Ritratto di ferdinando.nicoletti@uniroma1.it
Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2022/2023
FARMACOLOGIA 1030634 2022/2023
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2022/2023
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2022/2023
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2022/2023
FARMACOLOGIA 1030634 2022/2023
FARMACOLOGIA 1030634 2021/2022
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2021/2022
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2021/2022
FARMACOLOGIA 1030634 2021/2022
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2021/2022
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2021/2022
Farmacologia SP0542 2020/2021
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2020/2021
FARMACOLOGIA 1030634 2020/2021
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2020/2021
FARMACOLOGIA 1030634 2020/2021
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2020/2021
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035053 2019/2020
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2019/2020
FARMACOLOGIA 1030634 2019/2020
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2019/2020
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2019/2020
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2019/2020
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035053 2018/2019
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2018/2019
FARMACOLOGIA 1030634 2018/2019
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2018/2019
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2018/2019
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2018/2019
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2017/2018
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035053 2017/2018
FARMACOLOGIA 1030634 2017/2018
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2017/2018
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035145 2017/2018
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1035053 2016/2017
FARMACOLOGIA 1030634 2016/2017


a) Generalità

Nome: Ferdinando Giovanni Maria Nicoletti

Stato Civile: Sposato con due figlie.

Luogo e data di nascita: Catania, 12 Settembre, 1959.

Cittadinanza: Italiana

Dipartimento di Fisiologia Umana e Farmacologia,
Università di Roma "La Sapienza",
Piazzale A. Moro 5,
00185 Roma
Tel.: 06 49912969
Fax: 06 4450307
E-mail: ferdinandonicoletti@hotmail.com, nicoletti@neuromed.it

Posizione attuale: Professore Ordinario di Farmacologia, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università di Roma "La Sapienza".

b) Curriculum scolastico, accademico e scientifico

Luglio 1976 - Diploma di maturità classica (Istituto Leonardo da Vinci, Catania) con voti 58/60.

Novembre 1976 - Iscrizione alla Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università di Catania.

Febbraio1981-May 1981: "Visiting Student", Department of Pharmacology, Synthelabo Res. Lab., Parigi (Prof. Kenneth G. Lloyd)

Novembre 1982: Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (110/110 e lode con proposta al premio Barbagallo-Sangiorgi ).

Dicembre 1982: Abilitazione all esercizio della professione medica

Gennaio 1983-Dicembre 1983: Medico interno, Istituto di Farmacologia, Facoltà di Medicina, Università di Catania (Dir. Prof. Umberto Scapagnini).

Gennaio1984-Ottobre1985: "Visiting Fellow", Laboratory of Preclinical Pharmacology, NIMH, Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington D.C., USA (Prof. Erminio Costa).

Novembre 1985-Gennaio 1987: "Visiting Assistant Professor of Pharmacology", FIDIA-Georgetown Institute for the Neurosciences, Georgetown University Medical School, Washington D.C. USA (Prof. Erminio Costa).

Giugno 1986: Specialista in Neurologia, Università di Catania (60/60 e lode).

Gennaio1987- Novembre1992: Tecnico Laureato, Istituto di Farmacologia, Facoltà di Medicina, Università di Catania (Dir. Prof. U. Scapagnini).

Novembre1992: Professore Associato di Farmacologia, Istituto di Farmacologia e Farmacognosia, Facoltà di Farmacia, Università di Perugia.

dal Novembre 1995: Professore Associato di Farmacologia, Istituto di Farmacologia e Farmacognosia (dal 1998: Sezione di Farmacologia del Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche), Facoltà di Farmacia, Università di Catania.

dal Gennaio 1996: Responsabile del Laboratorio di Neurofarmacologia del Dipartimento di Patologia Molecolare, Istituto Neuromed (I.R.C.C.S.), Pozzilli (Isernia) (Direttore Scientifico: Prof. Luigi Frati).

dal Novembre 2000: Professore Ordinario di Farmacologia, Istituto di Fisiologia Umana e Farmacologia, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università La Sapienza , Roma.

Società Scientifiche

Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio del Magnesio, Società Americana di Neuroscienze, Società Argentina di Neuroscienze (Membro Onorario), Società Turca di Neuroscienze (Membro Onorario), Accademia Romana di Medicina e Chirurgia (Membro Onorario).

Attività di Referee

Ha svolto attività di referee per le seguenti riviste internazionali: Brain Research, British Journal of Pharmacology, Eur.J. Neuroscience, Eur. J. Pharmacology, FEBS Letters, Functional Neurology, Histochemistry and Cell Bioogy J. Medicinal Chemistry, Journal of Neurochemistry, J. Neuroscience, J. Neuroscience Research, Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology, Molecular Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Neuroscience, Neuroscience Letters, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behaviour, Pharmacological Research Communication, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, Science, Trends in Neurosciences, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences.

Riconoscimenti Scientifici ed Incarichi Ministeriali

- Identificazione dei recettori metabotropici per gli amino acidi eccitatori (contemporaneamente a Fritz Sladeczeck e Joel Bockaert) tra il 1985 ed il 1986.

- Segnalato come uno dei 4 migliori ricercatori europei in Neurobiologia di età inferiore a 41 anni (Science,Vol. 256, 24 Aprile 1992).

- Finanziamento del progetto "Brain Damage and Nitric Oxide" (in collaborazione con Tadeusz Wieloch -Università di Lund-, John Garthwaite -Cruciform Project, Londra- ed Ole P. Ottersen - Università di Oslo -) da parte della Commissione Europea (BIOMED 2, Programma PL 950851 - N° di contratto, BMH4-CT96-0851). Valutazioni del progetto:1) Eccellenza della qualità scientifico/tecnologica del progetto; 2) Riconoscimento dell elevata qualità scientifica del gruppo richiedente.

- Finanziamento del 3rd International Meeting on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors (organizzato da F. Nicoletti) da parte della Commissione Europea all interno del Programma: Quality of life and management of living resources , call identifier: 1999/C64/13, N° della proposta: QLAM-1999-00074.

-Finanziamento Telethon 1999 relativo al progetto n° 1238 in collaborazione con il Dott. Antonio De Blasi (Istituto Mario Negri Sud) dal titolo: Molecular Determinants of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Signalling in Cerebellar Motor Disorders .

- Cofinanziamento MURST 1999 per il progetto dal titolo "Ruolo dell'interazione neuroni-glia nei meccanismi di neurodegenerazione e neuroprotezione".

- Membro dell elenco italiano degli esperti EMEA per gli anni 1996-1998 segnalato dal Dipartimento per la Valutazione dei Medicinali e la Farmacovigilanza del Ministero della Sanità.

- Membro del Comitato Ministeriale per le Patologie del Sistema Nervoso Centrale.

- Organizzatore del I (19-24 Settembre 1993), II (15-19 Settembre 1996), III (19-24 Settembre, 1999), IV (15-19 Settembre, 2002), V (15-19 settembre 2005) e VI (14-19 settembre 2008) International Meeting on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors.

- Relatore in più di 100 Congressi Internazionali ed invitato a tenere conferenze nelle seguenti Istituzioni: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (MI) (Prof. Bernard Agranoff); Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven (CT) (Prof. Frederick Naftolin); Eli Lilly, Indianapolis (IN) (Dr. Derryle Schoepp); Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, University of Chicago, Chicago (IL) (Prof. Richard Miller); AGY Therapeutics, San Francisco (CA) (Dr. Thorsten Melcher); Trinity College, Cambridge, U.K. (Prof. Michael Berridge); Lilly Res. Centre, Windlesham, U.K. (Dr. David Lodge); Ecole Noemale Supriere, Parigi, Francia (Prof. Alain Prochiant); CCIP, Montpellier, Francia (Prof. Joel Bockaert); Laboratory of Experimental Brain Research, Lund University, Lund, Svezia (Prof. Tadeusz Wieloch); Institute of Anatomy, University of Oslo, Norvegia (Prof. Ole Petter Ottersen); Department of Neurophysiology, Institute of Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germania (Dr. Klaus Reymann); Institut voor Neurobiology, Amsterdam, Olanda (Prof. Robert Balazs); Department of Nervous System, Novartis Pharma, Basilea, Svizzera (Dr. Thomas Knopfel e Rainer Kuhn); Central Nervous System Department, F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd; Basilea, Svizzera (Dr. Vincent Mutel), Istituto di Farmacologia, Università di Alicante, Alicante, Spagna (Prof. Valentin Ceña);

- Consulente della Functional Genomics Company, AGY Therapetics, San Francisco, USA.
- Consulente della Novartis Pharma, Basilea, Svizzera.
- Consulente della Eli Lilly, Indianapolis.


1. F. Nicoletti, R.M. Di Giorgio, F. Patti, L. Rampello, D.F. Condorelli, M. Amico-Roxas, P.L. Canonico and U. Scapagnini. Influence of hyperprolactinaemia induced by adenopituitary transplantation under the kidney capsule on the glutamic acid decarboxylase activity in various brain regions. Ach. int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 249: 143, 1981.

2. Condorelli D.F., Giammona G., Patti F., Nicoletti F., Rampello L., Reggio A., Matera M. and Di Giorgio R.M. Ef¨fects of different doses of apomorphine on GAD activity in rat substantia nigra. It. J. Neurol. Sci. Vol. II (3): 303, 1981.

3. Nicoletti F., Patti F., Condorelli D.F., Rampello L., Giammona G., Di Giorgio R.M., Canonico P.L. and Scapagnini U. Comparative effects of chronic haloperidol and sulpiride treatment on nigral and striatal GABA content. J. Neurochem. 37 (4): 1048, 1981.

