Corso di laurea: Statistical Methods and Applications - Metodi statistici e applicazioni
A.A. 2020/2021
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione
Al conseguimento del titolo i laureati magistrali, dopo aver ampiamente rafforzato le conoscenze e le capacità in ambito probabilistico, statistico metodologico e statistico applicato acquisite nel ciclo di formazione precedente, devono:
- possedere una preparazione solida nella teoria dei fenomeni aleatori (acquisita attraverso insegnamenti caratterizzanti);
- conoscere i principi e metodi di acquisizione di dati con relativa pianificazione e controllo della qualità dell'informazione (conoscenze acquisite attraverso insegnamenti caratterizzanti);
- conoscere metodi e modelli statistici avanzati adeguati alle esigenze dei diversi settori applicativi pertinenti ai curricula ed agli indirizzi proposti (conoscenze acquisite attraverso insegnamenti caratterizzanti e affini-integrativi);
- essere in grado di lavorare in autonomia e in gruppo, risolvendo problemi pratici nei settori applicativi di interesse (sono previsti laboratori tematici nell'ambito delle Altre Attività Formative, nonché, limitatamente al curriculum orientato alla statistica ufficiale, attività di tirocinio curriculare);
- possedere una solida preparazione che consenta l'aggiornamento continuo della propria preparazione.
Tali obiettivi verranno conseguiti attraverso gli insegnamenti caratterizzati e affini/integrativi proposti e i laboratori applicativi contenuti nell'offerta formativa (frequenza lezioni, studio individuale, attività di esercitazione/laboratorio).
La verifica delle conoscenze verrà effettuata attraverso prove di esame finali e/o intermedie, scritte e/o orali, lavori individuali e di gruppo svolti dagli studenti, presentazioni seminariali, attività di laboratorio (esplicitamente previste tra le Ulteriori attività formative), progetti finali di corso, partecipazione a seminari di esperti.
Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione
I laureati magistrali devono essere in grado di formalizzare e risolvere i problemi di descrizione, previsione, analisi di dati e i problemi di decisione che si pongono nei diversi settori applicativi di competenza. In particolare, devono essere in grado di:
- interagire con esperti dei diversi settori applicativi in modo da tradurre problemi sostantivi in termini quantitativi e fornire soluzioni adeguate agli stessi;
- pianificare e controllare dal punto di vista statistico il processo di acquisizione di dati attraverso indagini o rilevazioni elettroniche automatizzate (come ad esempio nell'ambito del web scraping e della smart economy) con competenze specifiche nei diversi settori applicativi previsti dai percorsi formativi;
- scegliere, ideare e utilizzare adeguati metodi quantitativi (statistici, probabilistici e matematici) nei diversi settori applicativi di competenza;
- progettare, selezionare ed eseguire analisi di dati nei settori applicativi previsti dai diversi percorsi formativi;
- fornire supporto alle decisioni basandosi sull'evidenza empirica dei dati e su metodi matematici
Il conseguimento dei suddetti obiettivi verrà ottenuto attraverso le attività di esercitazione svolte nell'ambito degli insegnamenti e con specifiche attività di laboratorio (esplicitamente previste tra le Ulteriori attività formative). Va anche sottolineato che le suddette capacità verranno acquisite in parte attraverso insegnamenti e attività obbligatori comuni ai diversi curricula e in parte con insegnamenti e attività specifici di curriculum. La tesi di laurea magistrale, infine, ricoprirà un ruolo fondamentale come momento di sintesi dell'applicazione delle competenze conseguite nel percorso di studio.
La verifica del raggiungimento degli obiettivi avverrà attraverso gli esami intermedi e/o finali degli insegnamenti e attraverso attività più pratiche svolte nell'ambito dei laboratori tematici, ai quali, nella presente offerta, viene dato un ruolo di rilievo. La valutazione della tesi di laurea magistrale consentirà inoltre di valutare l'acquisizione delle competenze teoriche e applicative.
Autonomia di giudizio
Autonomia e onestà di giudizio sono le basi deontologiche della professione dello statistico. I laureati magistrali devono pertanto acquisire capacità di indipendenza di giudizio sia nella scelta delle metodologie più adeguate che nella interpretazione e presentazione dei risultati delle analisi dei dati.
Risultati di apprendimento attesi:
- capacità di ragionamento critico nella fase di progettazione ed esecuzione di esperimenti, indagini ed analisi statistico-decisionali;
- consapevolezza di esistenza di approcci metodologici alternativi per la risoluzione del medesimo problema e capacità di scelta dell'approccio più adeguato;
- analisi critica dell'evidenza empirica fornita dai dati a disposizione;
- capacità di valutazione critica dei risultati delle analisi nei campi di studio di applicazione.
L'autonomia di giudizio degli studenti viene perseguita, oltre che con lo stimolo a uno studio critico e comparativo in corsi istituzionali, attraverso esercitazioni, seminari su argomenti specifici, redazione di relazioni individuali o di gruppo, analisi di casi di studio. Le suddette attività possono sia far parte dei corsi di insegnamento (nell'ambito di attività caratterizzanti, affini-integrative e a scelta dello studente) che costituire specifiche attività nell'ambito delle ulteriori attività formative.
La verifica avviene con la valutazione degli esiti delle attività svolte e l'interazione diretta con gli studenti. Anche la prova finale (tesi o relazione su progetto) costituirà una occasione per lo sviluppo dell'autonomia di giudizio dei laureandi.
Abilità comunicative
L'attività professionale dello statistico, in tutte le declinazioni previste dal presente corso di laurea magistrale, è intrinsecamente interdisciplinare e internazionale. I laureati magistrali devono per questo motivo essere preparati a un confronto con specialisti di discipline che richiedono l'uso dei metodi statistico-decisionali in modo da formalizzare i problemi sostantivi in problemi statistico-decisionali. I laureati magistrali devono essere in grado di interagire in gruppi di lavoro tipicamente internazionali e con formazione e competenze eterogenee e di comunicare in modo efficiente i risultati delle proprie analisi sia a specialisti che a non specialisti. Devono pertanto possedere padronanza della lingua inglese e pronunciate doti comunicative. Sempre ai fini di uno scambio scientifico-professionale, i laureati magistrali devono possedere una sicura padronanza degli strumenti informatici di supporto alla loro attività (quali, innanzitutto, i principali linguaggi di programmazione, pacchetti statistici, strumenti per la gestione di banche dati).
Risultati di apprendimento attesi:
- capacità di comunicazione scritta e orale e possesso del lessico tecnico-scientifico pertinente;
- capacità di formalizzazione di problemi e di argomentazione delle soluzioni pertinenti ai settori applicativi di riferimento;
- capacità di elaborare dissertazioni scritte di complessità e lunghezza variabili su temi originali e complessi relativi ai settori di interesse del corso di laurea.
Le suddette capacità vengono sviluppate attraverso le prove scritte e orali degli esami, la redazione di lavori su argomenti specifici (tesine) sia individuale che di gruppo, presentazioni seminariali, nell'ambito degli insegnamenti e dei laboratori previsti tra le Ulteriori attività formative.
L'erogazione totale dei corsi in inglese ha inoltre l'obiettivo del raggiungimento di una completa padronanza dell'uso del linguaggio specialistico da parte dei laureati.
La verifica dell'acquisizione delle abilità comunicative avviene attraverso la valutazione da parte dei docenti delle prove sostenute dagli studenti (esami scritti e orali, tesine, presentazioni seminariali, lavoro di gruppo e individuali).
Capacità di apprendimento
Considerata la forte dinamicità della ricerca nelle discipline statistico-decisionali, i laureati del presente corso di laurea magistrale devono acquisire basi culturali che li mettano in condizione di attuare un aggiornamento continuo e autonomo nei settori di loro competenza. Gli studenti del corso vengono gradualmente preparati ad accostarsi a problemi di ricerca di frontiera, anche ai fini di una possibile prosecuzione degli studi a livello di dottorato in Italia e all'estero.
Risultati di apprendimento attesi
- capacità di organizzazione e argomentazione delle proprie idee;
- abilità di acquisizione di informazioni attraverso l'uso di della letteratura scientifica di riferimento;
- capacità di utilizzare adeguate fonti di dati e informazioni: biblioteche, banche dati, archivi e repertori cartacei ed elettronici;
- capacità di apprendimento di nuove metodologie per le analisi quantitative dei fenomeni collettivi;
- cogliere la necessità di metodologie innovative per l'adeguata risoluzione di problemi non standard;
- capacità di progettazione ed elaborazione di una ricerca, sotto la guida di docenti supervisori.
Lo sviluppo delle capacità di apprendimento degli studenti viene perseguito attraverso attività diversificate: lezioni frontali, studio individuale, verifiche scritte e orali, redazione di tesine su tematiche specifiche anche interdisciplinari, seminari svolti dagli studenti.
La verifica dell'acquisizione delle capacità di apprendimento avviene attraverso la valutazione da parte dei docenti delle suddette attività.Requisiti di ammissione
L'accesso alla laurea magistrale è consentito a studenti che possiedono la laurea di primo livello (o equipollente) e che abbiano conseguito un congruo numero di crediti in opportuni settori scientifico-disciplinari in ambiti di base e caratterizzanti della classe L-41 (classe delle lauree in Scienze Statistiche). Ai fini dell'ammissione, i candidati dovranno possedere i seguenti quattro requisiti.
1. Possesso di una laurea o diploma universitario triennale, ovvero altro titolo di studio conseguito all'estero ritenuto idoneo.
2. Avere acquisito almeno 60 crediti formativi universitari nell'insieme dei settori scientifico disciplinari indicati nelle seguenti aree: - Area 01 (Scienze matematiche e informatiche): MAT/*, INF/01 - Area 02 (Scienze fisiche): FIS/01, FIS/02, FIS/07 - Area 09 (Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione): ING-IND/35, ING-INF/05 - Area 11 (Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche): M-PSI/03 - Area 13 (Scienze economiche e statistiche): SECS-S/*, SECS-P/*.
3. Conoscenza di nozioni di Matematica, Probabilità, Statistica e Informatica. In particolare: (a) Matematica: Calcolo differenziale ed integrale per funzioni di una o più variabili reali; nozioni base di algebra lineare e geometria analitica nel piano e nello spazio. (b) Probabilità: Variabili aleatorie, distribuzioni e valori attesi; principali famiglie parametriche di distribuzioni di variabili aleatorie; convergenza per successioni di variabili aleatorie (c) Statistica: fondamenti di statistica descrittiva, distribuzioni semplici e multiple e loro principali indicatori sintetici (moda, mediana e media, indicatori di eterogeneità e variabilità, indicatori di dipendenza e correlazione), fondamenti di statistica inferenziale, metodi di stima puntuale e mediante insiemi, test, modello di regressione lineare. (e) Conoscenze di informatica di base.
4. Conoscenza della lingua inglese a livello B2 o superiore.
Il possesso da parte dei candidati delle conoscenze richieste per l'accesso è oggetto di verifica obbligatoria le cui modalità sono precisate nel quadro A3.b, in conformità al Regolamento Didattico del CdS.
Prova finale
La prova finale prevede la preparazione e la presentazione di una tesi elaborata in modo originale dallo studente sotto la guida di un relatore. La tesi consiste in un elaborato scritto attraverso il quale lo studente dimostri il conseguimento di adeguata maturità nell'uso dei concetti e degli strumenti acquisiti durante il corso degli studi. Lo studente deve anche dimostrare buona capacità di confronto con la letteratura di riferimento. L'attività di tesi si sviluppa intorno ad aspetti metodologici e applicativi legati alle discipline del corso di studi.
