Main course
Topics include:
- Introduction to Perception, approaches and methods
- The lows of classical psychophysics, threshold measures, psychometric function and estimation methods
- Signal Detection Theory
- Spatial frequency, and Fourier transform, examples of image processing
- Cognitive model for object recognition, reading and memory
- Relation between attention and perception
- Basics in Matlab and the psychophysics toolbox
- Design an experiment to assess perception
- Acquired and developmental deficits case discussions
- Papers presentations
 Papers to read for the course in Perceptual and cognitive processing will be uploaded and available to students on the e-learning page of the class.
GEORGE, A. G. (2015). Psychophysics: the Fundamentals. PSYCHOLOGY Press.
Textbook for consultation:
J.Wolfe (2008) Sensation and Perception, Sinauer Associates Publishers.
Blake, Randolph, and Robert Sekuler. 2005. Perception. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Bruce, Vicki, Mark A. Georgeson, and Patrick R. Green. 2003. Visual perception: Physiology, psychology and ecology. 4th ed. Hove, UK, and New York: Psychology Press. or
Goldstein, E. Bruce. 2013. Sensation and perception. 9th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learn-ing.
Palmer, Stephen. 1999. Vision science: Photons to phenomenology. Cambridge, MA: MIT.
Articles: Below is a list of some papers for the class. A pdf version will be available on e-learning site.
1) Weber on the tactile sense 1846 (1996)
2) Livingstone (2000).
3) Pelli (1999)
4) Riddoch & Humphreys (1987)
5) Legge et al. (2004)
6) Bisiach et al. (1986)
7) Alais & Burr (2004)
8) FreemanSimoncelli (2011)
9) Grainger, Dufau & Ziegler (2016)