What is global history? And how do historians go global? Global history is deeply transforming the traditional academic field of "history" all over the world. It aims at overcoming borders and nations "as a form of historical analysis in which phenomena, events, and processes are placed in global contexts" (Conrad 2016). Such a definition challenges history, its methodologies and perspectives. As a result, even the most classical chronological definitions - the ones that any handbook presents to students - needs to be questioned: what does it means "Middle Ages", "Renaissance" or "Modern Age", if we stay out of the common European narrative? This course discusses those topics by analyzing them at a methodological level. We will focus on the most recent debates on global history and we will reflect together on its sources, its achievements and even on its fragilities.
The first part of the course will present the issues of global history at a general level. In the second part, specific lessons will be devoted to the global turn in Middle Ages, Early Modern Centuries, Modernity and Contemporary history. In the final lessons, students will present short essays on the topics of the course
 Sebastian Conrad, What Is Global History?, Princeton University Press 2016.
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