentina), 18-20 Settembre 2000. Abstract book page. 59.

234. G. Cecchetti, M.E. Conti (2002) Indicatori biologici e chimici nella Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale. Comunicazione Convegno CIPLA (Centro Interuniversitario per l ambiente-Università degli Studi di Perugia
L.U.I.S.S. Roma Università di Urbino), "Tematiche ambientali emergenti", Aula Magna, Facoltà di Agraria, Università degli Studi di Perugia, 1 marzo 2002. Libro dei riassunti. C.I.P.L.A. Perugia, 1 Marzo 2002

235. M.E. Conti, C. Sucapane, R. Francisci, L.A. Pasqui (1998) Monitoring of copper and zinc levels in soft Italian wheat. Convegno Milano Prevenzione, Nutrizione Genetica Ambiente, dal bambino all'adulto. XXX Riunione generale della Società Italiana di Nutrizione Umana (SINU), abstract book,
p. 378, Milano, 26-29 novembre.

236. M.E. Conti (1998) Il servizio idrico integrato: stato dell'arte e prospettive. Workshop: La contaminazione microbiologica degli ambienti idrici e le fonti di contaminazione: aspetti igienico-sanitari e metodologici. Riassunti, p. 12, 26- 27 ottobre 1998, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma.

237. M.E. Conti (1998) Microinquinanti inorganici in organismi di un ecosistema marino del Mar Tirreno: indagine preliminare. XI Congresso Internazionale: Autocontrollo ed Eco Audit: concrete opportunità professionali per il biologo, abstract book B8, Ordine dei Biologi Napoli 15- 18 ottobre.

238. M.E. Conti, C. Sucapane, L.A. Pasqui (1998) Indagine preliminare sulla

presenza di rame nei frumenti teneri italiani. 2° Convegno Associazione Italiana di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Cereali (AISTEC): Nuovi orientamenti nella produzione di alimenti a base di cereali: materie prime, processi e aspetti nutrizionali, 25-26 giugno. Abstract, p. 44, Roma, Istituto Nazionale della Nutrizione.
239. E. Quattrucci, M.E. Conti, Carcea M., Sucapane C., Francisci R. (1998) Monitoring of lead and cadmium levels in Italian wheat. In: Cereal Science
- Its Contribution to Health and Well Being, 16th ICC Conference 1998, May 9-12, Vienna, Austria, Abstract book, p.121.

240. M.E. Conti, F. Cubadda, L. Campanella (1997) "Metalli in tracce in componenti di un ecosistema marino incontaminato del Mediterraneo: Indagine preliminare. European Countries Biologists Association, Proceedings del X Congresso Internazionale: Problemi ambientali e sanitari nell'area Mediterranea, Maratea. Abstract, p. 75, 10-13 Ottobre.

241. M. Biniecka, M.E. Conti, P. Campana (1995) "Propolis (Bee Glue)- Pharmacological Qualities and properties; Microelements determination", Proceedings of 10th IGWT Symposium, ed. Peking University Press, Beijing, Renmin University of China, Sept. 4-8, abstract, p. 507.

Contributi culturali nel campo della scienza

242. M.E. Conti (2007) Il poliestere è riciclabile? ULISSE - Nella rete della scienza, SISSA, Trieste. (articolo divulgativo)

243. M.E. Conti (2006) Claudia E. Moreno, La vita e i suoi numeri - Metodi di Misura della biodiversità A cura di Mario Zunino. Bonanno Editore, Acireale. Recensione libro. n. 108 marzo/aprile. (pp. 60-61). Ambiente Risorse Salute

244. M.E. Conti (2006) La comunicación de la ciencia y los países del tercer mundo. Proceedings del XXXVI Congreso Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana (IILI), 2006. Palabras e ideas, idas y vueltas. Las relaciones culturales y lingüisticas entre Europa y América Latina, Palazzo Ducale, Génova, 26 Junio 1 Julio 2006.

245. M.E. Conti (2005) Batteri contro l inquinamento. ULISSE - Nella rete della scienza, SISSA, Trieste. (http://ulisse.sissa.it/SingleQuestionAnswerProfile.jsp?questionCod=1142294 1) (articolo divulgativo)

246. M.E. Conti (2004) Le catene trofiche ed il bioaccumulo di composti tossici. ULISSE
- Nella rete della scienza, SISSA, Trieste. (articolo divulgativo) (http://ulisse.sissa.it/SingleQuestionAnswerProfile.jsp?questionCod=99024998)

247. M.E. Conti (2004) Calcoli per l impatto ambientale. ULISSE - Nella rete della scienza, SISSA, Trieste. (articolo divulgativo) (http://ulisse.sissa.it/SingleQuestionAnswerProfile.jsp?questionCod=6809 2022).

Reviewer of the following international scientific journals

1. Chemosphere, Elsevier [Appointed: Outstanding reviewer April 2017]

2. Environmental Research, Food Technology and Biotechnology,
3. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis,
4. Environmental Pollution, Elsevier [Appointed: Recognized reviewer April 2016]
5. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,
6. BMC Public Health,
7. International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP),
8. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM),
9. International Journal of Environment and Health (IJEnvH)
10. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,
11. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning,
12. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,
13. Chemistry and Ecology,
14. Functional Plant Biology,
15. International Journal of Ecodynamics,
16. Acta Zoologica Sinica,
17. Northeastern Naturalist,
18. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry,
19. Environmental Chemistry,
20. The Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier [Appointed: Outstanding reviewer September
21. 2016; February
22. 2018]
23. Journal of Hazardous Materials,
24. World Journal of Chemistry,
25. Chemistry Central Journal, from January 2019: BMC Chemistry
26. Food Chemistry, Elsevier [Appointed: Recognized reviewer, February 2018]
27. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis,
28. Journal of Apicultural Research,
29. Advances in Environmental Biology,
30. Food and Chemical Toxicology,
31. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health,
32. Atmospheric Environment,
33. Water Research,
34. Biological Trace Elements Research,
35. Analytical Letters,
36. Dose-Response,
37. Journal of Environmental and Public Health,
38. Talanta, Elsevier [Appointed Recognized reviewer, June 2018]
39. Ecotoxicology,

40. Environmental Geochemistry and Health,
41. Biogeosciences,
42. Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents,
43. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
44. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health,
45. Revista de Biología Tropical RBT,
46. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Elsevier,
47. Food & Function, Royal Society of Chemistry,
48. Ecological Indicators, Elsevier, [Appointed: Outstanding reviewer November 2016]
49. Land Degradation & Development, Wiley.

50. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press,
51. Microscopy and Microanalysis, Cambridge University Press,
52. Land Use Policy, Elsevier. [Appointed: Outstanding reviewer August 2017]
53. Journal of Business Research, Elsevier [Appointed: Outstanding reviewer - August 2018]
54. Global Ecology and Biogeography, Wiley [IF: 5.958]
55. Energy Ecology Environment, Springer Nature.
56. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society.
57. Food Bioscience, Elsevier.
58. Kybernetes, Emerald.
59. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences.
60. Sustainability, MDPI Publishers.
61. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology.
62. Journal of Applied Phycology
63. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Springer
64. Standards, MDPI Publishers.
65. Atmospheric Pollution Research

Organisation of or participation as a speaker at national and international scientific conferences

Speaker at the conference: Climate Change: from policies to open problems, sponsored by Fidapa BPW Italy, Sapienza University of Rome, Municipality of Massafra (TA), and Red de Cientificos Argentinos en Italia (RCAI), Massafra, 13 April 2023.
Member of the Scientific Committee & keynote speaker al 13° Forum International Residuos Solidos (FIRS) - Residuos solidos e mudancas climaticas, organizzato dall Istituto Venturi, San Paolo, Parque Villa Lobos, Brasile, title of the report: Reflecting on hypertrophic plastic waste. Concerns and levers, Simone C., Conti M.E., 1-3 giugno 2022. https://www.institutoventuri.org.br/pt/component/content/article/11- noticias/216-instituto-venturi-promove-o-13-forum-internacional-de-residuos- solidos.html

Member of the Scientific Committee: The 11th International Forum on solid waste (FIRS), 8-10 June 2020, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Il Magnifico Rettore Eugenio Gaudio, su richiesta del Prof. Conti, ha concesso il Patrocinio della Sapienza per
la conferenza in oggetto. http://www.firs.institutoventuri.org/en/ Rimandato al
23 Settembre 2020.

