Gruppo opzionale:
GRUPPO OPZIONALE D - (visualizza)
1047218 -
The module aims at providing a general background on the remote sensing
systems for Earth Observation from space‐borne platforms and on data
processing techniques. It describes, using a system approach, the characteristics
of the system to be specified to fulfil the final user requirements in different
domains of application. Remote sensing basics and simple wave‐interaction
models useful for data interpretation are reviewed together with technical
principles of the main remote sensors. The course also provides an overview
of the most important applications and bio‐geophysical parameters (of the
atmosphere, the ocean and the land) which can be retrieved. The most important
techniques for data processing and product generation, also by proposing
practical exercises using the computer, are analysed together with an overview
of the main Earth Observation satellite missions and the products they provide to
the final user.
( programma)
Ch0. INTRODUCTION. Course presentation. Topics overview. Exam and homeworks. Grouping. [See slides EODA_Ch00_CoursePresentation.pdf] Ch1. STROLLING AROUND EARTH OBSERVATION (Introducing EO between data science and its applications). Data science and its paradoxes: Data scientists, Big data, little data. Earth observation (EO) and data science: Remote sensing and its applications, EO big data and research support services. Data scientist for space sciences: EO opportunities for data scientists, Data scientists skill for EO. Strolling around EO applications: From atmospheric monitoring to climate analysis, From natural hazards to geodesy and geophysics, From urban planning to deforestation surveillance, From environmental to monumental diagnosis. [See slides EODA_Ch01_StrollingEarthObs.pdf] Ch2. EARTH OBSERVATION PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS (Overview of EO basic methodologies and techniques). Remote sensing basics: Problem definition and its actors, Target, source, receiver, medium and processes, Inverse problems and retrieval techniques. Electromagnetic radiation basics: Wave fields, electromagnetic spectrum and radiant energy, Wave-matter interaction basic processes and Earth atmosphere, Radiative transfer modeling for Earth observation. Earth observation system basics: EO space segment and ground segments. EO electromagnetic sensors. EO user requirements (radiometric, spectral, spatial, temporal). Remote sensing platforms. Satellite Keplerian orbits (LEO, GEO). [See slides EODA_Ch02_Principles&Concepts.pdf] Ch3. MODELING RADIATION FOR EARTH OBSERVATION (Introducing electromagnetic radiation theory for remote sensing). Wave-matter EM interaction mechanisms: Radiation: intensity, irradiance, exitance and received power, Emission: Planck law, approximations and emissivity, Surface interaction electromagnetic parameters, Volume interaction electromagnetic parameters, Wave reflection and refraction. Radiative transfer theory: Integral-differential equation, Formal integral solution and special cases, Application to absorbing and scattering atmospheres, Application to space and ground remote sensing. Radiation backscatter theory: Wadar equation for single scatterer, Wadar equation for distributed scatterers, Doppler effect and signal statistics. [See slides EODA_Ch03_RadiationModeling.pdf] Ch4. EARTH OBSERVATION SENSORS AND MISSIONS (Introducing EO satellite sensors and missions). Earth observation remote sensors: EO sensor classification and requirements, Passive optical sensors: photocamera principles, Electro-optical sensors: spectroradiometers, interferometers and lidars, Electro-optical sensor scanning systems and geometric distortions, Microwave sensors, imaging radiometers and sounders, Active microwave sensors: altimeters, scatterometers and SARs. Earth observation satellite missions: GEO: EU Meteosat and China Fengyun, LEO: US Aqua and Terra, LEO: US GPM and US/France CALIPSO, LEO: EU MetOP and US Suomi-NPP, LEO: EU Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3, LEO: Italy COSMO-SkyMed and Germany TerraSAR-X, LEO: US DG-High-resolution Worldview. [See slides EODA_Ch04_Sensors&Missions.pdf] Ch5. EARTH OBSERVATION APPLICATIONS (Main applications to Earth science and physically-based techniques). Information content in remote sensing observations: Information content in visible and near-infrared remote sensing, Information content in thermal-infrared and microwave remote sensing. Remote sensing of Earth sea environment: Sea water spectral response, transmittance and reflectance, Visible, near-infrared and thermal-infrared passive remote sensing, Microwave remote