Ritratto di renato.bruni@uniroma1.it
Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
Optimization methods for computational biology 1049273 2023/2024
HEALTH MANAGEMENT 1035469 2023/2024
Principles of Mathematics 1049371 2023/2024
Optimization methods for computational biology 1049273 2022/2023
HEALTH MANAGEMENT 1035469 2022/2023
Principles of Mathematics 1049371 2022/2023
Optimization methods for computational biology 1049273 2021/2022
Principles of Mathematics 1049371 2021/2022
HEALTH MANAGEMENT 1035469 2021/2022
Optimization methods for computational biology 1049273 2020/2021
Combinatoric optimization 1020862 2020/2021
Principles of Mathematics 1049371 2020/2021
Combinatoric optimization 1020862 2019/2020
Principles of Mathematics 1049371 2019/2020
Combinatoric optimization 1020862 2018/2019
Principles of Mathematics 1049371 2018/2019
Combinatoric optimization 1020862 2017/2018
Principles of Mathematics 1049371 2017/2018
Combinatoric optimization 1020862 2016/2017

Monday at 16 hour at the Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering upon reservation via email

Renato Bruni is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering of the "Sapienza" University of Rome, teaching in the Study programs in "Management Engineering" and "Bioinformatics" of the same university.

Research Topics
The scientific activity belongs to the fields of Optimization, Machine Learning and Bioinformatics, focusing on the development of mathematical models and algorithms for real-world problems. In particular, the following research topics can be identified: Combinatorial Optimization, Data Mining, Classification, Derivative-free Optimization, with applications to: Portfolio management, Spacecraft attitude control, Machine scheduling, Timetabling, , Peptide analysis, Biomedical engineering, Information reconstruction.

Scientific Activity
Principal Investigator in the following Research Projects: Modelli Robusti di Ottimizzazione Lineare e Intera per Problemi di Data Mining , Dec. 2013 - May 2015, funded by "Sapienza" University; Tecniche di Data Mining efficienti, robuste e basate sull ottimizzazione per la risoluzione di problemi di Classificazione e Selezione di Investimenti , Dec. 2014 - May. 2016, funded by "Sapienza" University; "Tecniche di Ottimizzazione Combinatoria per la risoluzione di problemi di Data Mining in campo Economico-Gestionale", Dec.2016 - Dec. 2019, funded by "Sapienza" University.
Member of the research group of several research projects, both at National and European level; currently in the European Union H2020 Research Project "Research infrastructures for the assessment of science, technology and innovation policy 2" (RISIS 2 N° 824091, Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2022), and in the PRIN 2015 project "Comparing Governance Regime Changes in Higher Education: systemic performances, national policy dynamics, and institutional responses. A multidisciplinary and mixed methods analysis" (Prot. 2015RJARX7, Feb. 2017 - Feb. 2020).
Research Coordinator in several joint research projects between Italian National Scientific Institute (Istat) and "Sapienza" University from 2001 to 2012 on Data mining and Information reconstruction. The outcome of these researches has been used in the development of several National Censuses of Population, of Agriculture and of Industries.
Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering of the "Sapienza" University of Rome, from Jan. 2012 to Feb. 2020.
Consulting Expert for the telecommunication company Teletu S.p.A. for the modellization of problems regarding the management of telecommunication lines, June. 2011 - Nov. 2011.
Scientific Collaborator of the Office of Telecommunications Adjudicator of Italy (OTA-Italia) for the definition of model and algorithms for the automatic individuation of disservices by classifying data regarding communications lines, Jan. 2011 - June 2011.
Holder of several Research Collaborator positions in the Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering of the "Sapienza" University of Rome, from 2001 to 2010.
Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering of the University of Perugia, from 2005 to 2009.
Holder of a Research grant for the Department of Systems and Computer Science of Sapienza University of Rome from 2002 to 2004.