4. Prato A., Clementi G., Nicoletti F., Canonico P.L., Patti F., Condorelli D.F., Di Giorgio R.M. and Drago F. Possible role of prolactin in the modification of medial basal hypothalamic glutamic acid decarboxylase activity. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 71: 169, 1981.

5. Nicoletti F., Canonico P.L., Patti F., Rampello L., Condorelli D.F., Giammona G., Di Giorgio R.M. and Scapagnini U. Sulpiride effects on nigral and striatal GAD activity: a possible involvement of prolactin. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 77: 131, 1982.

6. Scapagnini U., Drago F., Nicoletti F., Patti F., Matera M. and Canonico P.L. Hormonal modulation of central dopamine receptor sensitivity in the postpartum period. Psychopharmacol. Bull. 18 (3):187, 1982.

7. Nicoletti F., Patti F., Ferrara N., Canonico P.L., Giammona G., Condorelli D.F. and Scapagnini U. Comparative effects of estrogen and prolactin on nigral and striatal GAD activity. Brain Res. 232: 238, 1982.

8. Nicoletti F., Clementi G., Patti F., Canonico P.L., Di Giorgio R.M., Matera M., Pennisi G., Angelucci L. and Scapagnini U. Effects of calcitonin on rat extrapyramidal motor system: behavioral and biochemical data. Brain Res. 250: 381, 1982.

9. Nicoletti F., Clementi G., Prato A., Canonico P.L., Rampello L., Patti F., Di Giorgio R.M. and Scapagnini U. Effects of hyper- and hypoprolactinaemia on glutamate decarboxylase activity in medial basal hypothalamus of male rats. Neuroendocrinology 36:13, 1983.

10. Clementi G., Nicoletti F., Patacchioli F., Prato A., Fiore C.E., Matera M. and Scapagnini U. Hypoprolactinaemia action of calcitonin and the tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic system. J. Neurochem. 40: 885, 1983.

11. Nicoletti F., Ferrara N., Patti F., Viglianesi M., Rampello L., Bianchi A., Reggio A. and Scapagnini U. Influence of sex steroids and prolactin on haloperidol-induced catalepsy. Brain Res. 279: 352, 1983.

12. Nicoletti F., Clementi G., Patti F., Prato A., Di Giorgio R.M. and Scapagnini U. Effects of parathyroid hormone on haloperidol-induced catalepsy and nigral GAD activity. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 88: 135, 1983.

13. Nicoletti F., Drago F., Speciale C., Kovacs L.G. and Scapagnini U. Role of prolactin-opiate interactions in the central regulation of pain threshold. Cephalalgia suppl. 1: 31, 1983.

14. Clementi G., Prato A., Bernardini R., Nicoletti F., Patti, F., De Simone D. and Scapagnini U. Effects of calcitonin on the brain of aged rats. Neurobiol. Ageing, Vol. 4: 229, 1983.

15. Millia C., Nicoletti F., Grasso A.A., Patti F., Condorelli D.F., Rapisarda E., Rampello L., Costa G. and Scapagnini U. Effects of dopaminergic drugs on cerebellar prostaglandin concentrations. J. Neurochem. 41 (4): 1190, 1983.

16. Clementi G., Amico-Roxas M., Nicoletti F., Fiore C.E., Prato A. and Scapagnini U. Hyperalgesic activity of parathyroid hormone and its fragments in male rats. Brain Res. 295: 376, 1984.

17. Imperato A., Nicoletti F., Diana M., Scapagnini U. and Di Chiara G. Fastigial influences on postural tonus as studied by kainate-lesions and by local infusion of GABAergic drugs in the rat. Brain Res. 295: 51, 1984.

18. Nicoletti F., Perciavalle V., Berretta S., Speciale C., Polizzi M.C., Patti F., De Simone D., Sortino M.A., Di Giorgio R.M. and Scapagnini U. Altered time-course in the hippocampal concentration of excitatory and inhibitory amino acids during kainate-induced epilepsy. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 103: 133, 1984.

19. Nicoletti F., Speciale C., Sortino M.A., Summa G., Caruso G., Patti F. and Canonico P.L. Comparative effects of estradiol benzoate, the antiestrogen clomiphene citrate, and the progestin medroxyprogesterone acetate on kainic acid- induced seizures in male and female rats. Epilepsia, 26 (3) 252, 1985.

20. Patti F., Marano P., Nicoletti F., Giammona G. and Nicoletti Fr. Generalized and focal dystonic syndromes: possible therapy with salmon calcitonin. Europ. Neurol. 24: 386, 1985.

21. Nicoletti F., Speciale C., Sortino M.A., Panetta S., Di Giorgio R.M. and Canonico P.L. Estrogen effect on nigral glutamic acid decarboxylase activity: a possible role for catecholestrogens. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 115: 297, 1985.

22. Nicoletti F. and Meek J.L. Estradiol benzoate decreases nigral GABAergic activity in male rats. Brain Res. 332: 179, 1985.

23. Nicoletti F., Grandison L. and Meek J.L. Effects of repeated administration of estradiol benzoate on tubero-infundibular GABAergic activity in male rats. J. Neurochem. 44 (4), 1217, 1985.

24. Ravizza L., Nicoletti F., Pozzi O. and Barbaccia M.L. Repeated daily treatment with estradiol benzoate increases 3H-imipramine binding in male rat frontal cortex. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 107: 395, 1985.

25. Meek J.L. and Nicoletti F. detection of inositol triphosphate and other organic phosphates by high-performance liquid chromatography using an enzyme-loaded post-column reactor. J. Chromatography, 305: 303, 1986.

26. Nicoletti F., Meek J.L., Iadarola M.J., Chuang D.M., Roth B.L. and Costa E. Coupling of inositol phospholipid metabolism with excitatory amino acid recognition sites in rat hippocampus. J. Neurochem. 40: 46, 1986.

27. Nicoletti F., Iadarola M.J., Wroblewski J.T. and Costa E. Excitatory amino acid recognition sites coupled with inositol phospholipid metabolism: developmental changes and interaction with alpha1-adrenoceptors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83: 1931, 1986.

28. Nicoletti F., Wroblewski J.T., Novelli A., Alho H., Guidotti A. and Costa E. The activation of inositol phospholipid metabolism as a signal transducing system for excitatory amino acids in primary cultures of cerebellar granule cells. J. Neurosci. 6: 1905, 1986.

29. Wroblewski J.T., Nicoletti F. and Costa E.. Different coupling of excitatory amino acid receptors with Ca2+ channels in primary cultures of cerebellar granule cells. Neuropharmacology 241: 919, 1985.

30. Wroblewski J.T., Nicoletti F., Fadda E., Kozikowski A.P. and Costa E. Signal transduction at excitatory amino acid receptors in the cerebellar granule cell cultures: regulatory role of phencyclidine recognition sites. Clin. Neuropharmacol. 9: 494, 1986.

31. Iadarola M.J., Nicoletti F., Naranjo J.R., Putnam F. and Costa E. Kindling enhances the stimulation of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis elicited by ibotenic acid in rat hippocampal slices. Brain Res. 374: 174, 1986.

32. Nicoletti F., Wroblewski J.T., Iadarola M.J. and Costa E. Serine-O-phosphate, an endogenous metabolite, inhibits the stimulation of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis elicited by ibotenic acid in rat hippocampal slices. Neuropharmacology 25: 335, 1986.

33. Nicoletti F., Barbaccia M.L., Iadarola M.J., Pozzi O. and Laird II H.E. Abnormality of alpha1-adrenergic receptors in the frontal cortex of epileptic rats. J. Neurochem. 46: 270, 1986.

34. Novelli A., Nicoletti F., Wroblewski J.T., Alho H., Costa E. and Guidotti A. Excitatory amino acid receptors coupled with guanylate cyclase in primary cultures of cerebellar granule cells. J. Neurosci. 7: 40, 1987.

35. Nicoletti F., Wroblewski J.T., Alho H., Eva C., Fadda E. and Costa E. Lesions of putative glutamatergic pathways potentiate the increase of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis elicited by excitatory amino acids. Brain Res. 436: 103, 1987.

36. Wroblewski J.T., Nicoletti F., Fadda E. and Costa E. Phencyclidine is a negative allosteric modulator of signal transduction at two subclasses of excitatory amino acid receptors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84: 5068, 1987.

37. Nicoletti F., Wroblewski J.T. and Costa E. Magnesium ions inhibit the stimulation of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis by endogenous excitatory amino acids in primary cultures of cerebellar granule cells. J. Neurochem. 48: 967, 1987.

38. Nicoletti F., Wroblewski J.T., Fadda E. and Costa E. Pertussis toxin inhibits signal transduction at a specific metabolotropic glutamate receptor in primary cultures of cerebellar granule cells. Neuropharmacology 27 (6): 551, 1988.

39. Nicoletti F., Valerio C., Pellegrino C., Drago F., Scapagnini U. and Canonico P.L. Spatial learning potentiates the stimulation of phosphoinositide hydrolysis by excitatory amino acids in rat hippocampal slices. J. Neurochem. 51 (3): 725, 1988.

40. Canonico P.L., Favit A., Catania M.V. and Nicoletti F. Phorbol esters attenuate glutamate-stimulated inositol phospholipid hydrolysis in neuronal cultures. J. Neurochem. 51 (4): 1049, 1988.