sensing: scatterometry, SAR, altimeter and radiometry. Remote sensing of Earth atmosphere: Atmospheric response in the visible-infrared reflective and emissive bands, Profiling radiometric techniques for thermal structure and gas concentration, Water vapor, clouds and precipitation from infrared and microwave radiometers. Remote sensing of Earth solid surface: Vegetation visible-infrared spectral response and retrieval, Rock and surface humidity visible-infrared spectral response and retrieval, Radar and radiometric remote sensing of land surface and emissivity. [See slides EODA_Ch05_EarthObsApplications.pdf] Ch6. EARTH OBSERVATION DATA PROCESSING (Introducing EO data processing and retrieval techniques). EO image data processing: Levels of EO data processing, Color perception and synthesis, Image format and data structure, Image analysis: histogram, contrast, slicing, pseudo-coloring, filtering, Image geocoding: ground control points and resampling. EO inverse problem and retrieval techniques: Inverse and ill-conditioned problems, Regularization, statistical and neural-network solution methods. EO feature extraction and classification: Image feature classification: unsupervised and supervised approach, Feature extraction and principal component analysis, Statistical Bayesian classification method, Thematic map generation process, Image texture exploitation. [See slides EODA_Ch06_DataProcessing.pdf]
Slides of lectures available on the course website (password protected) Main textobook: Canada Centre, “Fundamentals of remote sensing”, 2008 Freely available on Further readings: Software tools: SNAP official manual and course slides provided by ESA RSS group SNAP is freely downloadable from See basic instructions on SNAP available in EODA_ShortGuide-for-SNAP.pdf To actively participate to the ESRIN Lab, download and install SNAP (if needed, you can use a Virtual Machine to exploit the resources available within. ESA Cloud ToolBox facility at after registering).
(Date degli appelli d'esame)
Attività formative affini ed integrative
1056129 -
A first objective of the course is to provide a basic toolbox for the analysis of agent and group interaction under uncertainty and asymmetric information, and its main consequences on markets enabled from large-scale digital platforms. A second objective of the course will be to provide the basic methods for the use of big data for estimating relevant economic indices. The active participation of students will be stimulated with game-theoretic examples, presentations, simple experiments, case-studies and projects involving the use of real-world data.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
1047222 -
This course has the target of providing the students with the modern techniques of measuring quantitatively advanced topics in economic statistics. In particular our focus will be on three main interrelated directions: 1) the analysis of production and efficiency, specifically in the private but also in the public sectors, 2) economic dynamics of sectorial systems founded on micro data, 3) growth, ICT and technology in the modern economy. This course uses statistical methods, both stochastic and deterministic, to analyze topics such as productivity, efficiency and growth at micro, sectorial, and for coherence at macro level. We first take into exam data from firms that will be useful for the mentioned three-levels study, then, as regards the efficiency analysis of productive units, such data will be employed in order to evaluate mergers and acquisitions of plants and firms and management of productive factors. Efficiency will be evaluated from the sides of costs, profits and revenues. As for the sectorial analysis, static and dynamic models will be considered to allow for forecasts and simulations in each sector for variables like production, labour, capital, raw materials, prices and capital gains. As a consequence, an aggregate analysis on the production, growth and prices will follow. We also deal with ICT and technical progress in the production process considering how and if the associated externalities are effective. We will use the following techniques for data analysis: accounting rules for the database, panel data econometrics, time series analysis for systems of equations, methods for differential equation systems. Topics on private and also public sectors will contribute to explain the relationship between economic structure and the actual crisis. Specifically, lectures also include the examinations of cases study concerning the efficiency and productivity analysis on the recent patterns of the banking sector in the international context.