Member of the Scientific Committee: The 6th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2020) August 23rd - 26th, 2020, Tokyo, Japan.

Member of the Scientific Committee: Sustainable Development and Planning 2020, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning 9 11th September 2020. Bilbao, Spain.

Participation in the International Conference: 2nd Latino American Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES 2020) Buenos Aires, Argentina 9-12 February. Titolo della presentazione: Riparian Ecosystem Services (RES). A Conceptual framework to Lujan River Basin (A. Giorgi, M.E. Conti et al.)

Keynote Speaker (Conferenza Plenaria) e Member of the Scientific Committee del Congreso Argentina Ambiental 2019 (AA2019). IV Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Ambiental, Florencio Varela, Argentina 2 - 5 Dicembre 2019. Titolo della conferenza: La complejidad ecosistémica como problema perverso. El overlap bioaccumulation index (OBI) como instrumento de gestiòn de los ecosistemas marinos.

Keynote Speaker in the Conference: Climate Justice. The Law in Environmental Issues, 27.11.2019, Sala delle Lauree, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Sapienza, Università di Roma.

R&D Research Conference (2019). Proponente e co-chair della track Emerging landscapes. New skills, new technologies and new organizational challenges in the 4.0 age , Paris, 18-21 giugno 2019, Ecole Polytechnique, https://portail.polytechnique.edu/rdmanagement2019/fr. Paper presentation:
«Tourism management in the era 4.0: Reliability of Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis and Viable System Approach».

Invited speaker at the Conference A plastic SEA" Ecosystem, environment, economy and health. Everything is at risk (2019). Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale, V.le XXIV Maggio 9, 22 febbraio 2019, Sapienza, Universitá di Roma, Polo di Latina. Working papers presentati:
1. M.E. Conti, C. Simone: Ambiente, salute e microplastiche: condannati ad una (de)crescita (in)felice?
2. C. Simone, M. E. Conti (2019) Le microplastiche: sfide di un


Member of the Scientific Committee di GLOSEARCH 2018, Global Conference on Business, Hospitality and Tourism Research, October 2-5, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam). http://glosearch.org/chair-scientific-committee. Dal 30-01-2018.

Partecipazione al 7th Latin American and European Meeting on Organizations Studies (LAEMOS-egos 2018), Organizing for Resilience: Scholarship in Unsettled Times , Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 21 24, 2018. Autori e titolo del paper presentato:
Simone C., Riolli L., La Sala A., Conti M.E., "Tension among technological innovation and norms: resilience as a coupling and decoupling process" Track- subtheme 21. Il Convegno LAEMOS è stato organizzato dalla rivista di fascia A "Organization Studies", www.laemos2018.com/sub- themes.

Member of the Scientific Committee della 4th Conferenza Internazionale: Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2018), July 17th-21st, 2018, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.

Invited speaker nel ciclo di seminari Emergenze 2017: Emergenze, complessità e dintorni, Coordinatore Scientifico: Prof. Cristina Simone, curato dalla Biblioteca "M. Costa" dell'Università Sapienza, sede di Latina; Titolo del Seminario: Smart cities e sviluppo sostenibile, 12 maggio 2017.

Co-relatore (con Simone C.) nella Conferenza Internazionale: International Management and Business Conference, 11-12 November (2016). Titolo della presentazione: Promoting organisational development in the knowledge economy: The T-shaped capacities, University of Economics, Prague, Oeconomica Publishing House Prague 2017 (paper in Proceedings di convegno), pp. 47-59, Chair: R. Brunet-Thornton. ISBN 978-80-

245-2215-9. DOI

Member of the Scientific Committee Internazionale of the Congreso Argentina Ambiental 2015 (AA 2015), che si è svolto a Córdoba (Argentina) nel periodo 8- 12 giugno 2015, organizzato dalla Sociedad Argentina de Ciencia y Tecnologia (SACyTA) della quale il Prof. Conti is an Effettive Member

Invited speaker at the Conference 'Environmental Disaster in the Amazon of Ecuador' (2014). Facoltà Ingegneria Civile e Industriale, 30 giugno 2014. Sapienza, Università di Roma. Titolo della relazione: Le normative ambientali a confronto (IPPC).

Member of the Scientific Committee della 3rd International Conference: Waters in Sensitive & Protected Areas, European Water Association (EWA), 13- 15 June 2013, Zagreb, Croatia.

Keynote speaker at the 22nd International Conference on Chemistry Education and the 11th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education, 15-20 July 2012, Rome, Italy.

Invited speaker at the Universidad de San Martin (UNSAM) (Buenos Aires, Argentina) dal Instituto de Investigacion e Ingenieria Ambiental (3IA), dove ha tenuto una conferenza dal titolo: 'Monitoreo Ambiental en los ecosistemas no contaminados y en la industria pesada: diseño experimental y casos de estudio'. Buenos Aires, 08.06.2012.

Member of the Scientific Committee del I Congreso Internacional Argentina y Ambiente 2012 (AA2012), 28 maggio 1 giugno 2012, Mar del Plata, Argentina.

Invited speaker at the II Asbestos Study Day: Esposizione all'amianto, un

problema ancora aperto: Le nuove frontiere del diritto penale e i nuovi orizzonti terapeutici, International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES), Venezia, S. Elena, 3 aprile 2012.

Member of the Scientific Committee della International Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, October 18- 20, 2011.

Member of the Scientific Committee della International Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, October 18- 21, 2010.

Member of the Scientific Committee della International Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, October 19- 22, 2009.

Invited speaker al World Venice Forum 2009, Accademia Internazionale di Scienze Ambientali (IAES, Venezia) - Per una Corte Penale Internazionale dell'Ambiente e una corte penale europea dell'ambiente, 2-3 ottobre, Palazzo Ducale, Venezia, 2009.

Invited speaker dalla Asamblea Ciudadana Ambiental de Gualeguaychú a dissertare sul tema: Impactos de Fábricas de Pasta de Celulosa, 14 septiembre 2009, Círculo Italiano, Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, Argentina.

Relatore e docente invitato al VIII° Curso Intensivo de Lucha Contra el Tráfico Ilícito de Drogas. Primer taller internacional de investigación sobre delitos complejos. Fiscalía General de Tucumán. Ministerio Público Fiscal de la Nación, 14-18 Septiembre 2009, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.

Invited speaker al Parlamento Europeo: Forum Europeo, 'La Direttiva quadro

sull'acqua e l'obiettivo 2015: Ruolo dei ricercatori e delle elevate professionalità', Bruxelles, 24 febbraio 2009.

Member of the Scientific Committee della International Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, October 20-23, 2008.

Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of the 7th International Conference on "Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions including Oil and Chemical Spill Studies", The New Forest, UK, 19-21 May 2008, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK.

Invited speaker alla Conferenza Internazionale, 'Minimizaciòn de las fuentes de mercurio con acciones de intervenciòn en la comunidad para la protecciòn de la salud en la Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia y Perù', de la Asociaciòn Argentina de Medicos por el Medio Ambiente, 30.11.2008 al 05.12.2008. El Dr. Conti ha tenuto due conferenze (1 e 2 dicembre 2008) sul tema: 'Biomarcadores para la evaluaciòn de niveles de metales en fluidos biològicos'.