41. Canonico P.L., Nicoletti F., Fiore L. and Scapagnini U. TRH potentiates excitatory amino acid-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis in neuronal cultures. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 553: 554, 1989.

42. Nicoletti F., Canonico P.L., Favit A., Nicoletti G. and Albanese V. Receptor-mediated stimulation of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis in human brain. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 160: 299, 1989.

43. Nicoletti F., Bruno V., Fiore L., Cavallaro S. and Canonico P.L. Inositolhexakisphosphate (phytic acid) enhances Ca2+ influx and D-[3H]aspartate release in cultured cerebellar neurons. J. Neurochem. 53: 1026, 1989.

44. Nicoletti F. and Canonico P.L. Glycine potentiates the stimulation of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis by excitatory amino acids in primary cultures of cerebellar neurons. J. Neurochem. 53: 725, 1989.

45. Clementi G., Favit A., Curreri R., Nicoletti F. and Scapagnini U. Repeated calcitonin treatment reduces the stimulation of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis by norepinephrine and serotonin in rat hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Brain Res, 52: 543, 1989.

46. Condorelli D.F., Kaczmarek L., Nicoletti F., Arcidiacono A., Dell'Albani P., Ingrao F., Magri G., Malaguarnera L., Avola R., Messina A. and Giuffrida Stella A.M. Induction of protooncogene fos by extracellular signals in primary glial cell cultures. J. Neurosci. Res. 23: 132, 1989.

47. Condorelli D.F., Ingrao F., Magri G., Bruno V., Nicoletti F. and Avola R. Activation of excitatory amino acid receptors reduces thymidine incorporation ad cell proliferation in primary cultures of astrocytes. Glia 2: 67, 1989.

48. Nicoletti F., Cavallaro S., Bruno V., Virgili M., Catania M.V., Contestabile A. and Canonico P.L. Gangliosides attenuate NMDA receptor-mediated excitatory amino acid release in cultured cerebellar neurons. Neuropharmacology, 28: 765, 1989.

49. Seren M.S., Aldinio C., Zanoni R., Leon A. and Nicoletti F. Stimulation of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis by excitatory amino acids is enhanced in brain slices from vulnerable regions after transient global ischemia. J. Neurochem. 53: 1700, 1989.

50. Nicoletti F., Magri G., Ingrao F., Bruno V., Catania M.V., Dell'Albani P., Condorelli D.F. and Avola R. Excitatory amino acids stimulate inositol phospholipid hyddrolysis and reduce proliferation in cultured astrocytes. J. Neurochem. 54: 771, 1990.

51. Nicoletti F., Bruno V., Cavallaro S., Sortino M.A. and Canonico P.L. Specific binding sites for inositolhexakisphosphate in brain and anterior pituitary. Mol. Pharmacol., 37: 689, 1990.

52. Copani A., Canonico P.L. and Nicoletti F. Beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (L-BMAA) is a potent agonist of "metabolotropic" glutamate receptors. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 181: 327, 1990.

53. Sortino M.A., Nicoletti F. and Canonico P.L. Inositol hexakisphosphate stimulates 45Ca2+ uptake in anterior pituitary cells in culture. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 189: 115, 1990.

54. Catania M.V., Sortino M.A., Rampello L., Canonico P.L. and Nicoletti F. Adenosine deaminase increases excitatory amino acid release through a mechanism independent of adenosine depletion. Neuropharmacology, 30: 153, 1991.

55. Aronica E., Frey U., Wagner M., Schroeder H., Krug M., Rutrich H., Catania M.V., Nicoletti F. and Reymann K.G. Enhanced sensitivity of "metabotropic" glutamate receptors after induction of "long-term potentiation" in rat hippocampus. J. Neurochem., 57: 376, 1991.

56. Catania, M.V., Aronica E., Sortino M.A., Canonico P.L. and Nicoletti F. Desensitization of metabotropic glutamate receptors in neuronal cultures. J. Neurochem., 56: 1329, 1991.

57. Copani A., Canonico P.L., Catania M.V., Aronica E., Bruno V., Ratti E., Gaviraghi G. and Nicoletti F. Interaction between beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) and excitatory amino acid receptors in brain slices and neuronal cultures. Brain Res., 558: 79, 1991.

58. Favit A., Fiore L., Nicoletti F. and Canonico P.L. Estrogen modulates stimulation of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis by norepinephrine in rat brain slices. Brain Res., 555 : 65, 1991.

59. Sortino M.A., Nicoletti F. and Canonico P.L. 'Metabotropic' glutamate receptors in rat hypothalamus: characterization and developmental profile. Brain Res. 61: 169, 1991.

60. Bruno V., Canonico P.L., Aronica E., Nicoletti F., Scapagnini U. Modulation of excitatory amino acid receptors by indolpyruvic acid. Neurosci. Res. Commun., 1991.

61. Copani A., Genazzani A.A., Aleppo G., Casabona G., Canonico P.L., Scapagnini U. and Nicoletti F. Nootropic drugs positively modulates alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid-sensitive glutamate receptors in neuronal cultures. J. Neurochem. 58: 1199, 1992.

62. Condorelli D.F., Dell'Albani P., Amico C., Casabona G., Genazzani A.A., Sortino M.A. and Nicoletti F. Developmental profile of metabotropic glutamate receptor mRNA in rat brain. Mol. Pharmacol. 41, 660: 1992.

63. Casabona G., Gennazzani A.A., Di Stefano M., Sortino M.A. and Nicoletti F. Developmental changes in the modulation of cyclic AMP formation by the metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist 1S,3R-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid in brain slices. J. Neurochem. 59: 1161, 1992.

64. Aronica E., Casabona G., Genazzani A.A., Catania M.V., Contestabile A., Virgili M. and Nicoletti F. Melittin enhances excitatory amino acid release and AMPA-stimulated 45Ca2+ influx in cultured neurons. Brain Res., 586 : 72, 1992.

65. Casabona G., Bruno V., Catania M.V., Sortino M.A., Nicoletti F., Scapagnini U. and Canonico P.L. Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) and its analogue, RGH 2202, accelerate maturation of cerebellar neurons "in vitro". Dev. Brain Res., 69: 179, 1992.

66. Favit A., Nicoletti F., Scapagnini U., Canonico P.L. Ubiquinone protects cultured neurons against spontaneous and excitotoxin-induced degeneration. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 12: 638, 1992.

67. Aronica E., Condorelli D.F., Nicoletti F., Dell'Albani P., Amico C. and Balazs R. Metabotropic glutamate receptors in cultures cerebellar granule cells: developmental profile. J. Neurochem., 60: 559, 1993.

68. Aronica E., Nicoletti F., Condorelli D.F. and Balazs R. Metabotropic glutamate receptors in cultured cerebellar granule cells: pharmacological characterization. Neurosci. Res., 18: 605, 1993.

69. Di Stefano M., Aleppo G., Casabona G., Genazzani A.A. and Nicoletti F. Amyloid- -protein does not interact with tachykinin receptors in astrocytoma cells. Brain Res., 600: 166, 1993.

70. Aleppo G., Nicoletti F., Sortino M.A., Casabona G., Scapagnini U. and Canonico P.L. Chronic L-alpha-glyceryl-phosphorylcholine increases inositol phosphate formation in brain slices and neuronal cultures. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 105: 879, 1993.

71. D.F. Condorelli, P. Dell'Albani, E. Aronica, A.A. Genazzani, G. Casabona, R. Corsaro, R. Balazs and F. Nicoletti. Growth conditions differentially regulate the expression of AMPA receptor subunits in cultured neurons. J. Neurochem. 61: 2133, 1993.

72. Genazzani A.A., Casabona G., L'Episcopo M.R., Condorelli, D.F., Dell'Albani P., Shinozaki H. and Nicoletti F. Characterization of metabotropic glutamate receptors linked to adenylyl cyclase in brain slices. Brain Res. 622: 132, 1993.

73. Nicoletti F., Casabona G., Genazzani A.A., L'Episcopo M.R. and Shinozaki H. (2S,1'R,2'R,3'R)-2-(2,3-Dicarboxycyclopropyl)glycine (DCG-IV) enhances quisqualate-stimulated inositol phospholipid hydrolysis in hippocampal slices. Eur. J. Pharmacol. Mol. Pharmacol. Section, 245: 297, 1993.

74. Aronica E., Dell'Albani P., Condorelli D.F., Nicoletti F., Hack N. and Balazs R. Mechanisms underlying developmental changes in the expression of metabotropic glutamate receptors in cultured cerebellar granule cells:homologous desensitization andinteractive effects involving N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. Mol. Pharm. 44: 981,1993.

75. Condorelli D.F., Dell'Albani P., Amico C., Kaczmarek L., Nicoletti F., Lukasiuk K., Giuffrida Stella A.M. Induction of primary response genes by excitatory amino acid receptor agonists in primary astroglial cultures. J. Neurochem. 60: 877, 1993.

76. Caruso S., Agnello C., Campo M.G., and Nicoletti F. Oxytocin reduces the activity of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in cultured neurons. J. Endocrinol. Invest. 16: 921, 1993.

77. Casabona G., L'Episcopo M.R., Di Iorio P., Ciccarelli R., De Bernardis E.,Shinozaki H., Nicoletti F., Caciagli F. Interaction between metabotropicreceptors and purinergic transmission in rat hippocampal slices. Brain Res. 645 : 13, 1994.

