Learning goals The primary goal of the course on “Sample Surveys” is that student should learn the main problems and methods in sampling from finite populations. They should be able to formalize and plan the whole process of data collection and analysis in observational studies. In more detail, students should be able to plan a sample survey, to choose a sampling design, to plan the data collection, as well as to analyze real data and to estimate quantities of interest.
Knowledge and understanding After attending the course the students know and understand the main methodologies in planning a sample survey, as well as in dealing with non-sampling sources of error, such as nonresponses and missing values, measurement errors, list imperfections. Furthermore, students should be able to analyze real data and to estimate quantities of interests, such as means and proportions.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students are able to formalize and plan the whole process of data collection and analysis in observational studies. They should be able to manage the most important (i) sampling designs and (ii) point and interval estimators, as well as the main methodologies to deal with missing values, measurement errors, list imperfections. Moreover, they should be able to apply the methods to the data and to interpret the results.
Making judgements Students develop critical skills through the application of sampling and estimation methodologies to a wide range of contexts. They also develop the critical sense through the comparison of different solutions and the analysis of results.
Communication skills Students, through their study, should acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, to be used in their activity.
Learning skills Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis to be used in the data collection and analysis from finite populations."