Ritratto di ilaria.bufalari@uniroma1.it



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Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE 1010544 2023/2024
PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE 1010544 2022/2023
PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE 1010544 2021/2022
PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE 1010544 2020/2021
MANAGEMENT SANITARIO 1035317 2018/2019
MANAGEMENT SANITARIO 1035317 2018/2019
MANAGEMENT SANITARIO 1035317 2018/2019
MANAGEMENT SANITARIO 1035317 2017/2018
MANAGEMENT SANITARIO 1035317 2017/2018
MANAGEMENT SANITARIO 1035317 2016/2017
MANAGEMENT SANITARIO 1035317 2016/2017

Su appuntamento


Associate Professor (ssd M-PSI/05 Psicologia Sociale)
Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialization Processes
Sapienza University of Rome
Via dei Marsi 78 - 00185 Rome


I graduated in Experimental Psychology (magna cum laude) in 2004 and received a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience in 2008 from Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis on shared neural representation between self and others bodily sensations.
From 2008 to 2010, I got a post-doc position at the University of Ferrara funded by European research project POETICON (FP7), to investigate shared neural representation between self and others actions.
From 2010-2014 I got a post-doc position at the Dept. of Psychology (Sapienza University of Rome) funded by European research project TANGO (FP7) and at the IRCSS Fondazione Santa Lucia in Rome funded by the European research project VERE (FP7), to investigate the neural correlates of self and other s body and face perception and action.
From 2014-2016 I got a position as Principal Investigator, funded by the Italian Ministry of Health (Bando Ricerca Finalizzata - Giovani Ricercatori 2012), at the Fondazione Santa Lucia in Rome to investigate plasticity of bodily self representations in healthy participants and anorectic patients by clinical, psychophysiological, and neurophysiological measures.
From 2016 to 2019 I have been Assistant Professor of Social Psychology at the Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialization Processes, Sapienza University of Rome.


My research activity mainly aimed to understand the how we represent the (bodily, interpersonal and social) self and use those representations to understand (and interact with) the other.
Within this stream, one research line focuses on the psychological and social variables contributing to the building and maintaining the sense of self, and on the interpersonal multisensory stimulation (IMS) paradigms able to blur the distinction between self and others, i.e. to induce self-other merging, and change self-other perception. I m currently investigating the efficacy of IMS paradigms in changing interpersonal perception, increasing interpersonal trust and inducing cooperative and conformity behaviors toward the stimulated other. A complementary research line aims instead to investigate self-other sharing mechanisms, i.e. the simulative processes involved in the first person experience of sensations and emotions, which sub-serve the understanding of others sensory and emotional states. These themes are investigated in healthy individuals, and secondarily in clinical conditions with defective bodily and conceptual self-representations.

The research activity is carried over by means of the successful integration of behavioural, electrophysiological, personality measures and social manipulations techniques.


- 2020: Principal Investigator - Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo - Project title: Caratterizzare la plasticità dell'immagine corporea nell'Anoressia Nervosa: studi comportamentali e neurofisiologici. Prot. Number: RP120172B7BB61EA

- 2017: Principal Investigator - Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo - Project title: Self-construal and trust: interpersonal and collective implications. Prot. Number: RM11715C82342248

- 2014: Principal Investigator - Young Researcher Grant Award funded by the Italian Ministry of Health (Bando Giovani Ricercatori 2012). Project title: Combined behavioral and non invasive brain stimulation interventions for treating body image distortions in Anorexia Nervosa". 342.000 euros. Prot. GR-2011-02351798. Duration: 36 months.

- 2005-2019: Research Team Member in National and International funded projects: SAPIENZA RICERCA ATENEO (GRANDI PROGETTI) 2018; SAPIENZA RICERCA ATENEO (GRANDI PROGETTI) 2016; SAPIENZA AVVIO ALLA RICERCA 2014 (Prot. Num. C26N148WH2); SAPIENZA AVVIO ALLA RICERCA 2013 (C26N135X7H and C26N139L7N); PARMS (SEED 2009 IIT); ATENEO FEDERATO 2007 (C26F07HJ2K); ATENEO 2006 (C26A062HN9); FACOLTA 2005 (C26F052010); PRIN 2005 (2005058790_002)


- 2017: Ig Nobel Prize for Cognition for the research article Is that me or my twin? Lack of self-face recognition advantage in identical twins by Martini M., Bufalari I., Stazi M.A., Aglioti S.M. published in PLOSone (2015). Apr 8;10(4):e0120900.

