Ritratto di laura.piccardi@uniroma1.it
Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
PSICOLOGIA GENERALE 1023709 2022/2023
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2022/2023
PSICOLOGIA GENERALE 1023709 2022/2023
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2021/2022
PSICOLOGIA GENERALE 1023709 2021/2022
PSICOLOGIA GENERALE 1023709 2021/2022
PSICOLOGIA GENERALE 1023709 2021/2022
PSICOLOGIA GENERALE 1023709 2021/2022
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2020/2021
PSICOLOGIA GENERALE 1023709 2020/2021
PSICOLOGIA GENERALE 1023709 2019/2020
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2019/2020


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Laura Piccardi
Attività di Ricerca 
I principali ambiti di ricerca della Prof.ssa Laura Piccardi sono lo studio delle differenze individuali nell arco di vita, la mental imagery e l'orientamento spaziale. Nell'ambito della mental imagery- la rappresentazione mentale dello spazio personale, peripersonale, extrapersonale e immaginativo - i suoi studi si concentrano in particolare sulla relazione tra imagery mentale e navigazione spaziale. 
La Prof.ssa Piccardi studia inoltre l'orientamento spaziale sia nell'arco di vita del soggetto sia in popolazioni con sviluppo tipico e atipico. Gli studi sulla popolazione generale interessano le differenze individuali: stili cognitivi, genere ed expertise.
dal 3-02-2020-presente
Professore Associato (settore scientifico M/PSI01), Sapienza Università degli Studi di Roma
dal 2014 al 2-02-2020
Professore Associato (settore scientifico M/PSI01), Università degli Studi dell'Aquila
dal 2007-
Ricercatore, Laboratorio di Neuropsicologia dei Disturbi Visuo-Spaziali e della Navigazione, Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS
2007  2014
Ricercatore a tempo indeterminato (settore scientifico M/PSI01), Università degli Studi dell'Aquila
2005 2006
Partecipazione al Progetto europeo WAYFINDING, Unità LPPA diretta dal Prof. Alain Berthoz, Collège-deFrance (Parigi), in collaborazione con Ospedale Pitie Salpetriere di Parigi
2004 2005
Borsista presso Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS
2001 2004
Dottorato di Ricerca in Neuroscienze Cognitive (XVI Ciclo), Università degli Studi di Roma Sapienza
2000 2001
Borsista presso Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS
Abilitazione all'esercizio della professione di Psicologo e iscrizione all'Ordine degli Psicologi
Articoli su riviste peer-review:

1. C. Guariglia, L. Piccardi, M.C. Puglisi Allegra, M. Traballesi (2002) Is autotopoagnosia real? EC says yes. A case study. Neuropsychologia, 40, 1744-49.
2. P. Marangolo, L. Piccardi, M. C. Rinaldi (2003) Dissociation between personal and extrapersonal neglect in a crossed aphasia study, Neurocase, 9 (5), 414-20.
3. M.R. Pizzamiglio, L. Piccardi, C. Guariglia (2003) Asymmetries in neuropsychological profile in Cri-du-Chat syndrome. Cognitive Processing, 4(Suppl) 20.
4. P. Angelelli, S. Paolucci, U. Bivona, L. Piccardi, P. Ciurli, A. Cantagallo, G. Antonucci, L. Fasotti, E. Ladavas, L. Pizzamiglio (2004) Development of neuropsychiatric disorders in post-stroke patients: a cross sectional study, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 110, 55-63.
5. M.R. Pizzamiglio, L. Piccardi, M. Nasti, F. Tomaiuolo, U. Sabatini (2004) Language disorders in a child with an early thalamic lesion, Neurocase, 10 (4), 308-315.
6. M.C. Cossu, I. Nava, S. Leoni, L. Piccardi (2005) Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in a case of Cornelia De Lange Syndrome, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 15 (2), 147-160.
7. C. Guariglia, L. Piccardi, G. Iaria, D. Nico, L. Pizzamiglio (2005) Representational neglect and navigation in real space, Neuropsychologia, 43, 1138-1143.
8. A. Carota, J.M. Annoni, L. Piccardi, J. Bogousslavsky (2005) Syndromes majeurs de l hemisphère mineur (Major syndromes of the minor hemisphere) Encyclopédie-Médico-Chirurgicale Neurologie (EMC-Neurologie) 2, 475-504.
9. G. Iaria, C. Incoccia, L. Piccardi, D. Nico, U. Sabatini, C. Guariglia (2005) Lack of orientation due to a congenital brain malformation: a Case Study. Neurocase, 11 (6), 463-74.
10. F. Di Russo, G. Committeri, S. Pitzalis, G. Spitoni, L. Piccardi, G. Galati, M. Catagni, D. Nico, C. Guariglia, L. Pizzamiglio (2006) Cortical Plasticity following surgical extension of lower limbs. NeuroImage, 30, 172-183, 2006.
11. L. Piccardi, D. Nico, I. Bureca, A. Matano, C. Guariglia (2006) Efficacy of visuo-spatial training in right-brain damaged patients with spatial hemineglect and attention disorders, Cortex, 42 (7), 973-82.
12. L. Piccardi (2006) Neural substrates of visual and musical art: a book review of Neuropsychology of Art: Neurologic, cognitive, and evolutionary perspectives by Dahlia W. Zaidel Hove, UK: Psychology Press, 2005, Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 19 (3), 172-173.
13. C. Guariglia, L. Piccardi, G. Iaria, C. Incoccia, D. Nico (2006) What happens when the brain fails: neuropsychological studies on spatial memories. Cogn. Process, 7 Suppl. 1, 154.
14. G. Committeri, S. Pitzalis, G. Galati, F. Patria, G. Pelle, U. Sabatini, A. Castriota-Scanderberg, L. Piccardi, C. Guariglia, L. Pizzamiglio (2007) Neural bases of personal and extrapersonal neglect in humans. Brain, 130 (2), 431-41.
15. M.R. Pizzamiglio, M. Nasti, L. Piccardi, G. Spitoni, C. Vitturini, M.V. Nanni, C. Guariglia (2008) Sensory-motor rehabilitation in Rett syndrome: a case report, Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 23 (1), 49-62.
16. MR Pizzamiglio, M. Nasti, L. Piccardi, C. Vitturini, C. Guariglia (2008) A visual-motor coordination computerised training improves the visuo-spatial performance in a child affected by Cri-du-Chat syndrome, International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 31 (2), 151-154.