Attività formative affini ed integrative
10589730 -
The vast majority (a percentage close to 80%) of the currently available data has a geographical connotation, is intrinsically linked to a position; they are therefore named geospatial data. Furthermore, the ever-increasing availability of sensors capable of acquiring geospatial data, allowing the acquisition of larger and larger amounts of data, raises several important issues related to the correct, efficient and effective use of these geospatial big data. This course therefore finds its motivation in the great availability and relevance of geospatial data (in particular big data), and it aims to provide the fundamentals on the main methodologies and techniques currently available for their acquisition, verification, analysis, storage and delivery. Special attention is given to data coming from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), remote sensing and photogrammetry, volunteered geographic information (VGI) and crowdsourcing, both regarding their analysis and management with freely available software and open source software and their applications. As overall transversal competences, starting from the specific geomatic methods and techniques, students will be trained to develop skills to design both experiments encompassing geospatial big data acquisition, analysis and interpretation, and to use these data to solve interdisciplinary problems also with original approaches. Moreover, students will get the skills enabling the continuous and autonomous update of their methodological and technical competences during their professional life.
( programma)
Geospatial data and geo big data challenges
Geodesy and Cartography: Spatial and temporal reference systems and frames; coordinate systems; practical exercises with online software
Positioning with Global Positioning System: positioning and technicalities fundamentals; pseudorange and carrier phase observations modeling and processing; different kinds of GPS surveys, Network Real Time Kinematic surveys; other Global Navigation Satellite Systems; positioning with smartphones; practical exercises with instruments, smartphones and software  Metric information from imagery: photogrammetry fundamentals and models; 3D object reconstruction (surface modeling); digital imagery main features (geometric, temporal, radiometric and spectral resolution); terrestrial, aerial and satellte imagery processing; automated surface modeling and matching techniques; digital terrain models and orthophotos; practical exercises with instruments, smartphones and software
Geographical Information Science: data structures, geo big data cloud storage and processing (Google Earth Engine), Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), crowdsourcing; practical exercises with Google Earth Engine
Slides of the course
Reference books and articles: Peter J.G. Teunissen, Oliver Montenbruck (Eds.) (2017). Springer Handbook of Global Navigation Satellite Systems. Springer International Publishing AG. ISBN: 978-3-319-42926-7, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-42928-1
Karl Kraus (2000). Photogrammetry (vol. 1). Dummler
Zhe Jiang, Shashi Shekhar (2017). Spatial Big Data Science - Classification Techniques for Earth Observation Imagery. Springer International Publishing AG. ISBN 978-3-319-60194-6, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-60195-3
Reference articles: Songnian Li, Suzana Dragicevic, Francesc Antón Castro, Monika Sester, Stephan Winter, Arzu Coltekin, Christopher Pettit, Bin Jiang, James Haworth, Alfred Stein, Tao Cheng (2016). Geospatial big data handling theory and methods: A review and research challenges. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 115 (2016) 119–133
Jun Chen, Ian Dowman, Songnian Li, Zhilin Li, Marguerite Madden, Jon Mills, Nicolas Paparoditis, Franz Rottensteiner, Monika Sester, Charles Toth, John Trinder, Christian Heipke (2016). ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 115 (2016) 3–21
Noel Gorelick, Matt Hancher, Mike Dixon, Simon Ilyushchenko, David Thau, Rebecca Moore (2017). Google Earth Engine: Planetary-scale geospatial analysis for everyone. Remote Sensing of Environment 202 (2017) 18–27
Linda See, Peter Mooney, Giles Foody, Lucy Bastin, Alexis Comber, Jacinto Estima, Steffen Fritz, Norman Kerle, Bin Jiang, Mari Laakso, Hai-Ying Liu, Grega Milˇcinski, Matej Nikšiˇc, Marco Painho, Andrea Podör, Ana-Maria Olteanu-Raimond, Martin Rutzinger (2016). Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science or Volunteered Geographic Information? The Current State of Crowdsourced Geographic Information. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2016, 5, 55; doi:10.3390/ijgi5050055
Maria Antonia Brovelli, Marco Minghini, Giorgio Zamboni (2016). Public participation in GIS via mobile applications. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 114 (2016) 306–315
(Date degli appelli d'esame)
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Gruppo opzionale:
GRUPPO OPZIONALE B - (visualizza)
1056023 -
Goal of this course is to provide an overview of the large world of wireless and wired technologies that are will be used for the Smart Environments. These technologies will be able to provide infrastructures of networks and digital information used in the urban spaces and smart environments to build advanced applications. Recent advances in areas like pervasive computing, machine learning, wireless and sensor networking enable various smart environment applications in everyday life. The main goal of this course is to present and discuss recent advances in the area of the Internet of Things, in particular on technologies, architectures, algorithms and protocols for smart environments with emphasis on real smart environment applications. The course will present the communication and networking aspects as well as the processing of data to be used for the application design. The course will propose two cases studies in the field of smart environments: Vehicular Traffic monitoring for ITS applications and Network cartography. In both cases instruments, models and methodologies for the design of smart environments applications will be provided.