78. Bruno V., Copani A., Battaglia G., Raffaele R., Shinozaki H., Nicoletti F. Protective effect of the metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist, (2S,1'R,2'R,3'R)-2-(2,3-dicarboxycyclopropyl)glycine, against excitotoxic neuronal death. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 256: 109, 1994.

79. Genazzani A.A., L'Episcopo M.R., Casabona G., Shinozaki H. and Nicoletti F. (2S,1'R,2'R,3'R)-2-(2,3-dicarboxycyclopropyl)glycine positively modulates metabotropic glutamate receptors coupled to polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis in rat hippocampal slices. Brain Res. 659: 10, 1994.

80. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Copani A., Sortino M.A., Canonico P.L.. Nicoletti F. Protective action of idebenone against excitotoxi-induced neuronal degeneration in culture. Neurosci. Lett. 178: 193, 1994.

81. Copani A., Bruno M.G., Barresi V., Battaglia G., Condorelli D.F., Nicoletti F. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors neuronal apoptosis in culture. J. Neurochem. 64: 1, 1995.

82. Copani A., Bruno V., Dell'Albani P., Battaglia G., Barresi V., Caruso A., Nicoletti F., and Condorelli D.F. Growth conditions differentialy affect the constitutive expression of primary response genes in cultured cerebellar granule cells. Neurochemical Res. 20 (5): 611, 1995.

83. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Copani A., Giffard R.G., Dell'Albani P., Raciti G.,Condorelli D.F. and Nicoletti F. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtypes negatively linked to adenylyl cyclase protect cultured cortical neurons against excitotoxic degeneration. Eur. J. Neurosci. 7: 1906-1913, 1995.

84. Copani A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Leanza G., Stanzani S. and Nicoletti F. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors protects cultured neurons against apoptosis induced by -amyloid peptide. Mol. Pharm. 47 (5), 890-897, 1995.

85. Fallarino F., Genazzani A.A., Silla S., Camici O., Corazzi L., Nicoletti F., Fioretti M.C. [3H]Aniracetam binds to specific recognition sites in brain membranes. J. Neurochem. 65, 912-918, 1995.

86. Bruno V., Copani A., Knoepfel T., Kuhn R., Casabona G., Dell'Albani P., Condorelli D.F., and Nicoletti F. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors coupled to inositol phospholipid hydrolysis amplifies NMDA-induced neuronal degeneration in cultured cortical cells. Neuropharmacology 34 (8): 1089-1098, 1995.

87. Marinozzi M., Natalini B., Costantino G., Pellicciari R., Bruno V., Nicoletti F. Synthesis of 6,6-dicarboxy-3,4-methano-L-proline, a new constrained glutamate analog endowed with neuroprotective properties. Il Farmaco, 51 (2), 121-124, 1996.

88. Nicoletti F., Bruno V., Copani A., Casabona G., Knoepfel T. Metabotropic glutamate receptors: a new target for the therapy of neurodegenerative disorders? Trends in Neurosci., 19 (7): 267-271, 1996.

89. Bruno V., Copani A., Bonanno L., Knoepfel T., Kuhn R., Roberts P.J., Nicoletti F. Activation of group III metabotropic glutamate receptors is neuroprotective in cortical cultures. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 310: 61-66, 1996.

90. Bertino L., Castiglione Ruffini M., Copani A., Bruno V., Raciti G., Cambria A., Nicoletti F. Growth conditions influence DNA methylation in cultured cerebellar granule cells. Dev. Brain Res., 95: 38-43, 1996.

91. Di Iorio P., Battaglia G., Ciccarelli R., Ballerini P., Giuliani P., Poli A., Nicoletti F., Caciagli F. Interaction between A1 and class II metabotropic glutamate receptors in the regulation of purine and glutamate release from rat hippocampal slices. J. Neurochem., 1996.

92. Sortino M.A., Aleppo G., Copani A., Casabona G., Nicoletti F., Ventra C., Kuhn R., Knoepfel T., Malitschek B., Canonico P.L. Immortalized hypothalamic neurons express a novel metabotropic glutamate receptor positively coupled to cyclic AMP formation. Eur. J. Neurosci. 8: 2407-2415, 1996.

93. Thomsen C., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Marinozzi M., Nicoletti F., Pellicciari R. (2S,1 S,2 S,3 R)-2-(2 -carboxy-3 -phenylcyclopropyl)glycine, a potent and selective antagonist of type II metabotropic glutamate receptors. Mol. Pharmacol., 50: 6-9, 1996.

94. Condorelli D.F., Dell Albani P., Corsaro M., Giuffrida R., Caruso A., Trovato Salinaro A., Spinella F., Nicoletti F., Albanese V., Giuffrida-Stella A.M. Metabotropic glutamate receptor expression in cultured rat astrocytes and human gliomas. Neurochem. Res., 22: 1127-1133, 1997.

95. Casabona G., Knoepfel T., Kuhn R., Gasparini F., Baumann P., Sortino M.A., Copani A., Nicoletti F. Expression and coupling to polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors in early postnatal and adult rat brain. Eur. J. Neurosci. 9: 12-17,1997.

96. Bruno V., Sureda F.X., Storto M., Casabona G., Caruso A., Knopfel T., Kuhn R., Nicoletti F. The neuroprotective activity of group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors requires new protein synthesis and involves a glial-neuronal signaling. J. Neurosci. 17(6): 1891-1897, 1997.

97. Ciccarelli R., Sureda F.X., Casabona G., Di Iorio P., Caruso A., Spinella F., Condorelli D.F., Nicoletti F., Caciagli F. Opposite influence of the metabotropic glutamate receptors subtypes mGlu3 and -5 on astrocyte proliferation in culture. Glia, 21: 390-398, 1997.

98. Sureda F., Copani A., Bruno V., Knopfel T., Meltzger R., Nicoletti F. Metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists stimulate polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 338, R1-R2 1997.

99. Bruno V., Wroblewska B., Wroblewski J.T., Fiore L., Nicoletti F. Neuroprotective activity of N-acetylaspartylglutamate in cultured cortical cells. Neurosci. 85, 751-757, 1998.

100. G. Casabona, M.V. Catania, M. Storto, N. Ferraris, I. Perroteau, A. Fasolo, F. Nicoletti, P. Bovolin. Deafferentation up-regulates the exrpession of the mGlu1a metabotropic glutamate receptor protein in the olfactory bulb. Eur. J. Neurosci. 10, 1998.

101. A. Copani, G. Casabona, V. Bruno, A. Caruso, D.F. Condorelli, A. Messina, V. Di Giorgi Gerevini, J.-P. Pin, R. Kuhn, T. Knopfel and F. Nicoletti. The metabotropic glutamate receptor mGlu5 controls the onset of developmental apoptosis in cultured cerebellar neurons. Eur. J. Neurosci. 10: 2173-2184, 1998.

102. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Casabona G., Copani A., Caciagli F. and Nicoletti F. Neuroprotection by glial metabotropic glutamate receptors is mediated by transforming growth factor- . J. Neurosci.18 (23): 9594-9600, 1998.

103. G. Battaglia, V. Bruno, R. Ngomba, R. Di Grezia, A. Copani and F. Nicoletti. Selective activation of group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors is protective against excitotoxic neuronal death. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 356: 271-274, 1998.

104. Kingston A.E., O'Neill M.J., Bond A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Harris J.R., Clark B.P., Monn J.A., Lodge D., Schoepp D.D. Neuroprotective actions of novel and potent ligands of group I and group II metabotropic glutamate receptors. Ann N Y Acad Sci., 890: 438, 1999.

105. Copani A., Condorelli F., Caruso A., Vancheri C., Sala A., Giuffrida Stella A.M., Canonico P.L., Nicoletti F., Sortino M.A. Mitotic signaling by beta-amyloid causes neuronal death. FASEB J., 13(15): 2225-34, 1999.

106. Nicoletti F., Bruno V., Catania M.V., Battaglia G., Copani A., Barbagallo G., Cena V., Sanchez-Prieto J., Spano P.F., Pizzi M. Group-I metabotropic glutamate receptors: hypotheses to explain their dual role in neurotoxicity and neuroprotection. Neuropharmacology., 38(10): 1477-84, 1999.

107. Ciccarelli R., Di Iorio P., Bruno V., Battaglia G., D'Alimonte I., D'Onofrio M., Nicoletti F., Caciagli F. Activation of A(1) adenosine or mGlu3 metabotropic glutamate receptors enhances the release of nerve growth factor and S-100beta protein from cultured astrocytes. Glia, 27:275-81, 1999.

108. Poli A., Lucchi R., Storto M., De Paolis P., Notari S., Nicoletti F., Casabona G. Predominant expression of group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors in the goldfish brain. Brain Res., 834: 142-5, 1999.

109. Catania M.V., Copani A., Calogero A., Ragonese G.I., Condorelli D.F., Nicoletti F. An enhanced expression of the immediate early gene, Egr-1, is associated with neuronal apoptosis in culture. Neuroscience, 91:1529-38, 1999.

110. Gasparini F., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Lukic S., Leonhardt T., Inderbitzin W., Laurie D., Sommer B., Varney M.A., Hess S.D., Johnson E.C., Kuhn R., Urwyler S., Sauer D., Portet C., Schmutz M., Nicoletti F., Flor P.J. (R,S)-4-phosphonophenylglycine, a potent and selective group III metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist, is anticonvulsive and neuroprotective in vivo. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 289: 1678-87, 1999.

111. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Kingston A., O'Neill M.J., Catania M.V., Di Grezia R., Nicoletti F. Neuroprotective activity of the potent and selective mGlu1a metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist, (+)-2-methyl-4 carboxyphenylglycine (LY367385): comparison with LY357366, a broader spectrum antagonist with equal affinity for mGlu1a and mGlu5 receptors. Neuropharmacology, 38: 199-207, 1999.

112. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Copani A., Casabona G., Storto M., Di Giorgi Gerevini V., Ngomba R., Nicoletti F. Metabotropic glutamate receptors and neurodegeneration. Prog Brain Res., 116:209-21, 1998.

113. Rampello L., Fr. Nicoletti and F. Nicoletti. Dopamine and depression: role in aetiology and therapeutic implications. CNS Drugs, 1999.

114. Fornai F., Battaglia G., Gesi M., Giorgi F.S., Orzi F., Nicoletti F., Ruggieri S. Time-course and dose-response study on the effects of chronic L-DOPA administration on striatal dopamine levels and dopamine transporter following MPTP toxicity. Brain Res., 887:110-7, 2000.

115. Sallese M., Salvatore L., D'Urbano E., Sala G., Storto M., Launey T., Nicoletti F., Knopfel T., De Blasi A. The G-protein-coupled receptor kinase GRK4 mediates homologous desensitization of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1. FASEB J., 14:2569-80, 2000.

116. Battaglia G., Rassoulpour A., Wu H.Q., Hodgkins P.S., Kiss C., Nicoletti F., Schwarcz R. Some metabotropic glutamate receptor ligands reduce kynurenate synthesis in rats by intracellular inhibition of kynurenine aminotransferase II. J. Neurochem., 75:2051-60, 2000.

117. Storto M., De Grazia U., Battaglia G., Felli M.P., Maroder M., Gulino A., Ragona G., Nicoletti F., Screpanti I., Frati L., Calogero A. Expression of metabotropic glutamate receptors in murine thymocytes and thymic stromal cells. J Neuroimmunol., 109:112-20, 2000.

118. Bruno V., Ksiazek I., Battaglia G., Lukic S., Leonhardt T., Sauer D., Gasparini F., Kuhn R., Nicoletti F., Flor P.J. Selective blockade of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 is neuroprotective. Neuropharmacology, 39: 2223-30, 2000.

119. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Ksiazek I., van der Putten H., Catania M.V., Giuffrida R., Lukic S., Leonhardt T., Inderbitzin W., Gasparini F., Kuhn R., Hampson D.R., Nicoletti F., Flor P.J. Selective activation of mGlu4 metabotropic glutamate receptors is protective against excitotoxic neuronal death. J. Neurosci., 20: 6413-20, 2000.

120. Riedel G., Casabona G., Platt B., Macphail E.M., Nicoletti F. Fear conditioning-induced time- and subregion-specific increase in expression of mGlu5 receptor protein in rat hippocampus. Neuropharmacology, 39: 1943-51, 2000.

121. Bruno V., Copani A., Besong G., Scoto G., Nicoletti F. Neuroprotective activity of chemokines against N-methyl-D-aspartate or beta-amyloid-induced toxicity in culture. Eur J Pharmacol., 399:117-21, 2000.

122. Copani A., Romano C., Di Giorgi Gerevini V., Nicosia A., Casabona G., Storto M., Mutel V., Nicoletti F. Reducing conditions differentially affect the functional and structural properties of group-I and -II metabotropic glutamate receptors. Brain Res., 867: 165-72, 2000.

123. Frati C., Marchese C., Fisichella G., Copani A., Nasca M.R., Storto M., Nicoletti F. Expression of functional mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors in human melanocytes. J Cell Physiol., 183:364-72, 2000.

124. Battaglia G., La Russa M., Bruno V., Arenare L., Ippolito R., Copani A., Bonina F., Nicoletti F. Systemically administered D-glucose conjugates of 7-chlorokynurenic acid are centrally available and exert anticonvulsant activity in rodents. Brain Res., 860: 149-56, 2000.

125. Storto M., De Grazia U., Knopfel T., Canonico P.L., Copani A., Richelmi P., Nicoletti F., Vairetti M. Selective blockade of mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors protects rat hepatocytes against hypoxic damage. Hepatology, 31: 649-55, 2000.

126. Buzzi M.G., Di Gennaro G., D'Onofrio M., Ciccarelli O., Santorelli F.M., Fortini D., Nappi G., Nicoletti F., Casali C. mtDNA A3243G MELAS mutation is not associated with multigenerational female migraine. Neurology, 54: 1005-7, 2000.

127. D'Onofrio M., Cuomo L., Battaglia G., Ngomba R.T., Storto M., Kingston A.E., Orzi F., De Blasi A., Di Iorio P., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. Neuroprotection mediated by glial group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors requires the activation of the MAP kinase and the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase pathways. J. Neurochem., 78: 435-445, 2001.

128. Storto M., Sallese M., Salvatore L., Poulet R., Condorelli D.F., Dell'Albani P., Marcello M.F., Romeo R., Piomboni P., Barone N., Nicoletti F., Nicoletti F., De Blasi A. Expression of metabotropic glutamate receptors in the rat and human testis. J Endocrinol., 170: 71-78, 2001.

129. Battaglia G., Bruno V., Pisani A., Centonze D., Catania M.V., Calabresi P., Nicoletti F. Selective blockade of type-1 metabotropic glutamate receptors induces neuroprotection by enhancing gabaergic transmission. Mol. Cell. Neurosci., 17:1071-83, 2001.

130. Melchiorri D., Bruno V., Besong G., Ngomba R.T., Cuomo L., De Blasi A., Copani A., Moschella C., Storto M., Nicoletti F., Lepperdinger G., Passarelli F. The mammalian homologue of the novel peptide Bv8 is expressed in the central nervous system and supports neuronal survival by activating the MAP kinase/PI-3-kinase pathways. Eur. J. Neurosci., 13: 1694-702, 2001.

131. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Copani A., Cespedes V.M., Galindo M.F., Cena V., Sanchez-Prieto J., Gasparini F., Kuhn R., Flor P.J., Nicoletti F. An activity-dependent switch from facilitation to inhibition in the control of excitotoxicity by group I metabotropic glutamate receptors. Eur. J. Neurosci., 13: 1469-78, 2001.

132. Fornai F., Battaglia G., Gesi M., Orzi F., Nicoletti F., Ruggieri S. Dose-dependent protective effects of apomorphine against methamphetamine-induced nigrostriatal damage. Brain Res., 898: 27-35, 2001.

133. De Blasi A., Conn P.J., Pin J., Nicoletti F. Molecular determinants of metabotropic glutamate receptor signaling. Trends Pharmacol. Sci., 22:114-20, 2001.

134. Copani A., Uberti D., Sortino M.A., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Memo M. Activation of cell-cycle-associated proteins in neuronal death: a mandatory or dispensable path? Trends Neurosci., 24:25-31, 2001.

135. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Copani A., D Onofrio M., Di Iorio P., De Blasi A., Melchiorri D., Flor J. P. and Nicoletti F. Metabotropic glutamate receptor subtypes as targets for neuroprotective drugs. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab., 21: 1013-1033, 2001.

136. Catania M.V., Bellomo M., Di Giorgi-Gerevini V., Seminara G., Giuffrida R., Romeo R., De Blasi A., Nicoletti F. Endogenous activation of group-I metabotropic glutamate receptors is required for differentiation and survival of cerebellar Purkinje cells. J. Neurosci., 21: 7664-73, 2001.

137. Rampello L., Chiechio S., Raffaele R., Vecchio I., Nicoletti F. The SSRI, citalopram, improves bradykinesia in patients with Parkinson's disease treated with L-dopa. Clin. Neuropharmacol., 25:21-4, 2002.

138. Battaglia G., Fornai F., Busceti C.L., Aloisi G., Cerrito F., De Blasi A., Melchiorri D., Nicoletti F. Selective blockade of mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors is protective against methamphetamine neurotoxicity. J. Neurosci., 22: 2135-41, 2002.

139. Battaglia G., Busceti C.L., Cuomo L., Giorgi F.S., Orzi F., De Blasi A., Nicoletti F., Ruggieri S., Fornai F. Continuous subcutaneous infusion of apomorphine rescues nigro-striatal dopaminergic terminals following MPTP injection in mice. Neuropharmacology, 42: 367-73, 2002.

140. Copani A., Sortino M.A., Nicoletti F., Giuffrida S.A.. Alzheimer's disease research enters a "new cycle": how significant? Neurochem. Res., 27: 173-6, 2002.

141. Chiechio S., Caricasole A., Barletta E., Storto M., Catania M.V., Copani A., Vertechy M., Nicolai R., Calvani M., Melchiorri D., Nicoletti F. L-Acetylcarnitine induces analgesia by selectively up-regulating mGlu2 metabotropic glutamate receptors. Mol. Pharmacol., 61: 989-96, 2002.

142. Copani A., Condorelli F., Canonico P.L., Nicoletti F., Sortino M.A. Cell cycle progression towards Alzheimer's disease. Funct. Neurol., 16: 11-5, 2001.

143. Copani A., Melchiorri D., Caricasole A., Martini F., Sale P., Carnevale R., Gradini R., Sortino M.A., Lenti L., De Maria R., Nicoletti F. Beta-amyloid-induced synthesis of the ganglioside GD3 is a requisite for cell cycle reactivation and apoptosis in neurons. J. Neurosci., 22: 3963-8, 2002.