17. D. Nico, L. Piccardi, G. Iaria, F. Bianchini, L. Zompanti and C. Guariglia (2008) Landmark based navigation in brain damaged patients with neglect, Neuropsychologia, 46, 1898-1907.
18. L. Piccardi, G. Iaria, M. Ricci, F. Bianchini, L. Zompanti, C. Guariglia (2008) Walking in the Corsi Test: which type of memory do you need? Neuroscience Letters, 432, 127-131.
19. L. Piccardi, F. Bianchini, L. Zompanti, C. Guariglia (2008) Relationship between working memory and pure representational neglect: a case report. Neurocase, 14 (4) 329-42.
20. C. Incoccia, L. Magnotti, G. Iaria, L. Piccardi, C. Guariglia (2009) Topographical disorientation in a patient who never developed navigational skills: the (re)habilitation treatment. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 19 (2): 291-314.
21. L. Piccardi, F. Bianchini, G. Iaria, P. Verde, P. Trivelloni, C. Guariglia (2009) Do men really outeperform women in navigation? Italian Journal of Aerospace Medicine, 1 (2), 16-26.
22. L. Piccardi (2009) Representational neglect patients and navigation in virtual space. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 26 (3): 247-265.
23. L. Palermo, L. Piccardi, R. Nori, F. Giusberti, C. Guariglia (2009) Pure imagery neglect for places and objects. Cognitive Processing, 10 (2), 266.
24. L. Palermo, L. Piccardi, R. Nori, F. Giusberti, C. Guariglia (2010) Does hemineglect affect visual mental imagery? Imagery deficits in representational and perceptual neglect. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 27 (2): 15-33.
25. L. Palermo, R. Nori, L. Piccardi, F. Giusberti, C. Guariglia (2010) Environment and object mental images in patients with representational neglect: two case reports. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 16 (5): 921-32.
26. F. Bianchini, Incoccia C, Palermo L, Piccardi L, Zompanti L, Sabatini U, Guariglia C. (2010) Developmental topographical disorientation in a healthy subject. Neuropsychologia, 2010, 48 (6), 1563-1573.
27. L. Piccardi, A. Berthoz, M. Baulac, M. Denos, S. Dupont, S. Samson, C. Guariglia (2010) Different spatial memory systems are involved in small and large-scale environments: evidence from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Experimental Brain Research, 206 (2): 171-7.
28. C. Guariglia, L. Piccardi (2010) Environmental orientation and navigation in different forms of unilateral neglect. Experimental Brain Research, 206 (2): 163-9.
29. L. Piccardi, M. Risetti, R. Nori, A. Tanzilli, L. Bernardi, C. Guariglia (2011) Perspective changing in primary and secondary learning: A gender difference study. Learning and Individual Differences, 21: 114-118.
30. L. Canzano, L. Piccardi, I. Bureca, C. Guariglia (2011) Mirror writing resulting from an egocentric representation disorder: A case report. Neurocase, 17 (5): 447-60.
31. L. Piccardi, G. Iaria, F. Bianchini, L. Zompanti, C. Guariglia (2011) Dissociated deficits of visuo-spatial memory in near space and navigational space: Evidences from brain-damaged patients and healthy older participants. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 18 (3): 362-384.
32. L. Piccardi, M. Risetti, R. Nori (2011) How well do you know your city? Effects of familiarity on environmental representations: A self-report study. Psychological Reports, 109 (1): 309-326.
33. L. Piccardi , F. Bianchini, L. Iasevoli, G. Giannone, C. Guariglia (2011) Sex differences in a landmark environmental re-orientation task only during the learning phase. Neuroscience Letters, 503 (3): 181-5.
34. Palermo L, Piccardi L, Nori R, Giusberti F, Guariglia C (2012) The roles of categorical and coordinate spatial relations in recognizing building Attention, Perception & Psychophisics, 74 (8), 1732-41.
35. Palermo L, Ranieri G, Boccia M, Piccardi L, Nemmi F, Guariglia C (2012) Map-following skills in left and right brain-damaged patients with and without neglect. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 34 (10): 1065-1079
36. Piccardi L, Bianchini F, Argento O, De Nigris A, Maialetti A, Palermo L, Guariglia C (2013) The Walking Corsi Test (WalCT): standardization of topographical memory in an Italian population. Neurological Sciences, 34 (6): 971-8.
37. A. De Nigris, L. Piccardi, F. Bianchini, L. Palermo, C. Incoccia, C. Guariglia (2013) Role of visuo-spatial working memory on navigational disorders in neglect. Cortex, 49 (4) 920-30.
38. S. Albano, L. Piccardi, M.R. Pizzamiglio, C. Volpe, D. Morelli, S. D Amico (2013) Narrative discourse and socio-cognitive abilities of a child with Cri-du-Chat Syndrome. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 174 (1): 51-72.
39. F Nemmi, M Boccia, L Piccardi, G. Galati, C. Guariglia (2013) Segregation of neural circuits involved in spatial learning in reaching and navigational space. Neuropsychologia, 51 (8): 1561-1570.
40. MR Pizzamiglio, C Volpe, L Piccardi (2013) A longitudinal study in atypical Cri-du-Chat profile: A single case report. Case Reports in Clinical Medicine, 2 (2): 100-107.
41. L. Palermo, R. Nori, L. Piccardi, F. Zeri, A. Babino, F. Giusberti, C. Guariglia (2013) Refractive errors affect vividness of visual mental images. PLoS One, 8(6):e65161.
42. P. Verde, L. Piccardi, F. Bianchini, P. Trivelloni, C. Guariglia, E. Tomao (2013) No gender differences in performing a mental rotation task among pilots. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 84 (7): 726-729.
43. C. Guariglia, L. Palermo, L. Piccardi, G. Iaria, C. Incoccia (2013) Neglecting the left side of the public square but not the left side of its clock. Prevalence, characteristics and nature of representational neglect. PlosOne, 8 (7): e67390.
44. L. Piccardi, P. Verde, F. Bianchini, F. Morgagni, C. Guariglia, F. Strollo (2013) Mental rotation task in a pilot during and after pregnancy. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 84 (10): 1092-1094.