- 2018: Finalist - Premio R.O.S.A. - Risultati Ottenuti Senza Aiuti - XIV Edition (http://www.premiorosa.org/it/c/Anno-2018.html). Award ceremony took place at the Camera di Commercio di Roma Sala del Tempio di Adriano, on the 28th of May 2018.



Peer-reviewed international journals

1. Fusco G., Ciccarone S., Petrucci M., Cozzani B., Vercelli G., Cotugno A., Bufalari I. Altered processing of conflicting body representations in women with restrictive Anorexia Nervosa . Psychological Research (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-022-01788-3. Online ahead of print.

2. Provenzano L., Porciello G.*, Ciccarone S., Lenggenhager B., Tieri G., Marucci M., Dazzi F., Loriedo C. and Bufalari I. *. (2020). Characterizing Body Image Distortion and Bodily Self-Plasticity in Anorexia Nervosa via Visuo-Tactile Stimulation in Virtual Reality . Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020, 9, 98; doi:10.3390/jcm9010098. IF: 5.688. *Corresponding Author.

3. Iodice P., Porciello G., Bufalari I., Barca L., Pezzulo G. (2019). An interoceptive illusion of effort induced by false heart-rate feedback. PNAS. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A; 116(28):13897-13902. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1821032116. IF: 9.5804. 5-year IF: 10.6.

4. Schepisi M., Porciello G., Bufalari I., Aglioti S.M., Panasiti M. (2019). Left Threatened by Right: Political Intergroup Bias in the Contemporary Italian Context . Frontiers in Psychology. Jan 24;10:26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00026. (IF: 2.129)

5. Bufalari I. *, Sforza A.L., Di Russo F., Mannetti L., Aglioti S.M. (2019). Malleability of the self: electrophysiological correlates of the enfacement illusion. Scientific Reports; 9:1682 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-38213-y. IF: 4.122 5-year IF: 4.609. *Corresponding Author.

6. Porciello G§, Bufalari I.§, Minio-Paluello I., di Pace E., Aglioti S.M. (2018). The Enfacement illusion: a window on the plasticity of the self. Accepted. Cortex. Jul;104:261-275. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2018.01.007. IF: 4.279. 5-Years IF: 4.703. §Co-First Authorship

7. Mannetti L., Brizi A., Belanger J., Bufalari I. (2016). All We Need is the Candidate's Face: The Irrelevance of Information about Political Coalition Affiliation and Campaign Promises. Cogent Psychology, 3:1, https://doi.org/10.1080/23311908.2016.1268365.

8. Porciello G., Minio-Paluello I., Bufalari I.* (2016). Attentional control and the plastic self: a contribution to the Self Attention Network. Frontiers in Psychology. Nov 3;7:1701. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01701. IF: 2.463. 5-years IF: 2,749. *Corresponding Author

9. Bufalari I.*, Porciello G., ., Aglioti S.M. (2015). Atypical touch perception in MTS may derive from an abnormally plastic self-representation. Cognitive Neuroscience. 29:1-3. IF: 2.653. 5-Year IF: 2.891. *Corresponding Author

10. Martini M., Bufalari I., Stazi M.A., Aglioti S.M. (2015). Apr 8;10(4):e0120900. Is that me or my twin? Lack of self-face recognition advantage in identical twins. PLOSone. 10(4):e0120900. IF: 3.53. 5-years IF: 4.24.

11. Bufalari I.*, Porciello G., Sperduti M., Minio-Paluello I. (2014). Self-identification with another person's face: the time relevant role of multimodal brain areas in the enfacement illusion. J Neurophysiol. Jul 2:jn.00872.2013. IF: 3.041. 5-years IF: 3.446. *Corresponding Author

12. Porciello G., Serra Holmes B., Liuzza MT, Crostella F, Aglioti SM, Bufalari I.* (2014). Interpersonal Multisensory Stimulation reduces the overwhelming distracting power of self-gaze: psychophysical evidence for engazement . Scientific Reports. Oct 20; 4:6669. IF: 5.078. *Corresponding Author

