Ritratto di alessioluca.bonafine@uniroma1.it

Academic Year: 2023-2024
Semester: II
Credits: 6 ECTS
Teaching language: English


The course will be held in distance on the zoom platform (https://uniroma1.zoom.us/j/87545503740?pwd=MStzVUhDMlBUQW1IM1pJbE5RekVKUT09), every Monday and Tuesday (from March 25th to May 7th) from 12.00 to 15.30 a.m. 

Attendance is optional.

The reception will be agreed with the teacher by e-mail and it will be held through an electronic connection platform.

The course will develop through two modules.
The first one will be dedicated to European procedural law. In particular, the principles and fundamental legislation of European procedural law will be studied, paying attention to some of the most important European Regulations: from the 1968 Brussels Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, to the system created by the Brussels Regulation (Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001, so-called Brussels I) and the more recent Regulation (UE) n. 1215/2012.
In addition to these, other Regulations will also be addressed: Regulation (EC) no. 1896/2006, establishing a European order for payment procedure; Regulation (EC) n. 805/2004, which creates a European enforcement order for uncontested credits; Regulation (EC) n. 1206/2001, on cooperation between the Courts of the Member States in the collection of evidence in civil and commercial matters.
The second one will deal with the main aspects of international arbitration. In particular, the essential notions will be provided with reference to the topics: relevance of arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism; forms of arbitration; characteristics of international commercial arbitration; legal nature of the arbitration; arbitration agreements: interpretation and applicable law; selection and appointment of arbitrators and arbitration procedure; award and recognition and enforcement procedure.

Final test will be a written test with multiple choice questions and free questions too.


Instructor Pre-requisites: None
Instructor Co-Requisites: None
Recommended Courses: None
Other Limitations: No limitations


During the course, didactic materials will be provided to attending students. Teaching materials will also be available on the classroom page of the course.

Other bibliography to be prepared for the final exam: 
- Biavati, Civil Procedure in the European Union (2019 Wolter Kluwer);
- Nilund-Krans, The European Union and National Civil Procedure (2016 Intersentia); 
- Born, International Commercial Arbitration (2020 Kluwer Law International);
- Zucconi Galli Fonseca-Rasia, Arbitration Law in Italy. Domestic and international perspectives (2020 Wolters Kluwer);
- Moses, The Principles and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration (2017 Cambridge);
- Lew-Mistelis-Kröll, Comparative International Commercial Arbitration (2003 Wolters Kluwer International).

Il ricevimento sarà tenuto a distanza attraverso la piattaforma Zoom, previo appuntamento da concordare via mail