45. MR Pizzamiglio, L Piccardi, F Bianchini, L Canzano, L Palermo, F Fusco, G D Antuono, C Gelmini, L Garavelli, M Valeria Ursini (2014) Incontinetia Pigmenti a rare, recently described genetic pathology supports the crucial role of X-chromosome in learning disabilities. PLoS ONE 9(1): e87771.
46. L Piccardi, L Palermo, M Leonzi, M Risetti, L Zompanti, S D Amico, C. Guariglia (2014) The Walking Corsi Test (WalCT): normative study on topographical working memory in a 4 to 11-year old children sample. The Clinical Neuropsychologist 28(1): 84-96.
47. C. Burattini, L. Piccardi, F. Ferlazzo, A.M. Giannini, F. Bisegna (2014) Positive effects of blue light on executive functions: future implications for air traffic controllers. Italian Journal of Aerospace Medicine, 10:24-35.
48. M. Boccia, P. Cordellieri, L. Piccardi, F. Ferlazzo, C. Guariglia, A.M. Giannini (2014) Gender differences in solving moral dilemmas: are there any implications for aero-space flight experts? Italian Journal of Aerospace Medicine, 10:12-23.
49. L Piccardi, F Bianchini, R Nori, A Marano, F Iachini, L Lasala, C Guariglia (2014) Spatial location and pathway memory compared in the reaching vs. walking domains. Neuroscience Letters, 566, 226-230.
50. L. Piccardi, M. Leonzi, S. D Amico, C. Guariglia (2014) Developmental of navigational working memory: evidence from 6- to 10- year-old children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 32, 205-217.
51. L Palermo, L Piccardi, F Bianchini, F Nemmi, V Giorgio, C Incoccia, U Sabatini, C Guariglia (2014) Looking for the compass in a case of developmental topographical disorientation: a behavioural and neuroimaging study. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 36 (5): 464-481.
52. F Ferlazzo, L Piccardi, C. Burattini, M. Barbalace, AM Giannini, F Bisegna (2014) Effects of new light sources on task switching and mental rotation performance Journal of Environmental Psychology, 39:92-100.
53. L. Palermo, A. Di Vita, L. Piccardi, M. Traballesi, C. Guariglia (2014) Bottom-up and top-down processes in body representation: a study of brain-damaged and amputees patients. Neuropsychology, 28(5): 772-81.
54. P. Guariglia, A. Matano, L. Piccardi (2014) Bisecting or not bisecting: this is the neglect question. Line bisection performance in the diagnosis of neglect in right brain-damaged patients. PLOS ONE 9(6): e99700.
55. F. Bianchini, A. Di Vita, L. Palermo, L. Piccardi, C. Blundo, C. Guariglia (2014) A selective egocentric topographical working memory deficit in the early stages of Alzheimer s disease. American Journal of Alzheimer s Disease and Other Dementias, 29(8):749-54.
56. M. Boccia, L. Piccardi, L. Palermo, F. Nemmi, V. Sulpizio, G. Galati, C. Guariglia (2014) One's own country and familiar places in the mind's eye: different topological representations for navigational and non-navigational contents. Neuroscience Letters, 579:52-7.
57. L. Piccardi, P. Verde, F. Bianchini, F. Morgagni, C. Guariglia, F. Strollo, E. Tomao (2014) Deficits in visuo-spatial but not in topographical memory during pregnancy and the postpartum state in an expert military pilot: a case report BMC Research Notes, 7:524.
58. A Di Vita, M Boccia, F Bianchini, L Piccardi, C Guariglia (2014) Neural modifications of PTSD after combat-related trauma: an fMRI meta-analytic study. Italian Journal of Aerospace Medicine, 11: 64-73.
59. F Bianchini, L Palermo, L Piccardi, C Incoccia, F Nemmi, U Sabatini, C Guariglia, (2014). Where am I? A new case of developmental topographical disorientation. Journal of Neuropsychology, 8, 107 124.
60. F Nemmi, F Bianchini, F Piras, P Péran, L Palermo, L Piccardi, U Sabatini, C. Guariglia (2015) Finding my way, my own way: an fMRI single case study of a subject with Developmental Topographical Disorientation. Neurocase, 21 (5): 573-83.
61. P Verde, L Piccardi, Filippo Bianchini, Cecilia Guariglia, Paolo Carrozzo, Fabio Morgagni, Enrico Tomao (2015) Gender has no effect on pilots navigational memory. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 86 (2): 103-111.
62. L. Piccardi, L. Palermo, A. Bocchi, C. Guariglia, S. D Amico (2015) Does spatial locative comprehension predict landmark-based navigation? Plos One, 10(1): e0115432.
63. M. Boccia, L. Piccardi, L. Palermo, F. Nemmi, V. Sulpizio, G. Galati, C. Guariglia (2015) A penny for your thoughts! Patterns of fMRI activity reveal the content of visual mental images. Human Brain Mapping, 36: 945-958.
64. R. Nori, L. Piccardi, M. Migliori, A. Guidazzoli, F. Frasca, D. De Luca, F. Giusberti (2015) Sex differences in learning real and virtual environments. Computers and Human Behaviour, 48: 72-77.
65. M. Boccia, M. Acierno, L. Piccardi (2015) Neuroanatomy of Alzheimer s disease and late-life depression: a coordinate-based meta-analysis of MRI studies. J Alzheimers Dis, 46 (4), 963-70.
66. M. Boccia, L. Piccardi, P. Cordellieri, C. Guariglia, A.M. Giannini (2015) EMDR therapy for PTSD after motor-vehicle accidents: meta-analytic evidence for specific treatment. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9:213.
67. M. Boccia, L. Piccardi, P. Guariglia (2015) The meditative mind: a comprehensive meta-analysis of F-MRI studies. BMC Biomedical Research, Volume 2015, Article ID 419808, 11.
68. R. Nori, L. Piccardi (2015) I believe to be good in orienteering but is that true? Cognitive Processing, 16 (3), 301-7.
69. P. Guariglia, L. Piccardi, F. Giaimo, G. Micciché, S. Alaimo, G. Antonucci (2015) The Eyes test is influenced more by artistic inclination and less by sex. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9:292.
70. L. Piccardi, R. Nori, M. Boccia, S. Barbetti, P. Verde, C. Guariglia, F. Ferlazzo (2015) A dedicated system for topographical working memory: evidence from specific-domain task
interference. Experimental Brain Research, 233 (8): 2489-95.
71. A. Di Vita, L. Palermo, L. Piccardi, C. Guariglia (2015) Peculiar body representation alterations in hemineglect: a case report. Neurocase, 21 (6), 697-706.
