First Unit: [8h lectures] Integration in Decision Modeling
This unit focuses on quantitative management models, tools and their integration. Students will learn how statistical models and mathematical programming can be combined in the management of a company or an entire industry in order to improve its efficiency and competitiveness. In this unit we start by recalling the fundamentals of statistical estimation and linear regression models. Then an overview of linear and non linear optimization models will be presented. Case studies of their practical usage in integrated way in the management of a company involved into different sectors, like airline or investement management industry, will be examined. The analysis will be performed using Excel and Cplex Studio.
Second Unit: [16h lectures] Data Science for Business by Enel
This is an unconventional teaching module which aims at joining quantitative modelling skills with real case studies. It is divided into modular units which are taught by academic and non academic instructors. There is a strong emphasis on exploiting quantitative analysis and methodology on case-study problems without overlooking other important soft skills in planning the solution and presenting the final results. Teaching calendar of lectures will be not regular and interested students should contact for more details.
First Unit: [8h lectures] Integration in Decision Modeling
This unit focuses on quantitative management models, tools and their integration. Students will learn how statistical models and mathematical programming can be combined in the management of a company or an entire industry in order to improve its efficiency and competitiveness. In this unit we start by recalling the fundamentals of statistical estimation and linear regression models. Then an overview of linear and non linear optimization models will be presented. Case studies of their practical usage in integrated way in the management of a company involved into different sectors, like airline or investement management industry, will be examined. The analysis will be performed using Excel and Cplex Studio.
Second Unit: [16h lectures] Data Science for Business by Enel
This unit is joint initiative with Enel S.p.A. a multinational energy company and one of the leading global integrated operators in the electricity and gas sectors. Enel instructors from the Data Science team will coordinate a series of sub-units lectured by Enel representatives on business cases. Students will be required to develop and present one final project. Following is a list of subunits:
- Introduction to Enel as a data-driven company and its business lines - Business engagement - Tech talk 1: introduction to linux - Tech talk 2: version control (github) - Tech talk 3: productionizing machine learning and microservices - Agile methodology - Data visualization & storytelling
Students will be joined in groups and will work on one of the business cases introduced meanwhile. A final presentation of each group will close training activity.
First Unit: [8h lectures] Integration in Decision Modeling
- Lecture notes delivered by the unit instructor (Lavinia Amorosi) - Dimitris Bertsimas, Robert Michael Freund, (2000) Data, Models, and Decisions: The Fundamentals of Management Science, South-Western College Pub., ISBN: 978-0975914601
Second Unit: [16h lectures] Data Science for Business by Enel
- Lecture notes by the unit instructor (Lavinia Amorosi) - Lecture notes delivered by the unit instructors