Ritratto di massimo.zacchini@uniroma1.it

Si informano gli studenti interessati che le lezioni del  canale 1 del modulo di Fisiologia Vegetale avranno inizio il giorno Venerdi 15 Ottobre 2021.

Le lezioni si terranno presso l'edificio CU005 Aula 1 Magna il venerdi dalle ore 14:00 alle ore 16:00.

Compatibilmente con le decisioni assunte nella seduta del CAD del 24 Settembre 2021 

(https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/it/corso/2021/30048/programmazione), sarà possibile seguire le lezioni in remoto al seguente link meet: 




A richiesta dello studente via mail

Dr. Massimo Zacchini, senior researcher, currently working at the Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems of CNR, acting as Head of the Tissue Culture lab and formerly Head of the Section of Montelibretti (Rome, Italy), adjunct professor (Plant physiology) at University of Rome1, La Sapienza (Rome, Italy). Main research interests regard the physiological and biochemical characterisation of plants for the decontamination of polluted soils and water (phytoremediation) and the ecotoxicological risk assessment of chemicals in plants. Author and co-author of more than 60 scientific papers mainly published on International ISI journals (sum of times cited: 2444, index H= 27, Google Scholar). He coordinated the EU-INDIA Project "Technological Eco-Innovations for the Quality Control and the Decontamination of Polluted Waters and Soils" (2014-2018). Scientific responsible in CNR Joint projects with foreign research Institutions (Russia, Moldova, Georgia) and involved in many research projects funded by UE, Italian and Spanish Ministry of Science and Research. He organised International conferences and workshops dealing with innovative technologies for the decontamination of soil and water, also acting as invited speaker and chairperson in many International conferences on these topics. He carried out academic activity as invited lecturer at Lodz University of Technology (Poland), member of the evaluation panels of European and national Ph.D., tutoring activity for Ph.D. students, Erasmus+ students, European and national fellows, bachelor and master students. He is member of the Editorial board of International scientific ISI (Science of the Total Environment, Water, Applied Sciences) and non-ISI Journals (Journal of Plant Studies, Journal of Applied Biotechnology, Journal of Plant Chemistry and Ecophysiology), Guest Editor of special issue on MDPI journals (Water; Applied Science), referee for more than 50 International ISI journals dealing with environmental science, phytoremediation, plant physiology and biochemistry and for European research funding agencies.