Member of the Scientific Committee della Conferenza Internazionale: Approcci Sostenibili per la gestione e la Bonifica di Mega Siti: Nuove Prospettive. Agenzia per la protezione dell'ambiente e per i servizi tecnici (APAT) e Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Venezia, Centro Congressi San Servolo, 30 Novembre 2007.
Invited speaker alla '4th International Conference on Children's Health and the Environment, Reducing environmental risks for our children'. Vienna, 10-12 June 2007.

Chairman of the International Web-Satellite Conference of the International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES): Climate Change in the 21st

Century, Future Prospects of the "Health" of our Planet and Mankind, May 19 2007, Venice, Italy.

Co-Presidente Vicario della Conferenza THE RAVAGE OF THE PLANET 2006, First International Conference on Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards, 12-14 December, Bariloche, Argentina (Honorary President: Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Peace Nobel Prize).

Member del International Scientific Advisory Committee of the 6th International Conference on"Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions including Oil and Chemical Spill Studies 2006", Rhodes, Greece, 5-7 June 2006, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK.

Member del International Scientific Advisory Committee of the 2nd International Conference on "Monitoring, Simulation, Management and Remediation of the Geological Environment and Landscape Evolution 2006", Rhodes, Greece, 6-8 June 2006", Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK.

Invited speaker to the European Parliament at the International Conference:
Paper For the World
Problems for the Region! Sustainable pulp production in Latin America or just pulp fiction?, 16 May 2007, The Greens-EFA, Heinrich Böll Foundation, European Parliament, Brussels (Proceedings of the Conference pubblicati dalla Heinrich Böll Foundation), 2007.

Invited speaker by UE Commission (TAIEX Office) at the conference on environmental crimes (Seminar for Prosecutors on Certain Aspects of the Acquis in the area of Criminal Law Environmental Crime), 2-4 Ottobre 2002, Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia.

He collaborated with the European Science Foundation on a research project on the Mediterranean for the study of the problem of eutrophication and mucilage (1995).

He collaborated with the Scientific Committee of Federchimica to draft monographs of scientific interest on environmental topics (1989-1993).

Direction or participation in the activities of a research group characterised by collaborations at national and international levels.

Presidenza del Consiglio di Ministri Scuola Nazionale dell Amministrazione (SNA). Participation in the research group Laboratory for Sustainable Development (Scientific Director: Prof. Enrico Giovannini). Assignment of support for research in the field of Public Administration and Design and implementation of policies for sustainable development (SNA-0003926-P-04- 05-2020)

Member of the Organisational Processes and Practices Research Group (OPPRG), School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London, ref. Prof. Giuliano Maielli (g.maielli@qmul.ac.uk) (2018 in corso)

Co-organiser and participation in the workshop on Emerging landscapes (New jobs, new skills, new technologies and new organizational challenges in the Industry 4.0 revolution (2018). Queen Mary University, School of Business and Management, London (UK), 7th November 2018. [Organizzazione: Simone C., Maielli G., Conti M.E.] Papers presentati:

1. Simone, Cristina; Maielli, Giuliano; Riolli Laura; Conti Marcelo Enrique. "Industry 4.0 and its decentralized technologies: organisational economies (and diseconomies) in the new emerging landscape .
2. Simone, Cristina; Conti, Marcelo Enrique; Maielli, Giuliano; Riolli, Laura. Individual and organizational capabilities endowment for the Industry 4.0 landscape: the T-shaped model .

Director and scientific director since 2003 of the research group Sapienza Department of Management and the Department of Inorganic, Analytical and Quimico Physics of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. The central theme over the years has been studying the environmental impact of the Beagle Channel (Patagonia), a collaboration that has produced several scientific publications and reports at international conferences.

Appointed Member of the 'World Health Organization (WHO) drafting group' nel 'Meeting of the peer review working group on mercury in children', WHO, 9 November 2007, WHO, Bonn, Germany. I lavori svolti nei vari incontri successivi hanno prodotto il volume WHO- 'Children's Exposure to Mercury compounds' al quale il Dr Conti ha contribuito in qualità di esperto. Disponibile al sito: https://www.who.int/ceh/publications/children_exposure/en/
(Dall 11/2007 10/2010)

Member of the Multidisciplinary Group per lo studio delle relazioni tra contaminazione ambientale esposizione effetti sulla salute e per definire un sistema di sorveglianza su ambiente e salute nelle aree a rischio della Sicilia. Gruppo coordinato dall'Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica del CNR in collaborazione con la Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (Centro Ambiente e Salute, Roma) e l Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Dipartimento Ambiente e Connessa Prevenzione Primaria). (Dall 02/2008 06/2008)

Member of the Drafting Group (Lead & Cadmium) del 'Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) (Associate alla Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, WHO-OMS) VI, 2007-2008 (Dall 04/2007 09/2008)

Member of the 'World Health Organization (WHO) drafting group' nel 'Workshop on reducing health risks from mercury exposures in the European Region of the WHO', World Health Organization, 7-8 November 2007, Bonn, Germany. (11/2007)

Position of Coordinator of a group of experts:
-Prof. Claudio Botrè, gold medal for the merit of public health
-Prof. Francesco Botrè, Director of the anti-doping laboratory, Rome and Prof. Associate, University of Lausanne
Dr Alessandro Alimonti, Director of Research, Istituto Superiore di Sanità Assignment received by the Nobel Peace Prize (Adolfo Pérez Esquivel) for the elaboration of a scientific report 'Consultancy Report on Pulp Mills' deposited in the Hague tribunal in the defence memorial of Argentina and delivered to the Presidents of Uruguay and Argentina as a contribution to the solution of the international legal dispute on the subject the environmental impact of the pulp mega-industry (BOTNIA-UPM Finland) in Uruguay. (MEMORIAL REPUBLICA ARGENTINA DELIVERED TO THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE (IN PARTICULAR PAGES 152 AND 213 (in yellow) and ANNEX IV- pp. 222-248).

(Dall 02/2006 12/2006)

Appointed Scientific Expert by the 'International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES, Venice) (2010) for the realisation of the projects of the International Environmental Criminal Court (IECC) and the European Environmental Criminal Court (EECC) at international and EU institutions, July 2010.
I progetti sono stati presentati al Committee on the Environment, Public Health and

Food Safety (Commissione ENVI) del Parlamento Europeo (presieduta dal Presidente On. Jo Leinen) il 13-14 luglio 2010, dal Presidente IAES Prof. A. Abrami, e dal Vicepresidente IAES Prof. Marcelo E. Conti. Titolo della presentazione del Prof. Conti alla Commissione ENVI del Parlamento Europeo: Scientific aspects of the projects and the need for a multi- disciplinary and inter-disciplinary synergism; in: Presentation of a proposal for an International or European Environmental Criminal Court [ENVI/7/03279, 14 luglio 2010, Brussels].

Responsibility for studies and scientific research entrusted by qualified public and private institutions

Scientific responsibility of Framework Agreements and International Executive Protocols of Framework Agreements with Sapienza, University of Rome, and other foreign universities

Scientific Responsible for the Executive Protocol of the Sapienza Framework Agreement the University of Rome, Department of Management (Department Council resolution of 30.5.2018) and Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, signed on 9/11/2011 (Res.CS. 3621/2011) and renewed on 16/08/2017 (Res.CS. 7762/2017)
Scientific Director: Prof. M.E. Conti.

[2022] Project Winner [Prot. AI2621MBAZ] under the Sapienza International Agreements Call, University of Rome (A.F. 2021), issued with D.R. 3247/2021. «The Monitoring Breakdown Structure (MBS) as a management model of ecosystem complexity: elementary monitoring through the use of environmental impact indicators in Tierra del Fuego (Patagonia)
(Amount financed 5000 / 2021-2023)

Prof. Marcelo Enrique Conti (PI) WP managers of the project: Prof. Mabel Beatriz Tudino (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Prof. Cristina Simone (Department of Management, Sapienza).

