The primary educational objective of the laboratory is students' learning and practice of the main tools for Data Driven Decision Making, that is the use of computer tools to analyze data and formalize optimization or decision models and produce decisions that create value.
Knowledge and ability to understand After attending the laboratory, students will be able to use decision support methods (like, the Analytical Hierchical Process), optimization solvers (like CPLEX or Gurobi) and computer algorithms for modelling multicriteria decision and optimization problems.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding The models are formalized in the realm of problems. The most appropriate quantitative method, experimenting with the effectiveness of the problem.
Autonomy of judgment Students develop critical skills through the application of modeling, analysis and optimization to a broad set of decision problems. They also develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem using methods of analysis and realistic scenarios different from each other. They learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills Students, through the study and the carrying out of the practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the course, which should be used in the tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning ability Students who pass the exam have acquired the main methods of analysis and optimization of decision problems that allow them to face decision-making and quantitative management in competitive nowadays enterprises.