Corso di laurea: Clinical Psychosexology
A.A. 2019/2020
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione
Nello specifico del presente CLM l’obiettivo didattico sarà di implementare conoscenza e capacità di comprensione (knowledge and understanding) dell’intero spettro delle tematiche psicosessuologiche maschili e femminili e di ogni età della vita alla luce delle più recenti scoperte scientifiche basate sull’evidenza. L'obiettivo formativo in psicosessuologia clinica sarà perseguito mediante la frequenza delle lezioni ed esercitazioni in aula e ai laboratori didattici previsti dal percorso formativo. La verifica di tali conoscenze sarà attuata attraverso prove di esame in itinere e finali relative agli insegnamenti impartiti nell’ambito psicosessuologico e delle materie affini e caratterizzanti il corso (Endocrinologia, Andrologia, Ginecologia, Psichiatria e Storia della Scienza e della Tecnica).Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione
Per ciò che concerne le specifiche conoscenze e le capacità di comprensione (applying knowledge and understanding), esse saranno applicate alla fisiologia, alla patologia e alla terapia della funzione sessuale umana, sia nel contesto ontogenetico sia in quello storico-culturale attraverso lezioni frontali e laboratori promuovendo la maturazione personale dello studente e il raggiungimento di elevate competenze nella psicologia e nella psicosessuologia clinica. Gli esami, scritti, orali e pratici (simulazione di casi clinici, ecc.) relativi ai corsi e ai corsi integrati del CLM in Clinical Psychosexology saranno infatti disegnati per verificare il compiuto apprendimento di nozioni e tecniche utili per l'attività professionale dello psicologo impegnato nella diagnosi e nel trattamento delle disfunzioni sessuali e nell'implementazione della salute sessuale e riproduttiva della popolazione.Autonomia di giudizio
L’autonomia di giudizio clinico (making judgements) sarà ottenuta grazie alla multidisciplinarità che caratterizza il CLM in Clinical Pysychosexology e spazia dalla tradizione psicodinamica e clinica applicata alla sessuologia fino alle più recenti acquisizioni della sessuologia medica. Seminari e laboratori dedicati all’acquisizione di metodiche di lettura e stesura di articoli scientifici, saggi e trattati di psicologia e psicosessuologia aumenteranno le capacità critiche del laureato magistrale in Clinical Psychosexology fino a permettergli il raggiungimento di una autonomia di giudizio clinico e scientifico compiutamente maturo, estremamente importante in un campo come quello psicosessuologico caratterizzato da sempre nuove acquisizioni scientifiche ma anche da precipue tematiche di ordine storico-culturale, deontologico e bioetico. La verifica su questi aspetti avverrà tramite esami orali e tesine specifiche.Abilità comunicative
Lo studente sarà aiutato a migliorare le proprie abilità comunicative (communication skills) in psicologia e psicosessuologia clinica attraverso lezioni, laboratori e seminari pratici. Attraverso questo percorso biennale saranno raggiunte specifiche competenze che permetteranno al laureato psicologo di interfacciarsi con gli altri specialisti e professionisti dedicati alla salute sessuale e riproduttiva (ad es. endocrinologi, andrologi, ginecologi, psichiatri, ostetriche, terapisti della riabilitazione psichiatrica, educatori e formatori, ecc.). Il CLM in Clinical Psychosexology è infatti strutturato per fornire allo studente, e quindi al laureato, i vocabolari delle principali discipline psicologiche, storiche e mediche coinvolte nella salute sessuale e riproduttiva. Gli esami, le tesine e la prova finale saranno il riscontro di tali abilità comunicative fondamentali per un lavoro clinico.Capacità di apprendimento
Le modalità di acquisizione delle capacità di apprendimento nel corso dei due anni previsti per il CdS non saranno esclusivamente centrate sulle lezioni frontali previste dal piano di studio, ma anche dalle più moderne tecniche didattiche e formative in psicologia (simulazione dei casi clinici, video, gruppi esperienziali, revisione di casi clinici,ecc) che attengono ai numerosi crediti attribuiti al laboratorio, presente in ogni insegnamento proposto. Tali laboratori, caratterizzati da praticità del trasferimento delle informazioni, hanno, tra l'altro, lo scopo di impementare la crescita personale dello studente riguardo alle sue proprie capacità di apprendimento, in un'ottica altamente professionalizzante.
La valutazione della specifica capacità di apprendere (learning skills) i contenuti fisiologici e psicopatologici della funzione sessuale e riproduttiva umana sarà effettuata attraverso esami accademici formali e prove informali durante i diversi corsi e nei laboratori durante i quali il candidato dovrà dimostrare non solo conoscenze specifiche relative alla psicologia e alla psicosessuologia clinica, ma anche di aver maturato capacità di apprendimento utili per lo svolgimento dell'attività clinica dello psicologo in autonomia.Requisiti di ammissione
Possono accedere al corso di laurea magistrale gli studenti che siano in possesso di una laurea di primo livello in Psicologia (classe L-24) o di vecchio ordinamento quinquennale o altro titolo di studio conseguito all'estero, riconosciuto equivalente, in base alla normativa vigente. Gli studenti in possesso dei requisiti curriculari specificati nel regolamento didattico del corso di studio accedono alla verifica della personale preparazione, le cui modalità sono parimenti definite nel regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
I candidati devono, altresì, essere in possesso di adeguate competenze in lingua Inglese (almeno di livello B2) con riferimento al quadro comune europeo per la conoscenza delle lingue.