[Prof. Conti won n. Three research grants for the 2013, 2015 and 2018 projects] 2018
Scientific Director of the Executive Protocol of the Framework Agreement the Sapienza
University of Rome, Department of Management (Department Council resolution of 30.5.2018) and Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, stipulated on 9/11/2011 (Res.CS. 3621/2011) and renewed on 16/08/2017 (Res.CS. 7762/2017) Scientific Director: Prof. M.E. Conti.
Main topics of the agreement: Biological monitoring of the Beagle Channel; sustainable development, marine ecosystems, complexity theory; environmental and economic impact.

Project Winner [Prot. AI26182PJ7] under the Call for Agreements
Internazionali Sapienza, University of Rome (A.F. 2018), issued with D.R. 2032/2018.
«Environmental management in a comparative Mercosur-EU perspective lessons learned from biological monitoring of Patagonia's marine ecosystems» (Funded amount 5000 / 2019-2020)

Prof. Marcelo Enrique Conti (PI) WP managers of the project: Prof. Mabel Beatriz Tudino (Universidad de Buenos Aires) Prof. Cristina Simone (Department of Management, Sapienza)

Scientific Director of the Executive Protocol of the Sapienza Framework Agreement the University of Rome, Department of Management and the Universidad de Lujàn, Buenos Aires (Argentina), Instituto de Ecologìa y Dessarrolo Sustentable (INEDES), in

implementation of the Framework Agreement, signed on 21.05.2012 and renewed on 19/11/2015, and signed on 11 September 2018 Scientific Director: Prof. M.E. Conti.
The main themes of the agreement are biological monitoring, sustainable development, ecosystem services, and environmental and economic impact.


Promoter and Organizer of the Framework Cooperation Agreement between the University of Rome, Sapienza and Holy Names University (Oakland, California USA) (Agreement signed on 11.02.2009; prot. n. 0030204, 27.05.2009).

Scientific responsibility or participation in national and international research projects, eligible for funding based on calls for peer review

Funded Projects as a Principal Investigator (PI)


Progetto di Ricerca Grande 2018 (terzo progetto maggiormente finanziato in Sapienza) (Internazionale)

EMERGING LANDSCAPES: New jobs, new skills, new technologies and new organizational challenges in the Industry 4.0 revolution.

(Importo finanziato 37.000,00 per la ricerca e 23.800,00 per un assegno di ricerca) (36 mesi)


Progetto di Ricerca Grande 2015 (Internazionale)

Why do we need a European constitution? From the environmental policy and its complexity to the global monitoring of reference ecosystems.

(Importo finanziato 20.000,00 per la ricerca e 23.450,00 per un assegno di ricerca) (36 mesi)


Progetto Sapienza di Ricerca Internazionale:
Biomonitori della qualità ambientale a livello ecosistemico ed alimentare. La protezione ambientale e le politiche della UE, aspetti tecnici e finanziari (prot. C26A14MZRE).

(Importo finanziato 5.000,00 per la ricerca) (18 mesi)


Progetto Sapienza di Ricerca Internazionale in collaborazione con la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) e la Universidad del Litoral, Santa Fe (Argentina):

Monitoraggio degli ecosistemi marini ed aerei, qualità e protezione ambientale. La policy ambientale delle direttive IPPC [Integrated Prevention Pollution Control - 2008/1/EC] e IED [Industrial Emission Directive 2010/75/EC] (prot. C26A13984B). Progetto vincitore di assegno di Ricerca.

(Importo finanziato 12.000,00 per la ricerca e 22.946,00 per un assegno di ricerca) (18 mesi)


Sapienza International Research Project between Roma Sapienza University, Dept. of Management and Universidad de Buenos Aires, Departamento de Quimica Inorganica, Analitica y Quimica Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Marine (Beagle Channel) and atmospheric biological monitoring using lichens, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. (prot. C26F09TP2K)

(Importo finanziato 2.795,00 per la ricerca) (12 mesi)


Progetto di Ricerca finanziato dal Ministero della Salute [300.000,00 euro] PROBE: Programma per il Biomonitoraggio dell'esposizione della popolazione generale, coordinato dall'Istituto Superiore di Sanità e finanziato dal Ministero della Salute (Dipartimento della Prevenzione e Comunicazione).
Responsabile Scientifico PI - Unità Operativa 4 [Sapienza, SPES Centro Ricerca Studi e Sviluppo]
(Importo finanziato 15.000,00 per la ricerca) (36 mesi)

Progetto di Ricerca Nazionale Università Roma Sapienza Evoluzione dell'impatto ambientale in ecosistemi di riferimento (prot. C26F08CSN5).

(Amount financed 1712,00 per la ricerca) (12 mesi)


Progetto di Ricerca Nazionale Università Roma Sapienza Valutazione di impatto ambientale: livelli basali e biomonitori d'impatto (prot.

Project funded Funded project (12mesi)


Progetto di Ricerca Nazionale Università Roma Sapienza -Monitoraggio biologico degli ecosistemi (prot.C26F063AL8). Funded Project (12mesi)


Progetto di Ricerca Nazionale Università Roma
Sapienza Il Monitoraggio biologico degli ecosistemi marini (prot. C26F041215). Funded Project (12mesi)


Progetto di Ricerca Nazionale Università Roma Sapienza Qualità degli ecosistemi e indicatori
biologici (prot. C26F032217). Funded Project (12mesi)


Progetto di Ricerca Nazionale Università Roma
Sapienza Ripristino Ambientale e Valutazione d'Impatto: metodiche di controllo e determinazione dei livelli basali (prot. C26F028795).
Funded Project (12mesi)


Progetto di Ricerca Nazionale Università Roma
Sapienza Aspetti merceologici delle risorse ambientali. Il monitoraggio biologico della qualità ambientale (prot. C26F017793).
Funded Project (12mesi)

Progetti nazionali e internazionali finanziati come Componente del gruppo di ricerca


Partecipazione al Funded Project of the Instituto de Ecologia y Desarrollo Sustentable (INEDES CONICET (2019-2020) Conservación, valoración y protección jurídica ambiental de los servicios ecosistémicos de las riberas del río Luján Universidad Nacional de Luján, Buenos Aires, Argentina. P.I.: Prof. Adonis Giorgi; EXP- LUJ: 0001603/2017 27.06.2019.
Progetto n. 5 finanziato (100.000,00 ARS)


Progetto Medie Attrezzature Scientifiche (PI: Prof. Cecilia Bartuli)

Caratterizzazione microstrutturale e analisi cristallografica avanzata di materiali policristallini mediante tecnica EBSD (Electron BackScattered Diffraction): Applicazioni nel campo dei rivestimenti protettivi e dei trattamenti superficiali.
Funded Project (75.000,00 ) 2017

Complessità, exaptation e bricolage: l'innovazione quale fenomeno emergente da vicarianza, Funded Project da bando Sapienza Università di Roma (Prot. RM11715C78F98182). (PI: Prof. C. Simone)
(Importo finanziato 8.900,00 per la ricerca) (24 mesi)


Environment and business management: linking efficiency and effectiveness to viable sustainability: Progetto di Ateneo Sapienza vincitore di finanziamento (prot. RP116154C550B712). (PI: Prof. C. Simone)
Il progetto ha portato alla costituzione e al coordinamento di un team internazionale con l'Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Martir,

(Importo finanziato 4.000,00 per la ricerca) (12 mesi)

[Si rileva che il Prof. Conti in qualità di Member effettivo della Commissione Ricerca di Sapienza per la valutazione dei progetti 2010-2012 non ha potuto fare domanda come Principal Investigator]


