These are the expected learning outcomes in term of the syllabus of the curricular unit:
• Project design and management in the scope of the master's topics[BL1]
• Writing, communicating and presenting scientific documents to specialists, within the scope of the contents of the
Master Degree (electric power systems, hybrid and electrical vehicles and renewable energies). [BL2]
• Critical sense, respect for the diversity and social focus of the professional activity related to the management of the
energy. [SL24]
• Comprehension of the links between development and energy sector technologies and businesses. [SL25]
• Analysis of concrete cases of basic need dissatisfaction and design of solutions based on electric power
management systems. [SL26]
 -Mulder, K. (Editor) 2006. "Sustainable Development for Engineers: A handbook and Field Guide", Greenleaf Publishers.
-S. Stoft, Power Systems Economics: Designing Markets for Electricity, IEEE Press/Wiley, New York. ISBN: 978-
0-471-15040-4, 2002.
-Caroline Varley, Caroline Varley, Gudrun Lammers, Electricity Market Reform (Energy Market Reform), Organisation for
Economic Co-Operation and Development, International Energy Agency.