La verifica della conoscenza della lingua inglese avverrà presentando un certificato di livello B2 (ESOL, IELTS, TOEFL) o per gli studenti che non possono esibire tale certificato sarà previsto un colloquio di ammissione per la verifica del livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese.Prova finale
La prova finale, alla quale vengono attribuiti 15 CFU, prevede la presentazione e discussione dell'elaborato di tesi di laurea magistrale ad una Commissione nominata secondo le norme di Ateneo. La tesi, realizzata con la supervisione di un docente del corso, esporrà sotto forma di resoconto scientifico originale, una ricerca empirica o una rielaborazione della letteratura scientifica o una discussione critica di una esperienza professionale pertinente agli obiettivi formativi del corso. L'impegno personale per la stesura del lavoro di tesi che dovrà comprovare le competenze teoriche e metodologiche acquisite dal candidato nel corso delle attività formative - sarà commisurato ai crediti formativi attribuiti a questo lavoro finale.Orientamento in ingresso
Il SOrT è il servizio di Orientamento integrato della Sapienza. Il Servizio ha una sede centrale nella Città universitaria e sportelli dislocati presso le Facoltà. Nei SOrT gli studenti possono trovare informazioni più specifiche rispetto alle Facoltà e ai corsi di laurea e un supporto per orientarsi nelle scelte. L'ufficio centrale e i docenti delegati di Facoltà coordinano i progetti di orientamento in ingresso e di tutorato, curano i rapporti con le scuole medie superiori e con gli insegnanti referenti dell'orientamento in uscita, propongono azioni di sostegno nella delicata fase di transizione dalla scuola all'università, supporto agli studenti in corso, forniscono informazioni sull'offerta didattica e sulle procedure amministrative di accesso ai corsi. Tra le iniziative di orientamento assume particolare rilievo l'evento "Porte aperte alla Sapienza". L'iniziativa, che si tiene ogni anno presso la Città Universitaria, è rivolta prevalentemente agli studenti delle ultime classi delle Scuole Secondarie Superiori, ai docenti, ai genitori ed agli operatori del settore; essa costituisce l'occasione per conoscere la Sapienza, la sua offerta didattica, i luoghi di studio, di cultura e di ritrovo ed i molteplici servizi disponibili per gli studenti (biblioteche, musei, concerti, conferenze, ecc.); sostiene il processo d'inserimento universitario che coinvolge ed interessa tutti coloro che intendono iscriversi all'Università. Oltre alle informazioni sulla didattica, durante gli incontri, è possibile ottenere informazioni sull'iter amministrativo sia di carattere generale sia, più specificatamente, sulle procedure di immatricolazione ai vari corsi di studio e acquisire copia dei bandi per la partecipazione alle prove di accesso ai corsi. Contemporaneamente, presso l'Aula Magna, vengono svolte conferenze finalizzate alla presentazione di tutte le Facoltà dell'Ateneo.
Il Settore coordina, inoltre, i progetti di orientamento di seguito specificati e propone azioni di sostegno nell'approccio all'università e nel percorso formativo:
- Progetto "Un Ponte tra Scuola e Università"
Il Progetto "Un Ponte tra scuola e Università" (per brevità chiamato "Progetto Ponte") nasce con l'obiettivo di favorire una migliore transizione degli studenti in uscita dagli Istituti Superiori al mondo universitario e facilitarne il successivo inserimento nella nuova realtà.
Il progetto si articola in tre iniziative:
• Professione Orientamento
Seminari dedicati ai docenti degli Istituti Superiori referenti per l'orientamento, per favorire lo scambio di informazioni tra le realtà della Scuola Secondaria e i servizi ed i progetti offerti dalla Sapienza;
• La Sapienza si presenta
Incontri di presentazione delle Facoltà e lezioni-tipo realizzati dai docenti della Sapienza e rivolti agli studenti delle Scuole Secondarie su argomenti inerenti ciascuna area didattica;
• La Sapienza degli studenti
Presentazione alle scuole dei servizi offerti dalla Sapienza e racconto dell'esperienza universitaria da parte di studenti "mentore".
- Progetto "Conosci Te stesso"
Questionario di autovalutazione per accompagnare in modo efficace il processo decisionale dello studente nella scelta del percorso formativo.
- Progetto "Orientamento in rete"
Progetto di orientamento e di riallineamento sui saperi minimi. L'iniziativa prevede lo svolgimento di un corso di preparazione per l'accesso alle Facoltà a numero programmato dell'area biomedica, destinato agli studenti dell'ultimo anno di scuola secondaria di secondo grado.
- Esame di inglese scientifico
Il progetto prevede la possibilità di sostenere presso la Sapienza, da parte degli studenti dell'ultimo anno delle Scuole Superiori del Lazio, l'esame di inglese scientifico per il conseguimento di crediti in caso di successiva iscrizione a questo Ateneo.
- Gong - Educazione nutrizionale e gastronomica
Gong (Gruppo orientamento nutrizione giovani) è l'acronimo scelto per indicare l'Unità di educazione nutrizionale e gastronomica, un servizio che l'Università Sapienza, offre, in modo gratuito, a tutti gli studenti per insegnare loro a nutrirsi con sapienza e, nello stesso tempo, in modo gustoso.Il Corso di Studio in breve
La progettualità del Corso di Studiodi Laurea Magistrale in Clinical Psychosexology è basata sulla evidente domanda di formazione specifica per lo psicologo che idealmente passa attraverso tre stadi formativi:
a) la laurea triennale (Classe di Laurea L-24) per apprendere le basi teoriche delle neuroscienze e delle scienze psicologiche e comportamentali;
b) la laurea magistrale che conferisce in questo caso specifiche competenze cliniche generali e applicate alla psicologia e psicopatologia del comportamento sessuale e riproduttivo secondo le differenze e le identità di genere; c) i corsi postlaurea abilitanti all’esercizio della psicoterapia.
Il corso di laurea magistrale, in breve, ha il compito di formare, per la prima volta nell’ordinamento universitario italiano, psicologi clinici e sessuologi. Il laureato, in particolare, avrà specifiche competenze per la gestione, dal singolo, alla diade, alla famiglia, fino alla macroarea sociale, delle tematiche discriminanti e della costruzione dell'immagine stereotipica del femminile e del maschile. In ambito pubblico il laureato potrà fornire la consulenza psicosessuologica nei seguenti ambiti specifici:
a) Consultori;
b) Centri Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita;
c) Centri di Psichiatria, Oncologia, Ginecologia, Andrologia, Endocrinologia;
d) Ambulatori dedicati alle mm. sessualmente trasmissibili;
e) Centri di diagnosi e trattamento della Disforia di Identità di genere;
f) Tribunali civili e penali (Perizie)
g) Carceri (parafilie criminali)
h) Scuole dell’obbligo e secondaria (Corsi retribuiti di Educazione alla Sessualità, ai Sentimenti e al rispetto delle differenze di genere e orientamento)
Tutti gli studenti, a seguito dell’immatricolazione, sono tenuti a compilare il percorso formativo individuale secondo le scadenze che saranno indicate sul sito web di Facoltà. In tale percorso dovranno essere indicate le proprie scelte per quanto riguarda eventuali percorsi suggeriti, gruppi opzionali obbligatori e per gli esami extracurriculari (a scelta dello studente). Senza la presentazione del percorso formativo individuale la prenotazione di tali insegnamenti opzionali/a scelta sarà inibita e non sarà possibile sostenere i relativi esami. Tutti gli altri esami obbligatori potranno essere regolarmente prenotati e sostenuti.
Il percorso formativo individuale deve essere compilato includendo le scelte anche per le annualità successive alla prima, ma tali scelte potranno essere successivamente modificate all’inizio del secondo anno.
