Ritratto di alfredo.urbano@uniroma1.it



Insegnamenti anno accademico 2022/2023


  • Theory of Fundamental Interactions
    (Laurea Magistrale; primo anno, secondo Semestre).

    • Lezioni in presenza: Edificio Marconi, aula Conversi (Lun: 8/10; Mar: 12/14; Mer: 12/13).

    • Materiale didattico e testi di riferimento:

      • Appunti delle lezioni.

      • Steven Weinberg, "The Quantum Theory of Fields; Volume I: Foundations."

      • Steven Weinberg, "The Quantum Theory of Fields; Volume II: Modern Applications."

      • Wu-Ki Tung, "Group Theory  in Physics."

      • Matthew Schwartz, "Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model."

      • Google Classroom.

  • Modelli e metodi matematici della fisica, Canale A-F
    (Laurea Triennale; secondo anno, secondo Semestre).

    • Lezioni in presenza: Edificio Fermi, aula 6 (Lun: 11/13; Mar: 8/10; Mer: 15/16; Gio: 12/14; Ven:  8/10); Edificio Fermi, aula 6 (Gio: 10/12)

    • Materiale didattico e testi di riferimento:

      • Appunti delle lezioni.

      • Carlo Bernardini, Orlando Ragnisco, Paolo Maria Santini, "Metodi Matematici della fisica."

      • Google Classroom.

Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 1055358 2021/2022
FISICA I 1015377 2020/2021
FISICA I 1015377 2017/2018

Venerdì, 10-12.30 (Edificio Marconi, stanza M-130d)

General Information
Full Name: Alfredo Leonardo Urbano
Place of birth: Mesagne (BR, Italy)
Citizenship: Italian
e-mail: alfredo.urbano@uniroma1.it

2007 University graduation, Universita del Salento (Lecce, Italy), Laurea Specialistica in Fisica
2011 PhD, Universita del Salento (Lecce, Italy), PhD in Physics

Academic Appointments
2011-2012, Post-doctoral position, Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris, France)
2012-2015, Post-doctoral position, SISSA (Trieste, Italy)
2015-2018, Post-doctoral position, CERN, Theoretical Physics Department (Geneve, Switzerland)
2017-2020, Ricercatore III livello a tempo indeterminato, INFN Sezione di Trieste
2021-present, Professore Associato, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Physics

Teaching experience
2021-2022 Quantum Field Theory, 6 CFU; Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica; dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma
2020- Modelli e Meotodi Matematici per la Fisica (Analisi Complessa), 6 CFU; Corso di Laurea in Fisica; dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma
2020-2021 Fisica I, 6 CFU; Corso di Laurea in Scienze Chimiche; dipartimento di Chimica, Sapienza Università di Roma

Fellowship, Award and grant
- 2011, "Angelo Della Riccia" fellowship Fondazione Italiana "Angelo Della Riccia," 16kE spent during the PhD for a period of study abroad. Host institution: IFAE, Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies, Barcelona (Spain).
- 2015-2018, CERN fellow, Theoretical Physics Department, Geneve (Switzerland)
- 2018, PI Grant per attivita di formazione INFN, 20kE
- Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale per la II fascia, SC 02/A2 - Fisica Teorica delle Interazioni Fondamentali, conseguita per l'edizione ASN-2018/2020

Research Subjects
2009-present: Infrared structure of gauge theories
2009-present: Dark Matter model building and phenomenology 2011-present: Higgs physics in the Standard Model and beyond 2013-present: Cosmic-ray physics and astroparticle physics 2015-present: Gravitational-wave physics
2017-present: Formal aspects of Quantum Field Theory and Gravity

Research Impact (INSPIRE-HEP database https://inspirehep.net/authors/1060008)
Published articles: 51
Total Citations: 2850
h-index: 30
Citations/paper: 55.9

Organization of conferences and workshops
2017 LFC17, "Old and New Strong Interactions from LHC to Future Colliders", ECT, Trento (IT), Convener of the session on Dark Matter and cosmic-ray physics. 2017 EPS-HEP, "The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics", Venezia (IT), Convener of the session on Dark Matter.
2017 IFAE, "XVI Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie", Trieste (IT), Convener della sessione Frontiera Energia.

Professional Service
- Journal Referee (since 2012) for JHEP, JCAP, Physical Review D
- Referee for a joint research project France/Switzerland funded by the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW)
Participation to Research Projects
- 2017, Personnel of the research unit 4 (Investigator dr Michele Redi, PI of the project prof. Roberto Contino) MIUR/PRIN 2017FMJFMW - Iniziativa Specifica AAE ("Astro Alte Energie"); INFN; 10/2017 - 12/2020; PI: Prof. Roberto Contino

Coordination assignments
- Local coordinator of the INFN group 4, Sezione di Trieste (9 July 2019 - 30 December 2020)

Selected Talks in Conferences and Workshops
- 6/2019 24th Rencontres Itzykson, IPhT CEA-Saclay, Paris (France), invited talk in plenary session, title: "On Standard Model amplitudes in the presence of gravity"
- 11/2018 ZPH2019 Zurich Phenomenology Workshop, A new look at dark matter, Zurich (Switzerland), invited talk in plenary session, title: "Constraints from Cosmology"
- 9/2018 INFN Startegy Meeting "Fisica delle Particelle, verso la nuova Strategia Europea", invited talk in plenary session, title "Prospettive da astroparticelle e cosmologia"
- 9/2018 DESY Theory Workshop 2019, Particle Physics Challenges, Hamburg (Germany), invited talk in plenary session, title: "Gravitational waves and particle physics"
- 10/2016 Gravitational Waves and Cosmology, 3rd eLISA cosmology working group workshop, Amburgo (Germany), invited talk in plenary session, title: "Hunting for Dark Particles with Gravitational Waves"
- 8/2015 ICRC 2015, 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference, The Hague (NL), invited talk in a parallel session, title: "Interpreting the GeV gamma-ray excess in terms of non-standard cosmic-ray diffusion models"
- 6/2014 Astroparticle physics 2014, A joint TeVPA/IDM conference, Amsterdam (NL), invited talk in a parallel session, title: "Fingerprints of Dark Matter in the gamma-ray sky(?)"
- 5/2014 LTS1 2014, Workshop on the long term strategy of INFN-CSN14, Isola d Elba (IT), invited talk in plenary session, title: "Dark Matter: past, present and future perspectives"

Outreach Activity
Author of the article "La ricchezza del niente" on the INFN scientific magazine "asimmetrie" (DOI: 10.23801/asimmetrie.2018.24.3)