• introduction to the basics of Bayesian inference
• conjugate Bayesian models
• examples of non-conjugate models
• introduction to Monte Carlo methods as approximation strategy
• Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inference
• pseudo-random number generation
• uniform distributions and common classes of parametric distributions
• general classes of algorithms for simulating from a known density: inverse transform sampling, acceptancerejection
algorithm, fundamental theorem of simulation
• classical asymptotic theorems and Monte Carlo methods: convergence and error control
• importance sampling techniques
• alternative Monte Carlo strategies for approximating marginal likelihood and Bayes Factor
• introduction to Markov chains on a finite state space
• introduction to Markov chains on general state spaces
• transition kernels and transition densities
• Markov chains, stationarity, invariant measures
• limiting distributions and rate of convergence
• general algorithms for Markov chain simulation with a prescribed invariant distribution
• Gibbs sampling
• Metropolis Hastings
• MH, alternative proposal distributions, tuning
• basic examples of GS
• basic examples of MH
• reversibility
• hybrid methods: kernel composition, kernel mixtures
• GS and MH implementation on real data examples
• Bayesian hierarchical linear models, generalized linear model (examples)
• linear mixed-effect models
• multimodel inference: model choice via marginal likelihood and DIC only and model averaging
Teaching material will be also delivered through the Sapienza elearning platform Moodle at the following address:
Course Material and Main Reference Books
• Course lecture notes (slide available at the
• R or R+Jags commented codes
• Peter Hoff, A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods. Springer-Verlag Inc, 2009.
• Jean-Michel Marin and Christian P. Robert, Bayesian Core: A Practical Approach to Computational
Bayesian Statistics, Springer, 2007
• Christian P. Robert and George Casella. Monte Carlo statistical methods (2nd ed.. Springer-Verlag
Inc, 2004.
• Ioannis Ntzoufras, Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS. Wiley, 2009.
• Peter Congdon. Bayesian Statistical Modelling (2nd ed.). Wiley, 2006