Ritratto di emiliana.valentini@uniroma1.it

Care Studentesse e cari Studenti,
il corso di Telerilevamento e GIS inizierà lunedì 02 ottobre 2023 ore 8:30 presso l'aula IV CU032 (Ed. Chimica Nuovo 'Caglioti'). Tutte le informazioni ed il materiale del corso saranno fornite a lezione e tramite comunicazioni sulla piattaforma e-learning. 


Per il ricevimento da remoto previo appuntamento via mail: 


psw 12102020



Dr. Emiliana Valentini

Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
TELERILEVAMENTO E GIS 1023481 2023/2024
TELERILEVAMENTO E GIS 1023481 2022/2023
TELERILEVAMENTO E GIS 1023481 2021/2022
TELERILEVAMENTO E GIS 1023481 2020/2021
TELERILEVAMENTO E GIS 1023481 2017/2018

Lunedì 08:00 - 9:00

Graduated in Biological Sciences (2006) at Sapienza University, Rome and PhD in Ecology and Natural Resources Management (2013),Tuscia, University, Viterbo. Researcher at CNR, Institute of Polar Sciences (2020) in Rome (Montelibretti) and Lecturer in Remote Sensing and GIS for the Master Degree Course in Ecobiology at Sapienza, University, Rome.
Her research spans from terrestrial to aquatic sphere and includes the use of remote sensing principles and methods in the field of ecology, geography and environmental sciences. She develops integrated models for ecosystem services assessment, natural capital estimation and natural resources monitoring, considering bio-geosphere cross scales interaction and addressing landscape spatial patterns and temporal process. She has experience in national and international research and capacity building projects, publications and dissemination in scientific contexts. She actively participates in the GEOBON Ecosystem Structure working group and in the technical roundtables supporting the European Copernicus and National Space Economy programs.