Possono accedere al corso di laurea magistrale gli studenti che siano in possesso di una laurea di primo livello in Psicologia (classe L-24) o di vecchio ordinamento quinquennale o altro titolo di studio conseguito all'estero, riconosciuto equivalente, in base alla normativa vigente. Gli studenti in possesso dei requisiti curriculari specificati nel regolamento didattico del corso di studio accedono alla verifica della personale preparazione, le cui modalità sono parimenti definite nel regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
I candidati devono, altresì, essere in possesso di adeguate competenze in lingua Inglese (almeno di livello B2) con riferimento al quadro comune europeo per la conoscenza delle lingue.
La verifica della conoscenza della lingua inglese avverrà presentando un certificato di livello B2 (ESOL, IELTS, TOEFL) o per gli studenti che non possono esibire tale certificato sarà previsto un colloquio di ammissione per la verifica del livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese.
La prova finale, alla quale vengono attribuiti 15 CFU, prevede la presentazione e discussione dell'elaborato di tesi di laurea magistrale ad una Commissione nominata secondo le norme di Ateneo. La tesi, realizzata con la supervisione di un docente del corso, esporrà sotto forma di resoconto scientifico originale, una ricerca empirica o una rielaborazione della letteratura scientifica o una discussione critica di una esperienza professionale pertinente agli obiettivi formativi del corso. L'impegno personale per la stesura del lavoro di tesi - che dovrà comprovare le competenze teoriche e metodologiche acquisite dal candidato nel corso delle attività formative - sarà commisurato ai crediti formativi attribuiti a questo lavoro finale.
Le norme per passaggi e convalide devono fare riferimento al regolamento generale della Facoltà.
Per tutto quanto non sia previsto dal presente regolamento didattico si rimanda alla normativa vigente della Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia e dell’Università La Sapienza.
Lo studente espliciterà le proprie scelte al momento della presentazione,
tramite INFOSTUD, del piano di completamento o del piano di studio individuale,
secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
Primo anno
Primo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
10591758 -
General aims The Educational goals of the course are related to fundamental of clinical psychology with elements con-cerning deve-lopment of sexuality in lifespan. At the end of the course the student shall have acquired the knowledge of the princi-pal diagnoses of clinical psychology, the treatment tecniques and the ability to rec-ognize and manage the major sexual and psychological symptoms.
Specific aims The aims of the course are teaching the following aspects of Clinical psychology: history of clinical Psy-chology; re-search methods in clinical; theories of classification and diagnosis in adult; clinical inter-view; assessment; testing with MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF; treatment and psychotherapies.
Knowledge and understanding At the end of the course, the students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and comprehension skills re-lated clinical psychology using psychological methods and integrating that with biological, social, cultural systems.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of this course, the students will be able to conduct a first interview/intake session, to formulate a case accor-ding to the data collected during the case formulation and the competencies necessary for point out a therapeutic plan coherent with the diagnosis and the formulation of the clinical cases.
Making judgements At the end of the course, students will be able to develop personal, but reliable hypotheses, evidence-based, about: what to investigate during a first interview/intake session according to the different clinical features of the patient; how to deal with psychopathological topics encountered during the interview; how to integrate these data in a diagnostic pic-ture and in coherent and comprehensive case formulation.
Communication skills At the end of the course, the students will be able in communicating skills related to clinical psychology. The students will be able to illustrate, from a psychological perspective, the characteristics of the sbj or of the couple to specialists and non-specialist interlocutors in the field of clinical psychology, psychiatry and sexual medicine. The students will be able to explain how they would choose the kind of first interview and counsel to conduct, according to the different clinical situations related to various clinical dysfunctions, how they would decide if and what to inquire and how they develop their hypotheses about the patient’s func-tioning and problems on the basis of the characteristics in communi-cations, behaviours, emotions and problems of the patients with or without psycho-clinical diagnosis.
Learning skills During the course, the students will be given a set of references by which they will be able to deepen their understan-ding of how to deal with specific and complex clinical situations from a psychology perspective. In particular, she/he is expected to develop specific and autonomous learning skills related to clinical psy-chology with rudimental elements of sexual functioning.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
10591762 -
General aims The main goal of this course is to teach the basic principles and the core techniques useful for conducting the first in-terview and the intake sessions with a patient. The lectures will be useful for teaching the theoretical principles and for describing the techniques. The laboratory hours will be devoted to illustrate and discuss these theoretical elements throught actual clinical material.
Specific aims
Knowledge and understanding At the end of this course, the students will know the main kinds of dynamically oriented clinical interviews, the main concepts necessary for collecting and organizing the data during these interviews into diagnostic categories, several formats for organizing the formulation of a clinical case and the therapeutic implications of different diagnoses and plan formulations. Moreover, students will have acquired the competencies ne-cessary for assessing the quality of a first interview and an intake session, and the accuracy of a case formulation.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of this course, the students will be able to conduct a first interview/intake session, to formulate a case accor-ding to the data collected during these interviews and the competencies necessary for develo-ping a therapeutic plan coherent with the diagnosis and the formulation of the clinical case.
Making judgements Half of the course will be based on lectures and half will consist in group discussions of actual clinical ses-sions. At the end of the course, students will be able to develop reliable hypotheses about: what to investi-gate during a first inter-vie/intake session according to the different clinical features of a patient; how to ma-ke sense of the communications of a patient and of the thoughts and emotions stirred up by the patient into the therapist; how to deal with missing infor-mation or other difficultuies encountered during the interview; how to integrate these data in a diagnostic picure and in coherent and comprehensive case formulation.
Communication skills At the end of the course, the students will be able to explain how they would choose the kind of first inter-view to con-duct according to the different clinical situations, how they would decide if and what to inquire and how they develop their hypotheses about the patient’s funcionting and problems on the basis of the pa-tient’s communications, beha-viours, emotions and problems.
Learning skills During the course, the students will be given a set of references by which they will be able to deepen their understan-ding of how to deal with specific and complex clinical situations.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
10591763 -
General aims The Educational goals of the course are related to psychoendocrinology and medical sexology. At the end of the course to student shall have acquired the knowledge of the pathophysiological, clinical and psycho-logical aspects of sexuali-ty and its dysfunctions in terms of medical sexology, and the ability to recognize and manage the major sexual and psychological symptoms in endocrine and metabolic diseases.