Orientamento in ingresso
Il SOrT è il servizio di Orientamento integrato della Sapienza. Il servizio ha una sede centrale nella Città universitaria e sportelli dislocati presso le Facoltà. Nei SOrT gli studenti possono trovare informazioni più specifiche rispetto alle Facoltà e ai corsi di laurea e un supporto per orientarsi nelle scelte. L'ufficio centrale e i docenti delegati di Facoltà coordinano i progetti di orientamento in ingresso e di tutorato, curano i rapporti con le scuole medie superiori e con gli insegnanti referenti dell'orientamento in uscita, propongono azioni di sostegno nella delicata fase di transizione dalla scuola all'università e supporto agli studenti in corso, forniscono informazioni sull'offerta didattica e sulle procedure amministrative di accesso ai corsi.
Iniziative e progetti di orientamento:
1. "Porte aperte alla Sapienza".
L'iniziativa, che si tiene ogni anno presso la Città Universitaria, è rivolta prevalentemente agli studenti delle ultime classi delle Scuole Secondarie Superiori, ai docenti, ai genitori ed agli operatori del settore; essa costituisce l'occasione per conoscere la Sapienza, la sua offerta didattica, i luoghi di studio, di cultura e di ritrovo ed i molteplici servizi disponibili per gli studenti (biblioteche, musei, concerti, conferenze, ecc.); sostiene il processo d'inserimento universitario che coinvolge ed interessa tutti coloro che intendono iscriversi all'Università. Oltre alle informazioni sulla didattica, durante gli incontri, è possibile ottenere indicazioni sull'iter amministrativo sia di carattere generale sia, più specificatamente, sulle procedure di immatricolazione ai vari corsi di studio e acquisire copia dei bandi per la partecipazione alle prove di accesso ai corsi. Contemporaneamente, presso l'Aula Magna, vengono svolte conferenze finalizzate alla presentazione dell'offerta formativa di tutte le Facoltà dell'Ateneo.
2. Progetto "Un Ponte tra Scuola e Università"
Il Progetto "Un Ponte tra scuola e Università" nasce con l'obiettivo di favorire una migliore transizione degli studenti in uscita dagli Istituti Superiori al mondo universitario e facilitarne il successivo inserimento nella nuova realtà.
Il progetto si articola in tre iniziative:
a) Professione Orientamento - Seminari dedicati ai docenti degli Istituti Superiori referenti per l'orientamento, per favorire lo scambio di informazioni tra la Scuola Secondaria e la Sapienza;
b) La Sapienza si presenta - Incontri di presentazione delle Facoltà e lezioni-tipo realizzati dai docenti della Sapienza e rivolti agli studenti delle Scuole Secondarie su argomenti inerenti ciascuna area didattica;
c) La Sapienza degli studenti – Interventi nelle Scuole finalizzati alla presentazione dei servizi offerti dalla Sapienza e racconto dell'esperienza universitaria da parte di studenti "mentore", studenti senior appositamente formati.
3. Progetto "Conosci te stesso"
Consiste nella compilazione, da parte degli studenti, di un questionario di autovalutazione per accompagnare in modo efficace il processo decisionale degli stessi studenti nella scelta del loro percorso formativo.
4. Progetto "Orientamento in rete"
Si tratta di un progetto di orientamento e di riallineamento sui saperi minimi. L'iniziativa prevede lo svolgimento di un corso di preparazione, caratterizzato una prima fase con formazione a distanza ed una seconda fase realizzata attraverso corsi intensivi in presenza, per l'accesso alle Facoltà a numero programmato dell'area biomedica, sanitaria e psicologica, destinato agli studenti degli ultimi anni di scuola secondaria di secondo grado.
5. Esame di inglese
Il progetto prevede la possibilità di sostenere presso la Sapienza, da parte degli studenti dell'ultimo anno delle Scuole Superiori del Lazio, l'esame di inglese per il conseguimento di crediti in caso di successiva iscrizione a questo Ateneo.
6. Percorsi per le competenze trasversali e per l'orientamento - PCTO (ex alternanza scuola-lavoro).
Si tratta di una modalità didattica che, attraverso l'esperienza pratica, aiuta gli studenti delle Scuole Superiori a consolidare le conoscenze acquisite a scuola e a testare sul campo le proprie attitudini mentre arricchisce la formazione e orienta il percorso di studio.
7. Tutorato in ingresso
Sono previste attività di tutorato destinate agli studenti e alle studentesse dei cinque anni delle Scuole Superiori.
Il Corso di Studio in breve
Il Corso di studio, a partire da una solida base di matematica, probabilità e statistica, ha lo scopo di formare figure professionali specializzate in grado di gestire in maniera integrata l'intero processo di acquisizione, modellizzazione e analisi dei dati statistici a fini esplicativi o decisionali, con riferimento a fenomeni complessi in diversi contesti concreti. Il corso forma metodologi statistici (Data Analyst), esperti in metodi di ottimizzazione e ricerca operativa, esperti di statistiche ufficiali ed esperti in metodi quantitativi per le analisi economiche.
Regolamento Didattico del Corso di Laurea Magistrale
in Statistical Methods and Applications
Classe LM-82 Scienze Statistiche
Ordine degli Studi 2020/2021
Anni attivati I e II
Obiettivi formativi specifici
Il corso, erogato interamente in lingua inglese e a vocazione internazionale, ha l'obiettivo di formare figure professionali in grado di gestire il processo di acquisizione, modellizzazione, analisi e interpretazione dei dati per lo studio di fenomeni complessi e per il supporto alle decisioni, nell'ambito di istituzioni, aziende ed enti di ricerca pubblici e privati. L'obiettivo è formare Statistici con competenze adatte a specifici profili professionali. Tali figure sono quelle del Data analyst, dello Statistical officer e del Quantitative economist. Oltre alla solida formazione disciplinare nei vari ambiti dei diversi curricula, i laureati acquisiscono:
- capacità di lavoro sia autonomo che di gruppo per la risoluzione di problemi applicativi,
- capacità di comunicazione professionale scritta e orale in lingua inglese,
- preparazione per l'aggiornamento continuo delle competenze,
- preparazione per l'accesso a dottorati di ricerca nazionali e internazionali nelle discipline curriculari.
Per accedere al corso di studio è necessaria una buona preparazione di base in Matematica, Probabilità, Statistica e Informatica.
Conoscenze richieste per l'accesso e crediti riconoscibili
Ai fini dell'ammissione, i candidati devono possedere i seguenti quattro requisiti.
1. Possesso di una laurea o diploma universitario triennale, ovvero altro titolo di studio conseguito all'estero ritenuto idoneo.
2. Avere acquisito almeno 60 crediti formativi universitari nell'insieme dei settori scientifico disciplinari indicati nelle seguenti aree:
- Area 01 (Scienze matematiche e informatiche): MAT/*, INF/01
- Area 02 (Scienze fisiche): FIS/01, FIS/02, FIS/07
- Area 09 (Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione): ING-IND/35, ING-INF/05
- Area 11 (Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche): M-PSI/03
- Area 13 (Scienze economiche e statistiche): SECS-S/*, SECS-P/*.
3. Conoscenza di nozioni di Matematica, Probabilità, Statistica e Informatica.
(a) Matematica: Calcolo differenziale ed integrale per funzioni di una o più variabili reali; nozioni base di algebra lineare e geometria analitica nel piano e nello spazio.
(b) Probabilità: Variabili aleatorie, distribuzioni e valori attesi; principali famiglie parametriche di distribuzioni di variabili aleatorie; convergenza per successioni di variabili aleatorie.
(c) Statistica: fondamenti di statistica descrittiva, distribuzioni semplici e multiple e loro principali indicatori sintetici (moda, mediana e media, indicatori di eterogeneità e variabilità, indicatori di dipendenza e correlazione), fondamenti di statistica inferenziale, metodi di stima puntuale e mediante insiemi, test, modello di regressione lineare.
(d) Informatica: conoscenze di base.
4. Conoscenza della lingua inglese a livello B2 o superiore.
Il possesso da parte dei candidati delle conoscenze richieste per l'accesso è oggetto di verifica obbligatoria.
Il Requisito 4 è verificato da idonea certificazione linguistica ovvero dal possesso di un titolo di studio in lingua inglese di livello equivalente o superiore ad una laurea triennale. Per gli studenti in regola con Requisiti 1 e 2, il possesso del Requisito 3 è verificato da apposita commissione nominata dalla struttura didattica competente. La commissione approva automaticamente l'ammissione degli studenti che siano in possesso del Requisito 4 e della laurea nella Classe LM-41 (Classe delle lauree in Statistica) o equipollenti. Gli altri studenti in possesso dei Requisiti 1 e 2 possono essere chiamati a sostenere un colloquio per la verifica delle conoscenze indicate nel Requisito 3 e/o nel Requisito 4, qualora non sia stata presentata idonea certificazione. Sulla base della valutazione del curriculum e dell'esito dell'eventuale colloquio, nei casi ritenuti opportuni, la suddetta Commissione individua specifici percorsi formativi che, nel rispetto della tabella delle attività formative del presente corso di studio, includano insegnamenti non già sostenuti e considerati indispensabili per la formazione degli studenti.
Descrizione del percorso
Il percorso didattico prevede una consistente base formativa unitaria in Statistica e Probabilità. In particolare, il corso mira a fornire una solida preparazione nei metodi statistici attraverso insegnamenti di carattere avanzato riguardanti la teoria della statistica, le statistiche applicate e i processi stocastici. A partire da questa base comune il corso di studi prevede la possibilità di scelta tra tre curricula che consentono agli studenti di acquisire competenze specifiche relative a figure professionali ben definite.
I curricula proposti sono:
Data Analyst: forma una figura professionale che possiede sia le competenze dello statistico tradizionale sia le capacità per trattare grandi masse di dati (Big Data) che derivano anche da specifici insegnamenti di Informatica (Gestione di big data, Big Data Analytics). Il Data analyst gestisce e analizza dati raccolti secondo opportune pianificazioni e li traduce in informazione attraverso modelli e tecniche di analisi statistica e di visualizzazione, con lo scopo di fornire supporto alle decisioni in diversi campi. Gli studenti del curriculum possono conseguire il doppio titolo italo-francese grazie a un accordo internazionale con l'Università Paris-Dauphine.
Official Statistics: forma un professionista che esercita la sua attività nelle divisioni statistiche di grandi organizzazioni governative e non governative, nazionali e internazionali, legate alla produzione e fruizione di statistiche ufficiali. Tale figura fornisce il supporto metodologico per tutte le fasi di produzione-analisi di statistiche ufficiali. Il curriculum si inserisce nel network EMOS (European Master in Official Statistics) patrocinato da Eurostat: si veda
Quantitative Economics: crea una figura che contribuisce alla formulazione di strategie aziendali o pubbliche e alla valutazione dei risultati raggiunti. Tale figura ha funzioni di supervisione, coordinamento e consulenza per la risoluzione di problemi legati alla gestione di dati e informazione in ambito economico e finanziario.
Oltre a insegnamenti comuni e a quelli di curriculum, sono previsti un esame a scelta libera e alcune attività di laboratorio. Il curriculum Official Statistics prevede inoltre un periodo di tirocinio. Un congruo numero di crediti è infine previsto per la prova finale.