72. L. Piccardi, R. Nori, L. Palermo, C. Guariglia (2015) Age effect in generating mental images of building but not common objects. Neuroscience Letters, 602: 79-83.
73. L. Piccardi, G. Curcio, L. Palermo, M.C. Pai (2015) Ageing and neurodegenerative disorders. Behavioural Neurology, 2015:149532
74. M. Palmiero, R. Nori, C. Rogolino, S. D Amico, L. Piccardi (2015) Situated navigational working memory: the role of positive mood. Cognitive Processing, 16 Suppl 1: 327-330.
75. M. Boccia, L. Piccardi, L. Palermo, R. Nori, M. Palmiero (2015) Where do bright ideas occur in our brain? Meta-analytic evidence from neuroimaging studies of domain-specific creativity. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1195.
76. G. Committeri, L. Piccardi, G. Galati, C. Guariglia (2015) Where did you left Piazza del Popolo? At your right temporo-parietal junction. Cortex, 73: 106-111
77. R. Nori, L. Piccardi, F. Guidazzoli, D. De Luca, F. Giusberti (2015) Perspective changing in WalCT and VR-WalCT: a gender difference study. Computers in Human Behavior, 53, 316-323
78. S. Colangeli, M. Boccia, L. Piccardi, P. Verde, P. Cordellieri, F. Ferlazzo, A.M. Giannini (2015) Moral decision-making in military pilots versus military personnel. Italian Journal of Aerospace Medicine, 13, 72.84.
79. M. Palmiero, R. Nori, V. Aloisi, M. Ferrara, L. Piccardi (2015) Domain-Specificity of Creativity: A Study on the Relationship Between Visual Creativity and Visual Mental Imagery. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 6, 1870
80. Maddalena Boccia, Simonetta D Amico, Filippo Bianchini, Assunta Marano, Laura Piccardi (2016) Different neural modifications underpin PTSD after different traumatic events: an fMRI meta-analytic study. Brain Imaging Behaviour, 10: 226-37.
81. L. Palermo, M.C. Cinelli, L. Piccardi, P. Ciurli, C. Incoccia, L. Zompanti, C. Guariglia (2016) Women outperform men in remembering to remember. Quarterly Journal of Memory Psychology, 69: 65-74.
82. M. Boccia, L Piccardi, P. Guariglia (2016) How treatment affects the brain: meta-analysis evidence of neural substrates underpinning drug therapy and psychotherapy in major depression. Brain Imaging Behav, 10 (2): 619-27.
83. M. Boccia, S. Barbetti, L. Piccardi, C. Guariglia, F. Ferlazzo, A.M. Giannini, D. Zaidel (2016) Where does brain neural activation in aesthetic responses to visual art occur? Meta-analytic evidence from neuroimaging studies. Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Reviews, 60: 65-71.
84. M. Boccia, L. Piccardi, M. Di Marco, L. Pizzamiglio, C. Guariglia (2016) Does field independence predict visuo-spatial abilities underpinning human navigation? Behavioural evidence. Experimental Brain Research, 234, 2799-807.
85. P. Verde, M. Boccia, S. Colangeli, S. Barbetti, R. Nori, F. Ferlazzo, F. Piccolo, R. Vitalone, E. Lucertini, L. Piccardi (2016) Domain-Specific Interference Tests on Navigational Working Memory in Military Pilots. Aerosp Med Hum Perform, 87 (6): 528-33.
86. L. Piccardi, L. Magnotti, A. Tanzilli, M. Aloisi, P. Guariglia (2016) Is the Patient Able to Watch TV or Read the Newspaper? A Functional Semi-Structured Scale to Observe Hemineglect Symptoms in Activities of Daily Living (H-ADL). Appl Neuropsychol Adult, 23, 418-25.
87. L. Palermo, L. Piccardi, R. Nori, F. Giusberti, C Guariglia (2016) The impact of ageing and gender on visual mental imagery processes: A study of performance on tasks from the Complete Visual Mental Imagery Battery (CVMIB). J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 38, 752-63.
88. M. Palmiero, R. Nori, C. Rogolino, S. D Amico, L. Piccardi (2016) Sex differences in visuospatial and navigational working memory: the role of mood induced by background music. Exp Brain Research, 234: 2381-9.
89. L. Canzano, A. Costa, U. Sabatini, L. Piccardi (2016) Is prosopagnosia a clinical feature of heterotopia? Evidence from a single case report. Neurol Sci, 37: 1169-73.
90. M. Palmiero, R. Nori, L. Piccardi (2016) Visualizer cognitive style enhances visual creativity. Neurosci Lett, 615: 98-101.
91. L Piccardi, A Matano, G D Antuono, D Marin, P Ciurli, C Incoccia, P Verde, P Guariglia (2016) Persistence of Gender Related-Effects on Visuo-Spatial and Verbal Working Memory in Right Brain-Damaged Patients. Front Behav Neurosci. 28;10:139
92. L Piccardi, M De Luca, R Nori, L Palermo, F Iachini, C Guariglia (2016) Navigational Style Influences Eye Movement Pattern during Exploration and Learning of an Environmental Map. Front Behav Neurosci. 29;10:140.
93. M Palmiero, L Piccardi, R Nori, L Palermo, C Salvi, C Guariglia (2016) Editorial: Creativity and Mental Imagery. Front Psychol. 25;7:1280.
94. P Cordellieri, F Baralla, F Ferlazzo, R Sgalla, L Piccardi, AM Giannini (2016) Gender Effects in Young Road Users on Road Safety Attitudes, Behaviors and Risk Perception. Front Psychol. 27;7:1412.
95. G Curcio, L Piccardi, F Ferlazzo, AM Giannini, C Burattini, F Bisegna (2016) LED lighting effect on sleep, sleepiness, mood and vigor. EEEIC 2016-International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 7555791.
96. L Piccardi, M Boccia, S Colangeli, F Bianchini, A Marano, AM Giannini, M Palmiero, S D Amico (2016). Neuro-functional alterations due to PTSD after environmental disasters: fMRI evidence and clinical suggestions. Journal of Psychopathology, 22, 165-171
97. Colangeli, S., Boccia, M., Verde, P., Guariglia, P., Bianchini, F., Piccardi, L. (2016). Cognitive reserve in healthy aging and Alzheimer s disease: a metaanalysis of fMRI studies. Am. J. Alzheimer s Dis. Other Demen. 31, 443 449 doi: 10.1177/1533317516653826
98. Lugli L, Ragni M, Piccardi L, Nori R. (2017) Hypermedia navigation: Differences between spatial cognitive styles. Computers in Human Behavior, 66, 191-200.