Specific aims The aims of the course are teaching the following aspects of endocrine control of sexual behaviours and medical sexology: • Endocrinology and medical sexology of sexual orientation, gender identity, abnormalities of sexual differ-entiations and gender dysphoria. Gender-specific sexology. Biology of beauty and seduction. Biology of monogamy and infidelity. • Medical sexology of female sexual dysfunctions (HSDD, vaginismus, dyspareunia, anorgasmia, PGAD, paraphilic disorders). • Medical sexology of male sexual dysfunctions (HSDD, erectile dysfunction, prema-ture/delayed/retrograde ejacula-tion, paraphilic disorders). • Contraception and STD prevention. • Psychoendocrinology and medical sexology of hypogonadisms, gonadal diseases, fertility and infer-tility. Premen-strual Syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Postpartum Depression (PPD). • Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology and disorders of hypothalamus and pituitary (stress, puberty, growth, lactation, etc) • Psychological and psychosexological symptoms in thyroid, adrenal, and metabolic disorders.
Knowledge and understanding At the end of the course, to students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and comprehension skills relat-ed sexual and psychological symptoms using integrated biological, social, cultural, economic, environmen-tal, epidemiological, and medical tools (systems sexology).
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of this course, the students will be able to conduct a first interview/intake session, to formulate a case accor-ding to the data collected during these interviews and the competencies necessary for develop-ing a therapeutic plan coherent with the diagnosis and the formulation of the clinical cases of male and fe-male sexual dysfunctions and of clinical cases of psychological and sexological symptoms in medical, en-docrine, and metabolic diseases in the per-spective of systems ssexology.
Making judgements More than half of the course (about 70%) will be based on academic, but interactive, lectures and less than half (about 30%) will consist in group discussions of actual clinical sessions of cases of medical sexology developing the student’s abilities in making judgements. At the end of the course, students will be able to develop personal, but reliable hy-potheses, evidence-based, about: what to investigate during a first inter-view/intake session according to the different clinical features of the patient and the couple with the sexual dysfunction in the light of systems sexology; how to deal with missing medical and systems information or other difficulties encountered during the interview and follow-up; how to integrate these data in a diagnostic picture and in coherent and comprehensive case formulation of sexual symptoms in medical, endocrine and metabolic diseases; how to develop specific and autonomous abilities in the sexological and psycho-logical follow-up of medical therapies for sexual dysfunction.
Communication skills At the end of the course, the student will be particularly able in communicating skills related to medical, bio-logical and systemic aspects of sexual dysfunctions by being able to illustrate, from a psychological per-spective, the medical and biological processes that led to their acquisition to specialists and non-specialist interlocutors in the field of sexual medicine and medical sexology. At the end of the course, the students will be able to explain how they would choose the kind of first interview and counsel to conduct, according to the different clinical situations related to various sexual functions and dysfunctions, how they would de-cide if and what to inquire and how they develop their hypotheses about the patient’s functioning and prob-lems on the basis of the characteristics in communications, behaviours, emo-tions and problems of the pa-tients with sexual dysfunctions due to organic (systemic, endocrine, metabolic, etc) and (apparently) non-organic causes.
Learning skills During the course, the students will be given a set of references by which they will be able to deepen their understan-ding of how to deal with specific and complex clinical situations in sexual functions and dysfunc-tions due to systemic and organic/non organic causes. In particular, she/he is expected to develop specific and autonomous learning skills related to psychoendocrinology and medical/systems sexology.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10591764 -
General aims
The course aims at providing the student with a panoramic of the development of the clinical psychoana-lytic thought from its origins to the current views that integrate the clinical models with empirical research identifying the main psychopathological areas of application of these theories for both clinical assessment and intervention. A peculiar aspect concerns psychoanalytic theories of sexual disorders and paraphilic conducts. Expected outcomes entail the capacity to apply the single clinical theories and constructs in order to formulate psychodynamic diagnostic hypotheses concerning the patients’ psychological functioning in the di-verse phases of the life-cycle considering both intra-psychic and intersubjective functioning. These capacities will also prove useful for the understanding of of the key aspects of clinical change. Traditional lectures are devoted to the presentation of the evolution of psychoanalytic clinical theories and models of psychodynamic treatment The labaratory revolves around the presentation of clinical material allowing the students to deal with the fundamen-tal aspects of clinical assessment of psychopathological functioning and to observe the function of therapeutic interventions in the course of psychotherapeutic treatments. The labratory lessons should be considered mandatory.
Specific aims
Knowledge and understanding In order to pass the exam, the student is asked to be able to analyze the main aspects of psychopathological functioning in the light of the theories presented as well as to vet the relative perspectives of clinical intervention with an emphasis on which interventions should be applied to the diverse clinical conditions and therapeutic relationship.
Applying knowledge and understanding The use of the clinical theories will allow the student who has passed the exam to to identify the key modes of psychopathological functioning with reference to neurotic, psychotic, perverse, processing of post-traumatic experiences, severe personality pathology. The studenti s also required to identify the aspects concerning transfert and controtransfert in the course of clinical exchanges.
Making judgements The course prompts the student to identify the specific aspects of the various clinical conditions in which the psychi-dynamic point of view can afford an an enriched understanding of individual and relational psychic suffering and allow a more articulate analysis of the project of clinical intervention.
Communication skills Passing the exam entails the mastery of the meaning of the key psychodynamic concepts, the capacity to formulate an assessment thatcan be shared with other professional of mental health establishing a dialogue with the other diagno-stic attitudes. During the lectures attention will be drawn to the contribution that the clinical psychoanlytic point point of view can bring to equipe discussions and the formulalation of complex project of intervention in the diverse context of mental health.
Learning skills During both traditional lectures and the laboratory the student will be enabled to test the relevance of the diverse clini-cal psychoanalytic theories for the description of the processes of thought characterizing the diverse psychopathologi-cal conditions, to verify their usefulness for the final diagnosis and assessment, for the professional exchange with col-leagues of the mental health equipe, in the planning and analysis of the process of clinical change. These skills will re-sult useful for both their application to the various aspects of developmental psychopathology proposed by the other exams of the Course of Study and in thefirst clini-cal experiences carried out after the end of the Degree.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Secondo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
10591759 -
General aims The course will lead the student to acquire the main knowledge and skills in the field of sexual response problems, un-derstood as a somatopsychic and psychosomatic events. The frontal lectures will allow to transmit the most updated theoretical-scientific contents and to motivate a critical thinking of the students about them. The laboratory, through practical activities, will allow the students to experience the application of acquired knowledge, in particular in the de-sign of prevention interventions and research projects, but above all through the discussion of clinical cases according to the biopsychosocial model
Specific aims
Knowledge and understanding At the end of the course, the students will have an adequate knowledge of the biological, psychological and cultural aspects that characterize male and female sexual function and dysfunction. Moreover, they will have got the basics for the diagnosis and the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. The acquisition of such knowledge will also allow a critical re-flection on the research and development of the discipline itself.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course, the student will be able to orientate him/herself on the most frequent disorders of sexual func-tion, because he/she will have experienced, especially during the laboratory, the ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to the clinical, the research and the educational fields with reference to the use of a multidisciplinary team (as required by the biopsychosocial model).