13. Bufalari I.*, Leggenhager B., Porciello G., Serra-Holmes B., Aglioti S.M. (2014). Enfacing others but only if they are nice to you. Frontiers Behavioural Neuroscience. Mar 28;8:102. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00102. IF: 4.8. *Corresponding Author

14. Bufalari I.*, Di Russo F., Aglioti S.M. (2014). Illusory and Veridical Mapping of Tactile Objects in the Primary Somatosensory and Posterior Parietal Cortex. Cereb Cortex. 24(7):1867-78. IF: 8.305; 5-years IF: 8.372. *Corresponding Author

15. Bufalari I.*, Ionta S. (2013). The social and personality neuroscience of empathy for pain and touch. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Jul 26;7:393. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00393. IF: 2.9. *Corresponding Author

16. D Ausilio A., Bufalari I., Salmas P., Fadiga L. (2012). The role of the motor system in discriminating degraded speech sounds. Cortex. 48(7):882-7. IF: 7.251; 5-Years IF: 4.181.

17. D'Ausilio A., Jarmolowska J., Busan P., Bufalari I., Craighero L. (2011). Tongue corticospinal modulation during attended verbal stimuli: priming and coarticulation effects. Neuropsychologia. 49(13):3670-6. IF: 3.636; 5-Years IF: 4.504.

18. D Ausilio A., Bufalari I., Salmas P., Busan P., Fadiga L. (2011). Vocal pitch discrimination in the motor system. Brain and Language. 118(1-2):9-14. IF: 3.115; 5-Years IF: 3.342.

19. Canto S., Bufalari I. D Ausilio A. (2011). A convenient and accurate parallel Input/Output USB device for E-Prime. Behavior Research Methods. 43(1):292-6. IF: 2.92.

20. Bufalari I*., Sforza A., Cesari P., Aglioti S.M., Fourkas A. (2010). Motor imagery beyond the joint limits: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Biological Psychology, 85(2):283-90. IF: 4.363 5-Years IF: 4.337. *Corresponding Author

21. Sforza A.L., Bufalari I., Haggard P., Aglioti S.M. (2010). My face in yours: visuo- tactile facial stimulation influences sense of identity. Social Neuroscience, 5(2):148-62. IF: 3.172. 5-Years IF: 3.653.

22. D Ausilio A., Pulvermüller F., Salmas P., Bufalari I., Begliomini C., Fadiga L. (2009). The motor somatotopy of speech perception. Current Biology. 19(5):381-5. IF: 10.992; 5-Years IF: 11.571.

23. Avenanti A., Minio Paluello I., Bufalari I., Aglioti S.M. (2009). The pain of a model in the personality of an onlooker: Influence of state-reactivity and personality traits on embodied empathy for pain. Neuroimage, 44(1): 275-83. IF: 5.739; 5-Years IF: 7.168.

24. Bufalari, I., Aprile, T., Avenanti, A., Di Russo, F., Aglioti, S.M. (2007). Empathy for Pain and Touch in the Human Somatosensory Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 17(11): 2553-61. IF: 6.519; 5-years IF: 7.427.

25. Avenanti A., Minio-Paluello I., Bufalari I., Aglioti S.M., (2006). Stimulus driven modulation of motor-evoked potentials during observation of other s pain. Neuroimage, 32(1): 316-24. IF: 5.739; 5-Years IF: 7.168.

Book chapters

26. Bufalari I., Porciello G., Minio-Paluello I. (2023). How the Enfacement illusion blurs the thin line between self and other in Keenan JP, QuevedoK, Hopkins WD editors of Self-Face Recognition and the Brain: How the Neuroscience of Mirror Recognition has Changed Psychology, Psychiatry, and Evolution 1st edition (pp.248). Publisher: Routledge. ISBN 9781032019505. First published: August 18, 2023.

27. Aglioti S.M., Bufalari I., Candidi M. (2014). Multisensory simulation and aesthetic appreciation in The Multisensory Museum: Cross-Disciplinary Perspective on Touch, Sound, Smell, Memory and Space edited by A. Pascual-Leone and N. Levent. AltaMira Press. Citations: Google Scholar (0).

28. Bufalari I, Aglioti SM. (2011). La linea sottile fra me e l altro: come una stimolazione visuo-tattile può cambiare il senso di identità personale. in Nuovi Dialoghi tra Teatro e Neuroscienze. edited by C. Falletti and G. Sofia. Editoria & Spettacolo, Rome (Italy).