Caratteristiche della prova finale
La prova finale prevede due possibilità alternative: i) la preparazione e la discussione di una tesi di laurea; ii) un'attività progettuale di ricerca metodologica o di tirocinio, presso un'azienda, istituto di ricerca pubblico o privato o presso altre istituzioni accademiche internazionali. La tesi di laurea affronta un argomento concordato con un docente relatore nell'ambito delle discipline del corso stesso. Il lavoro consiste in un elaborato scritto, dotato di elementi di originalità, attraverso il quale lo studente dimostri il conseguimento di adeguata maturità nell'uso dei concetti e degli strumenti acquisiti. Lo studente deve anche dimostrare buona capacità di confronto con la letteratura di riferimento. L'attività progettuale è sviluppata intorno ad aspetti metodologici legati alle discipline del corso di studi e può interessare specifiche esigenze di aziende o istituti di ricerca. Il lavoro svolto dovrà (a) presentare caratteri di originalità; (b) dimostrare che lo studente ha raggiunto una padronanza delle metodologie statistiche e decisionali e/o della loro applicazione in un settore specifico a un livello di competenza in linea con le esigenze dello specifico ambito di applicazione.
Sbocchi occupazionali e professionali previsti per i laureati
Data Analyst – Il laureato magistrale con profilo Data analyst trova impiego in aziende pubbliche e private tipicamente di grandi dimensioni che richiedono gestione di dati voluminosi e complessi: aziende multinazionali operanti nei settori dell'ICT (Information and Communication Technology), energia, motori di ricerca, società di ricerche di mercato, società di consulenza e istituti di ricerca. Trova anche impiego nei settori della Pubblica Amministrazione. Il percorso formativo prepara all'accesso a dottorati di ricerca nelle discipline curriculari.
Official Statistics – Il laureato magistrale con profilo Official Statistics trova impiego, nella Pubblica Amministrazione, presso organi ufficiali di statistica, enti periferici del SISTAN (Sistema Statistico Nazionale), organismi governativi internazionali e nazionali, altri organismi europei e sovranazionali (FAO, World Bank, United Nations, etc.). Il percorso formativo prepara all'accesso a dottorati di ricerca nelle discipline curriculari.
Quantitative Economics – Il laureato magistrale con profilo Quantitative Economics trova impiego in grandi imprese, banche, fondi e istituzioni finanziarie, società di consulenza, pubbliche amministrazioni, banche centrali, autorità di garanzia e vigilanza, istituzioni e organismi europei e sovranazionali. Il percorso formativo prepara all'accesso a dottorati di ricerca nelle discipline curriculari.
Norme relative alla frequenza
Non sono previsti specifici obblighi di frequenza.
Norme relative ai passaggi ad anni successivi
L’ammissione al secondo anno è regolata dal Manifesto degli studi della Sapienza.
Studenti immatricolati ad ordinamenti precedenti, provenienti da altri corsi o in possesso di altri titoli di studio universitari.
Il Consiglio d’Area definirà i criteri per il riconoscimento dei crediti acquisiti e fornirà indicazioni per la presentazione di un piano di studi individuale che, nel rispetto dell'ordinamento didattico, tenga conto del percorso già svolto.
Info generali
Programmi e materiali didattici: programma degli insegnamenti e materiali didattici e informativi sono consultabili sul portale degli studenti Scheda del Corso di studi:
Tutti i docenti del Corso di studi svolgono attività di tutorato disciplinare a supporto degli studenti, negli orari pubblicati sul sito del Dipartimento di Scienze statistiche:
Valutazione della qualità
Il Corso di studio è di pertinenza del Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche che, in collaborazione con la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’informazione, informatica e statistica, effettua la rilevazione dell’opinione degli studenti frequentanti per tutti gli insegnamenti impartiti. Il sistema di rilevazione è integrato con un percorso qualità la cui responsabilità è affidata al gruppo di autovalutazione (formato da docenti, studenti e personale tecnico-amministrativo operanti nel corso di studio). I risultati delle rilevazioni e delle analisi del gruppo di autovalutazione sono utilizzati per effettuare azioni di miglioramento delle attività formative.
Lo studente espliciterà le proprie scelte al momento della presentazione,
tramite INFOSTUD, del piano di completamento o del piano di studio individuale,
secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
Data analyst (percorso valido anche ai fini del conseguimento del doppio titolo italo-francese)
Primo anno
Primo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
1056015 -
Learning goals The course provides a broad introduction to stochastic processes. In particular the aim is - to give a rigorous introduction to the theory of stochastic processes, - to discuss the most important stochastic processes in some depth with examples and applications, - to give the flavour of more advanced work and applications, - to apply these ideas to answer basic questions in several applied situations including biology, finance and search engine algorithms.
Knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students will be familiar with the basic concepts of the theory of stochastic processes in discrete and continuous time and will be able to apply various techniques to study stochastic models that appear in applications.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students will have the tools to grasp and formalize, in the language of stochastic processes, phenomena that evolve in time and space. The students will have the tools to solve simple applied problems in new environments and broader contexts.
Making judgements At the end of the course the students will have the tools to evaluate critically and choose between different stochastic models to model phenomena that evolve in time and space. The student will also acquire the necessary language skills to start reading academic books on the topic and research papers.
Communication skills The students will acquire the intuition and the communication skills necessary to describe phenomena in the mathematical language of stochastic processes. In particular the student will also acquire the rationale behind the stochastic model studied (e.g. the ideas of Markovianity, transience, recurrence, equilibrium, stationarity, long and short-time behaviour...) that is necessary to communicate to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Learning skills The students will acquire the methodology and the language to study in a manner that may be largely autonomous and to apply the methodology to the subsequent studies in the area of statistics and finance.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Data Analyst OPZIONALE A a scelta 9 cfu - (visualizza)
1055949 -
General goals Knowledge at an intermediate and advanced level of the main issues in Bayesian statistics. Ability to apply Bayesian statistical techniques to applicative context.
Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding of the Bayesian approach to statistical inference, of its models and of its methodologies
Applying knowledge and understanding Ability to apply Bayesian statistical methods for inferential problems in real-data problems
Making judgements Ability of choosing appropriate Bayesian methods and models in different inferential problems
Communication skills Ability of communicating results of the analyses in written and oral form
Learning skills Students acquire skills useful to approach more advanced topics in Bayesian inference, Advanced data analysis, Statistical computing and Mathematical statistics
Attività formative caratterizzanti
10592813 -
Obiettivi formativi Obiettivo formativo dell’insegnamento è l'apprendimento da parte degli studenti dei fondamenti del calcolo delle probabilità e dell’inferenza statistica.
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione Alla fine del corso gli studenti conoscono e comprendono come formalizzare l’incertezza e come fare inferenza su parametri non noti.
Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione Gli studenti apprendono come impostare un problema di probabilità o inferenza.
Autonomia di giudizio La discussione dei vari metodi, anche con lavori di gruppo, fornisce agli studenti le capacità necessarie per analizzare criticamente, ed in autonomia, situazioni reali.
Abilità comunicativa Gli studenti acquisiscono gli elementi di base per ragionare, e far ragionare, in termini quantitativi su problemi di incertezza ed inferenza.
Capacità di apprendimento Gli studenti che superano l’esame sono in grado di applicare i metodi appresi in diversi contesti applicativi.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Data Analyst Gruppo OPZIONALE C Altre attività per 12 - (visualizza)
AAF1149 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
The specific goal of these activities is to enable the students to merge their academic knowledge with professional skills. By facing practical and real problems, students develop judgement and communication skills.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1152 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
The specific goal of these activities is to enable the students to merge their academic knowledge with professional skills. By facing practical and real problems, students develop judgement and communication skills.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1544 -
Learning goals. General learning targets: The course is organised as a series of classes where the students will have the possibility to solve and discuss the solutions of a series of advanced exercises on the theory of stochastic processes.
Knowledge and understanding. At the end of the course the students will acquire the ability to solve autonomously simple and more advanced exercises on the theory of stochastic processes.
Applying knowledge and understanding. During the course the students will exercise the ability to grasp and formalize, in the language of stochastic processes, phenomena that evolve in time and space and to solve simple applied problems in new environments and broader contexts.
Making judgements At the end of the course the students will have the tools to evaluate critically and choose between different stochastic models to model phenomena that evolve in time and space.
Communication skills. The students will exercise the intuition and the communication skills necessary to describe phenomena in the mathematical language of stochastic processes. In particular the student will acquire familiarity with the main ideas that are behind the stochastic model, e.g., the ideas of Markovianity, transience, recurrence, equilibrium, stationarity, long and short-time behaviour. Learning skills. The students will acquire autonomy in studying more advanced theoretical aspects of stochastic processes and in applying the main ideas of stochastic processes to the subsequent studies in the area of statistics and finance.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1883 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1877 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1884 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1885 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
- -
Attività formative a scelta dello studente (art.10, comma 5, lettera a)
Secondo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
10589920 -
Learning goals The primary goal of the course on “Sample Surveys” is that student should learn the main problems and methods in sampling from finite populations. They should be able to formalize and plan the whole process of data collection and analysis in observational studies. In more detail, students should be able to plan a sample survey, to choose a sampling design, to plan the data collection, as well as to analyze real data and to estimate quantities of interest.
Knowledge and understanding After attending the course the students know and understand the main methodologies in planning a sample survey, as well as in dealing with non-sampling sources of error, such as nonresponses and missing values, measurement errors, list imperfections. Furthermore, students should be able to analyze real data and to estimate quantities of interests, such as means and proportions.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students are able to formalize and plan the whole process of data collection and analysis in observational studies. They should be able to manage the most important (i) sampling designs and (ii) point and interval estimators, as well as the main methodologies to deal with missing values, measurement errors, list imperfections. Moreover, they should be able to apply the methods to the data and to interpret the results.
Making judgements Students develop critical skills through the application of sampling and estimation methodologies to a wide range of contexts. They also develop the critical sense through the comparison of different solutions and the analysis of results.
Communication skills Students, through their study, should acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, to be used in their activity.
Learning skills Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis to be used in the data collection and analysis from finite populations."
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Data Analyst Gruppo OPZIONALE B a scelta 24 cfu - (visualizza)
1047208 -
Learning goals Devising new machine learning methods and statistical models is a fun and extremely fruitful “art”. But these powerful tools are not useful unless we understand when they work, and when they fail. The main goal of statistical learning theory is thus to study, in a statistical framework, the properties of learning algorithms mainly in the form of so-called error bounds. This course introduces the techniques that are used to obtain such results, combining methodology with theoretical foundations and computational aspects. It treats both the basic principles to design successful learning algorithms and the “science” of analyzing an algorithm’s statistical properties and performance guarantees. Theorems are presented together with practical aspects of methodology and intuition to help students develop tools for selecting appropriate methods and approaches to problems in their own data analyses. Methods for a wide variety of applied problems will be explored and implemented on open-source software like R (, Keras ( and TensorFlow (
Knowledge and understanding On successful completion of this course, students will: know the main learning methodologies and paradigms with their strengths and weakness; be able to identify a proper learning model for a given problem; assess the empirical and theoretical performance of different learning models; know the main platforms, programming languages and solutions to develop effective implementations.
Applying knowledge and understanding Besides the understanding of theoretical aspects, thanks to applied homeworks and a final project possibly linked to hackathons or other data analysis competitions, the students will constantly be challenged to use and evaluate modern learning techniques and algorithms.
Making judgements On successful completion of this course, students will develop a positive critical attitude towards the empirical and theoretical evaluation of statistical learning paradigms and techniques.
Communication skills In preparing the report and oral presentation for the final project, students will learn how to effectively communicate original ideas, experimental results and the principles behind advanced data analytic techniques in written and oral form. They will also understand how to offer constructive critiques on the presentations of their peers.