Progetto Sapienza di Ricerca Internazionale tra Università Roma Sapienza, Dip. di Management e Universidad de Buenos Aires, Departamento de Quimica Inorganica, Analitica y Quimica Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Valutazione del Rischio Ambientale di ecosistemi marini ed aerei Canale di Beagle, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina e Isola di Ponza, Italia.
(prot. C26A12L85N) (PI: Prof. F. Botrè)

(Importo finanziato 15.000,00 per la ricerca) (18 mesi)


Progetto Sapienza di Ricerca Internazionale tra Università Roma Sapienza, Dip. di Management e Universidad de Buenos Aires, Departamento de Quimica Inorganica, Analitica y Quimica Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Monitoraggio Biologico del Canale di Beagle, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina . (prot. C26A1135RW) (PI: Prof. F. Botrè)
(Importo finanziato 15.000,00 per la ricerca) (18 mesi)


Progetto Sapienza di Ricerca Nazionale Università Roma Sapienza Modello di bioaccumulo dei metalli preziosi (Platinum group elements) in matrici biologiche (tessuti animali e vegetali) . (prot. C26A104L95) (PI: Prof. F. Botrè)

(Importo finanziato 10.000,00 per la ricerca) (18 mesi)


Progetto Internazionale finanziato dal Consorzio Universitario Italia-Argentina (CUIA): Monitoraggio Biologico del Canale di Beagle (Patagonia, Argentina) . Progetto realizzato tra Sapienza, SPES, Development Studies Research Centre e il Laboratorio de Análisis de Trazas de INQUIMAE-CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
(Importo finanziato 15.000,00 per la ricerca) (14 mesi)

The direction of prestigious magazines, editorial boards and editorial series

Direction of scientific journals

Honorary Editor Of the International Journal of Environment and Health (IJEnvH) Inderscience, Ltd., UK. ISSN (Print): 1743-4955
Dal 3/2023 - on

Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Environment and Health (IJEnvH) Inderscience, Ltd., UK. ISSN (Print): 1743-4955. Rivista di area 13, inserita nell elenco ANVUR.

Sito web: http://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijenvh

IJEnvH is indexed in the following databases.

Scopus (Elsevier) Google Scholar
CAB Abstracts - Agriculture and International Development Indexes CAB Animal Sciences
CAB Abstracts - Environmental Sciences Indexes CAB Abstracts - Human Sciences Abstracts

Inoltre IJEnvH è nelle seguenti liste di riviste scientifiche:

Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR)
Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities

1/2005 present

Associate Editor of the Chemistry Central Journal (ora BMC Chemistry) Rivista di area 13, Springer Nature, ISSN: 2661-801X, [IF-5 anni: 2.87].
1/2007 - Present

Founding Editor of scientific Journals

Founding Editor of the International Journal of Environment and Health (IJEnvH) Inderscience, Ltd., UK. ISSN (Print): 1743-4955. Rivista di area 13.
Dall 1/2005 - present

Founding Editor del Chemistry Central Journal (ora BMC Chemistry) Rivista di area 13),
Springer Nature, ISSN: 2661-801X, [IF-5 anni: 2.87]. Dall 1/2007 Present

Editorial board member of Scientific Journals

Editorial Board member of the Sustainability [ISSN 2071-1050; CODEN: SUSTDE] MDPI publisher [IF: 2.592]. Rivista di area 13.
Dall 11/2019 - Present

Editorial Board member of the Environmental Monitoring Assessment, Springer, ISSN: 0167-6369, [IF: 1.959]. Rivista di area 13.
Dall 9/2010 - Present

Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Environment

and Pollution (IJEP), ISSN: 0957-4352, Inderscience, Ltd, UK, [IF: 0.69]. Rivista di area 13.
Dall 9/2005 - Present

Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, WITpress Southampton, Boston. ISSN: 1743- 7601.
Dall 9/2007 - Present

Editorial Board member of the Standards [ISSN 2305-6703] MDPI publisher.
Dall 1/2021 - Present

Editorial Board member of The Open Atmospheric Science Journal (OCIE), Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1874-2823.
Dall 1/2008 al 7/2020

Editor of the Advances in Environmental Biology (The American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information-AENSI) ISSN:1995-0756.
Dall 1/2008 - Present

Editorial Board member della rivista Il Geopolitico, ed. Nuova Cultura, Roma. ISBN 9788868128685. Dall 11/2017 Present

Editorial Board member of the World Journal of Chemistry, ISSN: 1817- 3071
Dall 01/2007 al 12/2017

Editorial Board member of The Open Environmental, Biological Monitoring Journal (OCIE), Bentham Science Publishers Ltd, ISSN: 1875- 0400.
01/2008 to 05/2014

Invited Editor del Northeastern Naturalist, USA, ISSN: 1092-6194, [IF: 0.488]
05/2006 to 08/2006

Editorial series

Member of the Scientific Committee della Collana Editoriale GNOSEIS, Ed. Nuova Cultura, Roma. ISSN 2284-0567, www.nuovacultura.it
Dall 02/2015 - present

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Editorial Series Management, Organization, Technology (ManOTec), Ed. Nuova Cultura, Rome. ISSN: 2611- 3260. www.nuovacultura.it The series uses a double-blind review process. It is sponsored by prestigious institutions of the Italian managerial and industrial scene, such as ASSIREP (Italian Association of Project Management Managers and Experts).
Since 02/2018 Present

Co-Editor of the volume in Series: Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards (The Ravage of the Planet 2006 Conference) WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol. 99 (ISSN 1743-3541); C.A. Brebbia,
M.E. Conti, E. Tiezzi (Eds.), WITpress, ISBN 1- 84564-048-9, 839 pp., 2007. 01/2006 to 05/2007.

Co-Editor of the special issue: M.E. Conti, F. Botrè (eds.) 'On the relevance of uncertainty in the management of environmental and health problems', International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, vol. 5, 2-4, 450 pp. ISSN: 1466-8297.
From 01/2004 to 10/2005.

Co-Editor of the special issue of the International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP, ISSN 0957-4352) M.E. Conti and F. Botré, Eds, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., entitled: The Control of Marine Pollution: Current Status and Future Trends, Vol. 13, n 1-
6, 616 pp., 2000. Sixty-nine authors from 15 countries contributed to the volume [IF

01/1998 to 12/2000.

Editor of the book: Biological Monitoring: Theory & Applications.
Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment, WITpress, Southampton, Boston, The Sustainable World, Vol. 17, 228 pp. ISBN 9781845640026. Il Dr. Conti è autore e/o coautore di 6 capitoli del libro su un totale di 7.
Dall 01/2007 al 01/2008

Management, teaching and research assignments at qualified national and international institutions.

International and managerial assignments

Erasmus Agreement promoter, between Sapienza, University of Rome and Florida University, Valencia
2018 Inter-institutional agreement 2018-2021 Erasmus + Programme.

Erasmus Agreement promoter Universidade Tecnològica Federal so Paranà e Curitiba July 2019 (IN ITINERE).

Member della Commissione di Upgrade of the quality assurance system and renovation of course programs della School of Environmental Sciences of the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia (dal 02/2014 al 04/2016).

Delegate of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics (Sapienza University) for relations with European institutions and Community Funds from 12/2011 to 10/2014.

Expert appointed by the Ministry of Health (August 2008) at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for the application of the System of Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) in Italy.

Participation in institutional collegiate bodies
1. from 2003 to present: Member of the Faculty Assembly (former Faculty Council).

2. From 2009 to present: Member of the Board of the Degree Course in "Business Management" (MANIMP), Sapienza Univ. of Rome, Dip. of Management.

3. -from 2003-2005 Member of the Board of the Master's Degree Course in Environmental, Territorial and Urban Planning and Assessment - PIVAT, Faculty of Economics, University of Rome "La Sapienza".