Making judgements At the end of the course, through the practical activities of the laboratory (working in small groups) and the facilitation of active participation during the frontal lectures, the student will be able to integrate the knowledge and reflect inde-pendently on the biopsychosocial variables involved in the onset and mainte-nance of sexual symptoms and disorders. Furthermore, the theoretical concepts will be included within dif-ferent realities such as disability, gender discrimina-tion, sexual abuse and risky behaviours. Students will also be encouraged to reflect on the topics covered during the course and encouraged to express personal judgments even in the presence of limited or incomplete information. They will also be stimulated to take into account the social and ethical responsibilities related to the application of clinical knowledge and judgments.
Communication skills At the end of the course, through the practical activities of the laboratory and the active participation stimu-lated du-ring the lectures, the student will be able to communicate the acquired knowledge with a suitable professional and technical language based on the specific interlocutors (specialists and non-specialists) with whom they will have to in-terface, being able to illustrate the processes that led to their acquisition.
Learning skills The course will provide specific clinical and research skills and terminologies. Furthermore, the bases will be laid and the instruments will be set up for a future personal deepening and a continuous and autono-mous updating of the di-scipline through specific scientific channels.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
10591760 -
General aims The course aims to provide the student with knowledge regarding theoretical, methodological and applicative aspects of developmental psychology. The course aims to outline how a developmental perspective is crucial to understand individual differences in psychological functioning, focusing on gender differences and the ac-quisition of gender iden-tity in development.
Specific aims
Knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the student should:
a) have a basic knowledge and understanding of developmental and learning processes related to gender dif-ferences in the different psychological domains from neonatal life to adolescence; b) have a basic knowledge and understanding of the main theories explaining these processes; c) have a basic knowledge and understanding of factors which can promote or hinder individual developmen-tal traje-ctories related to the acquisition of gender identity and gender differences.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of the course the student should be able to: a) interpret child behaviour (the behaviour of a given child in a given context) in the light of the acquired knowledge; b) understand and analyse the scientific literature on the topics discussed in the course; c) use some techniques for observing interaction; d) assess validity and reliability of observational data.
Making judgements) We expect that by the end of the course students will have gained the ability to gather and interpret relevant data in or-der to inform judgements that include reflections on relevant social, scientific and ethical issues re-lated to gender diffe-rences and the acquisition of gender identity in development. These abilities will be ac-quired through theoretical les-sons and practical methodological seminars in which students will present and discuss published empirical research in small groups.
Communication skills We expect that by the end of the course students will be able to communicate in a scientifically appropriate manner with their peers and with the wider scholarly community regarding their area of expertise.
Learning skills At the end of the course the student should be able to find and use bibliographic and sitographic tools in order to con-stantly update and deepen professional knowledge and skills.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
10591761 -
General aims The course aims to provide students with an introduction to issues related to health, wellbeing, and quality of life, as well as a deepening of psychometric methods and statistical techniques to quantify "humanistic outcomes." The measurement of these "outcomes" is increasingly appreciated in the eval-uation of the effectiveness of health interven-tions, including the clinical interventions, and it is based entirely on the collection of information related to the pa-tient's point of view, using psychophysical methods of scaling or methods psychometric construction and validation of questionnaires. The lectures are designed to deal with the conceptual aspects of the theory of measurement in psy-chology (reliability, validity), as well as prepare students for the conceptual definition of physical, men-tal and social health, wellbeing and quality of life. The laboratory offers students the opportunity to ex-periment with the administration, scoring, and in-terpretation of measures of health and quality of life; to practice the methods of data analysis necessary to evaluate the psychometric properties of health measures; to deal with the translation, validation and norming aspects of a self-assessment health questionnaire. Attendance at workshop classes is strongly recommended.
Specific aims
knowledge and understanding Students who successfully pass the exam will be able to understand: issues related to the measure-ment of health, wellbeing, and quality of life; the concepts of reliability and validity of health measures reported by patients; the basic principles of "classical" and "modern" psychometric theories. Further-more, they will be able to understand the con-struction methods and the linguistic and cultural adapta-tion of questionnaires related to the measure of "humanistic outcomes"; will know the primary meth-ods of data analysis applied to the measurement of health
applying knowledge and understanding Students who pass the exam will be able to consciously use a wide range of psychometric tools for clinical assessment; knowing how to translate, adapt, and validate a psychometric health assessment tool; to be able to independently con-duct the analyzes necessary to demonstrate the reliability and va-lidity of these tools.
making judgements Students who pass the exam will mindfully use a wide range of psychometric tools for clinical assess-ment; knowing how to translate, adapt, and validate psychometric health assessment tools. They will be able to independently con-duct the analyzes necessary to demonstrate the reliability and validity of these tools.
communication skills Students who pass the exam will have acquired the mastery of the technical vocabulary of the psy-chometric discipli-ne, and of the health sciences that constitute the application field of these techniques. The mastery of this vocabulary will allow students to interface both with the more strictly clinical as-pects of the discipline and with other professio-nals who converge in the health sciences.
learning skills Passing the exam implies the acquisition of learning skills that can be spent in the specific context of psychometrics applied to health, and in the more general autonomy in reading advanced scientific texts, which will be addressed in the course of studies, and in particular in the preparation of the de-gree thesis. Furthermore, the practical laboratory ac-tivities allow the student to be able to learn appli-cable crossover methodologies in the solution of patient evaluation problems.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
10591765 -
General aims The course aims to provide students with a knowledge of the history of sexology from the end of the eighteenth century to the present. For each method of intervention the stories of the researchers who helped to build the social and cultural context during the entire twentieth century.
Specific aims
Knowledge and understanding The course will deal with the history of sexuality in relation to the different historical moments of the twentieth century up to the liberation movements of the sixties and to the phenomena related to the ap-pearance of AIDS in the context of the changes of the eighties.
Applying knowledge and understanding Students will learn through the history how the interventions in psychology and psychiatry have developed an idea of the sexual identity and of the practices of sexuality.
Making judgements Passing the exam implies the acquisition of the ability to critically judge one's clinical work in the diagno-sis and planning of the psychological intervention in the field of sexology.