Learning skills In this course the students will develop the skills necessary for a successful understanding as well as development of new learning methodologies together with their effective implementation. The goal is of course to grow a active attitude towards continued learning throughout a professional career.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589423 -
General objectives
The primary objective is to study algorithms and data structures that efficiently solve problems whose solution, using trivial approaches, would require very high resources. The algorithms studied will be implemented in Java language.
Specific objectives
Knowledge and ability to understand Basic data structures and their use in solving sorting, searching, and graph problems will be shown. It will be shown how the data structures described are made available in Java language. The student will be able to determine the computational complexity of algorithms, and associate them with the appropriate complexity class.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students will be able to determine algorithms to efficiently solve complex problems, in particular problems on graphs, and choose the most suitable data structures to obtain an efficient implementation of the algorithm. They will also be able to use the Java classes that implement the data structures studied.
Autonomy of judgment Students will be able to distinguish the computational complexity of problems and algorithms, and to identify the computationally more costly steps in solving a problem.
Communication skills Students will be able to describe, in appropriate terms, the characteristics of the main data structures, and identify the primitives needed to efficiently implement an algorithm.
Learning ability Students who pass the exam will be able to take advanced courses, of an applicative nature, that require the use of sophisticated algorithms. They will also be able to appreciate software engineering and computational complexity theory teachings.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
1047222 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047773 -
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589563 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589835 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Data Analyst Gruppo OPZIONALE C Altre attività per 12 - (visualizza)
AAF1149 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1152 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1544 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1883 -
Learning goals. The lab consists of the application of machine learning techniques to the analysis of images and/or textual documents. The language used is Python 3.x with the Tensorflow package for the application of Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks (deep learning).
Knowledge and understanding. Acquire the basics of machine learning techniques. Understanding how and why to choose between alternative methods, or possibly how to combine different methods. Ability to handle large amounts of images or text with the help of appropriate open source software.
Applying knowledge and understanding. Students develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of statistical and machine learning models. They also develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Making judgements. Students develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis that allows them to tackle the analysis of the images or text documents by machine learning techniques.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1877 -
Learning goals
Students will be introduced to the following topics
1. The Monetary, banking and financial statistics. Why Bank of Italy collects statistics and what collects. Application: recent developments of the banks. 2. The financial accountsThe financial accounts structure.Household wealth after Piketty: an international comparison.The financial structure of the companies. 3. The balance of payments and international investment positionThe Italian balance of payments: the structure and recent developments.The procedure on excessive macroeconomic imbalances in Europe.Funds held abroad by the families. 4. The sample surveys of the Bank of ItalyThe survey on Household Income: recent results and a long-term look.The survey on inflation and growth expectations.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1884 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1885 -
Learning goals Prepare students to proposing solutions to real statistical problems in many research areas.
Knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students have the ability to understand and solve real practical statistical problems and to propose adequate solutions.
Applying knowledge and understanding Students are required to apply theoretical and computational skills to real problems and case-studies in a wide range of domains.
Making judgements One of the main goals of practical activities is to develop the ability to understand problems and to propose and compare alternative statistical approaches to solve them.
Communication skills Students acquire the ability of discussing problems and of presenting oral and written reports of their practical analyses.
Learning skills The students acquire a series of skills useful for future academic and professional activities.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
Secondo anno
Primo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
10589458 -
Learning goals The main goal is acquiring advanced modelling techniques for mutivariate economic data. Students are expected to understand the theoretical foundations of the methods studied and to apply them to real datasets.
Knowledge and understanding The focus of the course will on the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model in stationary and non stationary settings, using both asymptotic and simulation (bootstrap) inference
Applying knowledge and understanding After the course students will be able to specify a VAR model, evaluate if is adequate to the dataset of interest , use for estimating causal relationship and formatulate forecasts
Making judgements Learning how to judging the adequacy of the models and assessing the uncertainty of the estimated relationships and forecasts will be an essential part of the course
Communication skills Learning to communicate the results of the estimation process both in oral and written form will be an essential part of the course
Learning skills The models object of the course are essential parts of the most advanced and complex models used in quantitative economic analysis, which the students will then be able to tackle.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
10589834 -
Advances in data analysis and statistical modelling
Learning goals Knowing how to reorganize multidimensional data with a complex structure for their statistical analysis. Starting from the multivariate statistical methodologies, knowing how to realize complex strategies of analysis that have an easy interpretation. To be able to make decisions based on empirical evidence giving appropriate answers to corporate information requests. Knowing how to extract relevant information from large data (big data).
Knowledge and understanding Knowledge of advanced multivariate statistical methodologies and advanced formal data analysis strategies with a model-based statistical approach.
Applying knowledge and understanding Understanding the most appropriate complex techniques to be able to make decisions based on empirical evidence, respond to corporate information requests and be able to extract relevant information from the observed data.
Making judgements Students develop critical skills through the application of complex multivariate statistical methodologies. They learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills Students, through the study and performance of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used in the world of work. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis that allows them to face, the world of work having acquired advanced statistical analysis tools for complex and large data.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
1047802 -
Learning goals The student at the end of the course should be able to use with knowledge advanced modeling and exploratory techniques specifically developed for spatially dependent data. This is achieved by assigning several homeworks on real data. Practical sessions with the R software are part of each lecture, so to allow students to implement what is taught in the theoretical part. Among the expected results, ability to elaborate environmental data using R software, ability to interpret the results obtained, ability to choose the most suitable statistical models according to the hypotheses they are founded on and to their compatibility with the data available.
Knowledge and understanding The student will be able to understand the main tools for the analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal data. Also an introductory knowledge of extreme value estimation and modeling will be part of his cultural heritage
Applying knowledge and understanding Students will be involved in the discussion and analysis of case studies using the open source statistical software R. Students will be asked prepare and discuss a presentation of the results of their homeworks. The presentation will be given on front of the class and discussed.
Making judgements Through the homeworks and the final presentations discussions, tudente will develop judgements capacity in terms of theoretical choices in representation of real worls phenomena.
Communication skills Students will be asked prepare and discuss a presentation of the results of their homeworks. The presentation will be given on front of the class and discussed. This procedure will help the student to develop his/her ability to communicate the results of its work.
Learning skills One of the aims of the course is to build a statistical glossary and a dictionary of specific statistical concepts that will allow the student to read and understand scientific papers using advanced statistical tools in the analysis of environmental data.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Data Analyst Gruppo OPZIONALE B a scelta 24 cfu - (visualizza)
1047208 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589423 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047222 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047773 -
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589563 -
General Managers worldwide, beyond their personal experience, rely more and more on the use of quantitative decision models which allow to take advantage of today’s data availability. Morover, new computational tools, including algorithms, cloud computing and distributed processing, make it possible to both develop and compute analytical models in a very short time, meeting the requirement of practical applications and often using real time data. Data Driven Decision Making is the new paradigm for managers to make better, evidence based, more rational, transparent and reliable decisions. In this context, the primary educational objective of the course is students' learning of the main decision problems that arise in real world and the quantitative methods to model them and to feed them with adequate data. Students must also be able to correctly use, for decision-making and management purposes, computer tools to analyze data generated by real problems in different contexts (e.g. service management, marketing, transportation, operations management and production, and finance) through the analysis of several case studies.
Specific objectives
a) Knowledge and ability to understand After attending the course the students know and classify the main decision problems arising in real world organization and the main analytical methods (decision and optimization models and algorithms) to be used to support a Manager during his/her decision process.
b) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students are able to formalize real problems in terms of decision problems and to apply the specific methods taught in the course to solve them. They are also able to classify the type of problem to it the most appropriate quantitative method, experimenting the effectiveness for decisional purposes also on real problems.
c) Autonomy of judgment Students develop critical skills through the application of modeling, decision analysis and multi objective optimization methodologies to a broad set of practical problems. They also develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using methods of analysis and realistic scenarios different from each other. They learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
d) Communication skills Students, through the study and the carrying out of practical exercises, acquire the technical- scientific language of the course, which must be properly used both in the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
e) Learning ability Students who pass the exam have learned methods of decision analysis and multiobjective optimization that allow them to face, decision-making problems and optimization on complex organizations.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589835 -
Learning goals The main goal of the course is to learn about common general computational tools and methodologies to perform reliable statistical analyses. Students will be able - to understand the theoretical foundations of the most important methods; - to appropriately implement and apply computational statistical procedures; - to interpret the results deriving from their applications to real data.
Knowledge and understanding After attending the course, students will know and understand the most important computational techniques in statistical analysis. In addition, students will be able to appropriately implement the learned tools with the statistical software R and to develop original ideas often in a research context.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course, students will be able to formalize statistical problems from a computational point of view, to apply the learned methods to solve them, also in contexts not covered in the lessons, and to interpret the results deriving from their applications to real data.
Making judgements Students will develop critical skills through the application of computational methodologies to a wide range of statistical problems and through the comparison of alternative solutions to the same problem by using different tools. Furthermore, they will learn to interpret critically the results obtained by applying procedures to real datasets.
Communication skills By studying and carrying out practical exercises, students will acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be suitably used in the final written test. Communication skills will be also developed through group activities.
Learning skills Students who pass the exam have learned computational techniques useful in the statistical analysis and to work self-sufficiently to face with the complexity of the statistical problems.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Data Analyst Gruppo OPZIONALE C Altre attività per 12 - (visualizza)
AAF1149 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1152 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1544 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1883 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1877 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1884 -
The primary educational objective of the laboratory is students' learning and practice of the main tools for Data Driven Decision Making, that is the use of computer tools to analyze data and formalize optimization or decision models and produce decisions that create value.
Knowledge and ability to understand After attending the laboratory, students will be able to use decision support methods (like, the Analytical Hierchical Process), optimization solvers (like CPLEX or Gurobi) and computer algorithms for modelling multicriteria decision and optimization problems.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding The models are formalized in the realm of problems. The most appropriate quantitative method, experimenting with the effectiveness of the problem.
Autonomy of judgment Students develop critical skills through the application of modeling, analysis and optimization to a broad set of decision problems. They also develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem using methods of analysis and realistic scenarios different from each other. They learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills Students, through the study and the carrying out of the practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the course, which should be used in the tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning ability Students who pass the exam have acquired the main methods of analysis and optimization of decision problems that allow them to face decision-making and quantitative management in competitive nowadays enterprises.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1885 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Secondo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Data Analyst Gruppo OPZIONALE B a scelta 24 cfu - (visualizza)
1047208 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589423 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047222 -
This course has the target of providing students with the modern techniques of measuring quantitatively advanced topics in economics. In particular, our focus will be on two main interrelated directions: the analysis of production and efficiency in the private and public sectors, impact analysis and economic dynamics of sectorial and micro founded systems in the modern economy.
Knowledge and understanding Students are requested to know the techniques of estimation for output and input efficiency as well as the analysis methods for sectors (both static and dynamic)
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course, students should be capable of interpreting and addressing a study of efficiency pertaining decisional making units, both private and public. The statistical methods related are those of inference (for firms) and impact analysis and forecasting (for sectors).
Making judgements At the end of the course, students will develop skills for interpreting and assessing productivity and efficiency problems.
Communication skills Students will develop capacity of communicating results through the acquisition of both theoretical and applied skills.
Learning skills After the exam, students will develop capacity of making autonomously further progress as far as the new advancements of this and related subjects are concerned.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
1047773 -
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589563 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589835 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1019 -
Students are required to write an original thesis that represents the knowledge achieved during the course of her/his study.