4. 2003-2005 Member of the Board of the Bachelor's Degree Course VALGESTA, Faculty of Economics, University of Rome "La Sapienza".

Participation in the board of teachers and teaching assignments in national and international research doctorates, masters, advanced training courses and positions of visiting professor/adjunct professor.

National doctorates (PhD)

Academic years 2014-2015; 2015-2016; 2016-2017; 2017-2018; 2019-2020; 2020-
2021; 2021-2022; 2022-2023

Member of the Board of Professors of the PhD in 'Management (2023), Banking and Commodity Sciences', from XXXI to XXXVII Cycle. (course accredited by the ministry)

Member of the Pre-Preliminary Commission for teaching the PhD course in 'Management, Banking and Commodity Sciences'. In this context, Prof. Conti organised and invited (2018-2019) various experts to hold seminars for PhD students.
In particular, Prof. Conti invited and organised the seminars of Prof. Francesco Botré (Department of Antidoping Sciences, University of Losanna (CH) Prof. Maria Grazia Finoia (ISPRA); Prof. Martin Broz Lofriego (Florida Universitaria, Valencia, Spain); Prof. Christian da Silva, Universidade Tecnològica Federal so Paranà e Curitiba (Brazil)

Academic years 2007-2008; 2009-2010

Member of the Board of Professors of the PhD in Environmental Sciences, University of Urbino

Lectures in PhDs, Sapienza University of Rome

Academic years 2014-2015; 2015-2016; 2016-2017; 2017-2018; 2019-2020; 2021-
2022; 2022-2023

Professor of the PhD course in 'Management, Banking and Commodity Sciences', XXXI at the XXXVIII Cycle.

PhD Seminar in 'Management, Banking and Commodity Sciences' on
Smart Cities and Sustainable Development, 27.03.2017.

Academic years 2010-2011; 2011-2012; 2012-2013.

Professor of the PhD in Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Sapienza, University of Rome.

Academic years 2010-2011; 2011-2012; 2012-2013

Tutor PhD thesis in Commodity Sciences XXVI cycle entitled: 'Analysis of policies and economic instruments of environmental protection: technical and financial implications. PhD: Raffaele Ciasullo (title obtained on 11 April 2014).

Lectures in the Masters

Academic years 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

Professor of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development in the Master of the First Level: Management and Corporate Social Responsibility, Pontifical University, St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum, Vatican.

Academic years 2005-2006; 2007-2008

Professor of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Master: 'Non-Farm Activities and Rural Development in Developing Countries', SPES Development Studies, Research Centre, University of Rome 'La Sapienza'.

Academic years 2021-2022; 2022-2023

Proponent and Member of the Scientific Council of the first level Master in
Fashion & Management, Sapienza University of Rome (2022). Teaching

module: Environmental Management for Sustainability.

Lectures in Advanced Training Courses

The academic year 2007-2008

Teacher of the course: Training and updating on food quality and safety, Department of Chemistry, the University of Rome "Sapienza", sponsored by I.S.P.E.S.L (event included for E.C.M. accreditation).

Teacher of the course: A model of the scientific laboratory, quality system for carrying out laboratory on the product, integrated by a system for the health and safety of operators, Department of Environmental Chemistry and Cultural Heritage, the University of Rome "La Sapienza", sponsored by I.S.P.E.S.L (event included for E.C.M. accreditation).

Academic years 2001-2002; 2002-2003

Lecturer in the Advanced Training Course in Ecotoxicology, University of Rome "La Sapienza", in the academic years.

The academic year 1997-1998

Professor of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry of the Special Course of Merchandise and Applied Chemistry for the Commissioners of the Armed Forces, University of Rome "La Sapienza".

Academic years 1986-1987; 1987-1988

Lecturer of the Food Technologies and Environmental Impacts of Food
Industries at the courses of Food Technologies organised by P.I.S.I.E. on behalf of the Department of Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The academic year 2000-2001

Lecturer of the Advanced Course in Bioarchitecture, Pollution of Confined Environments, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Urbino.

Lectures in PhDs and International Post-Doctoral Courses

Course post-doc (24 hs) "Valuation of ecosystem services: from theory to practice" [lingua spagnola], Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development" (INEDES - CONICET) National University of Lujàn, Buenos Aires, Argentina (March 2019).

Lecturer of the post-doc course of Environmental Economics at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM), Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2013.

Professor of the International PhD course: 'Economics and Techniques for the
Conservation of the Architectural and Environmental Heritage' University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia, Corso di Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale [in lingua inglese]. Dall 10/2005 06/2006.

Incarichi internazionali di Visiting Professor e Adjunct Professor Academic years 2022
Professor Marcelo Enrique Conti visited (March 14-18, 2022) the Institute of
Sport Sciences (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) of the University of Lausanne to actively participate in the preparation of a new joint project on "Sport and Sustainability." In this regard, he gave two plenary lectures on the topic under study.

Academic years 2019

Visiting Professor, Universidad Nacional de Lujàn, Buenos Aires (Argentina) (25 - 30 Marzo 2019). Il Prof. Conti ha tenuto un corso intensivo post-grado (24 ore) come Visiting Professor e una Conferenza plenaria.

Academic years 2018

Visiting Professor at the Universidad Florida of Valencia (Spain) (2018), 08th - 12th May 2018. Prof. Conti has given lectures dealing with Environmental Management & Environmental Economics issues and the connected regulation system in the European Union and discussed several other issues regarding

Research between Florida and the University of Rome and the development of memoranda of understanding (MOUs) between these two institutions.

Visiting Professor presso la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)- 2018 Departamento de Quimica Inorgànica, Analitica y Quimica Fisica (DQIAyQF)/INQUIMAE- CONICET, de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Dr Conti gave a 24-hour course on the topics of Environmental Management & Sustainable Development and discussed with colleagues the development of an Executive Protocol Framework Agreement (Sapienza). (1° marzo 2018-9 aprile 2018)

Academic year 2017

Visiting Professor presso la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) (2017), Departamento de Quimica Inorgànica, Analitica y Quimica Fisica (DQIAyQF)/INQUIMAE-CONICET, de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales

de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, nell ambito dei progetti Sapienza Università di Roma finanziati sul tema Biomonitori della qualità ambientale [progetti anno 2014 - prot. C26A14MZRE e anno 2015 - prot. C26H15TY3S].
Dr. Conti participated in coordinating laboratory activities and carried out biomonitor analysis of Patagonian seas. He taught a 20-hour course on the topic of environmental biomonitoring and analytical quality uncertainty, and on the topic of environmental management [Spanish language]. Professor CONTI's activities in Buenos Aires took place between August 14 and 28, 2017.

Academic years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.

Adjunct Professor, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia, School of Environmental Sciences, Corso di Environmental Economics [corso in lingua inglese, 45 ore].

Academic years 2012

Visiting Professor, Carrera Salud y Ambiente, Instituto para el desarrollo humano y la salud, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires (2012), corso sulla Valutazione del Rischio [in lingua spagnola], agosto 2012.

Adjunct Professor in the International Summer School: Advanced

Instrumental Techniques for Monitoring Aquatic Environments , Title of the course: Biological monitoring of aquatic ecosystems, 14-27 June 2012, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia.

Academic years 2009

Visiting Professor, Curso de Salud y Ambiente, Instituto para el desarrollo humano y la salud, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, corso

sulla Evaluaciòn de riesgo [in lingua spagnola], settembre 2009.

Academic years 2007

Visiting Professor, School of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, corso sul Regolamento UE Registration Evaluation Authorization of Chemicals (REACH), Ottobre 2007.

