Ritratto di chiara.petrioli@uniroma1.it

Cari studenti,

i corsi di reti degli elaboratori e Internet of Things da venerdi' 6 marzo sono tenuti in modalità telematica in videostreaming su WebEx. Siamo tra i primi corsi che, in accordo con le cariche istituzionali, hanno sperimentato questa modalità che ci consente di espletare l'attività didattica nel rispetto delle disposizioni normative che limitano le attività in presenza. Vi chiedo di seguire le indicazioni sul sito del corso su twiki.di.uniroma1.it in cui sono indicate le modalità per registrarvi e ricevere quindi il link per seguire la lezione in videostreaming. Il materiale didattico è disponibile nella pagina del corso. I ricevimenti avvengono, previa prenotazione per email, utilizzando strumenti digitali (WebEx).

Sicura della vostra collaborazione, rimango disponibile a fornire ulteriori chiarimenti per email.

Per gli studenti di IoT vi chiedo di leggere anche il messaggio seguente.

A presto,

Chiara Petrioli


-english version

Dear students of the IoT master course.

Since March 6th the course is held by WebEx videostreaming. The course has been among the first ones experimenting, in agreement with the university authorities, digital technologies to allow students to attend classes and at the same time operate in full agreement with current legislation which stopped face to face meetings and classes due to COVID spread.  I ask all students to check the course web site on twiki.di.uniroma1.it, and register ,as there requested, to the class. In this way you will receive the link to follow the class in streaming during the normal class schedule. On the class web site you will also be able to find support material, slides, links to papers. By email you can also contact me and we can schedule office hours that will happen via WebEx meetings. I am sure of your collaboration and I am available to provide you with all information that maybe useful. 

I take the opportunity to ask all of you to let me know in case you do not have C/C++ background or you do not have computer networking background. We can use the fact not all classes are operational in the second week of March to help students which do not have such background to acquire it (but we need to know and officially organize to support you). 

Best Regards,

Chiara Petrioli

Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
RETI DI CALCOLATORI 1018745 2022/2023
RETI DI ELABORATORI 1015889 2021/2022
INTERNET OF THINGS 1047634 2021/2022
INTERNET OF THINGS 1047634 2021/2022
INTERNET OF THINGS 1047634 2020/2021
RETI DI ELABORATORI 1015889 2020/2021
INTERNET OF THINGS 1047634 2020/2021
RETI DI ELABORATORI 1015889 2019/2020
INTERNET OF THINGS 1047634 2019/2020
INTERNET OF THINGS 1047634 2019/2020
RETI DI ELABORATORI 1015889 2018/2019
INTERNET OF THINGS 1047634 2018/2019
INTERNET OF THINGS 1047634 2018/2019
RETI DI ELABORATORI 1015889 2017/2018
RETI DI ELABORATORI 1015889 2016/2017
WIRELESS SYSTEMS 1047644 2016/2017

Presi su appuntamento con gli studenti (inviare email al docente al fine di concordare l'orario). Il docente può essere contattato a petrioliATdiDOTuniroma1DOTit

Please send an email to the instructor.

This semester due to COVID situation classes are offered in blended way (remotely or in person, following the rules of the Univ ersatz)-. Please check Reti AL and Internet of Things classes on twiki.di.uniroma1.it where you find detailed information on how to participate and get the video recorded classes.

Chiara Petrioli is professor of Computer Science, director of the Sensor Networks and Embedded Systems laboratory (SENSES lab) in the department of Computer Science of the University of Rome La Sapienza and a founding partner of La Sapienza spinoff WSENSE S.r.l. She has been coordinator of the Ph.D. program in Computer Science of the University of Rome La Sapienza. Professor Petrioli research interests concern the design and optimization of future wireless, embedded, IoT and cyber physical systems. Prof. Petrioli is chair of the steering committee of IEEE SECON, TPC co-chair of EWSN 2021, has been general co-chair of ACM MobiHoc 2019, program co-chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2016, workshop co-chair of ACM MobiCom 2014, and general chair of ACM SenSys 2013. She has been member of the steering committee and associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, member of the steering committee of ACM SenSys, associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, member of the executive committee of ACM SIGMOBILE, member of ACM Europe Council, associate editor of Elsevier Computer Communications, guest editor of special issues for IEEE Access, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier Physical Communications, and has been program co-chair of leading conferences in the field, such as ACM MobiCom and IEEE SECON. Prof. Petrioli has published over a hundred and fifty papers in prominent international journals and conferences (over 7100 citations; h-index 45). She has been the PI of over twenty national and international research projects, serving as coordinator of two EC projects (FP7 projects GENESI and SUNRISE) highlighted as success stories on the Digital Agenda of Europe and featured by international mass media including BBC, RAI SuperQuark and Presa Diretta, Wired USA, the Guardian, Bild magazine, National Geographics, Rai TG Leonardo, Rai Mediterraneo, Rai Codice. Her research has resulted in international patents and in award-winning innovative technologies. She is a pioneer of the Internet of Underwater Things, an area on which she has led the development of breakthrough technologies listed in the NT100 Top Social Global Techs changing our lives 2016. She has been included in the list of top influential women in technology "Inspiring fifty" 2018, she is one of N2Women 2019 Stars in Computer networking and communications, one of the IEEE Fellows class of 2021 for her contributions on wireless and underwater networking. She has been included in the list of top 2% of world scientists by Stanford, in the list of 50 women who have made/are making the history of computer science, and among the female innovators selected as The #euwomen4future by the European Commission. Prof. Petrioli was a Fulbright scholar.