The course will cover the fundamentals of Cloud computing: Processing, Storage of large data sets, performance, scalability, reliability and security. It also will cover the organization of popular public cloud platforms like Google and Amazon and the use of cloud application programming frameworks like MapReduce and Spark.
The course will deal with theoretical and practical aspects. Specific assignments and hands-on sessions will give you the possibility to develop your skill.
Examples of technologies you will learn about are: Docker, Amazon Web Services, Spark, MapReduce.
- The big picture of cloud computing, definition, business drivers, benefit and risks.
- Cloud computing reference architecture
- Enabling technologies
- Virtualization (system level and process level)
- Storage (cloud file systems, storage serving)
- Monitoring
- Adaptation and automation
- Scalability and high availability
- Security
- Big data programming frameworks
For the latest version of the program and more information check the course web site
- Mastering Cloud Computing, Rajkumar Buyya; Christian Vecchiola; S.Thamarai Selvi
Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN: 978-0-12-409539-7
- Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture, Thomas Erl, Zaigham Mahmood, Ricardo Puttini, Prentice Hall/PearsonPTR
ISBN: 978-0-13-338752-0
The learning material will be integrated with research papers and technical documentation
Update information are available on the course web site