Incarichi di insegnamento nazionali Università degli Studi di Roma, Sapienza

Academic years 2015-2016; 2016-2017; 2017-2018; 2018-2019; 2019-2020;
2020-2021; 2021-2022; 2022-2023

Full Professor (dal novembre 2020) titolare of the course: Valutazione del Rischio e Management Ambientale / Management ambientale per la sostenibilità [Curriculum management e sostenibilità], Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Management delle imprese [MANIMP] e Corso di Laurea Specialistica, Analisi e gestione delle attività turistiche e delle risorse [ECOTUR, fino all a.a. 2017-2018], Facoltà di Economia, Università degli Studi di Roma "Sapienza" (9 cfu).

Academic years 2021-2022

Full Professor (dal novembre 2020) titolare dell insegnamento di Environmental Management and Sustainability [Curriculum Business Management in lingua inglese], Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Management delle imprese [MANIMP] (6 cfu).

Academic years 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2013-2014, 2014-2015.

Adjunct Professor of 'Risk Assessment and Environmental Risk', Bachelor of Science in Business Management [MANIMP] and Bachelor of Science, Analysis and Management of Tourism and Resource Proceedings [ECOTUR], Faculty of Economics,
The University of Rome "Sapienza" (9 credits).

Academic years 2012-2013

Adjunct Professor titolare of the insegnamento di Valutazione e Rischio Ambientale , Corso di Laurea Specialistica, Analisi e gestione delle attività turistiche e delle risorse [ECOTUR], Facoltà di Economia, Università degli Studi di Roma "Sapienza" (6 cfu).

Academic years 2005-2006; 2006-2007; 2007-2008; 2008-2009

Adjunct Professor of Environmental Impact Assessment
(corso avanzato), Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Pianificazione e Valutazione Ambientale, Territoriale e Urbanistica - PIVAT, Facoltà di Economia, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".

Academic years 2003-2004; 2004-2005

Lecturer of the course Environmental Impact Assessment.
, VALGESTA three-year degree course, Faculty of Economics, University of Rome "La Sapienza".

Academic years 2007-2008

Lecturer in Environmental Chemometrics (CHIM 12), Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Bachelor of Science, Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University, Rome (course module).

Lecturer in Environmental Chemistry (CHIM 12), Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Bachelor of Science, Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University, Rome (course module).

Università Campus Biomedico di Roma

Academic years 2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012

Adjunct Professor of Environmental Chemistry, Bachelor of Science in Food and Human Nutrition.

Università degli Studi di Urbino

Academic years 2005-2006; 2006-2007

Lecturer of Environmental Impact Assessment course, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (82/S), Faculty of Environmental Science (adjunct appointment).

Academic years 2004-2005

Lecturer of the course Bioindicators, Faculty of Environmental Science (adjunct appointment).

Academic years 2003-2004

Lecturer of the course Principles of Environmental Impact Assessment, Faculty of Environmental Science (adjunct appointment).

Lecturer in Food Products & Management course, Faculty of Pharmacy (L.t. in Nutrition Science). DR NO. 202/2004. Annual Substitute Teaching Assignment.

Academic years 2002-2003

Lecturer of the course Fundamentals of Environmental Impact Assessment, Faculty of Environmental Science (integrative course).

Academic years 2002-2003

Lecturer in Industrial Toxicology, Faculty of Law, University Diploma Course, Labor Consultant (adjunct appointment).

Academic years 2000-2001

Lecturer of the Applied Ecology Laboratory course, Faculty of Environmental Science (integrative course).

Academic years 1995-1996; 1996-1997

Adjunct professor of Environmental Economics course, Faculty of Environmental Science.

Academic years 2000-2001

Lecturer of the Postgraduate Course in Bioarchitecture, Pollution of Confined Environments, Faculty of Environmental Sciences.

Seminars/Lectures in National Institutions (1990-2009)

The organisation of the Seminar, Sapienza, University of Rome entitled: Hints on nuclear

waste treatment (March 2, 2009) held by Prof. P. Ricci of the University of San Francisco (USA) and attended by the President of SOGEIN at the invitation of Prof Conti and with the endorsement of the Dean of Economics Faculty Prof. A. Celant.

Seminars in Environmental Chemistry, Rome Biomedical Campus University, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Human Nutrition, 2008- 2009.

PhD Seminar in Environmental Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Urbino: 'Assessment of
Environmental Impact of the Paper Industry:
An International Example', Aula Magna, Science Campus, May 10, 2007.

Seminars in Biological Chemistry courses, Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences, Faculty of Mathematical Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Roma Tre, a.y. 2001- 2002; 2002-2003; 2003-2004. Seminars given in the Biological Chemistry courses covered the topics of the role of metals in human nutrition, problems related to analytical methods for their determination and sample preparation techniques.

Seminar given in Biochemistry of Nutrition, Degree Course in Nutrition Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Urbino, 2002-2003, the title of Seminar: Metals in Food, 12.03.2003.

Seminars held at the School of Specialization in Food Science, University of Rome "La Sapienza," a.a. 1990-91; 1991-92; 1992-93; 1993- 94, Physiology of Nutrition course. (Titles of seminars conducted: The role of metals in human nutrition; Methodologies for assay metals in food and other biological samples).

Seminars are given in Applied Ecology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, University of Urbino, a.y. 2000-2001; 2001-2002. (Title of the seminars: Environmental monitoring).

Seminar in Biological Chemistry, Degree Course in Environmental Technical Operator, Faculty of Mathematical Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Roma Tre, a.y. 2000- 2001. Seminar title: Metals and human nutrition.

Invited seminar held at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Urbino: "Biological monitoring as a method of environmental quality control and assessment," 10.04.2000.

Invited seminar held at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Genoa, Institute of Chemical Engineering Science and Technology (ISTIC), Food Industry Chemical Plants and Processes Course entitled: "Environmental Impact of Food Industries," 11.04.1993.

Participation in Scientific Societies

Member of theAccademia Italiana di Scienze Merceologiche (AISME) (01/2014 al 2020 )

Member della Sociedad Argentina de Ciencia y Tecnologia Ambiental (SACyTA) (01/2013 Present)
Member of the International Commission on Occupational Health(ICOH), Toxicology of Metals Scientific Committee (11/2012- present).

Member of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), Nanomaterial Workers Health Scientific Committee (dal 12/2012-present).

Member of the European Centre of International Studies and Development
- EuroSapienza, University of Rome (1/2012 al 12/2018).

Member of the Scientific Committee della Asociación Argentina de Médicos por el Medio

Ambiente (AAMA) (dal 06/2008 Present).

Vicepresidente della International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES), Venezia (presidente onorario: Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Premio Nobel per la Pace) (2003-2012).

Vicepresidente del Comitato Scientifico della International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES), Venezia(2003-2012).

Socio Fondatore della International Academy of Environmental Sciences
(IAES), Venezia (2003-2012).

Member of the SPES Development Studies - Research Centre at the University of Rome, La Sapienza, dal (02/2007 - 12/2011).

Awards and honors

Letter of appreciation (April-May 2018) to Prof. Marcelo Enrique Conti for the Environmental Management & Environmental Economics course held at Florida University as Visiting Professor.

Letter of recognition from the journal SPRINGER NATURE Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, for activities as a reviewer (since 2001) and Member of the Editorial board since 2010.

Sapienza Award winner year 2017 for the high quality of scientific production. [Regulations for the Discipline of the University Fund for Rewards under Article 9 of Law No. 240/10].

Sapienza Award winner year 2014 for the high quality of scientific production. [Regulations for the Discipline of the University Fund for Rewards according to Article 9 of Law No. 240/10].