144. Melchiorri D., Martini F., Lococo E., Gradini R., Barletta E., De Maria R., Caricasole A., Nicoletti F., Lenti L. An early increase in the disialoganglioside GD3 contributes to the development of neuronal apoptosis in culture. Cell Death Differ., 9: 609-615, 2002.

145. Besong G., Battaglia G., D'Onofrio M., Di Marco R., Ngomba R.T., Storto M., Castiglione M., Mangano K., Busceti C.L., Nicoletti F.R., Bacon K., Tusche M., Valenti O., Conn P.J., Bruno V., Nicoletti F. Activation of group III metabotropic glutamate receptors inhibits the production of RANTES in glial cell cultures. J Neurosci., 22: 5403-11, 2002.

146. Battaglia G., Gesi M., Lenzi P., Busceti C.L., Soldani P., Orzi F., Rampello L., Nicoletti F., Ruggieri S., Fornai F. Morphological and biochemical evidence that apomorphine rescues striatal dopamine terminals and prevents methamphetamine toxicity. Ann. NY Acad. Sci., 965: 254-66, 2002.

147. Iacovelli L., Bruno V., Salvatore L., Melchiorri D., Gradini R., Caricasole A., Barletta E., De Blasi A., Nicoletti F. Native group-III metabotropic glutamate receptors are coupled to the mitogen-activated protein kinase/phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase pathways. J. Neurochem., 82: 216-23, 2002.

148. Matrisciano F., Storto M., Ngomba R.T., Cappuccio I., Caricasole A., Scaccianoce S., Riozzi B., Melchiorri D., Nicoletti F. Imipramine treatment up-regulates the expression and function of mGlu2/3 metabotropic glutamate receptors in the rat hippocampus. Neuropharmacology, 42: 1008-1015, 2002.

149. Caricasole A., Bruno V., Cappuccio I., Melchiorri D., Copani A., Nicoletti F. A novel rat gene encoding a Humanin-like peptide endowed with broad neuroprotective activity. FASEB J., 16: 1331-3, 2002.

150. Copani A., Sortino M.A., Caricasole A., Chiechio S., Chisari M., Battaglia G., Giuffrida-Stella A.M., Vancheri C., Nicoletti F. Erratic expression of DNA polymerases by beta-amyloid causes neuronal death. FASEB J., 16: 2006-8, 2002.

151. Picconi B., Pisani A., Centonze D., Battaglia G., Storto M., Nicoletti F., Bernardi G., Calabresi P. Striatal metabotropic glutamate receptor function following experimental parkinsonism and chronic levodopa treatment. Brain, 125: 2635-45, 2002.

153. Iacovelli L., Salvatore L., Capobianco L., Picascia A., Barletta E., Storto M., Mariggio S., Sallese M., Porcellini A., Nicoletti F., De Blasi A. Role of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4 and beta-arrestin 1 in agonist-stimulated metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 internalization and activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases. J. Biol. Chem., 278: 12433-12442. Epub 2003 Jan 07, 2003.

154. Storto M., Ngomba T.R., Battaglia G., Freitas I., Griffino P., Richelmi P., Nicoletti F., and Vairetti M. Selective blockade of mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors is protective against acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in mice. J. Hepatol., 38: 179-187, 2003.

155. D Onofrio M., Arcella A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Ngomba T. R., Lombari V., Ragona G., Calogero A. and Nicoletti F. Pharmacological blockade of mGlu2/3 metabotropic glutamate receptors reduces cell proliferation in cultured human glioma cells. J. Neurochem., 84: 1288-1295, 2003.

156. Caricasole A., Copani A., Caruso A., Caraci F., Iacovelli L., Sortino M.A., Terstappen G.C., Nicoletti F. The Wnt pathway, cell-cycle activation and beta-amyloid: novel therapeutic strategies in Alzheimer's disease? Trends Pharmacol. Sci., 24: 233-238, 2003.

157. Scaccianoce S., Matrisciano F., Del Bianco P., Caricasole A., Di Giorgi Gerevini V., Cappuccio I., Melchiorri D., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F. Endogenous activation of group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors inhibits the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis. Neuropharmacology, 44: 555-561, 2003.

158. Battaglia G., Busceti L.C., Pontarelli F., Fornai F., Paparelli A., Bruno V., Ruggieri S. and Nicoletti F. Protective role of group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors against nigro-striatal degeneration induced by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine in mice. Neuropharmacology, 45: 155-166, 2003.

159. Poli A., Beraudi A., Villani L., Storto M., Battaglia G., Di Giorgi Gerevini V., Cappuccio I., Caricasole A., D Onofrio M., and F. Nicoletti. Group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors regulate the vulnerability to hypoxic brain damage. J. Neurosci. , 23: 6023-6029, 2003.

160. Battaglia G., Fornai F., Busceti L.C., Lembo G., Nicoletti F. and De Blasi A. Alpha-1b adrenergic receptor knockout mice are protected against methamphetamine toxicity. J. Neurochem., 86: 413-421, 2003.

161. Caricasole A., Ferraro T., Iacovelli L., Barletta E., Caruso A., Melchiorri D., Terstappen G.C., Nicoletti F. Functional characterization of WNT7A signaling in PC12 cells: interaction with A FZD5 x LRP6 receptor complex and modulation by Dickkopf proteins. J. Biol. Chem., 278: 37024-37031. Epub 2003 Jul 11, 2003.

162. Manahan-Vaughan D., Ngomba R.T., Storto M., Kulla A., Catania M.V., Chiechio S., Rampello L., Passarelli F., Capece A., Reymann K.G., Nicoletti F. An increased expression of the mGlu5 receptor protein following LTP induction at the perforant path-dentate gyrus synapse in freely moving rats. Neuropharmacology, 44: 17-25, 2003.

163. Scaccianoce S., Del Bianco P., Caricasole A., Nicoletti F., Catalani A. Relationship between learning, stress and hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Neuroscience, 121: 825-828, 2003.

164. Maj M, Bruno V., Dragic Z., Battaglia G., Inderbitzin W., Stein T., Gasparini F., Kuhn R., van der Putten H., Nicoletti F. and Flor J.P. (-)-PHCCC, a positive allosteric modulator selective for metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 4: pharmacological and molecular characterization. Neuropharmacology, 45: 895-906, 2003.

165. Cinque C., Zuena A.R., Casolini P., Ngomba R.T., Melchiorri D., Maccari S., Nicoletti F., DiGiorgi Gerevini V., Catalani A. Reduced activity of hippocampal group-I metabotropic glutamate receptors in learning-prone rats. Neuroscience, 122: 277-284, 2003.

166. Fornai F., Lenzi P., Gesi M., Soldani P, Ferrucci M, Lazzeri G., Capobianco L., Battaglia G., De Blasi A., Nicoletti F. and Paparelli A. Induction of lewy bodies by methamphetamine. J. Neurochem., 88: 114-123, 2004.

167. Battaglia G., Busceti L.C., Molinaro G., Biagioni F., Storto M., Fornai F., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. Endogenous activation of mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors contributes to the development of nigro-striatal damage induced by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine in mice. J. Neurosci., 24: 828-835, 2004.

168. Caruso A., Di Giorgi Gerevini V., Castiglione M., Marinelli F., Tomassini V., Pozzilli C., Caricasole A., Bruno V., Caciagli F., Moretti A., Nicoletti F., Melchiorri D. Testosterone amplifies excitotoxic damage of cultured oligodendrocytes. J. Neurochem., 88: 1179-1185, 2004.

169. Di Giorgi Gerevini V.D., Caruso A., Cappuccio I., Ricci Vitiani L., Romeo S., Della Rocca C., Gradini R., Melchiorri D., Nicoletti F. The mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptor is expressed in zones of active neurogenesis of the embryonic and postnatal brain. Brain Res. Dev. Brain Res., 150: 17-22, 2004.

170. Frasca G., Chiechio S., Vancheri C., Nicoletti F., Copani A., Sortino M.A. Beta-amyloid-activated cell cycle in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells: correlation with the MAP kinase pathway. J. Mol. Neurosci., 22: 231-236, 2004.

171. Sortino M.A., Chisari M., Merlo S., Vancheri C., Caruso M., Nicoletti F., Canonico P.L., Copani A. Glia mediates the neuroprotective action of estradiol on -amyloid-induced neuronal death. Endocrinology, 145(11):5080-6. Epub 2004 Aug 12., 2004.

172. Iacovelli L., Capobianco L., Iula M., Di Giorgi Gerevini V., Picascia A., Blahos J., Melchiorri D., Nicoletti F., De Blasi A. Regulation of mGlu4 metabotropic glutamate receptor signaling by type-2 G-protein coupled receptor kinase (GRK2). Mol. Pharmacol., 65: 1103-1010, 2004.

173. Chiechio S, Copani A, Melchiorri D, Canudas AM, Storto M, Calvani M, Nicolai R, Nicoletti F. Metabotropic receptors as targets for drugs of potential use in the treatment
of neuropathic pain. J Endocrinol Invest., 27(6 Suppl):171-6, 2004.

174. Di Iorio P., Ballerini P., Traversa U., Nicoletti F., D'Alimonte I., Kleywegt S., Werstiuk E.S., Rathbone M.P., Caciagli F., Ciccarelli R. The antiapoptotic effect of guanosine is mediated by the activation of the PI 3-kinase/AKT/PKB pathway in cultured rat astrocytes. Glia, 46: 356-68, 2004.