99. M.R. Pizzamiglio, M. De Luca, A. Di Vita, L. Palermo, A. Tanzilli, C. Dacquino, L. Piccardi (2017) Congenital prosopagnosia in a child: neuropsychological assessment, eye-movement recordings and training. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 27: 369-408.
100. Boccia, V Sulpizio, L Palermo, L Piccardi, C Guariglia, GGalati G (2017) I can see where you would be: Patterns of fMRI activity reveal imagined landmarks. Neuroimage, 144, 174-82 (16)30420-7
101. AM Tedesco, F Bianchini, L Piccardi, S Clausi, A Berthoz, M Molinari, C Guariglia, M Leggio (2017) Does the Cerebellum Contribute to Human Navigation by Processing Sequential Information? Neuropsychology. 31 (5): 564-74.
102. M Palmiero, R Nori, L Piccardi (2017) Verbal and visual divergent thinking in aging. Exp Brain Res. 235(4):1021-1029.
103. M Boccia, L Piccardi, A D'Alessandro, R Nori, C Guariglia (2017) Restructuring the navigational field: individual predisposition towards field independence predicts preferred navigational strategy. Exp Brain Res. 235(6) 1741-48
104. M Boccia, S Barbetti, L Piccardi, C Guariglia, AM Giannini (2017) Neuropsychology of Aesthetic Judgment of Ambiguous and Non-Ambiguous Artworks. Behav Sci (Basel). Mar 18;7(1). pii: E13.
105. A Bocchi, M Carrieri, S Lancia, V Quaresima, L Piccardi (2017) The Key of the Maze: The role of mental imagery and cognitive flexibility in navigational planning, Neuroscience Letters, 651, 146-150.
106. L Piccardi, A Bocchi, M Palmiero, P Verde, R Nori (2017) Mental imagery skills predict the ability in performing environmental directional judgements. Experimental Brain Research, 235(7): 2225-2233
107. M Boccia, P Verde, G Angelino, P Carrozzo, D Vecchi, L Piccardi, S Colangeli, F Ferlazzo, AM Giannini (2017) Effect of professional expertise and exposure to everyday life decision-making on moral choices. Neuroscience Letters, 654, 27: 80-85.
108. A. Di Vita, L. Palermo, L. Piccardi, J. Di Tella, F. Di Propato, C. Guariglia (2017) Body Representation Alterations in Personal but Not in Extrapersonal Neglect Patients. Appl Neuropsychol Adult, 24 (4) 308-17.
109. M. Boccia, C. Dacquino, L. Piccardi, P. Corcellieri, C. Guariglia, F. Ferlazzo, S. Ferracuti, AM Giannini (2017) Neural foundation of human moral reasoning: an ALE meta-analysis about the role of personal perspective. Brain Imaging Behav, 11(1):278-292.
110. M. Palmiero, L. Piccardi (2017) The Role of Emotional Landmarks on Topographical Memory. Front Psychol. 8:763.
111. M Boccia, D Marin, G D'Antuono, P Ciurli, C Incoccia, G Antonucci, C Guariglia, L Piccardi (2017) The Tower of London (ToL) in Italy: standardization of the ToL test in an Italian population. Neurol Sci.;38(7):1263-1270.
112. M Boccia, F Vecchione, L Piccardi, C Guariglia (2017) Effect of Cognitive Style on Learning and Retrieval of Navigational Environments. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 8:496.
113. L Tascòn, M Boccia, L Piccardi, JM Cimadevilla (2017) Differences in Spatial Memory Recognition Due to Cognitive Style. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 8:550.
114. L Piccardi, M Palmiero, R Nori, F Baralla, P Cordellieri, S D Amico, AM Giannini (2017) Persistence of Traumatic Symptoms After Seven Years: Evidence from Young Individuals Exposed to the L Aquila Earthquake. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 22:6, 487-500.
115. AM Giannini, P Cordellieri, L Piccardi (2017) Reading a Story: Different Degrees of Learning in Different Learning Environments. Front. Pharmacol. 8:701.
116. MR Pizzamiglio, L Piccardi, F Bianchini, L Canzano, L Palermo, F Fusco, G D Antuono, C Gelmini, L Garavelli, MV Ursini (2017) Cognitive-behavioural phenotype in a group of girls from 1.2 to 12 years old with the Incontinentia Pigmenti syndrome: Recommendations for clinical management. Appl Neuropsychol Child, 6 (4): 327-334.
117. G D Antuono, FR La Torre, D Marin, G Antonucci, L Piccardi, C Guariglia (2017) Role of working memory, inhibition, and fluid intelligence in the performance of the Tower of London task. Appl Neuropsychol Adult, 24 (6): 548-558.
118. M. Palmiero, L. Piccardi (2017) Frontal EEG asymmetry of mood: mini review. Front Behav Neurosci. 6;11:224
119. M Boccia, M Rosella, F Vecchione, A Tanzilli, L Palermo, S D'Amico, C Guariglia, L Piccardi (2017)
Enhancing Allocentric Spatial Recall in Pre-schoolers through Navigational Training Programme. Front Neurosci. 11:574.
120. R Nori, L Piccardi, A Maialetti, M Goro, A Rossetti, O Argento, C Guariglia (2018) No Gender Differences in Egocentric and Allocentric Environmental Transformation After Compensating for Male Advantage by Manipulating Familiarity. Front Neurosci. 28;12:204.
121. R Nori, M Palmiero, A, Bocchi, L, Piccardi (2018) The enhanced cognitive interview: could individual differences in visuo-spatial working memory explain differences in recalling an event? Psychology, Crime and Law, 14 (10), 998-1015.
122. M Carrieri, S Lancia, A Bocchi, M Ferrari, L Piccardi, V Quaresima (2018) Does ventrolateral prefrontal cortex help in searching for the lost key? Evidence from an fNIRS study. Brain Imaging and Behavior 12(3):785-797.
