Learning goals Aim of the course is to explore the role of financial systems in the economic development process. Lectures will deal with topics related to the deepening, outreach, efficiency and stability of financial systems. The focus will be on applied and policy-oriented research, which can serve as basis for public policy discussions on the financial system issues, especially in developing and emerging markets.
Knowledge and understanding Knowledge of the basic concepts and of the main theories elaborated in the field. Historical perspective and awareness of the existence of different interpretative positions.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course students are able to formalize problems and to apply the specific methods of the discipline to solve them. They are also able to link methods to short-term data.
Making judgements Students develop critical skills through the application of the same methodology to a wide range of economic models, which are affected by different theoretical approaches.
Communication skills Students, through the study, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be appropriately used both in written and oral exams.
Learning skills Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis that allows them to tackle the study of more complex models in economics.