Per la prova finale e la lingua straniera (art.10, comma 5, lettera c)
Quantitative economics
Primo anno
Primo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Quantitative Economics gruppo A 1 esame a scelta 9 cfu - (visualizza)
10589834 -
Advances in data analysis and statistical modelling
Learning goals Knowing how to reorganize multidimensional data with a complex structure for their statistical analysis. Starting from the multivariate statistical methodologies, knowing how to realize complex strategies of analysis that have an easy interpretation. To be able to make decisions based on empirical evidence giving appropriate answers to corporate information requests. Knowing how to extract relevant information from large data (big data).
Knowledge and understanding Knowledge of advanced multivariate statistical methodologies and advanced formal data analysis strategies with a model-based statistical approach.
Applying knowledge and understanding Understanding the most appropriate complex techniques to be able to make decisions based on empirical evidence, respond to corporate information requests and be able to extract relevant information from the observed data.
Making judgements Students develop critical skills through the application of complex multivariate statistical methodologies. They learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills Students, through the study and performance of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used in the world of work. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis that allows them to face, the world of work having acquired advanced statistical analysis tools for complex and large data.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
10592813 -
Obiettivi formativi Obiettivo formativo dell’insegnamento è l'apprendimento da parte degli studenti dei fondamenti del calcolo delle probabilità e dell’inferenza statistica.
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione Alla fine del corso gli studenti conoscono e comprendono come formalizzare l’incertezza e come fare inferenza su parametri non noti.
Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione Gli studenti apprendono come impostare un problema di probabilità o inferenza.
Autonomia di giudizio La discussione dei vari metodi, anche con lavori di gruppo, fornisce agli studenti le capacità necessarie per analizzare criticamente, ed in autonomia, situazioni reali.
Abilità comunicativa Gli studenti acquisiscono gli elementi di base per ragionare, e far ragionare, in termini quantitativi su problemi di incertezza ed inferenza.
Capacità di apprendimento Gli studenti che superano l’esame sono in grado di applicare i metodi appresi in diversi contesti applicativi.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
1056015 -
Learning goals The course provides a broad introduction to stochastic processes. In particular the aim is - to give a rigorous introduction to the theory of stochastic processes, - to discuss the most important stochastic processes in some depth with examples and applications, - to give the flavour of more advanced work and applications, - to apply these ideas to answer basic questions in several applied situations including biology, finance and search engine algorithms.
Knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students will be familiar with the basic concepts of the theory of stochastic processes in discrete and continuous time and will be able to apply various techniques to study stochastic models that appear in applications.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students will have the tools to grasp and formalize, in the language of stochastic processes, phenomena that evolve in time and space. The students will have the tools to solve simple applied problems in new environments and broader contexts.
Making judgements At the end of the course the students will have the tools to evaluate critically and choose between different stochastic models to model phenomena that evolve in time and space. The student will also acquire the necessary language skills to start reading academic books on the topic and research papers.
Communication skills The students will acquire the intuition and the communication skills necessary to describe phenomena in the mathematical language of stochastic processes. In particular the student will also acquire the rationale behind the stochastic model studied (e.g. the ideas of Markovianity, transience, recurrence, equilibrium, stationarity, long and short-time behaviour...) that is necessary to communicate to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Learning skills The students will acquire the methodology and the language to study in a manner that may be largely autonomous and to apply the methodology to the subsequent studies in the area of statistics and finance.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Quantitative economics Gruppo C attività a scelta per 6 cfu - (visualizza)
AAF1877 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1883 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1152 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1885 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1888 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1544 -
Learning goals. General learning targets: The course is organised as a series of classes where the students will have the possibility to solve and discuss the solutions of a series of advanced exercises on the theory of stochastic processes.
Knowledge and understanding. At the end of the course the students will acquire the ability to solve autonomously simple and more advanced exercises on the theory of stochastic processes.
Applying knowledge and understanding. During the course the students will exercise the ability to grasp and formalize, in the language of stochastic processes, phenomena that evolve in time and space and to solve simple applied problems in new environments and broader contexts.
Making judgements At the end of the course the students will have the tools to evaluate critically and choose between different stochastic models to model phenomena that evolve in time and space.
Communication skills. The students will exercise the intuition and the communication skills necessary to describe phenomena in the mathematical language of stochastic processes. In particular the student will acquire familiarity with the main ideas that are behind the stochastic model, e.g., the ideas of Markovianity, transience, recurrence, equilibrium, stationarity, long and short-time behaviour. Learning skills. The students will acquire autonomy in studying more advanced theoretical aspects of stochastic processes and in applying the main ideas of stochastic processes to the subsequent studies in the area of statistics and finance.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1149 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
The specific goal of these activities is to enable the students to merge their academic knowledge with professional skills. By facing practical and real problems, students develop judgement and communication skills.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
- -
Attività formative a scelta dello studente (art.10, comma 5, lettera a)
Secondo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
10589921 -
Obiettivi formativi The primary goal of the course on “Sample Surveys” is that student should learn the main problems and methods in sampling from finite populations. They should beable to formalize and plan the whole process of data collection and analysis in observational studies. In more detail, students should be able to plan a sample survey, to choose a sampling design, to plan the data collection, as well as to analyze real data and to estimate quantities of interest.
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione After attending the course the students know and understand the main methodologies in planning a sample survey, as well as in dealing with non-sampling sources of error, such as nonresponses and missing values, measurement errors, list imperfections. Furthermore, students should be able to analyze real data and to estimate quantities of interests, such as means and proportions.
Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione At the end of the course the students are able to formalize and plan the whole process of data collection and analysis in observational studies. They should be able to manage the most important (i) sampling designs and (ii) point and interval estimators, as well as the main methodologies to deal with missing values, measurement errors, list imperfections. Moreover, they should be able to apply the methods to the data and to interpret the results.
Autonomia di giudizio Students develop critical skills through the application of sampling and estimation methodologies to a wide range of contexts. They also develop the critical sense through the comparison of different solutions and the analysis of results.
Abilità comunicativa Students, through their study, should acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, to be used in their activity Capacità di apprendimento Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis to be used in the data collection and analysis from finite populations."
Attività formative caratterizzanti
10589568 -
General Targets: Prior educational teaching concern is the students understanding of the main (Economic Statistics Modeling) problems and methods for studying Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Furthermore, students should know both how to solve analytical problems, in order to apply the appropriate methodology, and to interpret results obtained from empirical applications to actual data. Specific Targets: a) Knowledge and capability in understanding. After attending the course, students know and understand main problems of Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. In particular, the course will account for the logic for building empirical models, related to the underlying economic theory (and the consequent subdivisions in endogenous and exogenous variables), with one or more equations in order to evaluate the degree of efficiency of a typical Decisional Making Unit. We will study the main estimation methods for solving efficiency problems pertaining a firm traditionally operating in the private sector, but we also will extend the analysis to Decisional Making Units of public and non-profit sectors (quadratic methods with different types of metrics, maximum likelihood methods and non-parametric analysis) and the formulas implementable using the estimated functions, necessary for solving financial problems. b) Capability of applying knowledge and comprehension At the end of the course students are able to formalize and solve problems by means of specific methods as well as treating fundamental models of Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Finally, students will be able to apply the methods studied to real data and interpret results correctly also from a theoretical point of view. c) Autonomy in assessment. Students develop analytical skills and capacity of facing different alternative approaches for solving actual empirical problems. d) Communication ability. Students learn technical language which is appropriate for the subject studied and that will be used at the oral and written exam, by means of practical exercises. e) Learning capacity. Students passing the exam are capable to extend the methodology studied also to other fields and derive conclusions.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
10589488 -
Learning goals The aim of the course is to introduce students to the main methods of analysis and forecasting of the economic and financial time series. In particular, it covers i) Linear stochastic processes. Stationarity. Invertibility. Causality. ARMA processes. Identification, estimation, interpretation and forecasting. ii) Measurement and analysis of volatility. ARCH and GARCH models. Identification, estimation, interpretation and forecasting. Knowledge of the econometric theory for cross-section analysis, inference and probability theory is a prerequisite.
Knowledge and understanding. After attending the course the students know and understand the main problems related to time series (for example: absence of stationarity) and the main methods to be used to solve such problems (for example: unit root tests).
Applying knowledge and understanding. At the end of the course the students are able to formalize real problems in terms of linear regression models and to apply the methods specific to the discipline to solve them. They are also able to apply the methods to concrete situations and to interpret the results.
Making judgements. Students develop a knowledge of the analytical properties of the presented methodologies and the ability to build programs for their implementation. They also learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to concrete situations.
Communication skills. Students acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which it must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis that allows them to tackle the study of analytical properties in more complex modeling contexts in subsequent quantitative area teachings. They are also able to produce sound empirical analyzes and forecasts.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Quantitative Economics Gruppo opzionale B2 esami per 18 CFU - (visualizza)
10589423 -
General objectives
The primary objective is to study algorithms and data structures that efficiently solve problems whose solution, using trivial approaches, would require very high resources. The algorithms studied will be implemented in Java language.
Specific objectives
Knowledge and ability to understand Basic data structures and their use in solving sorting, searching, and graph problems will be shown. It will be shown how the data structures described are made available in Java language. The student will be able to determine the computational complexity of algorithms, and associate them with the appropriate complexity class.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students will be able to determine algorithms to efficiently solve complex problems, in particular problems on graphs, and choose the most suitable data structures to obtain an efficient implementation of the algorithm. They will also be able to use the Java classes that implement the data structures studied.
Autonomy of judgment Students will be able to distinguish the computational complexity of problems and algorithms, and to identify the computationally more costly steps in solving a problem.
Communication skills Students will be able to describe, in appropriate terms, the characteristics of the main data structures, and identify the primitives needed to efficiently implement an algorithm.
Learning ability Students who pass the exam will be able to take advanced courses, of an applicative nature, that require the use of sophisticated algorithms. They will also be able to appreciate software engineering and computational complexity theory teachings.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589579 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047773 -
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589452 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047208 -
Learning goals Devising new machine learning methods and statistical models is a fun and extremely fruitful “art”. But these powerful tools are not useful unless we understand when they work, and when they fail. The main goal of statistical learning theory is thus to study, in a statistical framework, the properties of learning algorithms mainly in the form of so-called error bounds. This course introduces the techniques that are used to obtain such results, combining methodology with theoretical foundations and computational aspects. It treats both the basic principles to design successful learning algorithms and the “science” of analyzing an algorithm’s statistical properties and performance guarantees. Theorems are presented together with practical aspects of methodology and intuition to help students develop tools for selecting appropriate methods and approaches to problems in their own data analyses. Methods for a wide variety of applied problems will be explored and implemented on open-source software like R (, Keras ( and TensorFlow (
Knowledge and understanding On successful completion of this course, students will: know the main learning methodologies and paradigms with their strengths and weakness; be able to identify a proper learning model for a given problem; assess the empirical and theoretical performance of different learning models; know the main platforms, programming languages and solutions to develop effective implementations.
Applying knowledge and understanding Besides the understanding of theoretical aspects, thanks to applied homeworks and a final project possibly linked to hackathons or other data analysis competitions, the students will constantly be challenged to use and evaluate modern learning techniques and algorithms.
Making judgements On successful completion of this course, students will develop a positive critical attitude towards the empirical and theoretical evaluation of statistical learning paradigms and techniques.
Communication skills In preparing the report and oral presentation for the final project, students will learn how to effectively communicate original ideas, experimental results and the principles behind advanced data analytic techniques in written and oral form. They will also understand how to offer constructive critiques on the presentations of their peers.