123. F Bianchini, P Verde, S Colangeli, M Boccia, F Strollo, C Guariglia, G Bizzarro, L Piccardi (2018)
Effects of oral contraceptives and natural menstrual cycling on environmental learning. BMC Womens Health. 18(1):179
124. P. Verde, G Angelino, F Piccolo, P Carrozzo, A Bottiglieri, L Lugli, L Piccardi, R Nori (2018) Spatial Orientation and Directional Judgments in Pilots vs. Nonpilots. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 89(10):857-862.
125. A Bocchi, M Giancola, L Piccardi, M Palmiero, R Nori, S D'Amico (2018) How would you describe a familiar route or put in order the landmarks along it? It depends on your cognitive style! Exp Brain Res. 236(12):3121-3129.
126. L Piccardi, M Palmiero, A Bocchi, AM Giannini, M Boccia, F Baralla, P Cordellieri, S D'Amico (2018) Continuous Environmental Changes May Enhance Topographic Memory Skills. Evidence From L'Aquila Earthquake-Exposed Survivors. Front Hum Neurosci. 7;12:318.
127. GF Spitoni, S Bevacqua, C Cerini, P Ciurli, L Piccardi, P Guariglia, L Pezzuti, G Antonucci (2018) Normative Data for the Hayling and Brixton Tests in an Italian Population. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 33(4): 466-476.
128. M Boccia, A Di Vita, L Palermo, G Committeri, L Piccardi, C Guariglia (2018) The way to "left" Piazza del Popolo: damage to white matter tracts in representational neglect for places. Brain Imaging Behav. 12(6):1720-1729.
129. M Boccia, F Vecchione, A Di Vita, S D'Amico, C Guariglia, L Piccardi (2019) Effect of Cognitive Style on Topographical Learning Across Life Span: Insights From Normal Development. Child Dev. 90 (2): 462-470
130. M Boccia, V Sulpizio, A Teghil, L Palermo, L Piccardi, G Galati, C Guariglia (2019) The dynamic contribution of the high-level visual cortex to imagery and perception. Hum Brain Mapp. 40 (8): 2449-2463
131. C Burattini, L Piccardi, G Curcio, F Ferlazzo, AM Giannini, F Bisegna, (2019) Cold LED lighting affects visual but not acoustic vigilance. Building and Environment 151: 148-155
132. M Boccia, A Di Vita, S Diana, R Margiotta, L Imbriano, L Rendace, A Campanelli, F D'Antonio, A Trebbastoni, C de Lena, L Piccardi, C Guariglia (2019). Is Losing One's Way a Sign of Cognitive Decay? Topographical Memory Deficit as an Early Marker of Pathological Aging. J Alzheimers Dis. 68(2):679-693.
133. M Palmiero, L Piccardi, M Giancola, R Nori, S D'Amico, M Olivetti Belardinelli (2019) The format of mental imagery: from a critical review to an integrated embodied representation approach. Cogn Process. 20 (3) 277-289. doi: 10.1007/s10339-019-00908-z.
134. M Palmiero, L Giulianella, P Guariglia, M Boccia, S D Amico, L Piccardi (2019) The Dancers Visuospatial Body Map Explains Their Enhanced Divergence in the Production of Motor Forms: Evidence in the Early Development. Front. Psychol. 10:768
135. L Piccardi, M De Luca, A Di Vita, L Palermo, A Tanzilli, C Dacquino, MR Pizzamiglio (2019) Evidence of taxonomy for Developmental Topographical Disorientation: Developmental Landmark Agnosia Case 1. Appl Neuropsychol Child. 8(2):187-198.
136. M De Luca, MR Pizzamiglio, A Di Vita, L Palermo, A Tanzilli, C Dacquino, L Piccardi (2019) First the nose, last the eyes in congenital prosopagnosia: Look like your father looks. Neuropsychology, 33(6) 855-861 doi: 10.1037/neu0000556.
137. M Palmiero, L Piccardi, M Boccia, F Baralla, P Cordellieri, R Sgalla, U Guidoni, AM Giannini (2019). Neural Correlates of Simulated Driving While Performing a Secondary Task: A Review. Front Psychol. 10:1045.
138. S Spaccavento, CV Marinelli, R Nardulli, L Macchitella, U Bivona, L Piccardi, P Zoccolotti, P Angelelli (2019) Attention Deficits in Stroke Patients: The Role of Lesion Characteristics, Time from Stroke, and Concomitant Neuropsychological Deficits. Behavioural Neurology, Volume 2019, Article ID 7835710, 12 pages.
139. L Piccardi, M Palmiero, A Bocchi, M Boccia, C Guariglia (2019) How does environmental knowledge allow us to come back home? Exp Brain Res. 237: 1811-1820. doi: 10.1007/s00221-019-05552-9
140. M. Palmiero, L Piccardi, R Nori, L Palermo, C Salvi, C Guariglia (2019) Editorial: Creativity: Education and Rehabilitation. Front. Psychol. | doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01500
141. A. Bocchi, M. Palmiero, R. Nori, P. Verde, L. Piccardi (2019) Does spatial cognitive style affect how navigational strategy is planned? Experimental Brain Research, 237 (10):2523-2533. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-019-05609-9
142. L. Piccardi, G. D Antuono, D. Marin, M. Boccia, P. Ciurli, C. Incoccia, G. Antonucci, P. Verde, C. Guariglia (2019) New evidence for gender differences in performing the Corsi Test but not the Digit Span: data from 208 individuals. Psychological Studies, 64 (4): 411-419. DOI: 10.1007/s12646-019-00512-3
143. M. Palmiero, P. Guariglia, R. Crivello, L. Piccardi (2020) The relationships between musical expertise and divergent thinking. Acta Psychologica, 203, 102990. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2019.102990
144. L Piccardi, P. Guariglia, R. Nori, M. Palmiero (2020) The role of emotional landmarks in embodied and not-embodied tasks, Brain Sciences 10 (2), 58.
145. G. D Antuono, M. Maini, D. Marin, M. Boccia, L. Piccardi (2020) Effect of ageing on verbal and visuo-spatial working memory: Evidence from 880 individuals. Applied Neuropsyhcology, Adult,
DOI: 10.1080/23279095.2020.1732979
146. A Bocchi, L Palermo, M Boccia, M Palmiero, S D'Amico, L Piccardi (2020) Object recognition and location: Which component of object location memory for landmarks is affected by gender? Evidence from four to ten year-old children. Appl Neuropsychol Child. 9 (1), 31-40. doi: 10.1080/21622965.2018.1504218.