Communication skills The student will acquire a useful vocabulary for communicative exchange with the different figures oper-ating in the field of mental health.
Learning skills The course completes the student's clinical training, helping him to contextualize his own intervention, choosing his own approach also based on the history of sexology.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Secondo anno
Primo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
10592466 -
General aims This course is aimed at clinicians, mental health professionals, counsellors, ethicists, basic researchers, fertility staff with an interest in the area of sexuality and fertility. It will combine expertise from the fields of clinic, sexology, psycho-logy, ethics, patient-centered care including the importance of sexuality within fertility care. This includes an opportu-nity to learn about the relationship between sexual functioning and infertility, sexual dysfunctions, issues of discrimi-nation and equality, and gender differences. The course will also present interventions to improve sexual well-being and fertility education in sub-fertile and infertile couples, and the incorporation of communication about sexual diffi-culties in the clinic's routine care. Participants will hear the latest evidence-based guidelines on how to assess sexual functioning and to support patients to produce better outcomes related to sexual wellbeing.
Specific aims - To increase understanding of how to approach the question of sexuality in fertility patients - To update current knowledge on the etiological role of sexual dysfunctions in reproductive health and the im-pact of diagnosis on sexuality - To learn on how to communicate with patients about their sexuality and sexual problems - To familarise participants with guidelines and good practice
knowledge and understanding This course should provide participants with a) an understanding of the need to approach the patient's sexuality; b) an updated understanding of the etiological role of sexual dysfunction in reproductive health; c) an in-depth understanding of the impact on sexuality of trying to conceive and an infertility diagnosis; d) practical tools and techniques to communicate with patients about their sexuality and sexual problems; e) familiarity with guidelines and good practice in this area.
applying knowledge and understanding Tools and processes in the specific field that make knowledge, understanding and thinking visible to both teachers and students can take the form of a wide variety of simple scaffolds. These are designed to prompt or deepen individual or collective thinking, while simultaneously revealing where learners are in their learning at any point in time.
making judgements Students will have opportunity to demonstrate the depth of their new knowledge and understanding through mea-ningful application and sharing with an audience.
communication skills Communicate with colleagues at work or with patients is an essential skill. Communication training course combines proven-by-practice methods with new insights and ideas that will grow your communication skills to address different audiences effectively through breakout sessions, exercises, and case applications.
learning skills Learning skills are often called the 4 C’s: critical thinking, creative thinking, communicating, and collaborating. Kee-ping in mind these skills students learn, and so they are vital to success in school and beyond.
General aims The Educational goals of the course are related to psychopharmacology in sexology. At the end of the course to student shall have acquired the knowledge of the dysfunction present in many psychiatric dis-eases and their psychopharma-cological treatment, as well as the side effects of many psychotropic drugs on sexual functioning, and of the ability to recognize and manage the different situations.
Specific aims
knowledge and understanding The aims of the course are teaching the following aspects of psychopharmacology in different clinical situ-ations: Many psychopharmacological treatments often have sexual side effects, which alter the quality of life and very often lead to drop out of treatment Many subjects with a psychiatric disease have sexual disorders too, as symptoms of the disorder, inde-pendently from pharmachological treatment Often the two conditions overlap, differential diagnosis and treatment are difficult Sexual dysfunctions are symptoms of the following psychiatric disorders: depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD), eating disorders, psychosis, bipolar disorder Sexual dysfunctions are side effects of antidepressant treatment, lithium treatment, antipsychotic treatment
At the end of the course, the students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and comprehension skills re-lated to diffe-rential diagnosis between primary and secondary sexual disorders and psychiatric disorders or side effects of drugs
applying knowledge and understanding At the end of this course, the students will be able to conduct a first interview and write a psychological and psychiatric status of the patient, regarding psychiatric disorder, pharmacological treatment and related sex-ual dysfunction, to formulate a case according to the data collected during these interviews and the compe-tences necessary for developing a therapeutic plan coherent with the diagnosis and the formulation of the clinical cases.
making judgements About 70% of the course will be based on academic lectures and the left 30% will consist in group discus-sions of ac-tual clinical sessions of clinical cases, developing the student’s abilities in making clinical judge-ments, diagnosis, dif-ferential diagnosis and therapeutic choices. At the end of the course, students will be able to develop personal, but re-liable hypotheses, evidence-based, about: what to investigate during a first interview/intake session according to the different clinical features of the patient and his/her disorder: sexu-al dysfunction related to psychiatric disorders, psy-chiatric drugs, both, and plan treatment options for each different clinical case.
communication skills At the end of the course, the students will be particularly able in understanding differences between sexual symptoms of major psychiatric disorders and sexual side effects of psychotropic drugs. They will be able to conduct a clinical in-terview focused on these topics. At the end of the course, the students will be able to support psychiatrists in building a treatment plan for both clinical situation, integrating psychological support with psychopharmacological treatment. In particular, they will be skilled in working for enhancing adher-ence to treatment.
learning skills During the course, the students will be given indication for technical tools such as slides, text books, DSM-5, and a set of literature references by which they will be able to deepen their understanding of how to deal with specific and com-plex psychiatric and psychological clinical situations with sexual dysfunction, as well as references for differential diagnosis of pychotropic drugs sexual side effects and their treatment.
General aims The Educational goals of the course are related to psychopharmacology in sexology. At the end of the course to student shall have acquired the knowledge of the dysfunction present in many psychiatric dis-eases and their psychopharma-cological treatment, as well as the side effects of many psychotropic drugs on sexual functioning, and of the ability to recognize and manage the different situations.
Specific aims
knowledge and understanding The aims of the course are teaching the following aspects of psychopharmacology in different clinical situ-ations: Many psychopharmacological treatments often have sexual side effects, which alter the quality of life and very often lead to drop out of treatment Many subjects with a psychiatric disease have sexual disorders too, as symptoms of the disorder, inde-pendently from pharmachological treatment Often the two conditions overlap, differential diagnosis and treatment are difficult Sexual dysfunctions are symptoms of the following psychiatric disorders: depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD), eating disorders, psychosis, bipolar disorder Sexual dysfunctions are side effects of antidepressant treatment, lithium treatment, antipsychotic treatment
At the end of the course, the students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and comprehension skills re-lated to diffe-rential diagnosis between primary and secondary sexual disorders and psychiatric disorders or side effects of drugs
applying knowledge and understanding At the end of this course, the students will be able to conduct a first interview and write a psychological and psychiatric status of the patient, regarding psychiatric disorder, pharmacological treatment and related sex-ual dysfunction, to formulate a case according to the data collected during these interviews and the compe-tences necessary for developing a therapeutic plan coherent with the diagnosis and the formulation of the clinical cases.