175. Storto M., Battaglia G., Gradini R., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Vairetti M.P. Mouse hepatocytes lacking mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors are less sensitive to hypoxic damage. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 497: 25-27, 2004.

176. Fornai F, Lenzi P, Gesi M, Ferrucci M, Lazzeri G, Capobianco L, de Blasi A, Battaglia G, Nicoletti F, Ruggieri S, Paparelli A. Similarities between methamphetamine toxicity and proteasome inhibition. Ann N Y Acad Sci., 1025:162-70, 2004.

177. Caricasole A., Copani A., Caraci F., Aronica E., Rozemuller A.J., Caruso A., Storto M., Gaviraghi G., Terstappen G.C., Nicoletti F. Induction of Dickkopf-1, a negative modulator of the Wnt pathway, is associated with neuronal degeneration in Alzheimer's brain. J. Neurosci., 24: 6021-6027, 2004.

178. Castiglione M., Spinsanti P., Iacovelli L., Lenti L., Martini F., Gradini R., Di Giorgi Gerevini V., Caricasole A., Caruso A., De Maria R., Nicoletti F., Melchiorri D. Activation of Fas receptor is required for the increased formation of the disialoganglioside GD3 in cultured cerebellar granule cells committed to apoptotic death. Neuroscience, 126: 889-98, 2004.

179. Canudas A.M., DiGiorgi Gerevini V., Iacovelli L., D Onofrio M., Arcella A., Giangaspero F., Busceti C.L., RicciVitiani L., Battaglia G., Melchiorri D., Nicoletti F. PHCCC, a specific enhancer of mGlu4 metabotropic glutamate receptors, reduces proliferation and promotes differentiation of cerebellar granule cell neuroprecursors. J. Neurosci., 24:10343-10352, 2005.

180. Di Giorgi-Gerevini V., Melchiorri D., Battaglia G., Busceti L.C., Biagioni F., Ricci-Vitiani L., Iacovelli L., Canudas A.M., Bez A., Parati E., De Maria R., Nicoletti F. Endogenous activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors supports the proliferation and survival of neural stem cells. Cell Death Differ., 12(8):1124-33, 2005.

181. Calo L, Bruno V, Spinsanti P, Molinari G, Korkhov V, Esposito Z, Patane M, Melchiorri D, Freissmuth M, Nicoletti F. Interactions between ephrin-B and metabotropic glutamate 1 receptors in brain tissue and cultured neurons. J Neurosci., 25(9):2245-54, 2005.

182. Marganella C, Bruno V, Matrisciano F, Reale C, Nicoletti F, Melchiorri D. Comparative effects of levobupivacaine and racemic bupivacaine on excitotoxic neuronal death in culture and N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced seizures in mice. Eur J Pharmacol., 518(2-3):111-5, 2005.

183. Matrisciano F., Scaccianoce S., Del Bianco P., Canudas A.M., Battaglia G., Tatarelli R., Melchiorri D., Nicoletti F. Pharmacological activation of mGlu2/3 metabotropic glutamate receptors shortens the latency of imipramine-induced down-regulation of -adrenergic receptors in the mouse hippocampus. J Neurochem., 93(5):1345-52, 2005.

184. Caraci F, Chisari M, Frasca G, Canonico PL, Battaglia A, Calafiore M, Battaglia G, Bosco P, Nicoletti F, Copani A, Sortino MA. Nicergoline, a drug used for age-dependent cognitive impairment, protects cultured neurons against beta-amyloid toxicity. Brain Res., 1047(1):30-7, 2005.

185. Simonyi A, Ngomba RT, Storto M, Catania MV, Miller LA, Youngs B, DiGiorgi-Gerevini V, Nicoletti F, Sun GY. Expression of groups I and II metabotropic glutamate receptors in the rat brain during aging. Brain Res., 1043(1-2):95-106, 2005.

186. Fornai F., Schlüter O.M., Lenzi P., Gesi M., Ruffoli R., Ferrucci M., Lazzeri G., Busceti C.L., Pontarelli F., Battaglia G., Pellegrini A, Nicoletti F., Ruggieri S., Paparelli A., Südhof C.T. Parkinson-Like Syndrome Induced by Continuous MPTP Infusion: Convergent Roles of the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System and -Synuclein. P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 102:3413-3418. Epub 2005 Feb 16, 2005.

187. Kramer D, Caruso A, Nicoletti F, Genazzani AA. Somatostatin and the somatostatin receptor 2 are reciprocally controlled by calcineurin during cerebellar granule cell maturation. J Neurochem., 94(5):1374-83, 2005.

188. Cappuccio I., Calderone A., Busceti C.L., Biagioni F., Pontarelli F., Bruno V., Storto M., Calderone A., Terstappen G.T., Gaviraghi G, Fornai F., Battaglia G., Melchiorri D., Zukin S., Nicoletti F., Caricasole A. Induction of Dickkopf-1, a negative modulator of the Wnt pathway, is required for the development of ischemic neuronal death. J. Neurosci., 25:2647-2657, 2005.

189. Calo L, Spillantini M, Nicoletti F, Allen ND. Nurr1 co-localizes with EphB1 receptors in the developing ventral midbrain, and its expression is enhanced by the EphB1 ligand, ephrinB2. J Neurochem., 92(2):235-45, 2005.

190. Arcella A., Carpinelli G., Battaglia G., D Onofrio M., Santoro F., Ngomba T.R., Bruno V., Casolini P., Giangaspero F., Nicoletti F. Pharmacological blockade of group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors reduces the growth of glioma cells in vivo. Neuro-oncol., 7(3):236-45, 2005.

191. Cappuccio I, Spinsanti P, Porcellini A, Desiderati F, De Vita T, Storto M, Capobianco L, Battaglia G, Nicoletti F, Melchiorri D. Endogenous activation of mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors supports self-renewal of cultured mouse embryonic stem cells. Neuropharmacology, 49 Suppl 1:196-205, 2005.

192. Ngomba R.T., Biagioni F., Casciato S., Willems-van Bree E., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., van Luijtelaar E.L.J.M. Pharmacological blockade of mGlu2/3 metabotropic glutamate receptors reduces spike-wave discharges in the WAG/Rij rat model of absence epilepsy. Neuropharmacology, 49 Suppl 1:89-103, 2005.

193. Casolini P, Zuena AR, Cinque C, Matteucci P, Alema GS, Adriani W, Carpinelli G, Santoro F, Alleva E, Bosco P, Nicoletti F, Laviola G, Catalani A. Sub-neurotoxic neonatal anoxia induces subtle behavioural changes and specific abnormalities in brain group-I metabotropic glutamate receptors in rats. J. Neurochem., 2005, 95:137-145.

194. Conn PJ, Battaglia G, Marino MJ, Nicoletti F. Metabotropic glutamate receptors in the basal ganglia motor circuit. Nat Rev Neurosci., 2005, 6:787-798.

195. Caricasole A, Bakker A, Copani A, Nicoletti F, Gaviraghi G, Terstappen GC. Two sides of the same coin: Wnt signaling in neurodegeneration and neuro-oncology. Biosci Rep., 2005, 25:309-327.

196. Ambrosini A, D'Onofrio M, Grieco GS, Di Mambro A, Montagna G, Fortini D, Nicoletti F, Nappi G, Sances G, Schoenen J, Buzzi MG, Santorelli FM, Pierelli F. Familial basilar migraine associated with a new mutation in the ATP1A2 gene. Neurology, 2005, 65:1826-1828.

197. Storto M., Capobianco L., Battaglia G., Molinaro G., Gradini R., Riozzi B., Mitchel K., Rutter G.Y., Nicoletti F. Insulin secretion is under the control of type-5 metabotropic glutamate receptors. Mol. Pharm., 2006, 69:1234-1241.

198. Calafiore M., Battaglia G., Zappalà A., Trovato-Salinaro E., Caraci F., Caruso M., Vancheri C., Sortino M.A., Nicoletti F. Copani Progenitor cells from the adult mouse brain acquire a neuronal phenotype in response to -amyloid. Neurobiol Aging., 2006, 27:606-613.

199. Battaglia G, Busceti CL, Molinaro G, Biagioni F, Traficante A, Nicoletti F, Bruno V. Pharmacological activation of mGlu4 metabotropic glutamate receptors reduces nigrostriatal degeneration in mice treated with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine. J Neurosci., 2006, 26:7222-7229.

201. Cappuccio I, Verani R, Spinsanti P, Niccolini C, Gradini R, Costantino S, Nicoletti F, Melchiorri D. Context-dependent regulation of embryonic stem cell differentiation by mGlu4 metabotropic glutamate receptors. Neuropharmacology. 2006, 51:606-611.

202. Caruso A, Motolese M, Iacovelli L, Caraci F, Copani A, Nicoletti F, Terstappen GC, Gaviraghi G, Caricasole A. Inhibition of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway by apolipoprotein E4 in PC12 cells. J Neurochem., 2006, 98:364-371.

203. Calo L, Cinque C, Patane M, Schillaci D, Battaglia G, Melchiorri D, Nicoletti F, Bruno V. Interaction between ephrins/Eph receptors and excitatory amino acid receptors: possible relevance in the regulation of synaptic plasticity and in the pathophysiology of neuronal degeneration. J Neurochem. 2006, 98:1-10.