( programma)
The program is divided in four main parts: 1. Enhanced Services by Smart Devices (Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems; Internet of Things (IoT), Manufacturing, Logistic and Supply Chain, Micro-payments by NFC, Intelligent Transport Systems, Indoor Positioning Systems, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Building Automation, Smart Home, Smart Cities and Smart GRID)
2. Data Acquisition, Coding, and Aggregation in Smart Environments (Data acquisition: Sampling, quantization; Source coding of multimedia signals (audio, image, video, etc.); Localization technologies and location-aware Services; Georeferenced data collection/aggregation protocols in IoT Networks);
3. Device Communication and Networking (Architectures in the access and in the backbone networks; Basic principles for the wireless networking; Digital modulation. Coding, Static and Dynamic access techniques; Review of TCP/IP networking; LAN/MAN technologies; Ethernet; Wi-Fi; Long Term Evolution and 5G, Low range and low power technologies: RFID, NFC, Bluetooth, Zigbee; LoRAWAN as enabling technologies for IoT; Architectures and protocols for virtual and augmented reality environments thought Voice and Video over IP, Dynamic Adaptive HTTP Streaming, Video 360°);
4. Practical examples of Data Processing for Smart Environments (Vehicular Traffic monitoring: Data-driven vs. Model-driven approaches; Online vehicular traffic prediction and anomaly detection; Analysis derived from real data and emulation platforms; Examples to be defined during the course projects)
Lucidi del corso e articoli disponibili sul sito web
(Date degli appelli d'esame)
Attività formative caratterizzanti
10589621 -
( programma)
The course would present advanced concepts of machine learning and their application in computer vision via deep neural network (DNN) models. It would include theory and practical coding, as well as a final hands-on project.
In a first part of the course, I would introduce state-of-the-art DNN models for classification, showing how to estimate which objects are within an image. I would then showcase regression, as applied to detection (where the objects are in the image), pose estimation (whether people stand, sit or crunch) and re-identification (estimating a unique vector representation for each person). I would further discuss DNNs for multi-task objectives (joint detection, pose estimation, re-identification, segmentation, depth estimation etc). This first part would include DNNs which apply to video sequences, by leveraging memory (e.g. LSTMs) or attention (Transformers).
In a second part of the course, I would discuss generalization and the effective use of labelled and unlabelled data for learning. Further to transfer learning (how pre-trained models may be deployed for other tasks), I would discuss multi-modal (with different sensor modalities such as depth or thermal cameras) and self-supervision (e.g. training the DNN model by solving jigsaw puzzles) to auto-annotate large amounts of data. Finally, I would present domain adaptation (e.g. apply daytime-detectors for night vision) and meta-learning, a most recent framework to learn how to learn a task, e.g. online or from little available data.
Course website:
Course Google group:!forum/aml_19_20
Slides and coding scripts would be distributed after lectures, as well as references to online material including papers and blogs.
Reference books: - for Machine Learning: - Christopher Bishop, 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. - for Deep learning: - Ian Goofellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, 2017. Deep Learning. - Andrew Ng, 2019. Machine Learning Yearning - for Computer Vision: - Richard Szeliski, 2010. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications
Reference book for Python: - Allen B. Downey, 2015. Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Online tutorials for Python: Online tutorials for Pytorch:
(Date degli appelli d'esame)
Attività formative caratterizzanti