making judgements About 70% of the course will be based on academic lectures and the left 30% will consist in group discus-sions of ac-tual clinical sessions of clinical cases, developing the student’s abilities in making clinical judge-ments, diagnosis, dif-ferential diagnosis and therapeutic choices. At the end of the course, students will be able to develop personal, but re-liable hypotheses, evidence-based, about: what to investigate during a first interview/intake session according to the different clinical features of the patient and his/her disorder: sexu-al dysfunction related to psychiatric disorders, psy-chiatric drugs, both, and plan treatment options for each different clinical case.
communication skills At the end of the course, the students will be particularly able in understanding differences between sexual symptoms of major psychiatric disorders and sexual side effects of psychotropic drugs. They will be able to conduct a clinical in-terview focused on these topics. At the end of the course, the students will be able to support psychiatrists in building a treatment plan for both clinical situation, integrating psychological support with psychopharmacological treatment. In particular, they will be skilled in working for enhancing adher-ence to treatment.
learning skills During the course, the students will be given indication for technical tools such as slides, text books, DSM-5, and a set of literature references by which they will be able to deepen their understanding of how to deal with specific and com-plex psychiatric and psychological clinical situations with sexual dysfunction, as well as references for differential diagnosis of pychotropic drugs sexual side effects and their treatment.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Obiettivi generali – General aims This course is aimed at clinicians, mental health professionals, counsellors, ethicists, basic researchers, fertility staff with an interest in the area of sexuality and fertility. It will combine expertise from the fields of clinic, sexology, psycho-logy, ethics, patient-centered care including the importance of sexuality within fertility care. This includes an opportu-nity to learn about the relationship between sexual functioning and infertility, sexual dysfunctions, issues of discrimi-nation and equality, and gender differences. The course will also present interventions to improve sexual well-being and fertility education in sub-fertile and infertile couples, and the incorporation of communication about sexual diffi-culties in the clinic's routine care. Participants will hear the latest evidence-based guidelines on how to assess sexual functioning and to support patients to produce better outcomes related to sexual wellbeing.
Obiettivi specifici – Specific aims - To increase understanding of how to approach the question of sexuality in fertility patients - To update current knowledge on the etiological role of sexual dysfunctions in reproductive health and the im-pact of diagnosis on sexuality - To learn on how to communicate with patients about their sexuality and sexual problems - To familarise participants with guidelines and good practice
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione (knowledge and understanding). This course should provide participants with a) an understanding of the need to approach the patient's sexuality; b) an updated understanding of the etiological role of sexual dysfunction in reproductive health; c) an in-depth understanding of the impact on sexuality of trying to conceive and an infertility diagnosis; d) practical tools and techniques to communicate with patients about their sexuality and sexual problems; e) familiarity with guidelines and good practice in this area.
Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione (applying knowledge and understanding). Tools and processes in the specific field that make knowledge, understanding and thinking visible to both teachers and students can take the form of a wide variety of simple scaffolds. These are designed to prompt or deepen individual or collective thinking, while simultaneously revealing where learners are in their learning at any point in time.
Autonomia di giudizio (making judgements). Students will have opportunity to demonstrate the depth of their new knowledge and understanding through mea-ningful application and sharing with an audience.
Abilità comunicative (communication skills). Communicate with colleagues at work or with patients is an essential skill. Communication training course combines proven-by-practice methods with new insights and ideas that will grow your communication skills to address different audiences effectively through breakout sessions, exercises, and case applications.
Capacità di apprendimento (learning skills). Learning skills are often called the 4 C’s: critical thinking, creative thinking, communicating, and collaborating. Kee-ping in mind these skills students learn, and so they are vital to success in school and beyond.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Secondo semestre
Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
10591767 -
General aims The aim of the course on clinical aspects of paraphilias and of the deviance is to deal with central aspects of clinical psychosexology and psychology related to unusual, deviant, and pathologi-cal sexual behaviours.
Specific aims Specific aims are teaching basic principles and the core techniques useful for conducting the interview and the intake sessions with a patient affected by paraphilias and with the victims of the sexual deviance.
Knowledge and understanding At the end of the course, to students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and comprehension skills relat-ed to the complex filed of paraphilias. Moreover, students will acquire the necessary competencies for as-sessing the quality of the delicate interview related to the topic.
Applying knowledge and understanding At the end of this course, the students will be able to conduct a first interview/intake session, to formulate a case accor-ding to the data collected during these interviews and the competencies necessary for develop-ing a therapeutic plan coherent with the diagnosis and the formulation of the clinical cases of deviances, paraphilias and unusual sexual be-haviours.
Making judgements Half of the course will be based on lectures and half will consist in group discussions of actual clinical sessions. At the end of the course, students will be able to develop reliable hypotheses about: what to investigate during a first interview/intake session according to the different clinical features of the deviant and paraphilic patient; how to make sense of the communications of a difficult patient and of the thoughts and emotions stirred up by the deviant or abused pa-tient into the therapist in this particular field; how to deal with missing information or other difficulties encountered during the interview; how to integrate these data in a diagnostic picture and in coherent and comprehensive case formulation.
Communication skills The student will be particularly able in communicating knowledge by being able to illustrate the processes that led to their acquisition to specialists and non-specialist interlocutors in the field of clinical psychosexol-ogy. At the end of the course, the students will be able to explain how they would choose the kind of first interview to conduct according to the different clinical situations related to deviances, how they would de-cide if and what to inquire and how they deve-lop their hypotheses about the patient’s functioning and prob-lems on the basis of the characteristics in communica-tions, behaviours, emotions and problems of the pa-tients abused or abusing.
Learning skills During the course, the students will be given a set of references by which they will be able to deepen their understan-ding of how to deal with specific and complex clinical situations in deviances and paraphilias.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
10592465 -
General aims The course will lead the student to acquire all the main knowledge and skills in the field of psychological and organic problems caused by exposure to traumatic events, in particular exposure to sexual abuse, both at an early age and in adulthood. The effects of gender-based violence will also be described. The lectures will aim to transmit to the student the most relevant and new theoretical concepts, not forgetting the possibility of translating these concepts into practical contexts of assistance and therapy.
Specific aims
Knowledge and understanding Acquisition of the theoretical concepts that will allow the student to understand and evaluate the pervasive effects that exposure to trauma, during the different phases of the life cycle can induce. In particular, he will have knowledge of the impact of trauma, at an early age and in adulthood, on neurobiological development and on susceptibility to psy-chopathology. Knowledge of the main psycho-social and legal aspects of gender-based violence will also be acquired.