204. Chiechio S, Copani A, De Petris L, Morales ME, Nicoletti F, Gereau RW 4th. Transcriptional regulation of metabotropic glutamate receptor 2/3 expression by the NF-kappaB pathway in primary dDorsal root ganglia neurons: a possible mechanism for the analgesic effect of L-Acetylcarnitine. Mol Pain., 2:2-20, 2006.

205. Iacovelli L, Fulceri F, De Blasi A, Nicoletti F, Ruggieri S, Fornai F. The neurotoxicity of amphetamines: Bridging drugs of abuse and neurodegenerative disorders. Exp Neurol. 2006, 201(1):24-3.

206. Iacovelli L, Arcella A, Battaglia G, Pazzaglia S, Aronica E, Spinsanti P, Caruso A, De Smaele E, Saran A, Gulino A, D'Onofrio M, Giangaspero F, Nicoletti F. Pharmacological activation of mGlu4 metabotropic glutamate receptors inhibits the growth of medulloblastomas. J Neurosci. 2006, 26:8388-97.

207. Scali C, Caraci F, Gianfriddo M, Diodato E, Roncarati R, Pollio G, Gaviraghi G, Copani A, Nicoletti F, Terstappen GC, Caricasole A. Inhibition of Wnt signaling, modulation of Tau phosphorylation and induction of neuronal cell death by DKK1. Neurobiol Dis., 2006, 24:254-265.

208. Spinsanti P, De Vita T, Di Castro S, Storto M, Formisano P, Nicoletti F, Melchiorri D. Endogenously activated mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors sustain the increase in c-Myc expression induced by leukaemia inhibitory factor in cultured mouse embryonic stem cells.
J Neurochem., 99:299-307, 2006.

209. Fornai F, Lazzeri G, Bandettini Di Poggio A, Soldani P, De Blasi A, Nicoletti F, Ruggieri S, Paparelli A. Convergent roles of alpha-synuclein, DA metabolism, and the ubiquitin-proteasome system in nigrostriatal toxicity. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2006 Aug;1074:84-9.

210. Copani A, Hoozemans JJ, Caraci F, Calafiore M, Van Haastert ES, Veerhuis R, Rozemuller AJ, Aronica E, Sortino MA, Nicoletti F. DNA polymerase-beta is expressed early in neurons of Alzheimer's disease brain and is loaded into DNA replication forks in neurons challenged with
beta-amyloid. J Neurosci. 2006 Oct 25;26(43):10949-57.

211. Rampello L, Alvano A, Battaglia G, Bruno V, Raffaele R, Nicoletti F. Tic disorders: from pathophysiology to treatment. J Neurol. 2006, 253:1-15.

212. Battaglia G., Farrace M.G., Mastroberardino P.G., Viti I., Fimia G.M., Van Beeumen J., Devreese B., Molinaro G., Busceti C.L., Biagioni F., Nicoletti F., Piacentini M. Transglutaminase 2 ablation leads to defective function of mitochondrial respiratory complex I affecting neuronal vulnerability in experimental models of extrapyramidal disorders. J. Neurochem., 100:36-49, 2007.

213. Beraudi A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Rampello L., Nicoletti F., Poli A. Pharmacological activation of mGlu2/3 metabotropic glutamate receptors protects retinal neurons against anoxic damage in the goldfish carassius auratus. Exp. Eye Res., 84:544-552, 2007.

214. Verani R., Cappuccio I., Spinsanti P., Gradini R., Caruso A., Magnotti MC., Motolese M., Nicoletti F., Melchiorri D. Expression of the Wnt inhibitor Dickkopf-1 is required for the induction of neural markers in mouse embryonic stem cells differentiating in response to retinoic acid. J. Neurochem., 100, 242-250, 2007.

215. Copani A., Caraci F., Hoozemans JJ., Calafiore M., Sortino MA., Nicoletti F. The nature of the cell cycle in neurons: Focus on a non-canonical pathway of DNA replication causally related to death. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1772:409-412, 2007.

216. Ciccarelli R, D'Alimonte I, Ballerini P, D'Auro M, Nargi E, Buccella S, Di Iorio P, Bruno V, Nicoletti F, Caciagli F. Molecular signalling mediating the protective effect of A1 adenosine and mGlu3 metabotropic glutamate receptor activation against apoptosis by oxygen/glucose
deprivation in cultured astrocytes. Mol Pharmacol. 2007 Feb 9; [Epub ahead of print]

217. Busceti C.L., Biagioni F., Aronica E., Riozzi B., Storto M., Battaglia G., Giorgi F.S., Gradini R., Fornai F., Caricasole A., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. Induction of the Wnt inhibitor, dickkopf-1, is associated with neurodegeneration related to temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2007, 48: 694-705.

218. Nicoletti F., Arcella A., Iacovelli L., Battaglia G., Gìangaspero F., Melchiorri D. Metabotropic glutamate receptors: new targets for the control of tumor growth? Trends Pharmacol, 2007, 28: 206-213.

219. Corti C., Battaglia G., Molinaro G., Riozzi B., Pittaluga A., Corsi M., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. The use of knockout mice unravels distinct roles for mGlu2 and mGlu3 metabotropic glutamate receptors in mechanisms of neurodegeneration/neuroprotection. J. Neurosci., 2007, 27: 8297-8308.

220. Nicoletti F., Battaglia G., Storto M., Ngomba R., Iacovelli L., Arcella A., Gradini R., Sale P., Rampello L., De Vita T., Di Marco R., Melchiorri D., Bruno V. Metabotropic glutamate receptors: beyond the regulation of synaptic transmission. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2007, 32:S40-S45.

221. Traficante A., Riozzi B., Cannella M., Rampello L., Squitieri F., Battaglia G. Reduced activity of striatal glutamatergic fibres in the R6/2 mouse model of Huntington s disease. NeuroReport, 2007, 18: 1997-2000.

222. Ngomba R.T., Ferraguti F., Badura A., Citraro R., Santolini I., Battaglia G., Bruno V., De Sarro G., Simonyi A., van Luijtelaar G., Nicoletti F. Selective activation of metabotropic glutamate 4 (mGlu4) receptors enhances spontaneous and evoked absence seizures. Neuropharmacology, 2008, 54:344-354.

223. Matrisciano F., Zusso M., Panaccione I., Turriziani B., Caruso A., Iacovelli L., Noviello L., Togna G., Melchiorri D., Debetto P., Tatarelli R., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Giusti P., Girardi P. Synergism between fluoxetine and the mGlu2/3 receptor agonist, LY379268, in an in vitro model for antidepressant drug-induced neurogenesis. Neuropharmacology, 2008, 54:428-437.

224. Molinaro G., Battaglia G., Riozzi B., Storto M., Fucile S., Eusebi F., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. GABAergic drugs become neurotoxic in cortical neurons pre-exposed to brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Mol. Cell. Neurosci., 2008, 37:312-322.
225. Busceti C.L., Biagioni F., Riozzi B., Battaglia G., Storto M., Cinque C., Molinaro G., Gradini R., Caricasole A., Canudas A.M., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Fornai F. Enhanced tau phosphorylation in the hippocampus of mice treated with 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine ( ecstasy ). J. Neurosci., 2008, 28:3234-3245.

226. Sarichelou I., Cappuccio I., Ferranti F., Mosillo P., Ciceroni C., Sale P., Stocchi F., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Melchiorri D. Metabotropic glutamate receptors regulate differentiation of embryonic stem cells into GABAergic neurons. Cell Death Differ., 2008, 15:700-707.

227. Caraci F., Battaglia G., Busceti C.L., Biagioni F., Mastroiacovo F., Bosco P., Nicoletti F., Sortino M.A., Copani A. TGF- 1 protects against A -neurotoxicity via the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase pathway. Neurobiol Dis., 2008, 30:234-242.

228. Caraci F., Busceti C., Biagioni F., Aronica E., Mastroiacovo F., Cappuccio I., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Caricasole A., Nicoletti F., Copani A. The Wnt antagonist, Dickkopf-1, as a target for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. Neurochem. Res., 2008 Apr 22. [Epub ahead of print].

229. Messina S., Molinaro G., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Spinsanti P., Di Pardo A., Nicoletti F., Frati L., Porcellini A. Enanched expression of Harvey ras induced by serum deprivation in cultured astrocytes. J. Neurochem., 2008 Apr 12. [Epub ahead of print].

230. Matrisciano F., Caruso A., Orlando R., Marchiafava M., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Gruber S.H.M., Melchiorri D., Tatarelli R., Girardi P., Mathè A.A., Nicoletti F. Defective group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors in the hippocampus of spontaneously depressed rats. Neuropharmacology, 2008, In press.

231. Fazio F., Notartomaso S., Aronica E., Storto M., Battaglia G., Gatti S., Bruno V., Biagioni F., Gradini R., Nicoletti F., Di Marco R. Switch in the expression of mGlu1 and mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors in the cerebellum of mice developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and in autoptic cerebellar samples from patients with multiple sclerosis. Neuropharmacology, 2008, In press.

232. Ciceroni C., Arcella A., Mosillo P., Battaglia G., Mastrantoni E., Oliva M.A., Carpinelli G., Santoro F., Sale P., Ricci-Vitiani L., De Maria R., Pallini R., Giangaspero F., Nicoletti F., Melchiorri D. Pharmacological blockade of mGlu3 metabotropic glutamate receptors enhances differentiation and impairs the tumorigenic potential of human glioblastoma-initiating cells. Neuropharmacology, 2008, In press. (I.F. 3.801)