Learning skills In this course the students will develop the skills necessary for a successful understanding as well as development of new learning methodologies together with their effective implementation. The goal is of course to grow a active attitude towards continued learning throughout a professional career.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Quantitative economics Gruppo C attività a scelta per 6 cfu - (visualizza)
AAF1877 -
Learning goals
Students will be introduced to the following topics
1. The Monetary, banking and financial statistics. Why Bank of Italy collects statistics and what collects. Application: recent developments of the banks. 2. The financial accountsThe financial accounts structure.Household wealth after Piketty: an international comparison.The financial structure of the companies. 3. The balance of payments and international investment positionThe Italian balance of payments: the structure and recent developments.The procedure on excessive macroeconomic imbalances in Europe.Funds held abroad by the families. 4. The sample surveys of the Bank of ItalyThe survey on Household Income: recent results and a long-term look.The survey on inflation and growth expectations.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1883 -
Learning goals. The lab consists of the application of machine learning techniques to the analysis of images and/or textual documents. The language used is Python 3.x with the Tensorflow package for the application of Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks (deep learning).
Knowledge and understanding. Acquire the basics of machine learning techniques. Understanding how and why to choose between alternative methods, or possibly how to combine different methods. Ability to handle large amounts of images or text with the help of appropriate open source software.
Applying knowledge and understanding. Students develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of statistical and machine learning models. They also develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Making judgements. Students develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis that allows them to tackle the analysis of the images or text documents by machine learning techniques.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1152 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1885 -
Learning goals Prepare students to proposing solutions to real statistical problems in many research areas.
Knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students have the ability to understand and solve real practical statistical problems and to propose adequate solutions.
Applying knowledge and understanding Students are required to apply theoretical and computational skills to real problems and case-studies in a wide range of domains.
Making judgements One of the main goals of practical activities is to develop the ability to understand problems and to propose and compare alternative statistical approaches to solve them.
Communication skills Students acquire the ability of discussing problems and of presenting oral and written reports of their practical analyses.
Learning skills The students acquire a series of skills useful for future academic and professional activities.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1888 -
Learning goals. Aim of the course is to allow students to broaden their knowledge of economics, sociology, and other social sciences in an interdisciplinary way.
Knowledge and understanding. Historical perspective and awareness of the existence of different interpretative positions in the context of social sciences.
Applying knowledge and understanding. At the end of the course students will be able to deal with different models in a critical way.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through different theoretical approaches.
Communication skills. Students, through the study, acquire the language of different disciplines, which must be appropriately used both in written and oral exams.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis that allows them to tackle the study of more complex models.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1544 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1149 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Quantitative economics Gruppo OPZIONALE B1 due esami a scelta 18 cfu - (visualizza)
10589582 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589482 -
Learning goals Working knowledge of the main models of international economics and international finance.
Knowledge and understanding. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to analyse actual economic problems in terms of competing theories and models.
Applying knowledge and understanding. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to understand the explicit and implicit hypotheses informing the main economic policy proposals in the current debate.
Making judgements. The course is explicitly based on the principle of methodological and theoretical pluralism. Students will be introduced to at least two competing models for each economic problem considered, and will understand the criteria with which to personally choose their favorite interpretation.
Communication skills. Through study and hands-on sessions, students will become proficient in the jargon and technical language of the discipline, which they must use in both written and oral examinations.
Learning skills. Students that successfully complete the course will have learnt a method of analysis that will allow them to tackle and understand the main economic issues of today, both in subsequent economic courses and in the fruition and participation to the public debate.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589565 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1038218 -
Computational Statistics
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1055949 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Secondo anno
Primo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
10589458 -
Learning goals The main goal is acquiring advanced modelling techniques for mutivariate economic data. Students are expected to understand the theoretical foundations of the methods studied and to apply them to real datasets.
Knowledge and understanding The focus of the course will on the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model in stationary and non stationary settings, using both asymptotic and simulation (bootstrap) inference
Applying knowledge and understanding After the course students will be able to specify a VAR model, evaluate if is adequate to the dataset of interest , use for estimating causal relationship and formatulate forecasts
Making judgements Learning how to judging the adequacy of the models and assessing the uncertainty of the estimated relationships and forecasts will be an essential part of the course
Communication skills Learning to communicate the results of the estimation process both in oral and written form will be an essential part of the course
Learning skills The models object of the course are essential parts of the most advanced and complex models used in quantitative economic analysis, which the students will then be able to tackle.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Quantitative economics Gruppo OPZIONALE B1 due esami a scelta 18 cfu - (visualizza)
10589582 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589482 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589565 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1038218 -
Computational Statistics
Learning goals The main goal of the course is to learn about common general computational tools and methodologies to perform reliable statistical analyses. Students will be able - to understand the theoretical foundations of the most important methods; - to appropriately implement and apply computational statistical procedures; - to interpret the results deriving from their applications to real data.
Knowledge and understanding After attending the course, students will know and understand the most important computational techniques in statistical analysis. In addition, students will be able to appropriately implement the learned tools with the statistical software R and to develop original ideas often in a research context.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course, students will be able to formalize statistical problems from a computational point of view, to apply the learned methods to solve them, also in contexts not covered in the lessons, and to interpret the results deriving from their applications to real data.
Making judgements Students will develop critical skills through the application of computational methodologies to a wide range of statistical problems and through the comparison of alternative solutions to the same problem by using different tools. Furthermore, they will learn to interpret critically the results obtained by applying procedures to real datasets.
Communication skills By studying and carrying out practical exercises, students will acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be suitably used in the final written test. Communication skills will be also developed through group activities.
Learning skills Students who pass the exam have learned computational techniques useful in the statistical analysis and to work self-sufficiently to face with the complexity of the statistical problems.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
1055949 -
General goals Knowledge at an intermediate and advanced level of the main issues in Bayesian statistics. Ability to apply Bayesian statistical techniques to applicative context.
Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding of the Bayesian approach to statistical inference, of its models and of its methodologies
Applying knowledge and understanding Ability to apply Bayesian statistical methods for inferential problems in real-data problems
Making judgements Ability of choosing appropriate Bayesian methods and models in different inferential problems
Communication skills Ability of communicating results of the analyses in written and oral form
Learning skills Students acquire skills useful to approach more advanced topics in Bayesian inference, Advanced data analysis, Statistical computing and Mathematical statistics
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Quantitative economics Gruppo C attività a scelta per 6 cfu - (visualizza)
AAF1877 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1883 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1152 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
The specific goal of these activities is to enable the students to merge their academic knowledge with professional skills. By facing practical and real problems, students develop judgement and communication skills.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1885 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1888 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1544 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1149 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Quantitative Economics Gruppo opzionale B2 esami per 18 CFU - (visualizza)
10589423 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589579 -
The main objective of the course is to provide a gender analysis of economic theory answering to one main question: why and how a gender approach to inequality can explain men and women occupational patterns, wages and poverty?
Knowledge and understanding After attending the course, the students will increase their ability in dealing, both theoretically and empirically, with gender diversity in the economic context.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course, students will be able to formalize real economic problems and to apply the specific methods of the discipline to solve them. Students will acquire a theoretical preparation and, thanks to the analysis of numerous practical cases, the ability to critically study policies and economic models.
Making judgements Students will increase not only their theoretical skills but also their critical curiosity in reading real recent economic phenomena and economic models in a gender perspective.
Communication skills Students, through discussions in the classroom and exercises, will acquire tools for critical analysis of empirical evidence and communication skills. They will also learn how to structure and present a research report.
Learning skills Students who pass the exam learned methods of analysis that will allow them to tackle other economic courses.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
1047773 -
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589452 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047208 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Secondo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Quantitative economics Gruppo OPZIONALE B1 due esami a scelta 18 cfu - (visualizza)
10589582 -
Obiettivi formativi L'obiettivo formativo primario dell’insegnamento di storia economica è consentire agli studenti di collegare prospettiva storica, nozioni essenziali di teoria economica e strumenti di statistica
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione Dopo aver frequentato il corso gli studenti conoscono le linee principali dello sviluppo della storia economica europea e mondiale dal XV al XX secolo.
Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione Al termine del corso gli studenti sono in grado di comprendere le linee principali dello sviluppo della storia economica europea e mondiale dal XV al XX secolo e di collegarle alle dimensioni culturali, sociali, politiche ed economiche dello svolgimento degli avvenimenti e di estendere tali capacità anche al tempo presente.
Autonomia di giudizio Gli studenti sviluppano capacità critiche attraverso l’applicazione di metodologie storiche che collegano le dimensioni culturali, sociali, politiche ed economiche dello svolgimento degli avvenimenti. L'applicazione di tali capacità critiche potrà essere estesa anche al tempo presente.
Abilità comunicativa Gli studenti, attraverso la frequenza delle lezioni, lo studio e la preparazione di elaborati scritti, acquisiscono le capacità di dialogo scientifico proprie della storia economica e di combinarle con quelle proprie dell'economia e della statistica.
Capacità di apprendimento Gli studenti che superano l’esame hanno appreso un metodo di analisi che consente loro di affrontare i temi degli insegnamenti successivi e il confronto con i fatti economici quotidiani, collegando le dimensioni culturali, sociali, politiche ed economiche.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589482 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589565 -
Learning goals The primary learning goal of this course is that of exposing students to the body of econometric techniques that are customised to economics applications. The aim of the course is to review this body of techniques, to demonstrate their use in hands-on style, drawing on as wide a range of example as possible, and to interpret each set of results in ways that are most useful to read and represent economic phenomena.
Knowledge and understanding. The course is supposed to broaden students' knowledge of the various econometric techniques that appear in the economics literature, their properties and the way these are applied to data in order to verify economic theory.
Applying knowledge and understanding. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to carry out a wide range of tasks in empirical economics, such as recognising the most suitable approaches to analyse the data at hand in order to capture and model its regularities, and intelligibly convey its messages to both economists and broader audiences.
Making judgements. The course develops in a way to spurs students on researching empirical evidence of competing economic theories by respecting the nature of convenient data.
Communication skills. Through study and hands-on sessions, students will acquire the terminology characterising the discipline, which they are required to use in both written and oral dissemination.
Learning skills. Students who complete the course successfully will be acquainted with a method of analysis enabling them to endeavour the main economic issues from an empirical point of view.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
1038218 -
Computational Statistics
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1055949 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Quantitative Economics Gruppo opzionale B2 esami per 18 CFU - (visualizza)
10589423 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589579 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047773 -
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589452 -
Learning goals Aim of the course is to explore the role of financial systems in the economic development process. Lectures will deal with topics related to the deepening, outreach, efficiency and stability of financial systems. The focus will be on applied and policy-oriented research, which can serve as basis for public policy discussions on the financial system issues, especially in developing and emerging markets.
Knowledge and understanding Knowledge of the basic concepts and of the main theories elaborated in the field. Historical perspective and awareness of the existence of different interpretative positions.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course students are able to formalize problems and to apply the specific methods of the discipline to solve them. They are also able to link methods to short-term data.
Making judgements Students develop critical skills through the application of the same methodology to a wide range of economic models, which are affected by different theoretical approaches.
Communication skills Students, through the study, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be appropriately used both in written and oral exams.
Learning skills Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis that allows them to tackle the study of more complex models in economics.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
1047208 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1019 -
Students are required to write an original thesis that represents the knowledge achieved during the course of her/his study.
Per la prova finale e la lingua straniera (art.10, comma 5, lettera c)
Official Statistics (percorso valido anche ai fini del conseguimento del doppio titolo italo-francese)
Primo anno
Primo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Official statistics Gruppo OPZIONALE D un esame per 9 cfu - (visualizza)
10592813 -
Obiettivi formativi Obiettivo formativo dell’insegnamento è l'apprendimento da parte degli studenti dei fondamenti del calcolo delle probabilità e dell’inferenza statistica.
