Conductors materials: Cupper, Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy. Conductors for overhead electrical lines: ACSR, AAAC, AAC, ACAR, gap type and others of new generation. Conductor’s ampacity: thermal limits; economical ampacity, voltage ampacity. HV Overhead electrical lines and their environmental impact. Magnetic field limits. Structural dimensions the electrical lines and towers (span, sag and mechanical forces). Insulating materials and their classification. The concept of the dielectric strength. Gaseous insulating (air and SF6). Breakdown in gases (Towsend and Meek models). Paschen Law. SF6 and its environmental impact (the Kioto Protocol). Liquid insulations (mineral oils and synthetic materials) and their mainproperties. The PCB case (case history). Stockholm Protocol (Mat 22nd 2001). European Directive 59/96 and the 2010 deadline for PCB disposal and/or decontamination. Breakdown in dielectric liquids. Another case history: the corrosive sulphur in the mineral oils. Solid insulations (papers, polymers and rubbers) and their main properties. Partial Discharges and breakdown in solid insulating materials. Power electrical cables (LV, MV and HV). Oil-filled and extruded cables. Thermal ampacity. Additives and the European Directive on REACH. Life Cycle Assessment. Electrical waste disposal (RAEE) Electrical power capacitors: classification, materials and technologiesThermal, electrical and combined aging. Glass and polymeric insulators. Fundamentals and evolutions of application of GIS and SF6 switchgears. Magnetic materials and their applications.
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