29. Bufalari I. (2008). Lato sensorimotorio dell empatia per il dolore altrui: studi di stimolazione magnetica transcranica e potenziali evocati somatosensoriali. in Cervello, Linguaggio, Società edited by V. Cardella and D. Bruni Corsico Editore.

Conference Proceedings

30. Bufalari I. Neural correlates of empathy for pain. (2009). Psychology & Health, 24, 56-56. IF: 2.255. 5-Years IF: 2.932. Citations: Google Scholar (0), ISI (0).

31. Bufalari I., Aglioti S.M. (2015). Plasticity of the self as inferred from the enfacement illusion: behavioral and electrophysiological studies. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology, SUPP 1A 3(2), 149-150.

32. Candidi M., Bufalari I. (2015). Situated cognition in the space of social interactions: From the bodily-self to shared spatial representations Cognitive Processing, 16 (SI 1): S24. ISI (0).

National journals

33. Bufalari I., Aglioti SM. (2015). Trasformare le rappresentazioni mentali e neurali del corpo e del sé. Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria, 1: 113-128. Citations: Google Scholar (0).

34. Bufalari I, Sforza AL, Aglioti SM. (2010). Il senso del sé nei meandri della mente. Darwin, volume 41 year 8.

Conferences, Abstracts

Invited talks
1. Bufalari I., Porciello G. (2022). Exteroceptive and Interoceptive contribution to bodily self-awareness in Anorexia Nervosa. Invited talk in the Symposium "Bodily and interoceptive dynamics and their roles in affective, linguistic and conscious processes". 22st Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP). Lille (France), 29th August 1st Spetmeber 2022.

2. Bufalari I. (2022). Interpersonal Multisensory Stimulation as a tool to induce plastic changes to self-representation and self-other perception. Invited talk in the symposium The bodily self: from its development to its influence in social contexts and mental health . Congresso Nazionale dell Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP)- Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale. Padova (Italia), 26-30 Settembre 2022.

3. Bufalari I., Ciccarone S. (2021). Combined behavioral and immersive virtual reality interventions for the treatment of body image distortion in Anorexia nervosa. Congress of the Italian Society of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy. 16-19 September 2021.

4. Bufalari I . (2021). Combined behavioral and immersive virtual reality interventions for the treatment of body image distortion in Anorexia nervosa . XXV Congress of the Italian Society of Psychopathology. 24-27 February 2021.

5. Bufalari I., Porciello G. (2017). La linea sottile fra sé e l altro: modificare la fiducia interpersonale, la cooperazione, ed i comportamenti di conformismo attraverso la stimolazione multisensoriale interpersonale. Contributo invitato all interno del Simposio Percezione e reazione agli stimoli emotivi: siamo ciecamente guidati dalle emozioni? del Congresso Nazionale dell Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP)- Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale. Bari (Italia), 20-22 Settembre 2017.

6. Bufalari I., Aglioti S.M. (2015). Plasticity of the self as inferred from the enfacement illusion: behavioral and electrophysiological studies. National Congress of National Italian Psychology Association (AIP)- ClinicalPsychology Section. Milazzo (ME), Italy, 25-27 September 2015.

7. Bufalari I., Porciello G., Aglioti S.M. (2014). The Plastic Self: neural and behavioral correlates of the enfacement illusion. 22nd Annual meeting of the European Society for Philosophy & Psychology. Noto (SR), Italy, 16th-19th September 2014.

8. Bufalari I. (2011). The Thin Line between Self and Others: altering the sense of bodily identity through multisensory stimulations. III International Conference Dialogues between Theatre and Neuroscience. Rome (Italy), 15-16 March 2011.

9. Bufalari I. (2010). My Face in Yours: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Correlates of the Enfacement Effect. International Multisensory Research Forum. University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, 16-19 June 2010.

10. Bufalari I. (2009). Neural correlates of Empathy for Pain. III Annual Conference of European Health Psychology Society. Pisa, Italy, 23-26 September 2009.

11. Bufalari I. (2008). Neural correlates of Social Behavior: how the brain understands others. Festival della Scienza. Genova, Italy, 23 October - 4 November 2008.