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione Alla fine del corso gli studenti conoscono e comprendono come formalizzare l’incertezza e come fare inferenza su parametri non noti.
Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione Gli studenti apprendono come impostare un problema di probabilità o inferenza.
Autonomia di giudizio La discussione dei vari metodi, anche con lavori di gruppo, fornisce agli studenti le capacità necessarie per analizzare criticamente, ed in autonomia, situazioni reali.
Abilità comunicativa Gli studenti acquisiscono gli elementi di base per ragionare, e far ragionare, in termini quantitativi su problemi di incertezza ed inferenza.
Capacità di apprendimento Gli studenti che superano l’esame sono in grado di applicare i metodi appresi in diversi contesti applicativi.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589834 -
Advances in data analysis and statistical modelling
Learning goals Knowing how to reorganize multidimensional data with a complex structure for their statistical analysis. Starting from the multivariate statistical methodologies, knowing how to realize complex strategies of analysis that have an easy interpretation. To be able to make decisions based on empirical evidence giving appropriate answers to corporate information requests. Knowing how to extract relevant information from large data (big data).
Knowledge and understanding Knowledge of advanced multivariate statistical methodologies and advanced formal data analysis strategies with a model-based statistical approach.
Applying knowledge and understanding Understanding the most appropriate complex techniques to be able to make decisions based on empirical evidence, respond to corporate information requests and be able to extract relevant information from the observed data.
Making judgements Students develop critical skills through the application of complex multivariate statistical methodologies. They learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills Students, through the study and performance of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used in the world of work. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis that allows them to face, the world of work having acquired advanced statistical analysis tools for complex and large data.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589488 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1056015 -
Learning goals The course provides a broad introduction to stochastic processes. In particular the aim is - to give a rigorous introduction to the theory of stochastic processes, - to discuss the most important stochastic processes in some depth with examples and applications, - to give the flavour of more advanced work and applications, - to apply these ideas to answer basic questions in several applied situations including biology, finance and search engine algorithms.
Knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students will be familiar with the basic concepts of the theory of stochastic processes in discrete and continuous time and will be able to apply various techniques to study stochastic models that appear in applications.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students will have the tools to grasp and formalize, in the language of stochastic processes, phenomena that evolve in time and space. The students will have the tools to solve simple applied problems in new environments and broader contexts.
Making judgements At the end of the course the students will have the tools to evaluate critically and choose between different stochastic models to model phenomena that evolve in time and space. The student will also acquire the necessary language skills to start reading academic books on the topic and research papers.
Communication skills The students will acquire the intuition and the communication skills necessary to describe phenomena in the mathematical language of stochastic processes. In particular the student will also acquire the rationale behind the stochastic model studied (e.g. the ideas of Markovianity, transience, recurrence, equilibrium, stationarity, long and short-time behaviour...) that is necessary to communicate to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Learning skills The students will acquire the methodology and the language to study in a manner that may be largely autonomous and to apply the methodology to the subsequent studies in the area of statistics and finance.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
1052019 -
General goals Knowledge at an intermediate and advanced level of the main issues in Bayesian statistics. Ability to apply Bayesian statistical techniques to applicative context.
Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding of the Bayesian approach to statistical inference, of its models and of its methodologies
Applying knowledge and understanding Ability to apply Bayesian statistical methods for inferential problems in real-data problems
Making judgements Ability of choosing appropriate Bayesian methods and models in different inferential problems
Communication skills Ability of communicating results of the analyses in written and oral form
Learning skills Students acquire skills useful to approach more advanced topics in Bayesian inference, Advanced data analysis, Statistical computing and Mathematical statistics
General goals Knowledge at an intermediate and advanced level of the main issues in Bayesian statistics. Ability to apply Bayesian statistical techniques to applicative context.
Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding of the Bayesian approach to statistical inference, of its models and of its methodologies
Applying knowledge and understanding Ability to apply Bayesian statistical methods for inferential problems in real-data problems
Making judgements Ability of choosing appropriate Bayesian methods and models in different inferential problems
Communication skills Ability of communicating results of the analyses in written and oral form
Learning skills Students acquire skills useful to approach more advanced topics in Bayesian inference, Advanced data analysis, Statistical computing and Mathematical statistics
Attività formative caratterizzanti
General goals Knowledge at an intermediate and advanced level of the main issues in Bayesian statistics. Ability to apply Bayesian statistical techniques to applicative context.
Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding of the Bayesian approach to statistical inference, of its models and of its methodologies
Applying knowledge and understanding Ability to apply Bayesian statistical methods for inferential problems in real-data problems
Making judgements Ability of choosing appropriate Bayesian methods and models in different inferential problems
Communication skills Ability of communicating results of the analyses in written and oral form
Learning skills Students acquire skills useful to approach more advanced topics in Bayesian inference, Advanced data analysis, Statistical computing and Mathematical statistics
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Official Statistics Gruppo OPZIONALE B un esame 6 cfu - (visualizza)
1056085 -
General learning goals - Define what subset of Big Data can be used in Official Statistics and what domains of Official Statistics can be enriched through the availability of new data sources - Establish how new data sources can be used in Official Statistics, by taking into account challenges, needs and risks in this exercise - Definition of the role of Big Data in the context of Official Statistics - Establish how to frame the measurement of social, demographic and economic phenomena through Big Data by considering challenges, needs and risks
Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding of statistical methods to handle Big Data in official statistics
Applying knowledge and understanding Ability to apply statistical methods for official statistics problems with emphasis on Big Data
Making judgements Ability of choosing appropriate methods in different problems in official statistics with emphasis on Big Data
Communication skills Ability of communicating results of the analyses in official statistics with emphasis on Big Data
Learning skills Students acquire skills useful to approach more advanced topics in official statistics and Big Data management
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589580 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589423 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047773 -
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047222 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589562 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589835 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Official statistics Gruppo OPZIONALE C altre attività per 3 cfu - (visualizza)
AAF1149 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
The specific goal of these activities is to enable the students to merge their academic knowledge with professional skills. By facing practical and real problems, students develop judgement and communication skills.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1544 -
Learning goals. General learning targets: The course is organised as a series of classes where the students will have the possibility to solve and discuss the solutions of a series of advanced exercises on the theory of stochastic processes.
Knowledge and understanding. At the end of the course the students will acquire the ability to solve autonomously simple and more advanced exercises on the theory of stochastic processes.
Applying knowledge and understanding. During the course the students will exercise the ability to grasp and formalize, in the language of stochastic processes, phenomena that evolve in time and space and to solve simple applied problems in new environments and broader contexts.
Making judgements At the end of the course the students will have the tools to evaluate critically and choose between different stochastic models to model phenomena that evolve in time and space.
Communication skills. The students will exercise the intuition and the communication skills necessary to describe phenomena in the mathematical language of stochastic processes. In particular the student will acquire familiarity with the main ideas that are behind the stochastic model, e.g., the ideas of Markovianity, transience, recurrence, equilibrium, stationarity, long and short-time behaviour. Learning skills. The students will acquire autonomy in studying more advanced theoretical aspects of stochastic processes and in applying the main ideas of stochastic processes to the subsequent studies in the area of statistics and finance.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1883 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1885 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Secondo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
10589920 -
Learning goals The primary goal of the course on “Sample Surveys” is that student should learn the main problems and methods in sampling from finite populations. They should be able to formalize and plan the whole process of data collection and analysis in observational studies. In more detail, students should be able to plan a sample survey, to choose a sampling design, to plan the data collection, as well as to analyze real data and to estimate quantities of interest.
Knowledge and understanding After attending the course the students know and understand the main methodologies in planning a sample survey, as well as in dealing with non-sampling sources of error, such as nonresponses and missing values, measurement errors, list imperfections. Furthermore, students should be able to analyze real data and to estimate quantities of interests, such as means and proportions.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students are able to formalize and plan the whole process of data collection and analysis in observational studies. They should be able to manage the most important (i) sampling designs and (ii) point and interval estimators, as well as the main methodologies to deal with missing values, measurement errors, list imperfections. Moreover, they should be able to apply the methods to the data and to interpret the results.
Making judgements Students develop critical skills through the application of sampling and estimation methodologies to a wide range of contexts. They also develop the critical sense through the comparison of different solutions and the analysis of results.
Communication skills Students, through their study, should acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, to be used in their activity.
Learning skills Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis to be used in the data collection and analysis from finite populations."
Attività formative caratterizzanti
1055990 -
Learning goals The general goal of this course are essentially to allow students to learn aspects of Official Statistics and related to data quality, editing, and data integration. A part of the course is also devoted to the use of specific software is also devoted to deal with missing data at item level.
Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding of the main techniques use in Official Statistics to improve the quality of raw data, as well as to improve dissemination via integration of data coming from different sources. This involves the analysis of several different problems. - Analysis of errors in data, and methodologies for detecting and correcting errors. - Models for missing values - Statistical analyses with missing data - Data integration: the problem of record linkage - Data integration: the problem of statistical matching
Applying knowledge and understanding Students should be able to use the main techniques to deal with data editing, missing data, data integration
Making judgements Students should develop their skills in analyzing data quality, as well as in using statostical methods in the presence of errors in data and data incompleteness.
Communication skills Students should learn the appropriate language of Official Statistics, with special reference to the improvement data quality and data integration.
Learning skills Students should be able to attack the main problems of data quality improvement and data integration.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
1055952 -
Learning goals Knowledge at an intermediate and advanced level of the main issues in official statistics with special attention to data quality
Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding of statistical methods within the topics of official statistics in an changing environment
Applying knowledge and understanding Ability to apply statistical methods for official statistics problems with emphasis on the data quality process
Making judgements Ability of choosing appropriate methods in different problems in official statistics with emphasis on the data quality process
Communication skills Ability of communicating results of the analyses in official statistics with emphasis on the data quality process
Learning skills Students acquire skills useful to approach more advanced topics in official statistics and data quality management
Attività formative caratterizzanti
AAF1179 -
Goals. With this activity (based on internships) students merge their academic knowledge with practical skills. They also develop independent judgement and communication skills.
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e)
AAF1877 -
Learning goals
Students will be introduced to the following topics
1. The Monetary, banking and financial statistics. Why Bank of Italy collects statistics and what collects. Application: recent developments of the banks. 2. The financial accountsThe financial accounts structure.Household wealth after Piketty: an international comparison.The financial structure of the companies. 3. The balance of payments and international investment positionThe Italian balance of payments: the structure and recent developments.The procedure on excessive macroeconomic imbalances in Europe.Funds held abroad by the families. 4. The sample surveys of the Bank of ItalyThe survey on Household Income: recent results and a long-term look.The survey on inflation and growth expectations.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Official statistics Gruppo OPZIONALE C altre attività per 3 cfu - (visualizza)
AAF1149 -
altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1544 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
AAF1883 -
Learning goals. The lab consists of the application of machine learning techniques to the analysis of images and/or textual documents. The language used is Python 3.x with the Tensorflow package for the application of Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks (deep learning).
Knowledge and understanding. Acquire the basics of machine learning techniques. Understanding how and why to choose between alternative methods, or possibly how to combine different methods. Ability to handle large amounts of images or text with the help of appropriate open source software.
Applying knowledge and understanding. Students develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of statistical and machine learning models. They also develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Making judgements. Students develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis that allows them to tackle the analysis of the images or text documents by machine learning techniques.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1885 -
Learning goals Prepare students to proposing solutions to real statistical problems in many research areas.
Knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students have the ability to understand and solve real practical statistical problems and to propose adequate solutions.
Applying knowledge and understanding Students are required to apply theoretical and computational skills to real problems and case-studies in a wide range of domains.