147. F. Baralla, R. Migliaccio, R. Sgalla, M. Palmiero, L. Piccardi, A.M. Giannini (2020) Gender differences in colour representation of legal and illegal scenarios. PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION 57(2): 79-83.
148. L Palermo, MC Cinelli, L Piccardi, S De Felice, P Ciurli, C Incoccia, L Zompanti, C Guariglia (2020) Cognitive functions underlying prospective memory deficits: A study on traumatic brain injury. Appl Neuropsychol Adult. 27:2, 158-172, DOI: 10.1080/23279095.2018.1501374
149. A. Bocchi, M. Palmiero, M. Boccia, A. Di Vita, C. Guariglia, L. Piccardi (2020) Travel planning ability in right brain-damaged patients: two case reports. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 14:117. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00117
150. A. Bartonek, L Piccardi, C. Guariglia (2020). Topographical Working Memory in Children with Cerebral Palsy, Journal of Motor Behavior, DOI: 10.1080/00222895.2020.1748861
151. A. Bartonek, C. Guariglia, L. Piccardi (2020) Topographical working memory in children and adolescents with motor disabilities. Cogent Psychology, 7:1, DOI: 10.1080/23311908.2020.1757855
152. R. Nori, M. Palmiero, A. Bocchi, AM Giannini, L. Piccardi (2020) The specific role of spatial orientation skills in predicting driving behaviour. Transportation Research Part F, 71, 259-271. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trf.2020.04.009
153. P Guariglia, F Giaimo, M Palmiero, L Piccardi (2020) Normative data and validation of the Italian translation of the Working Memory Questionnaire (WMQ). Appl Neuropsychol Adult. 27:4, 376-389, DOI: 10.1080/23279095.2018.1552147
154. A. Quaglieri, E. Mari, M. Boccia, L. Piccardi, C. Guariglia, A.M. Giannini (2020) Brain Network Underlying Executive Functions in Gambling and Alcohol Use Disorders: An Activation Likelihood Estimation Meta-Analysis of fMRI Studies. Brain Sci., 10, 353; doi:10.3390/brainsci10060353
155. R. Nori, M. Palmiero, F. Giusberti, E. Gambetti, L. Piccardi (2020) Web Searching and Navigation: Age, Intelligence, and Familiarity. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 71 (8) 902-915. DOI: 10.1002/asi.24314.
156. M. Boccia, P. Guariglia, L. Piccardi, G. De Martino, A.M. Giannini (2020). The detail is more pleasant than the whole: Global and local prime affect esthetic appreciation of artworks showing whole-part ambiguity. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics https://doi.org/10.3758/s13414-020-02093-0
157. M. Palmiero , A. Di Vita , A. Teghil & L. Piccardi (2020): The Verbal Judgement Task: Normative data of verbal abstract reasoning in a sample of 18- to 40-years old, Applied Neuropsychology: Adult https://doi.org/10.1080/23279095.2020.1789986
158. M. Palmiero & L. Piccardi (2020) Is Visual Creativity Embodied? Thinking Aloud while Performing the Creative Mental Synthesis Task. Brain Sci. 2020, 10, 455; doi:10.3390/brainsci10070455

Libri e monografie
1. M.R Pizzamiglio, L. Piccardi, C. Massarelli, S. Leoni, V. Boschetti, R. Saraco (2000) Protocollo di trattamento neuropsicologico per i bambini con sindrome Cri-du-chat. S. Lucia I quaderni n. 19, ed. Erre.
2. MR Pizzamiglio, L Piccardi, M. Mattioli (2005) Il Parlagioco. Uno strumento per comunicare attraverso il gioco. Springer-Verlag.
3. MR Pizzamiglio, L. Piccardi, A. Zotti (2007) Lo spettro autistico. Definizione, valutazione e riabilitazione in neuropsicologia, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
4. L. Piccardi, C. Vitturini, F. Figliozzi, M.R. Pizzamiglio (2010) Training di coordinazione visuo-motoria computerizzato (TCCVM) Strumento per la riabilitazione di gravi disturbi della coordinazione occhio-mano in età evolutiva. Springer-Verlag.
5. L Piccardi (a cura di) (2011) Pizzamiglio MR, Bianchini F, Palermo L, Risetti M, Zompanti L, Guariglia C, D Amico S. Come impariamo a muoverci nell ambiente? Esercizi per bambini dai 5 ai 10 anni. Springer.
6. S. D Amico, L Piccardi (a cura di)(2019) Psicologia per insegnare. Un percorso di formazione. Zanichelli.

Capitoli di libro
1. M.R. Pizzamiglio, L. Piccardi, M.C. Cossu (2003) Il ritardo mentale, in M.R. Pizzamiglio (a cura di) La riabilitazione neuropsicologica in età evolutiva, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 17-21.
2. M.R. Pizzamiglio, L. Piccardi (2003) Strumenti di valutazione neuropsicologica, in: M.R. Pizzamiglio (a cura di) La riabilitazione neuropsicologica in età evolutiva, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 22-54.
3. M. R. Pizzamiglio, L. Piccardi, S. Leoni, C. Massarelli e V. Boschetti (2003) Sindrome Cri-du-Chat, in: M.R. Pizzamiglio (a cura di) La riabilitazione neuropsicologica in età evolutiva, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 87-97.
4. M. R. Pizzamiglio e L. Piccardi (2003) Disturbo generalizzato dello sviluppo non altrimenti specificato (DGS-NAS), in: M.R. Pizzamiglio (a cura di) La riabilitazione neuropsicologica in età evolutiva, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 171-181.
5. D. De Angelis, M. R. Pizzamiglio, M. V. Nanni, L. Piccardi e M. C. Cossu (2003) Le paralisi cerebrali infantili, in: M.R. Pizzamiglio (a cura di) La riabilitazione neuropsicologica in età evolutiva, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 206-218.
6. L. Piccardi, D. De Angelis, M. R. Pizzamiglio e M. Nasti (2003) Patologie vascolari, in: M.R. Pizzamiglio (a cura di) La riabilitazione neuropsicologica in età evolutiva, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 219-234.
7. M.R. Pizzamiglio, L. Piccardi (2010) Le funzioni esecutive in età evolutiva. In: Cantagallo A, Spitoni G, Antonucci G (eds) La riabilitazione delle funzioni esecutive. Carrocci Faber, pp. 53-69.
