Introduction to Neuropsychopharmacology
Elements of Pharmacodynamics
Dose-effect curves
Elements of Pharmacokinetics
Adrenergic systems
Cholinergic systems
Pain pathways
General and local anesthetics
Reward circuitry of the brain
Opioid drugs
Psychostimulant drugs
Alcohol, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates
Cannabis, ketamine, and other hallucinogenic drugs
Shared mechanisms of action of drugs of abuse
Drug addiction and other types of drug harm
Treatment of drug addiction
Anxiolytic drugs
Neurobiology of schizophrenia and other psychoses
Antipsychotic drugs
Antidepressant drugs
Neuropsychopharmacology of Parkinson disease
Neuropsychopharmacology of Alzheimer disease
Placebo effect
Meyer JS, Quenzer LF. Psychopharmacology: Drugs, the Brain, and Behavior. Sinaeur; 2nd edition edition (6 May 2013)