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1055520 SOCIETY AND CULTURE IN INDIA A in Lingue e Civiltà Orientali - Oriental Languages and Cultures LM-36 DAS GUPTA SANJUKTA
Tematica Analisi delle trasformazioni della condizione femminile in India nei secc. XIX e XX. Articolazione della didattica frontale 1)Teoria: dalla storia di genere alla storia delle donne – 4 ore; 2) Riforme e nuove definizioni legali – 8 ore; 3) Donne e istruzione – 4 ore; 4) Le donne nella sfera domestica – 8 ore; 5) Donne e nazionalismo – 4 ore; 6) Oltre le classi medie hindu – 8 ore; 7 Donne che scrivono le donne – 8 ore; 8) Metodologie storiche nella storia delle donne.

1. Banerjee, Swapna M., ‘Debates on Domesticity and the Position of Women in Late Colonial India’, History Compass 8/6, 2010. 2. Chatterjee, Partha. “The Nationalist Resolution of the Women's Question,” in K. Sangari and S. Vaid (eds.), Recasting Women: Essays in Indian Colonial History, New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1989. 3. Das Gupta, Sanjukta, “Customs, Rights and Identity: Adivasi Women in Eastern India”, Anglistica AION 19.1, 2015. 4. Downs, Laura Lee, Writing Gender History, London: Bloomsbury, 2010, chapters 1-3. 5. Forbes, Geraldine, Women in Modern India, Cambridge University Press, 2007, cap. 1, 2, 5. 6. Ghosh, Durba. “Decoding the nameless: gender, subjectivity, and historical methodologies in reading the archives of colonial India”, in Kathleen Wilson (ed.), A New Imperial History: Culture, Identity and Modernity in Britain and the Empire, 1660–1840 , New York, 2004. 7. Gupta, Charu (ed.), Gendering Colonial India: A Reader, Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2012, cap. 4, 7, 9, 11. 8. Hossain, Begum Rokeya Sakhawat, Sultana’s Dream. 9. Mohanty, Chandra Talpade, “Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourse”, in Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Ann Russo, and Lourdes Torres (eds.), Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1991. 10. Sarkar, Tanika, Hindu Wife, Hindu Nation: Community, Religion and Cultural Nationalism, Delhi: OUP, 2001, cap. 1, 2. 11. Sarkar, Tanika and Sumit, Women and Social Reform in Modern India, Delhi: Permanent Black, 2007, cap. 8, 12, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26.. 12. The Laws of Manu, trans. Wendy Doniger and Brian K. Smith, Penguin Books, 2000, cap. 9.