Appointed OUTSTANDING REVIEWER By Elsevier publisher of the following top scientific journals:
Chemosphere, [Aprile 2017]
The Science of the Total Environment, [Febbraio 2018]
Ecological Indicators, [Novembre 2016]
Land Use Policy, [Agosto 2017]
Journal of Business Research,[Agosto 2018]

Appointed RECOGNIZED REVIEWER dall editrice Elsevier delle seguenti riviste scientifiche top:
Environmental Pollution, [Aprile 2016]
Food Chemistry, [Febbraio 2018]
Talanta, [Giugno 2018]
Atmospheric Environment [Novembre 2008]
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety [Febbraio 2011]
Environmental Research [Ottobre 2008]
Food Bioscience [Novembre 2015]
Journal of Hazardous Materials [Ottobre 2006]
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis [Marzo 2007]
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening [Settembre 2015]

Recognition (June 2019) as a reviewer since 2013 of the qualified scientific journal of the publisher SPRINGER NATURE: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH [IF= 2.914]

Recognition as a Reviewer of the qualified journal GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, Wiley [IF=5.66] [2018].

Winner of the 2013 'Cèsar Milstein' Prize for Returning Scholars, awarded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva, Argentina, under the program " Red de Argentinos

Investigadores y Cientificos en el Exterior (Raices)" [Resoluciòn N° 485/13].
Said program aims to attract qualified scientists and scholars outside Argentina to contribute to the didProceedingsche and research needs of the current Argentine university system. In this context, Prof. Conti taught the course in Economia Ambiental [Spanish language] at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM), Buenos Aires, in August 2013; and also carried out a joint research program with the Instituto de Ingenieria
Ambiental (3iA) of said University [Project title: "Evaluaciòn de los niveles de base de metales pesados en el Río Paraná mediante uso del monitoreo biológico"].
07.08.2013 25-08-2013

Winner of the Sapienza Research Award, November 16, 2011. The awarded research work [macroarea F] was published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF: 9,038): M.E. CONTI, FINOIA M.G (2010). Metals in Molluscs and Algae: a North-South Tyrrhenian Sea. Baseline. [vol. 181, p. 388-392, ISSN: 0304-3894, doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.05.022.]

[The awarded work is the result of the International Research Project of the University of San Francisco, CA, USA, the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA (Prof. Paolo F. Ricci) and the University of Rome, Sapienza (Prof. Marcelo E. Conti) (started in November 2007): 'Study for alternative forecasting and simulation models and practical application to the assessment of uncertainty in environmental impact assessments and evaluations'. Partially funded Sapienza 2008 project [prot.C26F08CSN5].

Plaque Recognition for Commitment to Environmental Defense, Asamblea Ciudadana Ambiental City of Gualeguaychù, Entre Rios, ARGENTINA, 31.07.2011.

Letter of Acknowledgement for Scientific Proceedingsvity from Argentine President Nèstor Kirchner (21.12.2006) to Adolfo Perez Esquivel (Nobel Peace Prize winner) and Prof. Marcelo Conti for the paper: 'Scientific Report - Consultancy Report on Pulp Mills'

regarding the international legal dispute between Argentina and Uruguay, over the environmental impact of the Botnia-UPM mega pulp mill on the Uruguay River.
The scientific report, written at the behest of Nobel Peace Prize winner Perez Esquivel to Dr M.E. Conti, who coordinated a group of experts and co-authors of the paper (C. Botrè,
F. Botrè,
A. Alimonti) was filed with the Tribunal of the International Court of Justice (The Hague) in the defence brief submitted by the Argentine Republic. The report was delivered to the Presidents of Argentina and Uruguay.

World Health Organization. Letter of acknowledgement to Prof. Conti from the Senior Officer for Environmental Health Research of the WHO, Dr Ruth Etzel, dated 29.04.2011, for his scientific work in editing the volume: WHO -
Children's Exposure to Mercury Compounds, ISBN 9789241500456, pp. 104. The work of the 34 colleagues from different countries began at the WHO meeting in Bonn, Germany, in November 2007, and the book was published in 2010 and available on the WHO website
: http://www.who.int/ceh/publications/children_exposure/en/index.html

Appointed 'Guest of Honor' by the city of San José de Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, Argentina, for the Proceedingstivity of research carried out in the environmental field by Decree
No. 1650 of September 11, 2009, Provincia de Entre Ríos, República Argentina.

Acknowledgement: Front and back page article in the renowned Buenos Aires newspaper La Naciòn on September 5, 2011, acknowledging Prof Conti's years of research work in Patagonia and research on southern Italian seas on environmental issues of biological monitoring.

Judicial Expert Witness/Public Engagement/Cultural Proceedings activities with the endorsement of Sapienza Pro-Rector
Expert witness appointed by the Court of Appeal of Venice within the framework of criminal proceedings in the environmental field (2002).

CTU expert witness appointed by the Court of Venice (2007) within the framework of proceedings in the environmental field (proc. No. 7886/02) involving the Provincial Administration of Venice Enichem regarding the assessment of environmental damage of the Venice Lagoon.

Independent witness, Laboratorio Antidoping, Federazione Medico Sportiva Italiana, Rome, 12.09.2016 and 02.11.2017.

Organiser of the First Latin American Environmental Film Festival in Rome June 23-26. 2010 (with the endorsement of the Pro-Rector for the Development of Educational and Research Proceedings)

Press Conference to present the EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMINAL COURT project and the International Forum on October 2-3, 2009, in Venice, sponsored by the Academy.
International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES), with the participation of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel and other speakers (including Prof. M.E. Conti, Vice President IAES) and international TV links (Rome, Venice, Paris and Madrid). The theme of the International Conference is "The Health of Planet Earth and Man. Environmental disasters: irresponsibility and protection."

Economics lessons in Rome's high schools:

PROJECT: At school with you. Faculty of Economics, Sapienza (2016-2019)

Liceo Nomentano (Rome) February 16 and 18, 2016 (4 hours)

PROJECT: School Work Alternation. Faculty of Economics, Sapienza, (2019) Responsible: Prof. Mario Calabrese

Liceo Virgilio (Rome) April 16, 2019 (2 hours)

Liceo Virgilio (Rome) and Istituto Tecnico Comprensivo (Tivoli) -18 and 25 February 2020.

Lesson title: Environmental Economics; how much pollution are we willing to Accept? Cost-Benefit/Environmental Disasters.

Third Mission Activities

Cultural outreach activities regarding a history of resistance, separation and rebirth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UColWIMyyynGrfTUjFN1siGw
Presentation of the book GIRA COSI' by Prof. Marcelo Enrique Conti, Foreword by Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel.

- Cristina Simone, Francesco Botrè, Marcelo Enrique Conti - Libreria Borri, Roma, nine aprile 2022;
- Elisabetta Amalfitano, Nicolò Trevisan, Alessio Laconi, Marcelo Enrique Conti, Evento: Casa editrice L asino d Oro (Roma), La libertà è l obbligo di essere esseri umani, 23 aprile 2022;

- Maria Rosaria Bianchi, Clara Santini, Manuel Alunni, Cristina Simone, Marcelo Enrique Conti
Biblioteca antirazzista Carminella (Roma), 20 maggio 2022;
- Marcelo Enrique Conti, Festival della letteratura, Borri books, Viterbo, 29 agosto 2022;
- Pino Sassano, Maria Rosaria Bianchi, Umberto Calabrone, Maria Cristina Parise Martirano, Marcelo Enrique Conti, sala CGIL Piazza della Vittoria 24, Cosenza, 15 ottobre 2022.
- Cristina Simone, Marcelo Enrique Conti, Casa Argentina, Ambasciata Argentina (Roma), Storia di un desaparecido, 4 novembre 2022;
- Cristina Simone, Diego Conti, Emilio Rivetti, Paolo Averna, Gira Così, Desaparecidos: resistenza, separazione e rinascita, Associazione IPAZIA Immagine e Pensiero, Arte tra irrazionale e impegno sociale, Casa deI Municipio, Roma I Centro, 5 febbraio 2023;
- Gli studenti del corso Management Ambientale per la Sostenibilità (2022-2023) incontrano l autore di Gira Così, Cristina Simone, Sapienza, Università di Roma, 10 marzo 2023.