12. Bufalari I. (2008). Neural correlates of Empathy, within the Action and Emotion Symposium IVX National Congress of National Italian Psychology Association (AIP)- Experimental Psychology Section. Padova, Italy, 18-20 September 2008.

13. Bufalari I. (2008). Neural correlates of Empathy for Pain: Somatosensory Evoked Potentials and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation studies. CODISCO National Italian Coordination of PhD Courses in Cognitive Sciences. Noto, Italy, 5-6 June 2008.

Oral presentations

14. Bufalari I., Giacomantonio M., Mannetti L. (2019). Self-other merging induced by Interpersonal Multisensory Stimulation increases interpersonal trust behavior. XVII National Congress of National Italian Psychology Association (AIP)- Social Psychology Section. Rome (Italy), 12-14 September 2019.

15. Bufalari I., Porciello G., Mannetti L., Aglioti SM. (2016). The Thin Line between Self and Others: Interpersonal Multisensory Stimulation may change self-identity and self-other perception. ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference 2016. Lisbon, 24th-27th August 2016.

16. Bufalari I., Lengennhager L., Porciello G., Serra Holmes B., Aglioti S.M. (2013). Il ruolo della percezione interpersonale e dell appartenenza razziale sull effetto di enfacement. Oral communication. XIX National Congress of National Italian Psychology Association (AIP)- Experimental Psychology Section. Rome (Italy), 16-18 September 2013.

17. Bufalari I., Porciello G., Serra-Holmes B., Liuzza M.T., Crostella F., Aglioti S.M. (2012). Attenzione sociale riflessa e distinzione sé-altro: evidenze psicofisiche dell effetto di engazement . Oral communication. Annual meeting of the Neuropsychology Italian Society. Rome, Italy, 9-10 November 2012.

18. Bufalari I., Di Russo F. (2009). Percepire uno stimolo come due e due stimoli come uno: correlati neurali della localizzazione illusoria di stimoli tattili. Oral communication. Annual meeting of the Neuropsychology Italian Society. Bologna, Italy, 27-28 November 2009.

19. Bufalari I., Aprile T., Avenanti A. (2005). Empatia per il Dolore nella Corteccia Somatosensoriale: uno studio di Potenziali Evocati Somatosensoriali. Oral communication. Annual meeting of the Neuropsychology Italian Society. Bologna, Italy,

Congresses and posters

20. Provenzano L., Ciccarone S., Porciello G., Tieri G., Marucci M., Dazzi F., Loriedo C., Lenggenhager B., Bufalari I. (2018) Characterizing Body Image Distortion and Bodily Self Plasticity in Anorexia Nervosa via Immersive Virtual Reality . 4th International Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. Leiden, 19-22 Luglio 2018

21. Ciccarone S., Provenzano L., Porciello G., Tieri G., Marucci M., Dazzi F., Loriedo C., Lenggenhager B., Bufalari I. (2018). Characterizing Body Image Distortion and its Plasticity in Anorexia Nervosa . Concepts, Actions, and Objects (CAOS) workshop. Rovereto, 3 5 Maggio 2018

22. Porciello G., Lenggenhager B.P, Tieri G., Ciccarone S., Provenzano L.,Marucci M., Dazzi F., Loriedo C., Bufalari I.M (2017). The plastic bodily self in Anorexia: virtual reality and multisensory stimulation paradigms. M:Main author P: Presenting author. Conference of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (FESN). Maastricht (Olanda), 3-15 Settembre 2017.

23. Porciello G., Provenzano L., Ciccarone S., Marucci M, Tieri G., Dazzi F., Loriedo C., Lenggenhager B, Violani C., Bufalari I. (2017). Implicit and explicit indicators of bodily self-plasticity in Anorexia Nervosa. National Congress of National Italian Psychology Association (AIP)- ClinicalPsychology Section. Torino, Italy, 29 September 1 Ottobre 2017.

24. Bufalari I., Porciello G., Mannetti L., Aglioti SM. (2017). The Thin Line between Self and Others: Interpersonal Multisensory Stimulation may change self-identity and self-other perception. 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Granada (Spagna), 5-8 Luglio 2017.

25. Mannetti L., Brizi A., Giacomantonio M., Bufalari I., Schumpe B., Panno A. (2017). Need for Cognitive Closure decreases risk taking and motivates discounting of delayed rewards. 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Granada (Spagna), 5-8 Luglio 2017.

