Ch0. INTRODUCTION. Course presentation. Topics overview. Exam and homeworks. Grouping. [See slides EODA_Ch00_CoursePresentation.pdf]
Ch1. STROLLING AROUND EARTH OBSERVATION (Introducing EO between data science and its applications). Data science and its paradoxes: Data scientists, Big data, little data. Earth observation (EO) and data science: Remote sensing and its applications, EO big data and research support services. Data scientist for space sciences: EO opportunities for data scientists, Data scientists skill for EO. Strolling around EO applications: From atmospheric monitoring to climate analysis, From natural hazards to geodesy and geophysics, From urban planning to deforestation surveillance, From environmental to monumental diagnosis. [See slides EODA_Ch01_StrollingEarthObs.pdf]
Ch2. EARTH OBSERVATION PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS (Overview of EO basic methodologies and techniques). Remote sensing basics: Problem definition and its actors, Target, source, receiver, medium and processes, Inverse problems and retrieval techniques. Electromagnetic radiation basics: Wave fields, electromagnetic spectrum and radiant energy, Wave-matter interaction basic processes and Earth atmosphere, Radiative transfer modeling for Earth observation. Earth observation system basics: EO space segment and ground segments. EO electromagnetic sensors. EO user requirements (radiometric, spectral, spatial, temporal). Remote sensing platforms. Satellite Keplerian orbits (LEO, GEO). [See slides EODA_Ch02_Principles&Concepts.pdf]
Ch3. MODELING RADIATION FOR EARTH OBSERVATION (Introducing electromagnetic radiation theory for remote sensing). Wave-matter EM interaction mechanisms: Radiation: intensity, irradiance, exitance and received power, Emission: Planck law, approximations and emissivity, Surface interaction electromagnetic parameters, Volume interaction electromagnetic parameters, Wave reflection and refraction. Radiative transfer theory: Integral-differential equation, Formal integral solution and special cases, Application to absorbing and scattering atmospheres, Application to space and ground remote sensing. Radiation backscatter theory: Wadar equation for single scatterer, Wadar equation for distributed scatterers, Doppler effect and signal statistics. [See slides EODA_Ch03_RadiationModeling.pdf]
Ch4. EARTH OBSERVATION SENSORS AND MISSIONS (Introducing EO satellite sensors and missions). Earth observation remote sensors: EO sensor classification and requirements, Passive optical sensors: photocamera principles, Electro-optical sensors: spectroradiometers, interferometers and lidars, Electro-optical sensor scanning systems and geometric distortions, Microwave sensors, imaging radiometers and sounders, Active microwave sensors: altimeters, scatterometers and SARs. Earth observation satellite missions: GEO: EU Meteosat and China Fengyun, LEO: US Aqua and Terra, LEO: US GPM and US/France CALIPSO, LEO: EU MetOP and US Suomi-NPP, LEO: EU Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3, LEO: Italy COSMO-SkyMed and Germany TerraSAR-X, LEO: US DG-High-resolution Worldview. [See slides EODA_Ch04_Sensors&Missions.pdf]
Ch5. EARTH OBSERVATION APPLICATIONS (Main applications to Earth science and physically-based techniques). Information content in remote sensing observations: Information content in visible and near-infrared remote sensing, Information content in thermal-infrared and microwave remote sensing. Remote sensing of Earth sea environment: Sea water spectral response, transmittance and reflectance, Visible, near-infrared and thermal-infrared passive remote sensing, Microwave remote sensing: scatterometry, SAR, altimeter and radiometry. Remote sensing of Earth atmosphere: Atmospheric response in the visible-infrared reflective and emissive bands, Profiling radiometric techniques for thermal structure and gas concentration, Water vapor, clouds and precipitation from infrared and microwave radiometers. Remote sensing of Earth solid surface: Vegetation visible-infrared spectral response and retrieval, Rock and surface humidity visible-infrared spectral response and retrieval, Radar and radiometric remote sensing of land surface and emissivity. [See slides EODA_Ch05_EarthObsApplications.pdf]
Ch6. EARTH OBSERVATION DATA PROCESSING (Introducing EO data processing and retrieval techniques). EO image data processing: Levels of EO data processing, Color perception and synthesis, Image format and data structure, Image analysis: histogram, contrast, slicing, pseudo-coloring, filtering, Image geocoding: ground control points and resampling. EO inverse problem and retrieval techniques: Inverse and ill-conditioned problems, Regularization, statistical and neural-network solution methods. EO feature extraction and classification: Image feature classification: unsupervised and supervised approach, Feature extraction and principal component analysis, Statistical Bayesian classification method, Thematic map generation process, Image texture exploitation. [See slides EODA_Ch06_DataProcessing.pdf]
Slides of lectures available on the course website (password protected)
Main textobook:
Canada Centre, “Fundamentals of remote sensing”, 2008
Freely available on
Further readings:
Software tools: SNAP official manual and course slides provided by ESA RSS group
SNAP is freely downloadable from
See basic instructions on SNAP available in EODA_ShortGuide-for-SNAP.pdf
To actively participate to the ESRIN Lab, download and install SNAP (if needed, you can use a Virtual Machine to exploit the resources available within. ESA Cloud ToolBox facility at after registering).