8. R. Nori, L. Piccardi (2011) Familiarity and Spatial Cognitive Style: How Important Are They for Spatial Representation? In: Jacob B. Thomas (Ed) Spatial Memory: Visuospatial Processes, Cognitive Performance and Developmental Effects, pp. 103-124, NEW YORK: NOVAPUBLISHER
9. L Piccardi, R. Nori (2011) Effects of visuo-spatial working memory on wayfinding ability. Levin E.S. (ed.) Working Memory: Capacity, Developments and Improvement Techniques, Nova Science publishers, New York, pp. 81-108.
10. L Piccardi, L Palermo, R Nori, F Giusberti, C. Guariglia (2012) Landmark recognition and mental route navigation disorders in imagery neglect compared with perceptual neglect. In: Y Spiteri & Galea EM (Eds). Psychology of Neglect. NOVAPUBLISCHER, New york, 81-104.
11. R Nori, L Piccardi, L Palermo, C Guariglia, F Giusberti (2012). Working memory load elicits gender differences in mental imagery. S. McGeown (Eds.) Psychology of Gender Differences. Novapublisher, New York, 161-173.
12. AM Giannini, L Piccardi, P Cordellieri, F Baralla, R Sgalla, U Guidoni, E Tizzani, S Vedovi (2016) Personality traits and coping strategies for contrasting the occurrence of traumatic reactions in emergency rescuers. In Ghassan El-Baalbaki & Christophe Fortin (Eds.) A Multidimensional Approach to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - from Theory to Practice, ISBN 978-953-51-2729-1. Chapter 7 pp. 147-166.
13. M Palmiero, R Nori, L Piccardi (2016). The relationship between visual creativity
and visual mental imagery in ageing. In Moneta G.B., and Rogaten J. (Eds.), Psychology of Creativity: Cognitive, Emotional, and Social Processes (Chapter 4; pp. 69-81). New York: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-63484-934-0
14. L Piccardi, A Tanzilli, M Rosella, Å Bartonek, S D Amico, C Guariglia (2017) Topographical Working Memory: Differences in Pointing versus Performing a Pathway in 4-5 Years Old Children. In A. Costa & E Villalba (Eds), Horizon in Neuroscience Research, ISBN 978-1-63485-928-8 Chapter 5 pp. 101-116.
15. C Guariglia, L Piccardi (2018) Ariadne s thread and the unravelling of navigational skills development In : Les arts de la mémoire et les images mentales [Berthoz, A; Scheid, J. Eds.]. Paris : Collège de France, 2018 (généré le 28 septembre 2018). Disponible sur Internet :. ISBN : 9782722604988.
16. L Piccardi, C Guariglia (2018) I disordini dell orientamento spazialeIn Denes G; Pizzamiglio L; Guariglia C; Cappa S; Grossi D; Luzzatti C (Eds.) Manuale di neuropsicologia. Normalità e patologia dei processi cognitivi. Zanichelli, Cap 27 pp. 646-661
17. P Guariglia, R Nori, e L Piccardi (2019). Emozioni, motivazione e apprendimento. In S. D Amico e L. Piccardi (Eds.). Psicologia per insegnare. Zanichelli: Bologna, pp. 21-38
18. R Nori, G Spitoni, L Piccardi (2019). Intelligenza, ragionamento e problem solving. In S. D Amico e L. Piccardi (Eds.). Psicologia per insegnare. Zanichelli: Bologna, pp. 1-20.
Altre pubblicazioni
1. M.R. Pizzamiglio, L. Piccardi (2000) Terapia Neuropsicologica in un caso di Disturbo Generalizzato dello Sviluppo Non Altrimenti Specificato (DGS-NAS). Psichiatria dell Infanzia e dell Adolescenza, 67, 481-492.
2. P. Angelelli, U. Bivona, M. Serio, L. Piccardi, G. Antonucci, A. Cantagallo, M.G. Grasso, S. Paolucci, L. Pizzamiglio. (2001) Prevalenza ed evoluzione dei disturbi neuropsichiatrici nell ictus: dati preliminari. Rivista di Neurobiologia, 48 (4), 251-257.
3. L. Piccardi, M.R. Pizzamiglio, C. Guariglia (2005) Sviluppo del linguaggio in soggetti affetti da Cri-du-chat. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 9 (1), 117-128.
4. M.R. Pizzamiglio, A. Zotti, L. Piccardi, M.V. Nanni e D. Morelli (2009) Strumenti di valutazione cognitiva nella Sindrome di Rett. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 13 (2), 327-354.
5. M.R. Pizzamiglio, C. Rizzi, A. Zotti, M. Musicco, D. Di Pietro, G. Menghini, L. Piccardi (2010) Indagine conoscitiva su un campione di soggetti con disturbi dello spettro autistico (DSA) di età compresa tra i 17 e i 33 anni. Autismo e Disturbi dello Sviluppo, 2010, 8, 1, pp. 117-132.
6. M.R. Pizzamiglio, L. Piccardi & C. Guariglia (2010) Profili cognitivo e comunicativo-linguistico nella sindrome Cri-du-Chat. Handicap Grave- ritardo mentale e pluriminorazioni sensoriali, 11 (3), pp. 35-46
7. R. Nori, L. Piccardi (2012) Il senso dell orientamento: quanto conta la familiarità con l ambiente? Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 39 (2), 343-368.
8. L. Piccardi, A. Marano, M. A. Geraci, E. Legge, S. D Amico (2016). Differenze nella scelta delle strategie di coping in preadolescenti esposti e non esposti al sisma dell Aquila del 6 aprile 2009. Epidemiologia & Prevenzione, 40, 53-58.

Traduzione e curatele di libri scientifici
1. 2000 Traduzione inglese-italiano dei seguenti capitoli dell edizione italiana a cura di L. Petrosini, L. De Gennaro e C. Guariglia del libro Neil R. Carlson Fisiologia del comportamento : Capitolo 7 L udito, i sensi corporei e i sensi chimici ; Capitolo 15 Apprendimento associativo e amnesia
2. 2001 traduzione e curatela di L. Piccardi & S. D Amico del libro di Geoff Rolls Classic Case studies in Psychology ; casa editrice Springer.
3. 2018 curatela di L. Piccardi del libro di Schacter D, Gillbert D, Nock M, Wegner D Psicologia Generale, casa editrice Zanichelli