Ritratto di paola.paci@uniroma1.it

Corso: Bioingegneria per la Genomica

Stanza: RM031 aula 10 (giovedi 8-12) / RM041 aula 5 (venerdi 14-18) - S. Pietro in Vincoli - Edificio A - Via Eudossiana, 18

Zoom link: https://uniroma1.zoom.us/j/4748579771

Zoom meeting ID: 474 857 9771


Class: Bioinformatics II

Classroom: Psicologia II, Fisiologia Generale e Antropologia Farmacia e Medicina (CU026, E01PS1L084)

Zoom link: https://uniroma1.zoom.us/j/4748579771

Zoom meeting ID: 474 857 9771



Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
BIOINFORMATICS II 1049266 2022/2023
BIOINFORMATICS II 1049266 2021/2022
BIOINFORMATICS II 1049266 2020/2021
BIOINFORMATICA 1044371 2016/2017

Per fissare un appuntamento contattare il docente al seguente indirizzo di email: paci@diag.uniroma1.it

Paola Paci was trained as a theoretical physicist and she worked over 18 years on the field of computer modeling. She holds a degree in Physics from the University of Rome Sapienza and a Ph.D in Physics from the University of Pavia A. Volta . She holds a master in bioinformatics, named Master in Bioinformatica: Applicazioni biomediche e farmaceutiche , cum laude at the University of Rome Sapienza , defending a thesis on a software development for functional analysis of gene expression. Since 2011 to 29 February 2020 she was a researcher of Institute for Systems Analysis and Computer Science A. Ruberti (IASI) of National Research Council (CNR) in Rome. Since 2March 2020 she is Associate Professor at Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering "A. Ruberti", Sapienza University of Rome.

In 2019/2020 she was full professor for the course of Bioengineering for Genomics of 6CFU (SSD ING-INF/06) at MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering at "Sapienza" University of Rome. From 2015 to 2017 she was full professor for the course of Computational Biology at MSc degree in Genetics and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Mathematical Physical and Natural Sciences at "Sapienza" University of Rome. From 2014 to 2017 she was full professor for the course of Bioinformatics of 6CFU (SSD ING-INF/06) at MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering at "Sapienza" University of Rome. From 2012 to 2014 she was tutor of Applied Genomics at MSc degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition, Departmental Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at Campus Biomedico University of Rome. From 2008 to 2012 she was tutor of Mathematical Methods at BSc degree in Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Campus Biomedico University of Rome. From 2007 to 2011 she was tutor of Calculus at BSc degree in Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Campus Biomedico University of Rome.

In 2012-2015 she was co-principal investigator of a government grant of 80.000 euros and in 2015-2018 she has become principal investigator of a government grant of 300.000 euros, both grants concern a Research Project conducted within the The Epigenomics Flagship Project (www.epigen.it).
In 2018 she became Scientific Project Manager of a grant of 80.000 euros for the project MoDiag call LIFE 2020 (POR FESR 2014 2020). In 2019 she became Scientific Project Manager of a Unit for the project PRIN 2017 of a total grant of 672.500 euros.

From 2014 to 2017 she was member of CdA in Clinical and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering at "Sapienza" University of Rome. From June 2018 she is a member of the editorial board of Scientific Reports, a Nature Research journal, within Cell Biology area.

From 2018 she is Member of the board of the PhD program (collegio dei docenti) in Innovative Biomedical Technologies in Clinical Medicine (cycles XXXIV-XXXV) of the "Sapienza" University of Rome. From 2015 to 2017 she was a member of the board of the PhD program (collegio dei docenti) in Life Science and Biology and Biotechnology (cycles XXXI-XXXII) of the University of Milano-Bicocca

In December 2017 she was reviewer of the PhD thesis in Computer Science, Faculty of Information
Engineering, Informatics, and Statistics at "Sapienza" University of Rome, with title Modelling
Ovarian Follicle Dynamics within Assisted Reproductive Technology Treatments. From 23-02-2015 to 24-02-2015 she was reviewer at the Annual Meeting of the European Commission for the revision of the MD-PAEDIGREE project in metagenomics and genomics, WP7 - VU University Amsterdam. From 2005 she is reviewer of the following international journals: Physical Review Letters, Physical
Review B, Viral Immunology, Cellular Physiology, Biochemistry, Oncotarget, Gene Therapy, Molecular Biology, Journal of Medical Genetics, BioEssays, DNA and Cell Biology, Bioinformatics, Biological Chemistry, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, Frontiers, Endocrine, BMC Cancer

She is author of more than sixty international papers, cited more than one thousand times and is h-index is 18, according to scopus database.

In 2014 she won an award of 10.000 euros for her research on the grapevine genome that had a deep impact in the field of viticulture and wine economy. The results of this research have appeared on the first pages of the main Italian newspapers that deal with food and wine.

Her research activity is in the field of Network Medicine.