26. Porciello G., Minio-Paluello I., Mannetti L., Bufalari I. (2017). Interdependent Self Construal predicts the illusory feeling of owing another person s face via other-oriented traits. International Convention of Psychological Scienc. Vienna (Austria) 23-25 March 2017.

27. Minio-Paluello I., Porciello G.,- Mannetti L., Bufalari I. (2016). Interdependent Self Construal predicts the illusory feeling of owing another person s face via empathic and autistic traits. AIRA II Congress. Rome (Italy),6-7 December 2016.

28. Porciello G.,- Liuzza M.T., Minio-Paluello I., Bufalari I. (2016). The power of others' gaze: ideological and physical similarity matters! 8th Conference of Lithuanian Neuroscience Association. Vilnius (Lithuania), December 9, 2016.

29. Bufalari I., Porciello G., Minio-Paluello I., Mannetti L., Aglioti S.M. (2016). Self-construal predicts the illusory feeling of owing the other s face via other-oriented traits. XXIV National Congress of the Italian Association of Psychophysiology. Milan (Italy), 27-29 October 2016.

30. Bufalari I., Porciello G., Mannetti L. (2016). The Thin Line between Self and Others: how self-construal influences the self-other facial merging induced by interpersonal multisensory stimulation. XIV National Congress of National Italian Psychology Association (AIP)- Social Psychology Section. Naples (Italy), 22-24 September 2016.

31. Brizi A., Mannetti L., Bufalari I., Competenza e affidabilità inferite dai volti dei candidati e risultati elettorali reali: le dimensioni della città come variabile moderatrice. (2016). XIV National Congress of National Italian Psychology Association (AIP)- Social Psychology Section. Naples (Italy), 22-24 September 2016.

32. Bufalari I., Sforza A.L., Di Russo F., Aglioti S.M. (2015). Malleability of the Self:
electrophysiological correlates of the Enfacement illusion. Summerschool The social self: how social interactions shape body and self-representations . Aegina (Greece) 21th-27th June 2015.

33. Porciello G., Holmes B., Liuzza M.T., Crostella F., Aglioti S.M. and Bufalari I. (2013). L effetto di enfacement influenza il comportamento di inseguimento dello sguardo. Poster. XIX National Congress of National Italian Psychology Association (AIP)- Experimental Psychology Section. Roma (Italy), 16-18 September 2013.

34. Lenggenhager B., Bufalari I., Porciello G., Holmes B., Aglioti S.M. (2013). Enfacing others but only if they are nice to you. Oral communication. Summer School Embodied Inter-subjectivity: the 1st person and the 2nd person perspective . Aegina (Greece), 9-15 June 2013.

35. Serra-Holmes B., Porciello G., Liuzza M.T., Costella F., Aglioti S.M., Bufalari I. (2012). Reflexive social attention and self-other distinction: psychophysical evidence for engazement . Poster. Concepts, Actions, and Objects: Functional and Neural Perspectives (CAOS). Rovereto (TN), Italy, 24-27 May 2012.

36. Sirchia V., Manti F., Bufalari I., Piperno F., Capozzi F. (2012). Selective Mutism: An expression of specific parental setting. IACAPAP 2012 - 20th World Congress Brain, Mind and Development. Paris, France, 21-25 July 2012.

37. Sforza A., Bufalari I., Di Russo F., Aglioti S.M. (2010). Neural correlates of illusory self-other face merging: an EEG study. Poster. 16th Annual Meeting - Human Brain Mapping. Barcellona, Spain, 6-10 June 2010.

38. D'Ausilio A., Bufalari I., Salmas P., Busan P., Fadiga L. (2009). Il ruolo del sistema motorio nella percezione del parlato. Oral communication. National Congress of National Italian Psychology Association (AIP)- Experimental Psychology Section. Chieti (Italy). 24-26 September 2009.

39. Sforza A.L., Bufalari I., Haggard P., Aglioti S.M. (2009). Il mio volto nel tuo: manipolare il senso di identità attraverso una stimolazione multisensoriale. Oral communication. National Congress of National Italian Psychology Association (AIP)- Experimental Psychology Section. Chieti (Italy). 24-26 September 2009.

40. D Ausilio A., Bufalari I., Salmas P., Busan P., Fadiga L. (2009). Motor contribution to speech perception: articulation and phonation. Poster. TMS Summer School on Attention, Perception and Motor Cognition , Dept. of Psychology, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 28-29 May 2009.

