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10589747 INTERNET OF THINGS in Engineering in Computer Science - Ingegneria Informatica LM-32 CHATZIGIANNAKIS IOANNIS, VITALETTI ANDREA
The course introduces emerging application scenaria, studies characteristic design approaches of Pervasive systems and networks, examines essential algorithmic techniques and performance limits and provides the foundations for engineer algorithms in open-design.
The course is organized in the following parts: - Part 1: Internet of Things: STM NUCLEO fast prototyping platform (Atollic TrueStudio development framework). IoT Lab for very large scale open real-world testbed. Riot-OS open-sources operating system. Machine-to-machine Communication (6LowPan - RPL, COAP, MQTT). Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN - LoRa, The Things Network). Securing the Internet of Things (TinyDTLS). - Part 2: ''Intelligent Environments": Design aspects of Intelligent Environments. Experience/Interaction design. Ubiquitous Computing. Participatory sensing. Delay-Tolerant Networking. Sociable Smart Cities. - Part 3: "Programming Tools": Operating Systems and Embedded Solutions (AWS FreeRTOS, Arm Mbed, Zerynth). Back-end Infrastructure and Middleware (VerneMQ, InfluxDB, API.AI). Cloud Services (AWS IoT, IBM Watson Internet of Things, NodeRED, Blynk). Hardware Prototyping Platforms (Genuino 101, Particle, Estimote, Sensoro, AltBeacon).
Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP - The Next Internet By: Jean-Philippe Vasseur & Adam Dunkels
The Internet of Things: Key Applications and Protocols By: Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi
From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence By:Jan Holler , Vlasios Tsiatsis , Catherine Mulligan , Stefan Avesand , Stamatis Karnouskos , David Boyle