Making judgements One of the main goals of practical activities is to develop the ability to understand problems and to propose and compare alternative statistical approaches to solve them.
Communication skills Students acquire the ability of discussing problems and of presenting oral and written reports of their practical analyses.
Learning skills The students acquire a series of skills useful for future academic and professional activities.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Official Statistics Gruppo OPZIONALE B un esame 6 cfu - (visualizza)
1056085 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589580 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589423 -
General objectives
The primary objective is to study algorithms and data structures that efficiently solve problems whose solution, using trivial approaches, would require very high resources. The algorithms studied will be implemented in Java language.
Specific objectives
Knowledge and ability to understand Basic data structures and their use in solving sorting, searching, and graph problems will be shown. It will be shown how the data structures described are made available in Java language. The student will be able to determine the computational complexity of algorithms, and associate them with the appropriate complexity class.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the students will be able to determine algorithms to efficiently solve complex problems, in particular problems on graphs, and choose the most suitable data structures to obtain an efficient implementation of the algorithm. They will also be able to use the Java classes that implement the data structures studied.
Autonomy of judgment Students will be able to distinguish the computational complexity of problems and algorithms, and to identify the computationally more costly steps in solving a problem.
Communication skills Students will be able to describe, in appropriate terms, the characteristics of the main data structures, and identify the primitives needed to efficiently implement an algorithm.
Learning ability Students who pass the exam will be able to take advanced courses, of an applicative nature, that require the use of sophisticated algorithms. They will also be able to appreciate software engineering and computational complexity theory teachings.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
1047773 -
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047222 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589562 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589835 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Secondo anno
Primo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
10589458 -
Learning goals The main goal is acquiring advanced modelling techniques for mutivariate economic data. Students are expected to understand the theoretical foundations of the methods studied and to apply them to real datasets.
Knowledge and understanding The focus of the course will on the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model in stationary and non stationary settings, using both asymptotic and simulation (bootstrap) inference
Applying knowledge and understanding After the course students will be able to specify a VAR model, evaluate if is adequate to the dataset of interest , use for estimating causal relationship and formatulate forecasts
Making judgements Learning how to judging the adequacy of the models and assessing the uncertainty of the estimated relationships and forecasts will be an essential part of the course
Communication skills Learning to communicate the results of the estimation process both in oral and written form will be an essential part of the course
Learning skills The models object of the course are essential parts of the most advanced and complex models used in quantitative economic analysis, which the students will then be able to tackle.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
1047802 -
Learning goals The student at the end of the course should be able to use with knowledge advanced modeling and exploratory techniques specifically developed for spatially dependent data. This is achieved by assigning several homeworks on real data. Practical sessions with the R software are part of each lecture, so to allow students to implement what is taught in the theoretical part. Among the expected results, ability to elaborate environmental data using R software, ability to interpret the results obtained, ability to choose the most suitable statistical models according to the hypotheses they are founded on and to their compatibility with the data available.
Knowledge and understanding The student will be able to understand the main tools for the analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal data. Also an introductory knowledge of extreme value estimation and modeling will be part of his cultural heritage
Applying knowledge and understanding Students will be involved in the discussion and analysis of case studies using the open source statistical software R. Students will be asked prepare and discuss a presentation of the results of their homeworks. The presentation will be given on front of the class and discussed.
Making judgements Through the homeworks and the final presentations discussions, tudente will develop judgements capacity in terms of theoretical choices in representation of real worls phenomena.
Communication skills Students will be asked prepare and discuss a presentation of the results of their homeworks. The presentation will be given on front of the class and discussed. This procedure will help the student to develop his/her ability to communicate the results of its work.
Learning skills One of the aims of the course is to build a statistical glossary and a dictionary of specific statistical concepts that will allow the student to read and understand scientific papers using advanced statistical tools in the analysis of environmental data.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Official Statistics Gruppo OPZIONALE B un esame 6 cfu - (visualizza)
1056085 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589580 -
General Aim The primary educational goal of the course is students' learning of the main concepts and basic methods of Demography.
Knowledge and understanding After attending the course, the students know and understand the main international demographic sources and the measures to describe the population processes.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course, the students are able to apply the learned methods to the real data, and to understand the results of these applications.
Making judgements Students develop critical skills through the application of different indicators and measures to a wide range of case studies from different countries, and learn to critically interpret the results.
Communication skills Students, through the study and the carrying out of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be opportunely used in the final oral examination. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills Students who pass the exam have learned the skills necessary to address the study of more complex methods and models in subsequent teachings of demographic area.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589423 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047773 -
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047222 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589562 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589835 -
Learning goals The main goal of the course is to learn about common general computational tools and methodologies to perform reliable statistical analyses. Students will be able - to understand the theoretical foundations of the most important methods; - to appropriately implement and apply computational statistical procedures; - to interpret the results deriving from their applications to real data.
Knowledge and understanding After attending the course, students will know and understand the most important computational techniques in statistical analysis. In addition, students will be able to appropriately implement the learned tools with the statistical software R and to develop original ideas often in a research context.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course, students will be able to formalize statistical problems from a computational point of view, to apply the learned methods to solve them, also in contexts not covered in the lessons, and to interpret the results deriving from their applications to real data.
Making judgements Students will develop critical skills through the application of computational methodologies to a wide range of statistical problems and through the comparison of alternative solutions to the same problem by using different tools. Furthermore, they will learn to interpret critically the results obtained by applying procedures to real datasets.
Communication skills By studying and carrying out practical exercises, students will acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be suitably used in the final written test. Communication skills will be also developed through group activities.
Learning skills Students who pass the exam have learned computational techniques useful in the statistical analysis and to work self-sufficiently to face with the complexity of the statistical problems.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
- -
Attività formative a scelta dello studente (art.10, comma 5, lettera a)
Secondo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Official Statistics Gruppo OPZIONALE B un esame 6 cfu - (visualizza)
1056085 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589580 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589423 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
1047773 -
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Learning goals. The different techniques existing for Big Data management will be illustrated, with a particular emphasis on NoSQL databases. The course will also deal with the problem of collecting Big Data from various sources such as from the web or from the online social networks. This will require also the introduction of the different formats that are commonly used to encode unstructured, semi-structured and structured data and of the different techniques that can be used to automate their processing. Successively, pre-processing techniques, including denoising and imputation of missing data, will be considered. Then, the course will treat dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Finally, some statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, for the analysis of Big Data, will be presented. Real-world problems will be addressed during the course using suitable software.
Knowledge and understanding. The student will learn as to apply some statistical learning techniques for dimensionality reduction, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will know and understand some powerful statistical learning models, supervised and unsupervised, to analyse Big Data.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to manage Big Data collected from various sources. He will learn as to apply dimensionality reduction techniques, based on feature extraction and feature selection. Moreover, he will be able to choose and apply some powerful statistical learning models to analyse Big Data.
Making judgements. Students will develop critical skills through the application of a wide range of machine learning and statistical models. They also will develop the critical sense through the comparison between alternative solutions to the same problem obtained using different learning logics. They will learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to real data sets.
Communication skills. Students, through the study and execution of practical exercises, acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam will have learned an analytical approach that allows them to tackle Big Data analysis with statistical models and machine learning methods.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
1047222 -
This course has the target of providing students with the modern techniques of measuring quantitatively advanced topics in economics. In particular, our focus will be on two main interrelated directions: the analysis of production and efficiency in the private and public sectors, impact analysis and economic dynamics of sectorial and micro founded systems in the modern economy.
Knowledge and understanding Students are requested to know the techniques of estimation for output and input efficiency as well as the analysis methods for sectors (both static and dynamic)
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course, students should be capable of interpreting and addressing a study of efficiency pertaining decisional making units, both private and public. The statistical methods related are those of inference (for firms) and impact analysis and forecasting (for sectors).
Making judgements At the end of the course, students will develop skills for interpreting and assessing productivity and efficiency problems.
Communication skills Students will develop capacity of communicating results through the acquisition of both theoretical and applied skills.
Learning skills After the exam, students will develop capacity of making autonomously further progress as far as the new advancements of this and related subjects are concerned.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589562 -
Obiettivi generali L'obiettivo formativo primario dell’insegnamento è l'apprendimento da parte degli studenti dei principali problemi e metodi legati alle indagini statistiche. Gli studenti devono apprendere i principali elementi teorici che conducono alla organizzazione delle indagini e ai problemi legati all’errore di non osservazione (campionamento) e all’errore di osservazione (strumento di rilevazione). Una particolare attenzione verrà dedicata ai temi legati al dato soggettivo e alla consolidata teoria che conduce ad una corretta rilevazione e interpretazione degli stessi.
Obiettivi specifici a) Conoscenze Al termine del corso, gli studenti conoscono e comprendono i principi delle indagini statistiche (soprattutto nell’ambito della Statistica Ufficiale) e delle fasi operative che lo compongono.
b) Competenze Al termine del corso gli studenti sono in grado di definire un progetto di rilevazione definendo le diverse fasi che lo compongono.
c) Autonomia di giudizio Le conoscenze e le competenze sviluppate consentono agli studenti di osservare in maniera critica progetti di indagini esistenti e di valutare la possibilità di modifiche costruttive e finalizzate al loro miglioramento.
d) Abilità comunicativa Gli studenti, attraverso lo studio e lo svolgimento di esercizi pratici, acquisiscono il linguaggio tecnico-scientifico della disciplina, con particolare riferimento alla rilevazione di dati individuali e soggettivi. Le abilità comunicative vengono sviluppate anche attraverso attività di gruppo.
e) Capacità di apprendimento Gli studenti che superano l’esame hanno appreso la metodologia delle rilevazioni statistiche. Ciò consente loro di di affrontare lo studio dei successivi insegnamenti con una consapevolezza legata soprattutto alle rilevazioni nell’ambito della Statistica Ufficiale.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589835 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
Gruppo opzionale:
Curriculum Official statistics Gruppo OPZIONALE D un esame per 9 cfu - (visualizza)
10592813 -
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589834 -
Advances in data analysis and statistical modelling
Erogato in altro semestre o anno
10589488 -
Learning goals The aim of the course is to introduce students to the main methods of analysis and forecasting of the economic and financial time series. In particular, it covers i) Linear stochastic processes. Stationarity. Invertibility. Causality. ARMA processes. Identification, estimation, interpretation and forecasting. ii) Measurement and analysis of volatility. ARCH and GARCH models. Identification, estimation, interpretation and forecasting. Knowledge of the econometric theory for cross-section analysis, inference and probability theory is a prerequisite.
Knowledge and understanding. After attending the course the students know and understand the main problems related to time series (for example: absence of stationarity) and the main methods to be used to solve such problems (for example: unit root tests).
Applying knowledge and understanding. At the end of the course the students are able to formalize real problems in terms of linear regression models and to apply the methods specific to the discipline to solve them. They are also able to apply the methods to concrete situations and to interpret the results.
Making judgements. Students develop a knowledge of the analytical properties of the presented methodologies and the ability to build programs for their implementation. They also learn to critically interpret the results obtained by applying the procedures to concrete situations.
Communication skills. Students acquire the technical-scientific language of the discipline, which it must be used appropriately in both the intermediate and final written tests and in the oral tests. Communication skills are also developed through group activities.
Learning skills. Students who pass the exam have learned a method of analysis that allows them to tackle the study of analytical properties in more complex modeling contexts in subsequent quantitative area teachings. They are also able to produce sound empirical analyzes and forecasts.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
AAF1028 -
Students are required to write an original thesis that represents the knowledge achieved during the course of her/his study.
Per la prova finale e la lingua straniera (art.10, comma 5, lettera c)