Education and Qualifications
Winner (with an evaluation of excellent) of 1 position of Assistant Professor in Operations Research (S.S.D. MAT/09) in the public competition organized by Università di Roma Sapienza , Nov. 2011.
Qualified as eligible for a position of Researcher in the Scientific Area A.1 mathematical sciences in the public competition 364.96 organized by the Italian National Research Council (CNR), July 2011.
Winner of a position of Technologist in Computer Science in the public competition organized by the Italian National Statistic Office (Istat), Apr. 2010.
Qualified as Maître de Conférence in France for the sections: (i) Mathématiques appliquées et applications des mathématiques ; (ii) Informatique ; (iii) Génie informatique, automatique et traitement du signal , Feb. 2007.
Winner (with a mark of 50/50) of a position of Researcher in Operations Research (S.S.D. MAT/09) in the public competition organized by Università di Perugia, Dec. 2004.
Ph. D. in Operations Research, XIII cycle, Nov. 1997 - Nov. 2000, Università di Roma La Sapienza , Supervisor prof. A. Sassano.
Post-lauream program Metodi matematici per l analisi, il controllo e l ottimizzazione dei Sistemi (Mathematical Methods for Systems Analysis, Control and Optimization), Feb. 1997-Feb. 1998, Università di Roma La Sapienza .
Qualification for the Profession of Engineer (State Exam), Rome, Feb. 1997.
Laurea (Equiv. to M.S.) in Engineering/Computer Science with specialization in Operations Research, with a mark of 110/110, Università di Roma La Sapienza , Oct. 1996, advisor prof. A. Sassano.
Maturità Classica (High School Diploma), Cornelio Tacito High School of Rome.

Teaching Activity
Professor of the course Ottimizzazione Combinatoria (Combinatorial Optimization) for the Management Engineering study program, "Sapienza" University of Rome from 2011 up today.
Professor of the course Optimization Methods (in English) for the Bioinformatics study program, "Sapienza" University of Rome from 2020.
Professor of the course Ricerca Operativa (Operations Research) for the Information Science Engineering study program, "Sapienza" University of Rome from 2001 to 2012.
Member of the Quality Committee for the Information Science Engineering study program, "Sapienza" University of Rome from 2008 to 2012.
Professor of the course Metodi di Supporto alle Decisioni (Decision Support Methods) for the Management Science Engineering study program in Terni, University of Perugia, from 2004 to 2009.
Professor of the course Ricerca Operativa (Operations Research) for the Management Science Engineering study program in Terni, University of Perugia, fron 2003 to 2008.
Professor of the course Ricerca Operativa (Operations Research) for the Computer Science Engineering study program and for the Telecommunications Engineering study program, "Sapienza" University of Rome from 2001
to 2003.
Member of the Board of the Ph.D. Program in Automatic Control, Bioengineering and Operations Research of "Sapienza" University of Rome from 2005 up today.
Supervisor of several Ph.D., Master and Bachelor Thesis for the "Sapienza" University of Rome and the University of Perugia.
Teacher of the course "Ottimizzazione Combinatoria II" (Combinatorial Optimization II), in the post-laurem program Mathematical Methods for Systems Analysis, Control and Optimization of "Sapienza" University of Rome in

Other Activities
Editor of the monograph Mathematical Approaches to Polymer Sequence Analysis and Related Problems , published by Springer, New York, from Apr. 2009 to Jan. 2011.
Referee for several international Journals, including: Annals of Operations Research, Discrete Applied Mathematics, European Journal of Operational Research, European Journal of Finance, Economics Bulletin, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Entropy, Expert systems with applications, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Information Sciences, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, INFORMS Journal on Computing, International Transactions in Operational Research, Journal of Automated Reasoning, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Journal of Official Statistics, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Mathematical Programming, Nature Communications, National Academy Science Letters, Operations Research, Operations Research for Health Care, Optimization Methods and Software, Quantitative Finance and Economics, Survey Methodology, Telecommunication Systems.
Member of several Program Committee, including: 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems ICORES 2017; 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence ICAART 2018.
Visiting at Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, for research activity on Orthogonalization of a Boolean Function, in collaboration with prof. P.L. Hammer and Prof. E. Boros, Nov.-Dec. 1999.
Invited Speaker in several conferences, for instance at the International conference EURO-INFORMS 2013, Rome, Italy, July 2013.
Session Chair and/or Organizer in several conferences, for instance at the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Atlanta, USA, August 2000.
Senior Engineer, registered since 1998 in the Order of Engineers of Rome section A (senior) for the sectors: (i) civil and environmental; (ii) industrial; (iii) information.