41. Aglioti S.M., Bufalari I., Minio-Paluello I. (2008). Embodied empathy for pain. Oral communication. First Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2-5 Septmber 2008.

42. Bufalari I., Di Russo F., Zidda F., Aglioti S.M. (2008). Neural Correlates of illusory localization of tactile stimuli. Poster. Concepts, Actions, and Objects: Functional and Neural Perspectives (CAOS). Rovereto (TN), Italy, 24-27 April 2008.

43. Avenanti A., Bufalari I. (2007). Empatia e percezione del dolore. Oral communication. XXXVIII Congress of the Neurology Italian Society- Syllabus (edited by Federico A, Mandredi M, De Falco FA, Tedeschi G, Mancardi GL, Cruccu G, Marciani MG, Sterzi R). Firenze, Italy, 13-17 October 2007.

44. Aglioti, S.M., Betti, V., Bufalari I. (2007). From pain perception to empathy for pain. Oral communication. XXI national congress of the Italian Society for the study of Cephalea. Pavia, Italy, 26 September 2007.

45. Bufalari I., Aprile T., Avenanti A., Di Russo F., Aglioti S.M. (2006). Shared bodily sensations in the human somatosensory cortex: a SEPs study. Poster. 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography (ISBET). Chieti (PE), Italy, 27-30 September 2006.

46. Bufalari I., Aprile T., Avenanti A., Di Russo F., Aglioti S.M. (2006). Empathy for Pain and Touch in the Human Somatosensory System: a Somatosensory Evoked Potential study. Poster. 12th Annual Meeting - Human Brain Mapping. Firenze, Italy, 11-15 June 2006.

47. Avenanti, A., Minio-Paluello, I., Bufalari, I., Aglioti, S.M. (2006). Stimulus-driven modulation of motor- evoked potentials during observation of others pain. Poster. Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting (CNS 2006), San Francisco, CA, USA, 8-11 April 2006.

48. Avenanti, A., Bufalari, I., Aglioti, S.M. (2004). Others Pain Embodied in One s Own Motor System. Poster. Neuroscience 2004, San Diego, CA, 23-27 October 2004.

Peer-reviewer activity:

- PLOSone; Psychological Research; Frontiers in Psychology; Cogent Psychology; Scientific Reports; Journal of Cognitive Psychology; IEEE Access; Cognition; Perception; Journal of Experimental Psychology: HPP; Social Neuroscience; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience; Psychological Medicine; European Journal of Neuroscience; Cortex; Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; Cerebral Cortex; Neuropsychologia; Neuroscience; Neuroimage; Biological Psychology; Neuroscience Letters; Experimental Brain Research; Archives Italiennes of Biologie; Perceptual and Motor Skills; Multisensory Research.

Society memberships:

- Italian Psychology Association Section of Social Psychology

Editorial activity:

- Editorial Board member, Scientific Reports


Organization of conferences

- 2019. Organizer of the XVII National Congress of National Italian Psychology Association (AIP)- Social Psychology Section . Rome (Italy), 12-14 September 2019.

- 2015. Organizer of the Symposium Situated cognition in the space of social interactions: from the bodily-self to shared spatial representations within the 6th International Conference on Spatial Cognition: Space and Situated Cognition . September 7-11, 2015; Rome (Italy). Website: http://www.icsc-rome.org/symposia/

- 2007/2008. Neuropolitics Conference, within the Brain Awareness Week promoted by Dana Foundation, Comune di Roma and Segretariato Sociale Rai. Department of Psychology - Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). 11-13 March 2008. Website: http://w3.uniroma1.it/aglioti/oldnews2.htm

- 2005/2006. Women and the Shape of Neuroscience to Come Conference, within the Brain Awareness Week promoted by Dana Foundation, Comune di Roma and Segretariato Sociale Rai. Department of Psychology - Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). 13-16 March 2006. Website: http://www.baw2006rome.altervista.org/

- 2004/2005. The Social Brain Conference, within the Brain Awareness Week promoted by Dana Foundation, Comune di Roma and Segretariato Sociale Rai. Department of Psychology - Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). 14-18 March 2005. Website: http://w3.uniroma1.it/aglioti/oldnews2.htm