Applying knowledge and understanding Application of methodologies for assessing the levels of exposure to trauma using appropriate psychometric tools both in adult populations and in developmental age. Application of some tools for therapeutic treatment of trauma and knowledge of the psychological and legal support network, which in the presence of trauma, helps to reduce the im-pact of this event on the psychological condition of each individual.
Making judgements Using the theoretical concepts described during the lectures, the student will acquire autonomy in decision-making re-garding the modality and the techniques of psychological intervention to be applied in the different traumatic contexts. It will also be able to independently assess the need for involvement of different professionals in the treatment process of the person exposed to trauma.
Communication skills Development of communicative effectiveness according to the diversity of possible interlocutors. In particular, the stu-dent will learn how to deal with the different figures involved in a traumatic event scenario, from the person involved, to the family members, to the professional figures who follow the individual in the rehabilitation and treatment of the effects of the trauma. Students will be able, at the end of the course, to describe the diagnostic process that is dealt with in the presence of traumatic events and to describe the therapeutic approach.
Learning skills During the course the student will learn the concepts treated autonomously and apply diagnostic and therapeutic pro-cesses in real contexts following the examples described during the lessons.
General aims The topic of the module ‘Psychology of the Deposition and Forensix Sexology’, a topic that sits in between general psy-chology and clinical psychology. The module will cover the topic from a theoretical, applied and clincal point of view, taking also specifically into ac-count applied/professional aims. The students will gain in-depth theoretical and applied knowledge of the individual topics in the area of eyewitness psychology, and achieve a first level of hands-on competence in the critical and logical evaluation of a witness report and the quality of an investigative interview.
Specific aims
knowledge and understanding Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and the ability to critically evaluate the various topics covered in the module Demonstrate the ability to run empirical studies on eyewitness psychology independently and in collaboration
applying knowledge and understanding Being able to foresee future important research themes in eyewitness psychology Being able to indepedently evaluate the work of anonymous expert witnesses in real court cases (also child sexual abu-se cases) Being able to talk about theoretical topics and research in a clear and effective way
making judgements Demonstrate the ability to critically examine and logically evaluate the topics covered in the module, and to adequately discuss the ethical issues involved in eyewitness psychology
communication skills Being able to publically communicate the information acquired in the module, the results of empirical research, and the future developments in the area of eyewitness psychology, both for lay and specialized audiences.
learning skills Being able to study independently and responsibly with good results
General aims The topic of the module ‘Psychology of the Deposition and Forensix Sexology’, a topic that sits in between general psy-chology and clinical psychology. The module will cover the topic from a theoretical, applied and clincal point of view, taking also specifically into ac-count applied/professional aims. The students will gain in-depth theoretical and applied knowledge of the individual topics in the area of eyewitness psychology, and achieve a first level of hands-on competence in the critical and logical evaluation of a witness report and the quality of an investigative interview.
Specific aims
knowledge and understanding Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and the ability to critically evaluate the various topics covered in the module Demonstrate the ability to run empirical studies on eyewitness psychology independently and in collaboration
applying knowledge and understanding Being able to foresee future important research themes in eyewitness psychology Being able to indepedently evaluate the work of anonymous expert witnesses in real court cases (also child sexual abu-se cases) Being able to talk about theoretical topics and research in a clear and effective way
making judgements Demonstrate the ability to critically examine and logically evaluate the topics covered in the module, and to adequately discuss the ethical issues involved in eyewitness psychology
communication skills Being able to publically communicate the information acquired in the module, the results of empirical research, and the future developments in the area of eyewitness psychology, both for lay and specialized audiences.
learning skills Being able to study independently and responsibly with good results
Attività formative caratterizzanti
General aims The course will lead the student to acquire all the main knowledge and skills in the field of psychological and organic problems caused by exposure to traumatic events, in particular exposure to sexual abuse, both at an early age and in adulthood. The effects of gender-based violence will also be described. The lectures will aim to transmit to the student the most relevant and new theoretical concepts, not forgetting the possibility of translating these concepts into practical contexts of assistance and therapy.
Specific aims
Knowledge and understanding Acquisition of the theoretical concepts that will allow the student to understand and evaluate the pervasive effects that exposure to trauma, during the different phases of the life cycle can induce. In particular, he will have knowledge of the impact of trauma, at an early age and in adulthood, on neurobiological development and on susceptibility to psy-chopathology. Knowledge of the main psycho-social and legal aspects of gender-based violence will also be acquired.
Applying knowledge and understanding Application of methodologies for assessing the levels of exposure to trauma using appropriate psychometric tools both in adult populations and in developmental age. Application of some tools for therapeutic treatment of trauma and knowledge of the psychological and legal support network, which in the presence of trauma, helps to reduce the im-pact of this event on the psychological condition of each individual.
Making judgements Using the theoretical concepts described during the lectures, the student will acquire autonomy in decision-making re-garding the modality and the techniques of psychological intervention to be applied in the different traumatic contexts. It will also be able to independently assess the need for involvement of different professionals in the treatment process of the person exposed to trauma.
Communication skills Development of communicative effectiveness according to the diversity of possible interlocutors. In particular, the stu-dent will learn how to deal with the different figures involved in a traumatic event scenario, from the person involved, to the family members, to the professional figures who follow the individual in the rehabilitation and treatment of the effects of the trauma. Students will be able, at the end of the course, to describe the diagnostic process that is dealt with in the presence of traumatic events and to describe the therapeutic approach.
Learning skills During the course the student will learn the concepts treated autonomously and apply diagnostic and therapeutic pro-cesses in real contexts following the examples described during the lessons.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
- -
Attività formative a scelta dello studente (art.10, comma 5, lettera a)
AAF1339 -
Other activities aimed to improve professionals skills contained in the Program include studies and research (including attendance at conferences, seminars, workshops) for a total of 75 hours (3 credits) that can be distributed over the two years.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1750 -
Foreign students may use part of the available credits (6 CFU) to acquire linguistic knowledge in Italian enabling a B2 level.
Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
AAF1919 -
The dissertation consists in the presentation and discussion of the work of a master degree thesis (presented according to the modalities established by the Faculty) in front of a Commission nominated according to University regulations. The thesis, realized with the supervision of a teacher of the course, will exhibit in the form of an original scientific report, an empirical research or a re-elaboration of the scientific literature or a critical discussion of a professional experience relevant to the course objectives. The personal commitment for the writing of the thesis will have to prove the theoretical and methodological skills acquired by the candidate during the training activities, and will be commensurate with the training credits assigned to this final work.
Per la prova finale e la lingua straniera (art.10, comma 5, lettera c)